Pregnancy 2011- June



  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    I'd love to join! My husband and I are in the TTC phase...long story, but we confirmed we are up against some fertility issues. Even though I've been off birth control for 10 months, we haven't been specifically TRYING and not feeling like we need to rush, we're going to try a bit on our own for 6 months and see how it goes. I feel like I should do what I can on my end to be healthy and fit. Would love some support!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    So I just went back and re-read my earlier posts. I have no grasp on grammar and spelling today! :frown: :laugh:
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    Even though I feel my pregnancy with my daughter was awesome (I only gained 10 lbs, had virtually no sickness or swelling and was able to work a physically demanding job up until 3 days before birth) I still feel a little cheated out of my pregnancy. I was roughly 8 months along before most people could visibly see I was pregnant and then everyone thought I was having twins. Instead of having that cute round baby-bump I had what looked like a double belly (one on top of the other) baby on top, fat-hang on the bottom. It was not cute and not something I wish to experience again.

    Just because you're not overweight doesn't mean you'll experience the cute beach-ball belly. :wink: Mel here, for example, is very slim but didn't start "showing" until her 7th month or so.

    I started out at a size 12, which isn't skinny, but isn't morbidly obese or anything either and people didn't start noticing I was pregnant until about 2 weeks ago (7.5 months).

    Oh, I had a cute beach-ball just happened to be sitting on top of a big fat belly. I have to imagine it's sort of like what Santa Claus would look like knocked up. LOL.

    For me, I know not having the belly-hang would have made all the difference in the world.
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    I'd love to join! My husband and I are in the TTC phase...long story, but we confirmed we are up against some fertility issues. Even though I've been off birth control for 10 months, we haven't been specifically TRYING and not feeling like we need to rush, we're going to try a bit on our own for 6 months and see how it goes. I feel like I should do what I can on my end to be healthy and fit. Would love some support!

    Have you tried the cough-syrup method?

    Basically you find a cough syrup that contains Guanafene (sp) such as Robitussin and take as directed (the same way you would if you were sick) a few days before and during ovulation. It thins your cervical mucus the same way it thins the mucus that builds up in your lungs when you are sick thus making conception easier.

    Worked for us!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    On antifreeze in vaccinations: A little research has shown me this is straight up not true. The principal ingredients of antifreeze are ethylene glycol and diethylene glycol. There’s no ethylene or diethylene glycol in vaccinations which means immunizations do not, in fact, contain antifreeze. :smile:

    Here's the CDC's vaccine excipient (inactive ingredient) list:

    Now there is plenty of stuff that's actually on the list I would never want injected in more than trace amounts into my child. But the fact of the matter is the ingredients in antifreeze aren't on the list at all. I hope this helps put your mind a little more at ease, Regina! :flowerforyou:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Wow - I need to learn not to skip a day, I feel so behind.......

    Firstly - welcome to all the new ladies - I joined fairly recently myself and this group has been so welcoming and helpful !!

    Vaccinations - I'm really unclear but think I might want to do the alt schedule a la Dr Sears or something similar. There is just sooo much info out there and none of it seems to be definitive in either direction...Anybody know why they don;t give TB shots in the US? Julie - why do you say no to the HPV? just curious as I don;t know much about it, didn':smile: t exist when I was young enough to take it

    Ron - hope your dreams improve, that sounds rotten, probably just baby anticipation anxiety :flowerforyou: Glad you got a much needed day off - I love House too!

    Anne - have an amazing trip, I wish I were going back to the beach again this week too ! need to wait a little while for it to be warm enough here in NY/CT. I hope that the prescription sorts out your sickness issues once and for all.

    Danielle - try not to stress about the glucose - EVERY single person I know who failed the 1 hour went on to pass the 3 hour. I'm sure your baby is fine and your results were not way off the charts anyway. If it helps at all for the next one, I ate a protein packed, carb free breakfast before I drank the drink and kept my sugar intake on the low side the day before. Who knows if it made a difference or not but it surely could not hurt. :heart:

    Mel - happy to hear you have a plan for "the boy" during your coming any day now stage......I crack up every time you write "the boy" always makes me think of homer talking about bart ! I think I would go insane for a year on a boat living like that. Maybe you can tell hubs that the responsible thing to do would be to save a years worth of living expenses before embarking on anything like that. Might shut him up for a while - seriously, stop giving the ready to pop pregnant lady a hard time already !

    Maria - me too on the poor sleep, it's been a week now since I had a proper night of rest, hope it improves for you!

    Brittony - I'm going to try that massage when I closer, I expect it would get easier the more you do it. Are you going to keep it up?

    Lynn- yay for getting an approved antibiotic !! You are so close, maybe he'll come early??

    Rachel - NICE! - so no more work for a year + 10 weeks then? what a good feeling.

    AFM -
    did a scouting trip to the baby shop last night for our first look at what crib, stroller, etc we might want and it was a bit overwhelming. I think it might be easier to choose a car than a stroller and WTH with all the options and functions???
    Anyone of you owned a snap and go before? It seems like a good choice for the 0-6 months stage rather than buying some stroller (that won't last long) and a car seat separately. Oh yea and mattress' - well there seems to be no such thing as a truly organic mattress because they still apply the freaking fire retardant to them. Is it time to move to Sweden??

    I had my first uninvited belly touch yesterday as well - I didn't mind because it was somebody I know quote well but I certainly was not expecting to get this so soon, I have a small bump but you can't see it when I'm dressed in normal clothes yet.....I guess this is just the beginning :bigsmile:
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 568 Member
    I'd love to join! My husband and I are in the TTC phase...long story, but we confirmed we are up against some fertility issues. Even though I've been off birth control for 10 months, we haven't been specifically TRYING and not feeling like we need to rush, we're going to try a bit on our own for 6 months and see how it goes. I feel like I should do what I can on my end to be healthy and fit. Would love some support!

    Have you tried the cough-syrup method?

    Basically you find a cough syrup that contains Guanafene (sp) such as Robitussin and take as directed (the same way you would if you were sick) a few days before and during ovulation. It thins your cervical mucus the same way it thins the mucus that builds up in your lungs when you are sick thus making conception easier.

    Worked for us!

    I have never heard of this before, I think I will have to try it.

    As for vaccinations, for the most part I believe in getting them, but I don't like to do more than one at a time. I haven't made up my mind about Gardasil (sp?) though. I did do some research regarding the MMR. My daughter had a seizure after the first dose, so I really didn't want her to get the second. I found out that you can opt out of the second dose by having your child's blood tested, which will show whether or not they are already immune to it. I spoke to the school nurse and they said that the blood work was acceptable to them so that is what I did. I guess, while I really don't like putting all this stuff in her body, I like the alternative less.
  • collinsclan
    collinsclan Posts: 312 Member
    We selectively vax on an alternative schedule:

    Month Shot(s)
    6 IPV, Hib
    7 DTaP
    8 IPV, Hib
    9 DTaP
    10 Hib
    11 DTaP
    12 HepB
    15 HepB
    16 IPV, Hib
    17 HepB
    18 DTaP
    24 MMR
    48 DTaP
    56 Varicella, if not immune
    58 Measles booster, if not immune
    59 IPV

    You'll notice some are missing from this list. Notably Rotavirus (been recalled 3 or 4 times since my oldest was born), Prevnar, and Hep A. We also won't do Guardasil. I only do chickenpox because it is required for public school and it's delayed until the summer before K!

    You can get more information on the risks and benefits of vaccinations from a book called "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations" by Stephanie Cave.

    And my son is doind much better, thank you for all the well wishes. DH will be gone until at least Tuesday so I'm on my own for the endoscopy of my older son on Monday.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Who asked about weights? I started swimming a mile twice a week 3 months ago and notice a difference in my arm tone.

    I set up my iPhone today and am not great at typing yet!

    So hubby 1/2 quit and 1/2 lost his job this morn. Just what I need. He has things to sell to get us past the unpaid rime off for baby, but like I need stress now??! I know he feels relieved about it but talk about bad timing.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I guess I will jumpin on the convo. I am new and not expecting yet so I might be a little out of place. I do have an 8 year old and we have done all of his shots on time. My husband wouldn't have it anyother way. I on the other hand often rather not put medicine in mine or my child's body unless I find it to be 100% needed.

    My husband is starting to annoy me a little with the TTC thing because he keeps avoiding the convo. Next month I am going off the pill. Back in Feb/March we had talked and said we would start trying in July or August but that he wanted to talk about it again before we officially went for it to make sure everything was in line. Well I have brought it up a few times in the last few weeks and he moves to a different subject. Did anyone else have an issue like this and if so how do you get him to talk about it? I want both of us on the same playing field. However, I don't think he is listening to my body and the doctors sometime. I have endo and was told 2 years ago that I really should start trying in 6 months or so....well it has been 1.5 years past that and I just worry that we will have issues making it happen.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Good morning! I'm at work again, but will be off soon for my doctor's appointment. I wonder if it will be more eventful than the weight/pee/BP checks. Most of the other checks seemed to start for others at 36 weeks or later. They might wait until my next appointment since I am 35 weeks today. 35 WEEKS! I'll keep you posted, though.

    I was a little upset last night. I noticed that the shape of my belly is a little different and that there was a big bump a little high that is either a butt or a head. I realized I hadn't felt her hiccups low like usual and that she might have gone breech on me. Then I felt her hiccups at that high bump at bedtime. BOO! She better get her butt situated before the big show! I'll ask my doctor today about her position and see what he thinks.

    We did the perineal massage again last night. Still very uncomfortable, but much more managable. My husband decided that it was a good time for us to practice breathing. It really helped me to relax. I'm hoping that doing this every night will help with the tearing and help the breathing become more second nature to me. If we weren't practicing it every night it would probably go out the window as soon as the real pain starts. Plus it gives my husband something to do to help me and the baby right now. I think he likes that he has a job... even if it is kind of a gross one.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    And thanks for all of the immunization input. I like hearing opinions from different moms and moms-to-be.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    bmfrazie- My husband was always pretty open to the baby conversations, but I think it's because he knew that once I get an idea in my head it doesn't leave. He probably thought it was best to acknowledge my desires, but also point out the logistics. If your husband is anything like mine, not being ready had everything to do with finances and nothing to do with whether or not he was actually ready to be a father. I think I would just come right out and ask why he is avoiding the topic. Is it something you can help him with or that you can talk through? Etc. The thing that many people have told me and I have found the be true (for me at least) is that the more you plan a baby, the further away it gets. Money and life will get in the way every time if you let it (and I think the men in our lives let that happen easily). You just have to go for it and realize that your life will adjust to the new member of your family whether you think you are ready for it or not.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Ron- I am sorry about those awful dreams. I wonder if it has to do with just the idea of it getting closer? I hope they go away for you.

    Meggamix- welcome!

    Julie- I am glad there is no antifreeze in the vaccines :)

    Meokk- I am not sure what a snap and go is. Is it like a travel system? Where the car seat and stroller come as a set? That’s what we bought and we have practiced with it some (with my niece) and I love it. When we registered we were having a fun and dandy time till we got to car seats and strollers and I almost had a panic attack! We changed ours 4 times. We ended up asking mom’s in Babies R Us which they had and if they liked it…. All 5 mom’s we asked had the same style and loved it…. So we went with their advice. You are not alone in feeling overwhelmed by that! Oh the belly touch… get used to it or hit them :)

    Mel- Sorry about your DH’s job. You have a lot on your plate.

    Bmfrazie- I think that Brittony’s advice makes good sense. It sounds like he has something he is worried about so he is avoiding talking about it. Any idea what that is? Maybe money or timing? I would just confront him about it (in a nice way :))

    Brittony- Its really hard for me to tell Elise’s position right now. I would ask your dr. about it today before worrying too much! There is still plenty of time for movement as well. 35 weeks! What a big step! Keep us updated on your apt.

    Thanks for sharing opinions about vaccines, it was interesting to hear the different opinions on them.

    We are leaving in about an hour for our trip! I will be on the ipad the next day or so… which means still reading but no long posts/replies… When we get to the beach house I will have a computer again. Wish me luck on our trip… kind of nervous about riding in the car so far… I am uncomfortable just sitting in a car but it will be worth it to get to the beach!
    JMAMA Posts: 298 Member
    Welcome to all the new people!!! You look great Luff! How old is your DD? She looks to be about the same age as my DS. He'll be 2 the end of August. I felt like I needed to save all you first time moms from the grief I had after DS. Please don't expect to lose weight because you are breastfeeding. It is a very individual thing and everyone's body reacts differently to it. I had grown up with my mom telling stories of starving to death no matter what she ate and dropping all her baby weight with no problem while she breastfeed. "You just have to careful when you quite, that's when it will all come back on if you're not careful." Suprise!!! :noway: I gained 30 pounds while nursing DS. I wasn't tracking ( I hadn't found this site yet ) but I didn't feel like my eating was out of control. As soon as I slowed down breast feeding I started loosing weight without hardly trying. Alas... than I was pregnant!!! :ohwell:

    This was true for me too! When I was nursing, I literally felt hungry/thirsty all the time and I didn't deprive myself, or monitor my intake what so ever. I didn't necessarily gain any more weight, but I didn't shed the last 15-20 lbs of it until I stopped nursing after 14 months. My body held on to the "maternal fat stores" for my milk supply. I agree everyone is different as far as the nursing thing goes and whether you will shed or not.

    I enjoy reading everyone's posts, not on here nearly as much as I would like to be, but check in when I can!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    bmfrazie- I couldn’t agree more w/what Brittony said. Just talk to your DH about how you feel whenever you try to bring up the subject of another baby. If it makes him feel overwhelmed/anxious etc. My situation was the exact opposite. We were always ready to try but I wasn’t happy where I was weight wise. Thankfully, the hubby let me work on that for a year and a half before we got pregnant. Of course- there was always hesitation on both our parts due to finances too.

    Anne- I hope you have a great trip and the ride treats you well :wink:

    Brittony- Hope your appointment goes well today... I can’t believe some of you Mama’s are so close! 35 weeks! Crazy!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Brittony -- I felt hiccups up high twice. The first time was sometime last week and the last time was a few days ago. All before, in between the 2 times, and after, I've felt them low. I think maybe those times they were just jerking her whole body? Maybe the high spot is her little bum and she was in an odd position so the hiccups jerked her around more? I'd say I give up trying to figure out where Maisie is, but I can't stop trying to figure it out. She changes it on me daily. Happy 35 weeks!

    bmfrazie -- Sorry, no advice. My hubby is the one who did the convincing on the "we're ready for a baby" front. I still don't believe we're READY, but I also don't think I would have ever felt ready, so I'm glad we did it when we did.

    Anne -- Have a great trip!!

    So, I'm a bit uncomfortable this morning. Anyone else around as far along (or farther) than me getting like... stabby pains in their cervix? At least that's what it feels like. It's happening when I walk, mostly. I wonder if it's just baby's head (or whatever) pressing on it or something.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I'd love to join! My husband and I are in the TTC phase...long story, but we confirmed we are up against some fertility issues. Even though I've been off birth control for 10 months, we haven't been specifically TRYING and not feeling like we need to rush, we're going to try a bit on our own for 6 months and see how it goes. I feel like I should do what I can on my end to be healthy and fit. Would love some support!

    Have you tried the cough-syrup method?

    Basically you find a cough syrup that contains Guanafene (sp) such as Robitussin and take as directed (the same way you would if you were sick) a few days before and during ovulation. It thins your cervical mucus the same way it thins the mucus that builds up in your lungs when you are sick thus making conception easier.

    Worked for us!

    I have never heard of this before, I think I will have to try it.

    As for vaccinations, for the most part I believe in getting them, but I don't like to do more than one at a time. I haven't made up my mind about Gardasil (sp?) though. I did do some research regarding the MMR. My daughter had a seizure after the first dose, so I really didn't want her to get the second. I found out that you can opt out of the second dose by having your child's blood tested, which will show whether or not they are already immune to it. I spoke to the school nurse and they said that the blood work was acceptable to them so that is what I did. I guess, while I really don't like putting all this stuff in her body, I like the alternative less.

    A seizure is definitely one of those issues that make you think twice about a 2nd dose, and for good reasons! Hoping that the first dose did the job!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    bmfrazie - We went through a similar situation. Our youngest (except the one on the way) will be 8 this month, and our oldest is 12 1/2. I always knew I wanted (and he was willing to consider) another, but life has been really really crazy - he lost a job & career catastrophically and had to start all over and I got sick and had to quit my job, lost our house, etc - and we kept waiting. There was finally a tipping point where I said we can't wait any longer (a very emotional dream about it was a big catalyst for me, and luckily he listens). We would never be ready if we waited, and the longer we waited the harder it would be. Took us 5 months from when we started TTC (we wanted a summer baby, he's coming in Oct. Oh well). Yep, life is complicated and baby just adds to it all. But I wouldn't change my mind for anything. The great thing about having kids this much older is how much they want to help, now and with baby :)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Finished my daughters' graduation dress last night!! Good thing, because graduation is today :o). I stayed up hemming it until 1:30 this morning. I do hems by hand, I like the look better, but it's been a long time since I've done that, and my left hand/wrist/arm ache this morning!
    She is so excited about the dress, loves it (and looks good imo). Glad I did it for her, but right now really glad it's done!!