Pregnancy 2011- June



  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Victoria – I weighed 151 when I got pregnant, 6 pounds overweight for my height. My doctor never said anything about how much weigh I should gain and never mentioned my weight at any of my appointments so far. My goal was to keep my total gain under 35. Right now I’m up 23 pounds so I’m not sure if that will be possible our not. But I figure as long as baby and I are healthy then I can’t really complain.

    While I’m on the topic of weight – I braved the scale today and I’m the same as I was last week. I’m happy but shocked because with the exception of yesterday and today I’ve eaten crap and barely exercised at all, but I’ll take it. I’d be thrilled if I could maintain that weight until my next appointment especially considering the 10 pound gain I had at my last one.

    I spent the whole day cleaning and doing laundry, my house is spotless and I’m exhausted. I planned to go for a walk but now I think that a snack, shower and a nap is a much better idea. Hope everyone is having a great Saturday!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Mel - Gabriel is absolutely precious!! :love: You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

    Annebelle - Congratulations and welcome back! Can't wait to see pictures.

    Hello to everyone else, I can't even describe how much I've missed everyone!! I've done my best to catch up.....I thought I missed a lot when I didn't log-on at night - I take a few days off to have a baby and you ladies fill up like 12 pages :laugh:

    I'll try to get on later today or tomorrow to give you guys all the details! For now, baby Joshua is doing great, resting in my arms :love: :love: I'm feeling really good and breastfeeding is going well.

    HUGS to everyone!!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Hi Ladies :) We made it home from the beach. It was a long drive today but it could have been much worse. The first two hours my lower back was killing me… luckily a stop of walking around fixed that. Sorry if this is long I have a lot to respond too now that I am on my computer. I just picked about 2 pages back to start really catching up so sorry if I missed you before that!

    Jenna- That’s so fun being able to feel the baby move at the start. Enjoy! Sorry things are so busy for you! That’s hard with being pregnant.

    Julie- I hope you enjoyed/are enjoying the time with your friend! I am sorry about your ahole co-worker. That sounds awful!

    On Registries: We did one at Target and Babies R Us and mostly people have purchased stuff for us off our registry. I feel fortunate hearing that people aren’t doing that for you ladies. I am very practical and I think the people purchasing stuff for us know that.

    Welcome to everyone that is new!

    Mel- Thanks for the tips for in the hospital, I need all of those I can get. You son is so beautiful! My thoughts are with both of you. Thank you for sharing your story. We are here for you if we can help in any way. Be strong for you LO! I love the name you chose, so fitting.

    Mathjulz- hope you enjoyed your lazy day! And yes I want to see a baby bump picture!

    Rachel- I feel you on the sleep. Mine is dwindling down nicely these last few weeks. I feel like I hardly sleep at all a lot of the time. I am just starting to get uncomfortable.

    Meokk- You look awesome! So cute! I was at the high end of normal for my height when I started and my dr. recommended 25-35 lbs. At 30 weeks I was at 15 lbs I think, I go in tommorow to the dr. so I am interested to see what 32.5 weeks is…. But puking daily has been my weight control. My advice would be to stay active, I have been walking a lot still and it really has helped.

    Rachael- You are getting so close! I hope your apt. goes well on Monday.

    Kacy- We miss you! Thanks for stopping in! I understand that must be hard for you with your family member being pregnant. I am in the opposite side where my sister is having a hard time getting pregnant so I feel bad about mine sometimes… though she assures me that I should not.

    Regina- I am sorry about your 1 hour glucose results. Your insurance won’t pay for the 3 hour? That has to be frustrating. That does sound like a lot of calories per day.'

    Brittony- You are so cute! I love your picture. I am glad that your shower went well.

    Ron- I need to clean so badly now that I am home. I hate cleaning though :( I hope your busy weekend goes smoothly! I have had really fluctuating weight gain as well. It will be a lot one month and nothing the next.

    Annabelle- Yea! Congrats! So happy to hear from you. It sounds like you have a great LO there! I can’t wait to see a photo. Congrats again. How are you enjoying your new place?

    Katrina- I am sorry you have been so busy, that sounds very tough! Whine away!

    Lynn- glad to hear that you are doing well! Can’t wait to hear the details and see more pictures of Joshua.

    Hi to everyone else!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Just found out that my older sister that has been TTC has PCOS. :( She is going on clomid next month which I am really hoping will help her. She is very thin and runs marathons but she does have a thryriod problem she just found out about. I feel sad for her but I am glad she knows the problem so she can try to fix it!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Lynn, so good to hear from you! :) Can't wait to see pics of little Josh.

    So, I had my baby shower on my family's side today. I feel very lucky. I got lots of wonderful things. And three people made me blankets, they are adorable. I am feeling pretty lucky right now.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Mel: I love the name choice! And ur lil boy is precious u are both in my t&ps <3

    Annabelle: congrats on ur lil one and a successful move! Can't wait to see pics and hear ur birth story. I also have to say u are so lucky to have missed all this smoke in nm from the az fire.

    Annalise: glad to hear ur trip went well I decided to stay behind so I have officially become a home body.

    Lynn: can't wait to see more pics of baby Josh :)

    Regarding landscaping I can't reach much down below so I may give myself a shotty trim if I try which I desperately need right now sry tmi hahaha
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Rachael- I am so glad your shower was such a success! I have my last one on Saturday.

    Pmaria- I slept so good last night I may officially be a homebody as well :smile:

    Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. My day is going to be filled with laundry, unpacking, grocery shopping, and cleaning... :grumble:
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Hi all, hope everyone is having a good weekend. Yesterday hubby and I went to the city and did a bunch of shopping, I got a dress for a wedding we are going to in 2 weeks, he got some new clothes for work, some baby stuff, and out for supper. Was a nice day, but boy oh boy was I ever exhausted at the end of the day from all of the walking around. We were supposed to go to a movie as well but I just could not do it! Had to go home to the recliner!

    Here is a comparison of me at 28 weeks vs. 31 weeks. Quite the difference, my belly has sure gotten rounder!

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Mel -- Gabriel Alexander is an awesome name. :smile: If he's anything like you, strong mama, he's going to be just fine. And yes, he really is adorable. My brother was born with a hole in his heart but when my mom took him in for his pre-op evaluation a month or so after he was born, his heart valve had "miraculously" closed on it's own. You guys are certainly in my thoughts.

    Regina -- Sorry about the glucose test results. My MIL had GD and said the "diet" really isn't bad.

    Brittony -- I love your 36 week picture! Beautiful!

    Rachel -- I haven't really been paying attention to how long each contraction lasts. I think some of them last about 30 seconds or so and some of them seem quite a bit longer -- sometimes my uterus feels like a rock for several minutes. Mine aren't usually something I would describe as very painful, just tight and super uncomfortable and my uterus starts to get sore and I start to feel crampy after I've had a bunch in one day. I guess it goes without saying that everyone's different. I'm starting to think I have an "irritable uterus." Great bump!! You look fabulous!

    Victoria -- I love that little bump! I can reach my bits just fine, but then again I'm "so small" to be this far along (whatever!). I could shave the usual places by feel, yes, but the thought of the discomfort of hair growing back on top of whatever may be going on down there after delivery makes me wary of shaving and much more in favor of trimming at this time since I'm quickly approaching "could come at any time" territory. I definitely can't trim by feel. Waaaaayyyyy too dangerous. :laugh:

    Kacy -- It must be super difficult for you for someone in your family to be pregnant right now. Thinking of you. :flowerforyou:

    Annabelle -- Congratulations on your little boy bundle! You must be so relieved to have the move behind you!

    Ron -- you're a better woman than I am to worry about the yard. :laugh: We haven't even cut the grass in our back yard this year. It's a total mess. I just can't bring myself to do anything about it, especially with my uterus acting up.

    Lynn -- I'm so happy to hear breastfeeding is going well!

    Anne -- Glad to hear you made it home safely from the beach. Sorry to hear about your sister. For some reason I feel so guilty to be pregnant around people who are having a difficult time conceiving. It just isn't fair so many people who want children have such a hard time and so many people who don't really want children end up with loads of them. So many people have success with clomid.

    We had our baby party last night and it was pretty fun. My best friend and her FIANCE (they just got engaged Thursday night!) drove all the way from Maryland to South Carolina and stayed with us Friday and last night. They're kind of awesome. :smile: A friend I haven't seen in probably 5 years blew my mind and drove down from Charlotte. He ended up staying until 3am. He only left because his wife (who couldn't come because she had to work) called him wondering where the eff he was. :laugh: Everyone ended up giving us a gift even though I made it explicitly clear it wasn't necessary for them to do so. Although most of it wasn't from our registry, our totally babyless friends all picked out some awesome and surprisingly very useful stuff! My best friend decorated 6 onesies. They're all pretty funny but some of them are a bit um.... distasteful. :laugh: I left the one that made me say "That's terrible!" while giggling out of this picture. :tongue:
    For any Dr. Who fans, the Dalek one says "Exterminate" on the bum. I'm not so much but my hubby & her fiance are, so that's how that one came about.
    My best friend also wants to come and stay with us for a few days after baby comes. :smile: I really love her for being so supportive and excited for us.

    The contraction saga continues. I think I had way more than ever yesterday but I was too busy to bother logging them. I've noticed a consistent pattern -- few & far between in the morning and very early afternoon then they really start picking up in frequency and intensity in the later afternoon & evening & become more and more frequent until I go to bed. I was up until about 3.30am this morning and I was having one every 5-10 minutes by that point. I slept for 6 hours and I've only noticed 2 since I woke up 4.5 hours ago (all I've really done today is cook/eat breakfast, tidy up a tiny bit, and sit on the couch). It seems they're directly related to activity/fatigue and it appears they're here to stay for the rest of my pregnancy. I've drowned myself in water this weekend but it doesn't seem to matter. Rest seems to be the only thing that slows them down so that's what I intend to do today after a crazy last couple of days.
  • supermom1114
    supermom1114 Posts: 577
    Hi ladies!!! Can I join??

    I'm currently 22 weeks prego, due October 13, 2011!!! My main pic is my most recent belly shot!

    Happy and Healthy pregnancies to us all!
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    welcome supermom114

    Rachel - I love the top in your 31 week photo. You are looking great!

    Glad you had a great party Julie. Those onsies are so cute. I am happy that your non-registry gifts were useful. I found that people who shopped off registry (unless they got clothes or books) got us things we didnt need and I ended up returning (and getting other things we did need).
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Lynn – I’m glad breastfeeding is working out and you’re both doing well!

    Anne – glad you had a good trip and home safe. I’m sorry about your sister. A friend of mine was recently diagnosed with PCOS, she started taking something to help but I’m not 100% if it’s clomid or not.

    Rachael – yea for a good shower!!

    Rachel – love your new pic! I also have a wedding in two weeks, still have no idea what I’m going to wear. I don’t like the bride so I want to wear jeans, but my mom said I can’t do that. :laugh:

    Julie – those onesies are hilarious! But now I want to know what the one you left out said.

    Supermom – welcome!

    I ended up having a girls night with my cousins last night and went to see the movie Bridesmaids. GREAT movie, I laughed the whole time. It’s raining and gross out now so our yard will look like crap for my in-laws, oh well. It’s supposed to rain for most of their visit anyway.

    I had plans to hang out with a friend and her daughter today but she just called and said she has mono :noway: ….yeah, call me when you feel better. So now I’m just going to finish up the few loads of laundry left and sleep as much as I can. Well, try to sleep. I don’t know what hubby is doing in the basement right now except that it makes a s**t load of noise! No naps for me until he's done. :ohwell:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Rachel- You look great in your new picture!

    Ron- I have heard that movie is funny. I need to keep cleaning today as well. I did a lot for about 3 hours and then started feeling really sick.... so I stopped and havn't started again even though I am feeling better.

    Welcome Supermom- just jump right in :) Do you know if you are having a boy or girl?

    Julie- I am glad that your party went so well. It sounds like a really fun time :) Make sure you settle down and get some rest now!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I just noticed Maureen, Rachael, Pmaria and Julie... you guys are all very close together!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I just noticed Maureen, Rachael, Pmaria and Julie... you guys are all very close together!

    Brittony, too!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I just noticed Maureen, Rachael, Pmaria and Julie... you guys are all very close together!

    Brittony, too!

    of course! wow! that will be fun so many babies to look forward too at once!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Thanks everyone for all of the thoughts and prayers. It looks like actually Gabriel might come home this weekend and theyll do surgery when he's a little bit older. Maybe 3 months. So that will make me paranoid I'm sure, but glad he's stable enough to do si. It's incredible to think they can send home a baby that has no pulmonary artery.

    On the landscaping front, I highly recommend going to Walmart and grabbing one of those little electronic clippers (like a beard trimmer but made for ladies. They're like $11) because you don't have to be able to see and you won't cut yourself or go too short and get razor burn later.

    I will keep everybody posted on Buck.

    Joon -too cute picture, Lynn adorable baby glad you're doing well!

    I'll keep checking by!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Hey all! I'm due today! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I go for me 32 week apt. tommorow. What are some questions I should be asking my midwife as we get closer to delivery?
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Rachel- Cute pics! I really like your outfit in the newest belly bump picture :smile:

    Julie- I love those homemade onesies! What did she use on them? Fabric paint? Cute idea!

    Supermom- Welcome and congrats!

    Ronya- I want to see that movie so bad! It looks hilarious! Glad you enjoyed your weekend.

    Anne- Welcome back!

    Mel- Thanks for the tip on the landscaping :wink: Glad to hear that Gabriel will get to come home soon. That’s great news!

    I went to my cousin's bridal shower yesterday and have seriously never been to something so unorganized. Not to mention the pregnant one was left to do most of the clean up....? :noway: :grumble:

    We got a lot accomplished this weekend though with making room for Avery. The hubby has been on a cleaning/organizing spree lately and I'm most certainly not going to stop him :laugh:

    3 (technically 4) hour glucose tomorrow at 7am. Gotta get up at 4:30 so I can make the hour drive and be there before 7. I've really watched my sugar/carb intake this weekend so here's hoping. Wish me luck! :ohwell: