Pregnancy 2011- June



  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    For those measuring your own weight gain, are you measuring from day 1 or from the day you found out you were pregnant? What is your starting point?

    I gained .7 lbs this past week (I was supposed to weigh in on Friday and kept forgetting, so weigh in was today).

    Day 1? Not really sure what you mean? Do you mean from the 1st Dr vist vs the day you found out? I started measuring mine the day I found out I was expecting. Starting weight at 136, as of today 150 (had a bad weekend). My 1st Dr visit I was 140. So total 14 gain at 22 weeks, or from the Dr. scale I'm +10. I'm shooting for a 30 pound gain this time.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    All this is based on my scale:

    If I track my weight back to the "first" day of my pregnancy then I have gained 16.8lbs.
    If I track based on the day I got the BFP I have gained 21.8lbs.

    My dr said its like 22-23lbs as of last week. Its so dang confusing!
  • supermom1114
    supermom1114 Posts: 577
    For those measuring your own weight gain, are you measuring from day 1 or from the day you found out you were pregnant? What is your starting point?

    I gained .7 lbs this past week (I was supposed to weigh in on Friday and kept forgetting, so weigh in was today).

    Day 1? Not really sure what you mean? Do you mean from the 1st Dr vist vs the day you found out? I started measuring mine the day I found out I was expecting. Starting weight at 136, as of today 150 (had a bad weekend). My 1st Dr visit I was 140. So total 14 gain at 22 weeks, or from the Dr. scale I'm +10. I'm shooting for a 30 pound gain this time.

    wow not only are our due dates close but so are our weights. I started at 137, first Dr's visit I weighed in at 143 but I'd been off my thyroid meds a few days so a lot of that was water retention, anyways now I'm right around 150 at 22 1/2 weeks, so 13lb weight gain. I'm shooting for 25-30lb gain as well. I gained 50 with my son but wasn't taking care of myself mentally or physically so thats a whole other story lol. I just started working out quite a bit more since I've got my energy back, our move is over, and we're all unpacked etc so I don't expect as fast a weight gain as the first trimester, or at least for it not to show up all over my body, just belly where the baby is lol
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ha, if I go by 1st doc visit, then I'm only up 21 pounds, woot! :laugh: I'm awesome, then! :tongue: Yeah, 1st trimester was baaaaaddddd for my weight. :laugh:
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    when i said day 1 i meant counting back to the "first day" of pregnancy...

    So I am 36 weeks 3 days today so dating that back that amount of time means Oct 1st.
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    For those measuring your own weight gain, are you measuring from day 1 or from the day you found out you were pregnant? What is your starting point?

    I gained .7 lbs this past week (I was supposed to weigh in on Friday and kept forgetting, so weigh in was today).

    Day 1? Not really sure what you mean? Do you mean from the 1st Dr vist vs the day you found out? I started measuring mine the day I found out I was expecting. Starting weight at 136, as of today 150 (had a bad weekend). My 1st Dr visit I was 140. So total 14 gain at 22 weeks, or from the Dr. scale I'm +10. I'm shooting for a 30 pound gain this time.

    wow not only are our due dates close but so are our weights. I started at 137, first Dr's visit I weighed in at 143 but I'd been off my thyroid meds a few days so a lot of that was water retention, anyways now I'm right around 150 at 22 1/2 weeks, so 13lb weight gain. I'm shooting for 25-30lb gain as well. I gained 50 with my son but wasn't taking care of myself mentally or physically so thats a whole other story lol. I just started working out quite a bit more since I've got my energy back, our move is over, and we're all unpacked etc so I don't expect as fast a weight gain as the first trimester, or at least for it not to show up all over my body, just belly where the baby is lol

    Wow that is crazy! How tall are you? I'm 5'6. I also gained 50 with my DS! You could be my pregnancy twin! :laugh: I would laugh if I was having a girl. That would really blow my mind!

    I'm going off of the date I got my BFP. If I go off of day 1 it would be more. :ohwell: I was 133 when we went on vacation (which is were this baby was made lol!) But all the food and drinking made me gain 3 pounds. So....yeah I'm not counting that lol!
  • supermom1114
    supermom1114 Posts: 577
    Jen- Lol I'm 5'3" but I weight trained and was athletic before I got prego, so I've always been heavier than most people who are 5'3" just from muscle. I used to beat myself up over it but I did a body fat percentage calculation and I had 24% body which is in the fitness range. So I think after this baby I'm not going to focus so much on my weight but more on lowering my body fat percentage to somewhere around 20. I know if I'm continuing strength training and working out and eating right while pregnant no matter what weight I put on, I'm still keeping my fitness level up so unless I have a c-section I'll be working out again, lightly within the first week after giving birth. nothing hard or strenuous, but I do plan on starting Insanity 6-8 weeks after I deliver. That way I'll start in December, and keep focused so I don't just let myself slide over the holidays. But I'm definitely still having me a Thanksgiving and Christmas feast, just not letting everyday be a holiday during those times ya know?

    ok yea that was really random and long lol, we should be pregnancy twins!

    Star- I didn't weigh myself daily only weekly but either way I was 137 on both the "first day" and the day I got my BFP. So a little over halfway there and I'm up 13. The doctors can be confusing especially because everyone's is different.

    On another random note, did any of your doctors talk to you about supplementing calcium?? With my son my doctor told me around 18-20 weeks to start taking calcium supplements everyday (I already did, every woman should if they don't get a lot of dairy in their diet) but the doctor I have now didn't say anything. The whole reason you should be taking calcium supplements is because the baby's bones are calcifying and if you don't have enough calcium in your diet your body will take it from your bones. I just thought it was odd my dr. didn't bring it up. And she wasn't even going to check for anemia, even though I told her with my son I had become anemic and had mentioned feeling light headed. I dunno, maybe since this is my second time around and she knows I'm going to school for nutrition she just assumes I already know this stuff and what to do but just wanted to see if anyone else's doctor brought it up?
  • supermom1114
    supermom1114 Posts: 577
    Oh and btw my name is Carleen! Lol that way you don't have to keep typing my screenname out. Hello! Nice to meet you all! lol
  • aloa318
    aloa318 Posts: 19 Member
    I would love to join this group. I've been a member of mfp since the beginning of this year and found out I was pregnant in March. Since then I have fallen off of the band wagon with eating healthy and exercising and I am wanting to get back on track. I am overweight & want to make it easier to lose weight after I have the baby & not be starting from scratch. I know that this will benefit my baby & me & am looking forward to getting on board with being healthy again. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617

    On another random note, did any of your doctors talk to you about supplementing calcium?? With my son my doctor told me around 18-20 weeks to start taking calcium supplements everyday (I already did, every woman should if they don't get a lot of dairy in their diet) but the doctor I have now didn't say anything. The whole reason you should be taking calcium supplements is because the baby's bones are calcifying and if you don't have enough calcium in your diet your body will take it from your bones. I just thought it was odd my dr. didn't bring it up. And she wasn't even going to check for anemia, even though I told her with my son I had become anemic and had mentioned feeling light headed. I dunno, maybe since this is my second time around and she knows I'm going to school for nutrition she just assumes I already know this stuff and what to do but just wanted to see if anyone else's doctor brought it up?

    Hmmm... my dr never mentioned that. But... then again she never mentioned that I shouldn't eat lunch meat or un-cooked eggs either. I do get a fair amount of dairy though, I love cereal and often have a yogurt for a snack or a big glass of milk with my supper!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    rachel - you looking good !!!

    Julie - very talented friend there and glad your contractions slowed when you rest.

    Danielle - How did you feel during your glucose test - OK?

    Supermom - I joined another group at first as well, on baby center but there were so many unfriendly ignorant people on there I had to leave and I just love this group of women. Everyone is so caring and helpful. It's hard to reply to everyone you need so I generally open up a reply window in a new tab and write replies in that window as I read through. We are really close together too - I'll be 22 weeks this Saturday !

    Jen - don't feel bad, one you get back to normal healthy days I'm sure it will level out or drop back again. We all have bad weeks or weekends sometimes.

    Hkystar - I measured from when I got pregnant and I'm up about 8.5 lbs at 21 weeks. I started at 166 and didn't gain at all until about the 12 week point. I'm aiming for under 20 lbs total gain due to being overweight to begin with. Oh and I'm 5'4"

    Welcome new ladies !!!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Rachel: Your baby bump is super cute! :smile:

    Jen- I have had weeks were I would gain 3 pounds and then it would level off. It was usually water weight. I wouldn't stress too much.

    Anne: How did your appointment go today?

    I had my appointment also. It was my first time being "checked" I also got the wonderful strep B test, which was a bit awkward but not too bad. I am not dilated at all right now. She said I have a good pelvis for delivering a normal sized baby, lol. Everything looked good with the baby though. She is gaining weight on track and everything. My blood pressure was a little high for me this time though.

    I am currently up 19 lbs. today from when I found out I was pregnant. I really am hoping to keep it under 25 lbs. We shall see.
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    So what exercise is everyone doing? I usually walk and sometimes do the eliptical, but I was thinking about starting to run again. Is this ok to do while pregnant? I've heard mixed reviews...
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Oh and Anne - hope your appointment went well and you are having a better day. Vent and complain away. I feel so bad for you that the doctor can't do anything to help. Have you thought about going to a digestive specialist or a nutritional counselor? I have a friend who is a nutrition counselor specializing in digestive issues - they are out there :flowerforyou:

    Jessi - I had been running prior to pregnancy and stopped because I was finding mixed advice out there. I've just been doing basic strength training, walking and some swimming.
  • supermom1114
    supermom1114 Posts: 577
    So what exercise is everyone doing? I usually walk and sometimes do the eliptical, but I was thinking about starting to run again. Is this ok to do while pregnant? I've heard mixed reviews...

    I used to run before pregnancy but through the first trimester the only energy I mustered up was to play soccer with friends. My doctor told me to start out slow again with a walk/run program. I also do yoga and pilates, I have some prenatal dvds but they don't get me sweating and working hard like I enjoy. So I'll do some regular workout DVDs and modify but I've taken kinesiology classes, specifically one about exercise throughout the life cycle which included a section on pregnancy so I know pretty well what I can do safely and whats off limits. If you're unsure then definitely stick with prenatal workout dvds and anything you have the energy for that you used to do before pregnancy is fine during the first trimester. Its the second and third that things become more restricted.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Jen- My gains have been very all over the place. One month I gained 9 lbs… and the next I lost a lb. Your baby has growths spurts so as long as you aren’t gaining 3 lbs every week I wouldn’t worry!

    Carleen- I open a word document and comment on peoples posts as I read them and then copy and paste over to the forum! It is the easiest way for me! Congrats on the little girl! There are lots of little girls coming this year! No, my dr. hasn’t said anything about calcium. Maybe it is specific to your needs?

    Brittony- You are so close! Just keep being active and you will be alright!

    Maureen- I have been measuring from my first dr. apt. at 6 weeks (but I weigh myself on my own scale)

    JessiJean- Welcome! My dr. told me if that whatever exercise you are doing before you are pregnant you can keep doing but not to start anything new. I ran a ½ marathon right before getting pregnant but sadly stopped running at the beginning due to MS so I couldn’t start again. I have mostly been just walking and stretching. We have an exercise challenge to try to get at least 4 days of 30 minutes of exercise each week.

    Rachel- Good job on the exercise this week!

    Ron- Great job on the exercise! And no don’t go by yourself! Enjoy the day off!

    Aloa- Welcome!

    Rachael- Sounds like your apt went well! Not looking forward to the strep B test… was getting checked just like a physical exam at your pap?

    Exercise: I had a great week with exercise at the beach. I walked every day at least 3 miles I would say!

    I had a very weird apt. today so I am hoping some of you can help me sort through it. This may be long sorry. I went in, I gained 2 lbs in the last 2.5 weeks so at 32 weeks 3 days I am up 17 lbs. My bloood pressure was a little higher than usual for me but nothing to worry about. My dr. talked to me about my getting sick and told me that since I am gaining she isn’t going to make me do anything but gave me the option of getting a medicine pump and having a home health nurse come give me an IV daily…. I respectfully turned those down for now. Then she did the heartbeat, 156. Then she did the fundal height measurement and I measured only 29.5 weeks (which was the exact same as my 30 week apt). She was worried about that so she sent me over to get an ultrasound. She did say that the measurements can be off for SO many reasons and that the US measurement was way more accurate. So I got another US (kind of fun but I was worried the whole time), my fluid was good and at the end the gestational age was 33 weeks and 2 days…. A week BIGGER than she is supposed to be. So my FHM was 29.5 weeks, I am 32 weeks 3 days, and she measured in the US 33 weeks 2 days. WHAT? The technician said she looked great and that the dr. would look over it and unless something was wrong talk to me about it at my next apt. She was still a she :) and estimated to be at 4 lbs 7 oz which is the 48th percentile. She also had a big head measuring at 34 weeks… yikes. I guess it was just odd and I don’t know what to think, do you think they will move up my due date or leave it alone?
  • supermom1114
    supermom1114 Posts: 577
    So whats this exercise challenge stuff that everyone keeps posting about??
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Victoria- Thanks :) I maybe should consider this. I have tracked my eating and took it into my midwife and she is stumped because I throw up such a variety of items :) I wonder if my insurance would cover that.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    So whats this exercise challenge stuff that everyone keeps posting about??

    As a whole we have made a goal to exercise at least 4 days a week for at least 30 minutes. Some people have made goals to do more than that. We report on mondays!
  • supermom1114
    supermom1114 Posts: 577

    I had a very weird apt. today so I am hoping some of you can help me sort through it. This may be long sorry. I went in, I gained 2 lbs in the last 2.5 weeks so at 32 weeks 3 days I am up 17 lbs. My bloood pressure was a little higher than usual for me but nothing to worry about. My dr. talked to me about my getting sick and told me that since I am gaining she isn’t going to make me do anything but gave me the option of getting a medicine pump and having a home health nurse come give me an IV daily…. I respectfully turned those down for now. Then she did the heartbeat, 156. Then she did the fundal height measurement and I measured only 29.5 weeks (which was the exact same as my 30 week apt). She was worried about that so she sent me over to get an ultrasound. She did say that the measurements can be off for SO many reasons and that the US measurement was way more accurate. So I got another US (kind of fun but I was worried the whole time), my fluid was good and at the end the gestational age was 33 weeks and 2 days…. A week BIGGER than she is supposed to be. So my FHM was 29.5 weeks, I am 32 weeks 3 days, and she measured in the US 33 weeks 2 days. WHAT? The technician said she looked great and that the dr. would look over it and unless something was wrong talk to me about it at my next apt. She was still a she :) and estimated to be at 4 lbs 7 oz which is the 48th percentile. She also had a big head measuring at 34 weeks… yikes. I guess it was just odd and I don’t know what to think, do you think they will move up my due date or leave it alone?

    I personally think they'll leave your due date alone, that late in pregnancy babies all grow at different rates so it's rare to change a due date. The fundal height can be off like your dr said for many reasons so I wouldn't worry. As long as the U/S looked ok I think you're good!