Pregnancy 2011- June



  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I know I have complained about this many times and I am sorry :( but I don't feel like my other friends understand so I don't like to say anything to them. I don't even need a response just to be able to complain if thats okay... I have felt awful today. I am used to my 2ish times a day of throwing up... i get it... its happened since 7 weeks. but days like today are hard. I have thrown up after everything I have eaten today. The only thing that I havn't puked after is a fruit popcycle. It makes me feel so tired that I feel like I can't do anything. I tried to ignore it and I got 5 loads of laundry done, cleaned 3 bathrooms, put away all of our trip stuff, and walked 3 miles... but i had so much more I needed to do and just physically couldn't doit and that is so frustrating. and the worst part is, I AM SO HUNGRY :(
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    AnneElise - hugs! I completely understand how you feel. I wish I had some advice but all I can say is 8 more weeks. I feel bad when 90% of the time I have to tell people I feel like crap. I am so ready to feel normal again. As far as midwife questions, have you discussed labor plans? Did you make a birth plan? Do you feel like you understand how everything is going to go with respect to hospital personal and their policies?

    As far as landscaping down there... bf likes natural and that works for me since I like being lazy!

    I think its cool that a bunch of us will prolly all have babies in a very short time period! =)

    AFM: I am feeling more and more uncomfortable. I feel physically ready for her to be born but know its not her time yet. so I just press on. This week should be a little less stressful at work. No deadlines, so I can try to train people on a much higher level (aka no more baby steps). Tomorrow night we have a session with a dr. Hopefully we will like this practice and have a ped (we are cutting it close and I worry about not finding one we like before the baby comes).
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Julie- those onesies are absolutely adorable!!! What did she use to decorate them? Is that glitter glue? She must be very artistic, I think they look awesome! Such a cool personalized gift. Glad you enjoyed your friends. Make any headway with your mother?

    Anne- Welcome back from vacation, I am sorry you feel so crappy today. Sounds like you did a lot though, so take it easy on yourself. I can't believe you have been so sick through all of this!! Was your mother really sick in her pregnancies?

    Hyskar- Thanks!

    Supermommy- Welcome, jump right in!

    Danielle- Good luck tomorrow! That sucks about the shower.

    Mel- Here is hoping he gets to come home! How are you feeling otherwise?

    Ron- That's nice you got to get out with the girls. I really want to see Bridesmaids, all the more reason now I guess since it was so good. I really want to see something borrowed too. Don't worry too much about the yard- I am sure your in laws won't even notice if it's not perfect, although I do know how it feels to want everything to look great when family comes to visit
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I know I have complained about this many times and I am sorry :( but I don't feel like my other friends understand so I don't like to say anything to them. I don't even need a response just to be able to complain if thats okay... I have felt awful today. I am used to my 2ish times a day of throwing up... i get it... its happened since 7 weeks. but days like today are hard. I have thrown up after everything I have eaten today. The only thing that I havn't puked after is a fruit popcycle. It makes me feel so tired that I feel like I can't do anything. I tried to ignore it and I got 5 loads of laundry done, cleaned 3 bathrooms, put away all of our trip stuff, and walked 3 miles... but i had so much more I needed to do and just physically couldn't doit and that is so frustrating. and the worst part is, I AM SO HUNGRY :(

    I feel so bad for you..... I joined the group later so maybe missed this but did you try medications already and nothing works?
    Were you diagnosed with Hyperemesis gravidarum?
    Don't feel bad and push yourself too hard. With all the vomiting you can;t possibly have enough energy.
    I'm worried about you because it;s so easy to get dehydrated and then that can lead to needing an IV.
    A close friend of mine was terribly sick with her third child, had to get IV fluids and was about 2 days away from needed to have a feeding tube inserted surgically before she improved enough that they allowed her not to.
    If your doctor is not taking this seriously, PLEASE get a 2nd opinion. :heart:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I just noticed Maureen, Rachael, Pmaria and Julie... you guys are all very close together!

    Brittony, too!

    of course! wow! that will be fun so many babies to look forward too at once!

    I pity the one of the 5 of us who is last to go. :laugh: My money is on me.

    Anne -- I'm so sorry you've been so sick. :frown: I wish I had some advice I thought could help.

    Rachel/Danielle -- She used fabric paint & also glued on little plastic faceted jewels.

    Maureen -- If you can't find a pediatrician you like before she's born you can always choose the one you like most & then keep searching for one you love after she's here. At least that's what I'm telling myself since we've pretty much put all of our eggs into one basket in terms of pediatrician offices. Our "prenatal visit" is next Tuesday so I'll be 36+3 just like you'll be during your visit tomorrow.

    I've taken it VERY easy today and I've definitely had fewer contractions. WAY fewer. I think only 5-6 in over 12 hours. So, yeah, *doing stuff* is the trigger. :huh: I don't have anything scheduled after work this week so I should be able to take it pretty easy relative to last week. I know I have a lot of training people to do, including training the total douche how to do my job (and his job) while I'm out. We also have several new employees starting on Friday so that will be a stressful and tiring day for me. Saturday is our 7 hour childbirth education class. What a way to spend our first anniversary, eh? :laugh:
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Hi Ladies.

    Sorry to be MIA for a week. Hubby had an assignment to do so hogged the laptop all week.

    Congrats to all the mummies who've just given birth.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Good morning all! Hope everyone had a good weekend.

    Julie- I'm glad you had a fun baby party! Those onesies are really cute. Normally I think decorated onesies turn out looking pretty cruddy, but those are well done! And cute! You and your contractions man! I don't think you'll be the last of us to go! I keep worrying you are going to go soon. I guess we're close enough to the due date that you and baby will be just fine, so I shouldn't worry. haha.

    Anne- I am so sorry you are still having to deal with the MS. I really admire you for staying so positive. You def. have a right to be upset over it every once in awhile. You are a real trooper. ALMOST THERE!

    Rachel- Very cute picture! I love your outfit.

    Mel- Congrats on your beautiful baby boy! My friends just named their little one Gabriel. I really like that name. I'm so sorry he is having health issues. I'm sure he will be just as strong as his Mommy and pull through anything that is thrown his way. We are all here for you and sending positive thoughts your way.

    Maureen- I know how you feel, girl! We are almost there.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    My weekend was really nice. We went and got the last things I felt we needed for the baby off of our registry. Yesterday we took a two hour walk/hike. It was nice and shaded and along a pretty river. My dog was one happy boy. I was spent by the end, though. I'm glad I remembered to bring an energy bar, because I was feeling pretty faint towards the end.

    Tonight we are going to the fire dept. to get our car seat bases inspected/installed correctly. I think I'm going to pack my hospital bags today too. More to cross off the list!

    I have a doctor's appointment again tomorrow. I'm fairly certain she is still breech. The doctor will feel around to see if she is, but we won't be confirming position again with ultrasound until next week.

    Last night was my first night getting up many times to pee! It was very annoying! I felt like she was waking me up every hour. I only ended up getting up to pee three times, but I was woken up way more than that. I guess it was especially annoying because I had to be up at 5:30 this morning so I could get to work by 6:30. I def. felt that it was acceptable to have coffee today :smile:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Mel- Glad that the little guy is getting to head home. They wouldn’t send him home if they weren’t sure!

    Danielle- glad you got so much done on the nursery! That feels good to do. Good luck on your glucose test!

    Maureen- You are right, I don’t want to tell people I feel like crap so I usually just say I am feeling alright. Thank you for the question suggestions. I feel mostly comfortable about those (asked a lot of them at 28 weeks when DH was there) but I want to clarify some things. I hope that you like the ped. That you meet with!

    Rachel- No my mother never got sick one time in 5 pregnancies… not fair right haha.

    Meokk- In the first trimester I threw up every time I ate. It went away from about weeks 14-17 and then come back (but not quite as severe most days). My dr. tests me for being dehydrated every time I go in and so far so good. I drink a LOT of water. I have tried 4 medicines now but they don’t work. It is a digestion problem not so much nausea and my dr. doesn’t know what to do. She has offered me a lot of more extreme measures but I don’t think they sound like they will work. She isn’t worried about letting me go because the baby is growing perfectly and I have still be gaining some weight. Thank you for your concern and letting me complain, I have another apt. today so we will see what she this time.

    Julie- I think that means you need to relax :) oh fun, 7 hr. childbirth class for your anniversary haha.

    Patricia- Missed you!

    Brittony- Thanks for letting me complain!

    Thanks everyone for letting me complain last night. I, of course, feel more positive this morning. About throw up number 5 I was NOT feeling positive yesterday (and DH wasn’t home to make me feel better as usual). I am starting to worry that it has become something mental for me. I don’t know if that makes any sense but I just can’t figure out why else I would be throwing up so much haha. I have a dr. apt. at 9:45. Shouldn’t be too eventful I don’t think!
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    :frown: OMG! WORST....WEIGH IN.....EVER! So today was my weigh in and I wanted to cry! I knew it was going to be bad. The weather up here has sucked for the last 3 days so I really didn't get to walk. And we had a ton of family stuff going on. My DH family had their picnic and there was tons of food. I couldn't help it. Anyway, yay, up 3 pounds from last week! :noway: I so need to get back on the wagon! If I keep this up I'm going to end up gaining 50 pounds again! Grrrrrr! Anyone have a big gain and then keep it under control? Trying not to freak out here!
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Hey ladies! We are here in WI and *finally* have internet today! Three trips to Best Buy and Verizon.

    Esca Eirnin was born last Thursday June 2nd just before noon. I caught him into my hands, in the pool, after an intense, quick labor starting w/ my waters breaking. He was born at 38 weeks even, weighed 8lbs 7.5oz. He is beautiful of course!

    Welcome to WI! You are just north of me!!!! :happy: Congrats on the baby! I think I once asked you about your "gut" and you said you were right with all of your babies? And you thought this one was a boy right? Very cool! Anyway, welcome! WI is beautiful BUT the winters up here are BRUTAL just to warn ya! :sad:
  • supermom1114
    supermom1114 Posts: 577
    wow how do you ladies keep up and make the long posts?? I've read everything since my last post, but can't possibly remember everything I wanted to say and especially not the names to same them too, so sorry!!!

    Thanks for all the welcome support from everyone, I'm hoping to keep up with this board, just getting the hang of it. I'm also on a pregnancy board for the website but people will post about their weight or food/exercises problems and as soon as you start trying to help you they jump on you for not knowing their history and not understanding where they're coming from. Some ladies on there are great but I'm just tired of trying to talk about being healthy with women who want to make excuses.

    Anyways, that was random, um I can't remember the name of the mommy of Gabriel who might be able to come home soon but thats good news!! I think I would be paranoid too but at least he can get a little older and stronger before the surgery. My prayers will be with him and your family.

    And I remember someone asked if I knew if it'd be a boy or girl, and yes we know its a girl! We already have a 2 1/2 year old boy and now with a girl on the way we're going to be done. We've already picked out a name and everything, Zoe Elina!

    And to Jen about the 3lb weight gain, don't stress about it your weight can fluctuate with water retention and everything about now we should be gaining a pound a week to average 4 or so a month. But that can come on at different rates, maybe a 2 pound week and then a week you don't gain at all or w/e. Don't let it derail you, just get back to eating healthy and fitting in some fitness and you'll be fine!
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    I forgot to put my exercise for last week. I made the challenge, though I wish I hadn't taken three days off in a row midweek. I feel like that should be part of my personal goals- to only take one day off in a row if possible.

    Monday- 50 minute walk at park
    Tuesday- 30 minutes on elliptical and 10 minutes walking on treadmill
    Saturday- 35 minute walk at park
    Sunday- 120 minute walk/hike

    I forgot to weigh in this morning. I weighed myself yesterday, but was hoping the exercise and pushing water would show a change today. I'll just go ahead and tell you that, as of yesterday, I am up 40lbs :noway: At least I'm still exercising and staying aware. I can't wait to get back on the weight loss train.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    For those measuring your own weight gain, are you measuring from day 1 or from the day you found out you were pregnant? What is your starting point?

    I gained .7 lbs this past week (I was supposed to weigh in on Friday and kept forgetting, so weigh in was today).
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    Well ladies, I just wanted to join you! I am currently 5weeks6days pregnant and I want to make sure that I am eating a healthy well balanced diet. I've used MFP for a few years now and love the site! Here's to not getting GD!!!!!!
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Maureen- I'm measuring my weight gain from when I found out. I actually lost weight the first few weeks of my pregnancy (when I wasn't aware I was pregnant). If I started from day one I guess my weight gain would be a couple pounds less.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Exercise Challenge:

    I got some activity each of the 7 days last week! Twice I did my yoga video (30 minutes), 3 times to took a walk around town (only 20 minutes though), yesterday I spent 2 hours doing yardwork with hubby (yay! our yard looks so nice!) and on saturday I walked around the mall a ton!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Maureen -- I'm a total weirdo and know all of my dates so my starting point is from conception/ovulation. I gained 6 pounds after increasing my calories to "maintainance" while TTC for 6 weeks (that's how incredibly sucky my metabolism had gotten) so that's why my "pre-pregnancy" weight is different from my lowest weight.

    Brittony -- If my huge weight jump from yesterday to today sticks (and it sooooo better not because it was 2.5 freaking pounds!), I'm up 36.6 pounds. :grumble: Either way, I'm not far behind you at all. I don't know what's going on over the last couple of weeks. I haven't changed anything. Yet suddenly I've gone from not gaining anything at all for about 6 weeks to gaining like 4 pounds in 2 weeks. :noway: I think the heat is killing me in terms of water retention. I could barely get my wedding rings on this morning. Tightest they've been yet by far. :ohwell:

    Supermom -- I find it's easier to remember everything I want to respond to by writing out my replies as I read through (I usually just open another internet browser window and type my response (if I have one) after reading each post. It's totally fine if you would just rather read through and then respond to the things that stood out most to you. No one here gets upset if everyone doesn't respond to every single thing they say. :flowerforyou:

    JessiJean -- Welcome!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Mel – yea for him coming home!! I’m so glad he’s doing well enough to be released!

    Danielle – good luck today!

    Anne – I’m so sorry you’re still getting sick! Don’t feel bad about complaining/venting to us about it, I personally think you’re handling it a million times better than I would.

    Maureen – hope you like the pediatrician! I’m going from my weight on the day I found out I was pregnant (it just happened to be my weigh-in day).

    Julie – I’m glad the contractions slowed down, take it easy.

    Patricia – welcome back!

    Brittony – yea for getting stuff done; we’ve done absolutely nothing yet to get ready but I figure we’ve still got some time. After all the craziness of this month is over we can start getting stuff together and working on the nursery.

    Jen – don’t be so hard on yourself, you’re doing great. If you had a food filled weekend, it’s a good possibility that some of the gain is sodium. Just keep drinking water and do your best.

    Supermom – one of the things I love most about this thread is that we’re so supportive of each other. We don’t always share the same views on things, but there’s really no drama here.

    Jessi – welcome and congratulations!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Exercise challenge:
    Monday- walked for 25 minutes
    Tuesday – walked for 25 minutes
    Wednesday – walked for 20 minutes
    Thursday – walked for 60 minutes
    Saturday – cleaned for 4 hours
    Sunday – walked for 40 minutes

    No walk today at lunch time. All my walking buddies are not here and one of my co-workers was almost mugged outside the office last week, so I’m not going by myself. I’ll walk tonight with hubby after dinner if it’s not raining (or if I’m not in a coma from all the Red Lobster Cheddar Bay Biscuits I’m going to eat tonight! :laugh: )