Pregnancy 2011- June



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    On vaccinations -- I'm pro-immunization for the most part. But I'm against what I consider to be over-vaccination. For example, I have concerns about an infant (or anyone) being vaccinated against several things all at the same time. I'm also concerned about my baby being vaccinated against something I find completely unnecessary at the time that can easily be done later when the disease is an actual risk (like the Hep B vaccination given to newborns at the hospital when none of my baby's caregivers have Hep B). At this time, I plan to have my child get the DTaP, MMR (hopefully broken up into seperate shots), polio, pnemococcal, and meningococcal immunizations. I'm currently on the fence about the chicken pox and rotavirus immunizations and if my daughter was 12 right now, she would not be given the HPV vaccination. I'm also unsure about the flu vaccine. If we decide to do that, we'll probably only do it for the first few years.

    I haven't researched Hep A much yet. I'm not sure about HiB yet either.
    I really hope I can find a compliant pediatrician. For the most part, I want my child fully immunized. I'd just like to do it on a schedule different from the CDC's recommendations (not much different, mind you).
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Hey ladies.

    Sorry about your glucose test Danielle! Boo!

    So we tried the perineum massage last night for the first time. I should have started this weeks ago, but didn't think to start until last night. Anyway. It was uncomfortable! Not necessarily painful, but pretty darn close. I got a little upset about it because the thought of a baby's head squeezing through there really scared me at that particular moment. I mean we were only working with a thumb! This is all probably TMI, but that was what I did relating to pregnancy yesterday :laugh:

    Glad you had a good mental health day Ronya. We all def. need those from time to time. There is a prenatal spa next to where I work that is having a special on massages. I'm thinking about splurging on one next week. $15 for 30 minutes? I think yes!

    Oh and have a great vacation Anne!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Danielle, I'm sorry about your glucose test and being overly emotional. But it is understandable at this time. We are all more emotional right now. But don't get down on yourself, ok? You are doing great. Even if you do come out positive, that is the reason we get tested early, so that the dr.'s can get in there an prevent anything from harming your precious little boy. With the technology and the advancement in medicine right now he'll be just fine. :) Just remember that. You were meant to have him and everything will work out. Keep your chin up girl! :)
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Good morning everyone. Just got into the office after my most eventful Dr. appointment so far!

    It started out with a high BP reading of 147/87. Not really that high, but it is high for me. Dr. came in and was concerned about that right away, so they read the test strip from my urine sample, and that came back negative for proteins.

    She asked me if I've had any headaches lately, and I did have one the day before yesterday, but I thought it was from stressing about the strep B, or from being dehydrated, not a high BP. She asked about swelling and I am swelling, but I've been this way for awhile now, maybe a bit more recently but figured it was the hot weather.

    She did my check, I'm 2cm dilated and 80% effaced. She talked to the allergist and we found an antibiotic that I can take for the strep B so that was a huge relief.

    Then she started talking about preclampsia, and she wanted to check my BP again, and if it was high she was gonna send me to the hospital for monitoring. She said that if I have another high reading, more headaches, increased swelling, or start spilling proteins we are going to talk about inducing me.

    So she had me lay on my left side for 5 minutes, the assistant came back and checked my BP and it was 122/83. So no unexpected trip to the hospital today, but I was starting to get a little freaked out. They drew my blood, and gave me a giant jug to start collecting a 24 hr urine sample. When I drop off the sample I'll get my blood drawn again and we'll go from there.

    She asked me if I was still working and I told her yes, but that my job is primarily in the office and is not physically demanding. She said I can keep working for now, but after work she wants me home with my feet up - no running errands, no more walking, just resting.

    My guess is that the high bp was from stressing about the strep B thing. Can't believe that it went down after she talked about sending me to the hospital, I thought for sure it'd be through the roof on the second reading.

    Josh's heartbeat was good, my measurements were good, NO WEIGHT GAIN (in the last week :laugh: ) and yay for cervical progress.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Wow Lynn! That does sound like an eventful appointment! I am glad they got everything figured out for the strep B. Keep us posted on the upcoming tests. I hope you don't have preeclampsia. I am glad little Josh is doing well. You are so close!!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    So, last night hubby let me know that he decided in 2 years we should sell everything we own, buy a sail boat, quit our jobs, and travel for a year or possibly more. He's dead serious. It'd be tempting but I don't know if I could do something like that. I have been wanting to travel, but that's rather extreme. He's not really a person of any moderation though. :laugh: Hell, we lived in a fifth wheel RV for 2 years before. We could handle a boat. :laugh: Anyway, he was so excited about it he kept me up until almost 1:30. I don't make it well past 10:30!
    Has he thought about schooling options if you do that? Or is that your job... Homeschooling can be great, but I am grateful for good local schools so I have some time with the kids away (and they'll do tons more for a teacher than for me!)

    Yeah, I'd have to homeschool. I'd be fine with HSing (and probably end up with a smarter kid than the Public system could produce). The idea of being in such cramped quarters with 2 little ones is not necessarily appealing though. The idea of not working and seeing places I'd like to see is a nice one, but.... anyway, hubby is so impulsive overall. I actually think he's manic depressive so it's hard to keep up with what is a real or good plan and what is not. Last night it turning into again ALL he wanted to talk about for HOURS and went from something we should try in 2 yrs, to something maybe next year, to maybe we could sell everything right away and do it in 3-6 months. He got mad at me because I wouldn't commit right then to doing it and starting to sell our stuff. Pretty sure he's currently not talking to me. I don't know how he thinks that a week before we have a baby, three months after moving into a house where i thought we were finally getting settled, and broke with relative job uncertainty for either of us was an appropriate time to spring a huge life decision on me and say make up your mind RIGHT NOW. Whatever. I'd be way more apt to do something crazy if it were planned crazy (like 2 yrs from now) and not sell everything and hope we have enough money to sort of kind of make it work.

    Lynn - your apt sounds just like mine on Wed. My BP was I think 125/97 on their 2nd try. They did a blood draw and my urine test there tested positive and now I have my pee in the fridge and have to drive it downtown this afternoon. (:grumble: All I can think is great... that'll cost like $12 in gas). My MW didn't ask me about other symptoms though and told me that still going to spin was OK, though i definitely took it easier than usual because I was feeling it. She said it's probably nothing but they have to check. I have noticed more swelling lately but that's normal, and I've had weird vision pretty much the whole time, i attribute it to staring at a computer screen all day. They'll have the results tomorrow. I'm hoping they don't tell me that they have to induce on Monday or something. I'm so close to due anyway. At least we have found something to do with my son. Hubby is driving him up to Illinois on Sunday to leave him with my family for a couple weeks. It was going to be so perfect that my SIL was going to be down here this weekend, but I guess it's not too bad to just have to drive him up there instead. So long as I don't go into labor during the 6 hours he is gone considering I won't have car...
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Even though I feel my pregnancy with my daughter was awesome (I only gained 10 lbs, had virtually no sickness or swelling and was able to work a physically demanding job up until 3 days before birth) I still feel a little cheated out of my pregnancy. I was roughly 8 months along before most people could visibly see I was pregnant and then everyone thought I was having twins. Instead of having that cute round baby-bump I had what looked like a double belly (one on top of the other) baby on top, fat-hang on the bottom. It was not cute and not something I wish to experience again.

    Just because you're not overweight doesn't mean you'll experience the cute beach-ball belly. :wink: Mel here, for example, is very slim but didn't start "showing" until her 7th month or so.

    I started out at a size 12, which isn't skinny, but isn't morbidly obese or anything either and people didn't start noticing I was pregnant until about 2 weeks ago (7.5 months).
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Anne - Yea, I would NEVER say anything like that to my boss's face, or anyone's for that matter! I am very non-confrontational. Hope you enjoy your massage and your vacation with hubby, can't wait to hear all about it!

    Lindsay - So glad that your appointment went well, and yay for another ultrasound!!

    justsummie, Luff, rach_00, luna88, redheadlynn - Welcome!

    Danielle - I'm for most of the recommended vaccines, but like others there are a few that I won't be giving right away/at all. I've never gotten the flu shot, didn't while I was pregnant, and don't plan on Josh getting one either. Sorry about your glucose test hun, please try not to let it get you down, which I know is easier said than done. It is pretty common for people to fail the 1 hour and pass the longer test. *hugs*

    Mamarandall - Glad to hear that you're all moved in, now it's time for you to take it easy!!

    Julie - My wardrobe is getting pretty limited too, but I refuse to buy any more maternity clothes. It's pretty much just work clothes that I'm wearing over and over again, I've got lots of giant t shirts and comfy lounge pants for at home! Hope your heat wave ends soon, I don't know how you deal with it, I'm sure the "heat" and humidity here in Michigan doesn't really compare to what you've got there.

    Rachael - I'm guessing the cramps you are feeling while walking are a form of BH. I get crampy and my uterus gets hard as a rock when I walk for a length of time. Hopefully the water aerobics is something you can do that will keep you active and will be more comfortable. My Dr. told me today no more walking, she wants me on rest after I get out of work, but I'll admit, I'll probably be cruising laps around my kitchen table just to keep the blood flowin :wink:

    Patricia - Sounds like your appointment went well! Glad to hear that your morning sickness is letting up a bit.

    Rachel - Hoping your Dr. will write you a note to go on sick leave. It sounds like your job was getting pretty stressful and that is the last thing you need right now. Enjoy the last few weeks, they go by really fast!

    Maureen - You lasted a lot longer that I would have! Hope it was a good game.

    Carina - Sorry babe, hopefully next month is the one! *hugs*

    Elizabeth - I didn't do any kind of strength training during my pregnancy, I mainly did light cardio, but if I had some weights I might have used them. I definitely don't think it's an issue, I'd say go for it! I'm really self-conscious about my arms, so I hear ya!

    Jenna - Hello, hope all is going well!

    Ronya - I know right? This might be the longest response post ever :laugh: Sounds like yesterday was really relaxing for you, you definitely deserved that! You are doing really well with your weight gain, sounds like you are right on track for the recommended healthy amount. And you are doing everything right - staying active, eating sensibly - so it must be what the baby and your body need. I'll be praying for your co-worker's sister's baby, she sounds like a fighter! Yay for moving a box on the ticker :bigsmile:

    Brittony - We also dabbled a bit with the perineal massage and it was slightly uncomfortable. I thought the same thing as you - his thumb is nothing compared to the baby's head....I'm screwed :ohwell: :laugh: I think at that point in your labor/delivery you have so many endorphines and natural "pain killers" going through your system that it will hopefully be a mind over matter sort of thing and you somehow push through it. *hopefully* :wink:
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    Hi All-

    My husband and I have been trying to conceive our 2nd child for about 2.5 years, we start with a fertility specialist next month. But I guess the bright side in all this I weigh about 20lbs less than I did when I got pregnant with our daughter. I am really interested in having a fit pregnancy this time around. I used the "but the baby wants it" a lot the first time. I was able to take the baby weight off quickly the first time (lost about 70lbs). But that was more because my daughter had a milk and soy allergy so I had to eliminate all food that even listed one of those as the ingrediant than me having any willpower. Once I stopped nursing I put 20 of those pound back on. Hope I didn't rample too much and look forward to getting to know all of you.

  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    The water aerobics felt great last night. I was able to feel like I got a good workout and I didn't feel any pain. I did notice a couple of BH though. ( I do need to figure out a new swimsuit situation, mine was quite tight around my chest actually, lol. I just hate spending the money on a maternity one just for one more month...). I think with walking I will go back to the treadmill, that way if I get in too much pain I can just stop, where as around my neighborhood I still had a long way to get home, which was really hard.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Danielle -- Your size pretty much has nothing to do with the glucose test results. I think my OB told me 10% of women actually develop gestational diabetes and a huge percentage more fail the 1 hour test (yet don't have GD).

    The 2 people I know who failed their gestational diabetes test are my MIL, who weighed about 100 lbs when she got pregnant, and my supervisor, who is a size 6 AFTER pregnancy.

    Thank you for the info, Julie. Everyone tries to connect diabetes w/weight so I'm def. not running around telling everyone I failed the first one. I'm already self-concious enough as it is. Size 6 AFTER pregnancy- I'd like to spit on her :grumble: :wink:
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Danielle, I'm sorry about your glucose test and being overly emotional. But it is understandable at this time. We are all more emotional right now. But don't get down on yourself, ok? You are doing great. Even if you do come out positive, that is the reason we get tested early, so that the dr.'s can get in there an prevent anything from harming your precious little boy. With the technology and the advancement in medicine right now he'll be just fine. :) Just remember that. You were meant to have him and everything will work out. Keep your chin up girl! :)

    Thank you so much for this, Rachael. It was just what I needed to hear. :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Whoever was commenting on that double belly look (and not hte cute round baby belly) - THATS ME! I kinda feel like an oddball at times cause its not a cute bump like so many other people's. Oh well

    Lynn - hopefully its just you stressing out about the results and not something more. Keeping my fingers crossed for ya.

    Rachael - I am jealous! I want to do water aerobics/be in a pool so bad lately but its not cheap around here. So I just settle for sitting in my bath tub for awhile at nights (not even close to the same thing).

    Welcome to all the new people!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Loving all this input on the immunizing. I was just curious on everyone’s opinions. Like anything else, what you choose to do with your baby is a personal decision so no judgement towards anyone. I was just looking to be even more informed- if at all possible, about it.
    We will be doing vaccines but, I think like most of you have said- I’m going to opt out of some for Avery and request only a few be done at a time.

    Regina, Julie, Ronya, Brittony, Rachael, Lynn- Once again, thank you ladies so much for your kind words on my over emotional glucose results this morning. :heart:

    Lynn- Thinking of you! I hope everything stays okay and you don’t have to be induced. Do what they said though- put your feet up lady!:flowerforyou:

    Rachael- That’s great that you got to get some exercise in with swimming. How refreshing! Once it gets just a little bit warmer here that is going to be my plan for almost all of my exercising. We literally have the lake in our backyard so I can’t give any excuse not to! I’m just dreading buying a suit and looking like a whale!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies!!

    Julie/Racheal: We are all getting so close!! Yay!

    Anne: I really hope that medicine works for your puking. Yay for your fridge! Glad the guy hooked up the water line for you  those are the advantages to pregnancy that I enjoy. Have fun on your vacation!!

    Danielle: I’m sorry bout your results on the glucose. I had to do the same thing and passed w flying colors as my doc put it. Try not to worry too much I know it can be a hassle to have to go in again.

    Ron: I’m glad you took a day for yourself sometimes we just need those and I’m sorry about the weight spike. I had a weight spike around 23 weeks 6lbs in 3 weeks but the next month no gain it might just be baby having a growth spurt but then again just seeing the numbers on the scale can mess with your mind and emotions. Hope you feel better *hugs*

    Immunizations: I too am a little fearful about the shots causing autism but I haven’t put in much research into it myself just hear it from time to time on the news/print media. I also agree that shots should be given a few at a time because four shots in one visit is even horrible for me and I wouldn’t want to put my LO through that.

    AFM: So, I’ve been having trouble sleeping a little more than usual and have been absolutely drained each morning it takes awhile before I can feel awake. I could lay my head on my desk and doze off immediately! Hubby is going out of town this weekend and wants me to tag along it’s about a 5hr drive and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to make it sitting that long although I could lie down in our back seat idk I’m still thinking about it.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Just because you're not overweight doesn't mean you'll experience the cute beach-ball belly. :wink: Mel here, for example, is very slim but didn't start "showing" until her 7th month or so.

    I look pregnant now!! Of course... I'm due in a week... :laugh: :laugh:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Danielle- I am sorry about your glucose but I have heard about a lot of false positives on the first one. It’s easy to be overly emotional right now, I don’t blame you but don’t let yourself get to upset. This is not your fault and Avery is lucky to have you!

    Ronya- I have had weird weight gains. 1 month it will be 8 lbs and the next I will have lost a lb. Maybe your LO went through a growth spurt. I wouldn’t worry too much since your dr. didn’t say anything. Glad your LO is doing well.

    Brittony- hmmm not sure we are going to try that, especially if it is uncomfortable :(

    Lynn- WOW that is an eventful apt. Sounds like you and Mel had a similar apt. I hope everything turns out okay and I am glad your LO is doing alright. I am so glad they found an antibiotic that would work for you! You are so close so make sure you get the rest that you need!

    Mel- Maybe your DH is getting anxious about the new baby and trying to find something else to focus on. Maybe that’s why he wanted you to agree to do it so badly.

    Rachael- glad the water aerobics went well. I got my suits for the beach on sale so it was only about 20 dollars which I didn’t feel too bad about.

    Pmaira- I am worried about our drive as well. My dr said just to make sure you drink TONS of water and stop to walk every 2 hours…. Still doesn’t sound fun. Sorry about your sleeping, I am in the same boat.

    Thanks for the vacation wishes! I am excited but I am going with my college friends (this was planned last summer) so there will be lots of drinking that I can't partake in... usually I am fine with that but i know i will be a little sad to miss out this week. Our new countertops were measured for today, they said about 3 weeks. Yea!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    oops! and welcome all newbies! Just jump right in!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Brittony - $15 for 30 minutes is great! There’s a spa down the street from me that offers a prenatal massage, 60 minutes for $85. I get 3 pay checks in July so I’m thinking I might do it then.

    Lynn – wow that’s one heck of a doctor appointment! I’m glad they found an antibiotic you can take and yea for no weight gain. You’re so close, keep us updated.

    Mel – I’m glad you were able to figure out where your son will be when you’re labor. Is your mom still planning on coming down if he won’t be there?

    LynnMPip – welcome!

    Rachael – water aerobics sound like fun. The pool in my friends complex opens next week, I think the benefits of swimming are going to outweigh the horror of me in a bathing suit! :laugh:

    Pmaria – I’m sorry you’re not sleeping well. I seem to sleep ok for about 4 hours then toss and turn the rest of the night.

    Anne – is it weird that I’m so excited at the mention of new countertops? :bigsmile: I can’t wait until we update our kitchen.

    Oh yeah, the doctor measured my belly for the first time today. She said everything measured prefect for how far along I am. That’s a big “HA” to all my jerky co-workers who told me I’m huge! :tongue:

    I keep having dreams about miscarrying. It’s strange because I was really worried about that in the beginning but once I reach the 12 week mark I haven’t even thought about it too much, but the dreams just started this week.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Considering immunizations & autism: The time when autism symptoms start to show up happens to match up quite nicely with the timing of "suspected" immunization. Any relationship between the two is coincidental (I've studied research methods and statistics, especially related to early childhood development - there is absolutely nothing beyond "we got the immunization and now he's got autism" stories to back up the claims). Many, if not most, of children in the last 20 years have had the MMR and other shots and the proportion actually developing autism is very very low. I hope that helps ease people's concerns.

    On the other hand, my SIL delayed her baby's MMR (due to insurance issues and such) and then a few months later there was a measles outbreak in our area (just within the past few months). And then baby developed a measles-lookish rash and a fever. Talk about panic! It turned out to be something else, but I can't imagine how it would have been if he had been hospitalized again. (And I spent time with him a few days before, and was already pregnant, so there was that worry too - had I exposed myself and my baby to something!!)