Pregnancy 2011- June



  • peanutrenee
    peanutrenee Posts: 179
    im good getting sleep when i can 10 days post, down almost 16 lbs.. doing about as much working out as i can jogging walking about 5 miles a day. alisons doing good.. up to 7lb 15 oz... sleeps during the day,.... not fun for me lol ...
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    AnneElise - it definitely could be. I'd say if you can get a safe prescription it's worth a try!

    I forgot to mention that the MW said I was for the last couple weeks steady at the small end of the tape scale so she's guessing that the baby won't be too big. She asked about my first and I said he was 7lb 1oz or so and she said this one's probably going to be similar. I'm hoping for nice and small for hopefuly an easier birth! (Though I know so many people have easy births with big babies and hard with small etc... it just sounds nice in my head! :laugh: )

    We got a watermelon last night at the grocery store. Hubby said something like - hurry up and open the door this watermelon is heavy! I said - um - I have a watermelon in my belly! At least you don't have to squeeze yours out your who-ha after carrying it around! :laugh:
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Britt and Anne - I found nursing gowns at salvation army for like $2 a piece, in great condition. I ended up getting my nursing bra and tank at Target.

    Julie - Holy crap, right? You're getting close to girl! :tongue: As the president of the whale club, I'd like to officially welcome you! :flowerforyou: Just kidding, you're doing so well and you look great! Keep up the good work!

    Ashley - Were you really queasy with Jasper?

    Anne - Oooh, that might be worth calling your Dr. about! Maybe you will finally find some relief!

    Rachael - I'll let you know what the plan is after my appointment tomorrow, just in case you test positive. That way you have an idea of what course of action they might take. So glad you don't have a bladder infection or a UTI. Whenever I pee, I get this strange feeling in my bladder, a sharp twitch, pretty sure it's a bladder spasm and normal baby related stuff. Have you guys decided on Edan for sure? I have no idea how big Josh is, but I know he feels big!!

    Danielle - Let us know when you find out the results of your glucose test. Josh really enjoyed the 3 hr one, him dancing around in my belly as I wanted to vomit all over the office made for an interesting morning!

    Mel - Dang, if you and your husband were going to sell everything you own and travel across the country on motorcycles, you could join our gang! :laugh: :laugh: That is my husband's quest for the future! And then I slap him back into reality land and remind him that A) I don't ride motorcycles B) neither will our newborn C) I like to shower daily/sleep in a bed. :laugh: I'm guessing your BP probably was high from having to rush to get to your appointment. Nothing like a fridge full of pee! Let us know what you find out.

    I was just standing at the filing cabinet and my boss walked up and said "Oh my GOSH! I didn't think it was possible for you to get any bigger but you have!" Eff you Barb, go hit the bottle of Vodka in your bottom desk drawer and shut the h*ll up, I'm sure if I drank my lunch I'd look like a skeleton too :wink: Ah...some days the crap that people say to me is hurtful, other days I can make light of it, sometimes it just plain makes me angry.
  • Luff1007
    Luff1007 Posts: 1
    Hi I am glad I found this group. I am TTC my second baby and with my first I gained a lot of weight, but also started out heavier than what I would like. I lost all my weight (Breastfeeding is a great help) but recently have started gaining weight again. I would like to loose a few pounds before I get pregnant again, and also start eating healthier and working out some. We are currently trying to get pregnant so I am a little worried about drastically cutting calories in case I do get pregnant. Any tips on that?? Thanks for the support in advance.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Hi I am glad I found this group. I am TTC my second baby and with my first I gained a lot of weight, but also started out heavier than what I would like. I lost all my weight (Breastfeeding is a great help) but recently have started gaining weight again. I would like to loose a few pounds before I get pregnant again, and also start eating healthier and working out some. We are currently trying to get pregnant so I am a little worried about drastically cutting calories in case I do get pregnant. Any tips on that?? Thanks for the support in advance.

    I wouldn't "drastically cut calories" to lose weight so it shouldn't be any problem with pregnancy either - just do the recommended 500 or so deficit. That's far from drastic and easy to bump back up to maintenance once pregnant if you feel you need to eat more. I ate 500 deficit and was doing P90x doubles until I was about 7 weeks (when i found out). Then I went to maintenance until about 12 or 14 then started eating more. Then ate too much more :laugh:
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member

    Rachael - I'll let you know what the plan is after my appointment tomorrow, just in case you test positive. That way you have an idea of what course of action they might take. So glad you don't have a bladder infection or a UTI. Whenever I pee, I get this strange feeling in my bladder, a sharp twitch, pretty sure it's a bladder spasm and normal baby related stuff. Have you guys decided on Edan for sure? I have no idea how big Josh is, but I know he feels big!!

    Thanks Lynn! As for the name we are down to Edan and Adeline, but we aren't going to officially decide until she is born. We will decide then which one we want. :)
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    Sorry I never respond much. But I do get on here everyday and enjoy reading everyone's posts!!!!
    I just made the big move last week from Utah to West Virginia and it has been very HOT AND HUMID!. I've also been spotting off and on for a week and ended up in the Hospital last Wednesday. I was told to take it easy and the doctor was thinking it was mostly just because of the big move and doing too much. I've never spotted in a pregnancy though so it keeps making me very nervous when I do! Hopefully the rest of my pregnancy I can just relax now!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Rachael -- Yay for baby being head down! I keep being positive Maisie is head down and then she'll throw me a curveball like right now she has hiccups that I feel under my ribs and not way down (usually it feels like my snatch has hiccups. :embarassed: :laugh:). And it's insane that we'll be full-term this month! Pmaria, too! :noway: Just a wild guess, but I have a feeling I'll be going "overdue." July 20 has been in my head for a while now for whatever reason. I expect to be wrong, though. Anything between June 25 and July 25 or so is fine with me! I LOVE the name Adeline! It was very far up on my list for Maisie. :smile: Edan is awesome, too, of course!

    Danielle -- Fingers crossed your results are good! Maisie was bouncing around like a nutter during mine, too. The OB thought it was hilarious she couldn't even get a read on her heartbeat because she was kicking the doppler so much. :laugh:

    Mel -- My hubby got on a huge sail boat kick a few years ago. I think it's over now. He still wants me to call him "Captain" starting about 20 years from now, though. :huh: :laugh: Have fun saving your pee -- I hope everything's good.

    Lynn -- Thanks for the warm welcome into the whale club! When I compared last week's picture to this week's (yes.... I am indeed wearing the same shirt... and pants. :embarassed: The wardrobe is getting really limited), I don't notice that I'm that much bigger, but my bumps now flat in the middle. :huh: I guess baby's in a different position. Bump was all kinds of lop sided yesterday evening. Hubby still finds the odd shaped lop sidedness totally hilarious. Ha, and the bottle of vodka comment made me giggle. Last week my office chair was falling apart so I exclaimed, "Ugh, I need a screwdriver!" A guy coworker immediately brought me a screwdriver set and my supervisor immediately came over to talk about liquor drinks. It wasn't until she saw me screwing screws back into my chair that she realized I meant a tool screwdriver, not a vodka and OJ. :laugh:

    Luff1007 -- Welcome! I agree with Mel 100% -- Don't drastically cut calories, TTC or not! Bad idea for the metabolism (I learned my lesson the hard way!). I'd think you'll be just fine TTC at a 500 cal/day deficit (which means you need to eat back those exercise calories!).
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ugh, our heat index is already in the triple digits again today. And the forecasted actual high for Sunday is 101. Seriously, shoot me. Aren't "heat waves" supposed to end at some point?
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Rachael- So glad she isn’t breached anymore! I think those US guesses can be pretty off so I wouldn’t worry about the weight! I want a guess about mine though :) My baby is really low as well, So I have been feeling it on the bladder. At least you know what it is now and it isn’t an infection. I like both names you are deciding between!

    Danielle- Hope your results turn out good!

    Mel- Wow that sounds like an adventure that you husband wants… did you tell him he needs to be more responsible first ;) It is fun when they get excited about something though isn’t it. I am glad you can spin still, I know that’s a good stress reliever for you. That is really funny about the watermelon!

    Lynn- ha I wish you would have said that to your boss. Thanks for the advice on the nursing gown, I will have to check that out!

    Luff- Welcome, IMO as long as you are trying to loose in a healthy way I think it is okay to do that while TTC. When you find out you are pregnant you can move up to maintaining.

    Mamarandall- Make sure you get some rest! You need to relax!

    Julie- We are at actual temp of 97 here and heat index of 107 so we are pretty close! Awful!

    AFM: My dr. called in a prescription that is pregnancy safe so one more try on ending the puking. Here is to hope! I haven’t really thought the other meds would help, I really feel like this could be it. MY FRIDGE IS HERE. So excited! They got here and they said they couldn’t hook up the water line because of where ours was located or something but then the guy felt bad and said I reminded him too much of his daughter (she is my age and pregnant) to leave me without water to my fridge so he did it for me anyone (just if anyone asks he didn’t). Pregnancy working to my advantage.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    dpage - I don't think the ice cream will matter in the glucose tolerance. They always told me to eat normally and take the glucose stuff. They want to see how your body reacts to the EXTRA surge of glucose.

    lill - I'm not crazy about heat either. But I do want to be able to relax in the swimming pool. My joints are already aching, and I know being in the pool always helps; plus its a good exercise.
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    Welcome to all the new people!!! You look great Luff! How old is your DD? She looks to be about the same age as my DS. He'll be 2 the end of August. I felt like I needed to save all you first time moms from the grief I had after DS. Please don't expect to lose weight because you are breastfeeding. It is a very individual thing and everyone's body reacts differently to it. I had grown up with my mom telling stories of starving to death no matter what she ate and dropping all her baby weight with no problem while she breastfeed. "You just have to careful when you quite, that's when it will all come back on if you're not careful." Suprise!!! :noway: I gained 30 pounds while nursing DS. I wasn't tracking ( I hadn't found this site yet ) but I didn't feel like my eating was out of control. As soon as I slowed down breast feeding I started loosing weight without hardly trying. Alas... than I was pregnant!!! :ohwell:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    So, last night hubby let me know that he decided in 2 years we should sell everything we own, buy a sail boat, quit our jobs, and travel for a year or possibly more. He's dead serious. It'd be tempting but I don't know if I could do something like that. I have been wanting to travel, but that's rather extreme. He's not really a person of any moderation though. :laugh: Hell, we lived in a fifth wheel RV for 2 years before. We could handle a boat. :laugh: Anyway, he was so excited about it he kept me up until almost 1:30. I don't make it well past 10:30!

    I had an 8am apt this morning downtown. I woke up at 7:46. Crap. Brushed my teeth and corralled a very unhappy sleeping boy into the car and managed to make it down there (w/out a speeding ticket and during rush hour! Thank you car pool lane!) by 8:35. Not too bad. Quick uneventful appointment. But my BP was high both times they took it so they made me pee in a cup and said there was protein in it so they wanted to do some blood draws and screen for preclampsia. Then I also have to do a 24 hr urinalysis - so I have to keep all my pee in the fridge for the next 24 and then take it downtown (great... another downtown trip in our only running vehicle, which is a gas-guzzling truck...). I was supposed to be home by like 9:30 (I'm always home by about 9 / 9:10 except of course today!) because hubby needed the car to get to work but I didn't get home until 9:50 so he took his motorcycle. Here's hoping it doesn't rain this afternoon like it might!

    Midwife said I can still go to spin tonight so that's good. :smile: She says odds are it's nothing and my BP was just high from the hectic morning, but that since there was protein in my urine they wanted to screen to be safe.

    Has he thought about schooling options if you do that? Or is that your job... Homeschooling can be great, but I am grateful for good local schools so I have some time with the kids away (and they'll do tons more for a teacher than for me!)
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    bump :)
  • lilibe
    lilibe Posts: 51 Member
    Welcome new members of this group!

    I can't believe how many of you ladies are getting so close!

    Ron - I hope your mental health day helps!

    Ashley - I'm sorry to hear about your friend. That's really tough when you can't stand a friend's partner. It took one of my guy friends almost two years to realize he was dating a psycho chick.

    Anne - Congrats on the new fridge! I love getting new appliances. I hope the acid reflux medication finally does the trick!

    Julie - Great job on maintaining your weight. I feel like I've been eating a TON lately (and I have been lazy and not tracking food) and I didn't gain any weight this week.

    Rachael - I'm glad your LO isn't breech any more! It's great that you don't have a UTI, but unfortunately I guess that means it's not going away until she comes. I like both of your baby names.

    Danielle - Hopefully your glucose test results come back good!

    Mel - I don't think I'm the kind of person that could just up and leave everything and just travel. It sounds like a romantic idea though. Haha, your husband should have to carry that watermellon around for a week just to get an idea of how you're feeling!

    Lynn - I'm sure your coworker didn't mean to be rude, but what kind of a reaction was she possibly expecting from a comment like that???

    AFM - I went in for my 13 week appointment just expecting it to be a quick in and out visit. But I was pleasantly surprised when my doctor wanted to do an ultrasound again! The baby looks good so far and the heartbeat is a lot stronger than it was 4 weeks ago. It measured at 12 weeks 3 days instead of 13 weeks 2 days, but he said that's close enough. My OB is pretty relaxed about things.
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    Hello, I am trying to lose 30-40 more pounds before the fall (September/Octoberish) which is when DH and I plan to TTC.

    I have been pregnant twice before (the first ending in miscarriage and the 2ND resulting in our now 2.5 year old daughter). Both times I was able to conceive within 6 weeks (despite being very overweight) using the cough-syrup method.

    Even though I feel my pregnancy with my daughter was awesome (I only gained 10 lbs, had virtually no sickness or swelling and was able to work a physically demanding job up until 3 days before birth) I still feel a little cheated out of my pregnancy. I was roughly 8 months along before most people could visibly see I was pregnant and then everyone thought I was having twins. Instead of having that cute round baby-bump I had what looked like a double belly (one on top of the other) baby on top, fat-hang on the bottom. It was not cute and not something I wish to experience again.

    On top of that my daughter was born at 10 pounds 7 oz. Healthy and no diabetes for either of us. Problem is that her body has followed the curve of being "big". She is now 2 1/2 and the size of an average 5 year old for both height and weight. Her size has been a real stressor from everything to finding pull-ups and car-seats that fit to having to explain to other people who expect her to act her size and not her age. There is a direct correlation between large mothers and large babies even when gestational diabetes is not a facto and I just don't want to put another child through that if I can help it.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    I haven't seen this discussed here (since I've been pregnant and on this board) so I thought I'd give it a whirl!

    Are you for or against immunizations? Why/why not?
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Just got back from the cookout at my mother in law's.

    My MIL and step-FIL are both alcoholics. Their house is pretty dirty, they both smoke, and SFIL is a bipolar schizophrenic who physically abused my MIL in the past and is still mentally and verbally abusive to her and their kids. He was terrible to my husband when he was little, and I have no reason to believe he'll be any different to my son.

    So what does he say like 27 times while we are there today? "I can't wait until the baby is born and he can come and spend the weekend with us!" :huh: :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I mean, really..... you're sitting here as we speak blowing the remnants of your Kool 100 in my face, and you expect me to leave my son here? Not effing happening...ever.

    Hubby tried to blow it off like "yea, it's gonna be great....." :noway: :noway: Which appeases them for now, but how do I really put my foot down when the baby is here? Are we gonna have to literally come right out and say, "no way are we leaving our son here because of X Y and Z?" Obviously I'm never leaving my kid there, but I'm already dreading the future conversation/explanation of it. I kinda thought they would realize it's an unspoken thing, you know?
    Anyone ever have to deal with anything like this, someone really close in the family who wants to take your kid but is in no way capable of providing them with a clean/healthy/stable environment for even an hour?

    Apart from the dirty house & alcoholic thing - you could have been describing my own in-laws. Basically we never left Celine alone with them when I could help it. In the end though - it worked out better for us to just cut them out of our lives completely.
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    I am all for the immunizations that have been around for 50+ years because I feel they have been tested and around long enough for the FDA to work out all the bugs so to speak. I am NOT for some of the newer vaccines such as Guardasil and Hep B. Granted, I feel that in most cases when it comes to vaccines the pros outweigh the cons I just don't want my kid to be part of the guinea pig generation that rules out any problems.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    hkystar: Glad your trip went well. Have fun with your nursery! I loved putting mine together. You are getting super close!! How exciting.

    Ronya: I hope you had a good recoup day! We need that sometimes. Oh and I love House! :happy:

    Ashley: Sorry about the nausea! That hit you early! I didn't get any until 6 weeks, but then I also didn't know I was preggo until 5. I hope it gets better for you!

    Yay Lynn! You are so super close! I am excited for you.

    Anne: I hope you the acid reflux meds work for you. That would be such a relief if you finally found something that works. Yay for your fridge!!

    Danielle: Hope your glucose test goes well.

    Mel: Sounds like you've had a hectic schedule! Traveling all over would be pretty awesome if you could pull it off. I on the other hand am quite a homebody, I don't know if I could leave that long. lol

    Welcome Luff and justsummie!!

    Mamarandall: Good to hear from you again! I hope you are treating yourself well.

    Julie: Yes, I would be happy too if she comes between June 24- July 20th. But to be honest, I think if she goes over her due date I might go a little crazy.

    Lindsay: Glad your apt. went well. Who is your OB if you don't mind my asking.

    AFM: So I have been trying to keep up walking, walking that's not too intense right. Well, lately every time I go I cramp up quite a bit, and it hurts like heck. The bad part is I am going around the neighborhood so I still have to get home. I asked my MW and she said if it hurts not to do it. Well, now I have to think of something to do to stay active. I know I can do yoga, it's just really boring to me. I am going to a water aerobics class tonight. So I'll see how I do with that. Walking is free though dang it. :)