Pregnancy 2011- June



  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Name time !!!!

    We are just barely starting to think about names so this is a short first pass but want your opinions......

    Elodie (rhymes with melody)

    Our last name is one syllable beginning with a "c"
    We will either do just my maiden name as the middle name or go for 4 names, - first, middle, my maiden, last. Not sure yet.....

    I really like Violet and Emma. Violet is such a cute name that isn't used much.

    Victoria - I love Lainey Marie!! One of the names on my list is Delainey
  • JKilty
    JKilty Posts: 75
    I'm sorry I haven't been as active on this board than I would like to be! Work has been absolutely crazy for the last few months! I'm also taking Grad that takes all of my time in the evenings! Hopefully once things slow down I'll be able to be on here more. I do read almost everything you all post though :smile:
    I also had a hard time last week because my cousin gave birth to her son, Caleb Matthew, who was stillborn. She carried him for eight and a half months. We had the funeral last Wednesday. Knowing that Caleb is with the Lord is comforting. My cousin and her husband showed so much strength and faith in such a hard time, I was amazed!

    About Showers- I have one on the 18th that my MIL & SIL is throwing for me. I think its super early to have a baby shower since we don't know the gender yet...but it is a joint shower with my other SIL who is due in July (lives 5 hrs away) so that is the last time she will be able to travel before little Harrison arrives. My mom and sister are planning to throw me a shower sometime in September or October so that I can get the rest of the stuff that I still need/want before the baby comes. My close friends and coworkers will probably do something, and my husband's office will hold a shower over their lunch break. He and I work at the same place so I would imagine that I would go over to his building for that as well.

    Like I said, hopefully when things slow down I will be able to be more active on here.
    Speaking of active, I've just recently been able to feel the baby move a little bit! That's so exciting :happy:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Anne -- I've been feeling a lot more pain (twingy/tweaky type pain) near my cervix over the last few weeks. Not so much more around my hoo-ha. All the pain I feel down there seems to be related to my cervix & baby's head pressing on it (I'm assuming) in some way.

    Maureen -- Hope you have an easy day at work today! Next week I'm going to be right where you are training a coworker how to do his job and my job while I'm on leave (I play clean up after him a huge amount of the time so I'll need to teach him how to clean up his own messes, or, you know, to make fewer messes to begin with).

    Since I already told my doctor that I was having as many as 3-4 BH contractions in an hour at my last appointment I'm not going to bother calling today. I'll definitely call if I start consistently having more than 4 contractions in an hour but so far 4 has been my max in any single hour.

    I got myself into a bit of a cleaning frenzy last night so I lost track of the contractions but I know I felt a lot of them. For some reason I felt I absolutely *had* to hem the kitchen curtains and clean the floor underneath the fridge while washing shower curtains and chair slipcovers and throw pillows and anything else I could fit into my washing machine. :huh: It's funny how the ridiculous undeniable urge to nest hits me in bursts. Then I was exhausted and had a hormonal mini-meltdown. I'm so tired and stiff and in pain today. :ohwell: At least I had already requested to leave at 1pm today weeks ago! :happy: I'll go home and finish cleaning what I want to get done today and then take a nap. My best friend & her boyfriend are driving down from the DC area today to visit for a few days. Yay!! I haven't seen them in 7 months. Hopefully they get here before my bedtime (and hopefully the nap will help me not be such a fuddy duddy).
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Oh I forgot the other name......
    I don't know why, but for some reason, I just LOVE that name.... :wink: :laugh:
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Good morning. I'm off today, so I'm being really lazy. My dog was cuddling with me like he normally does in the morning. Emma kicked him so hard upside the head that it moved. It was really funny. His eyes got all wide.

    I've got our third and final shower this afternoon. My co-workers are having it at the Mexican restaurant near where we work. Yummmm! My husband's co-workers had a pizza party lunch with gifts on Wednesday. It was really nice. We got lots of diapers and clothes and a nice little chunk of cash. We just got our 10% off coupon for the remaining items on our Babies R Us registry, so we'll probably go get a couple of things this weekend. We need to get a second carseat base and some breastpump accessories.

    Someone had asked about registries a couple of days ago. My most successful registry was at Target and was accessed by a lot of people at the shower my family threw for us. I don't think co-workers really use registries for the most part. I think one thing was purchased from my BRU registry and one thing was purchased from my Amazon registry. The Target one was picked apart. Everyone loves Target :smile:

    I wonder if your body progresses much when the baby is in breech? Since her head isn't sitting on my cervix and all... I don't feel any pressure down there. I don't have the urge to pee all the time like a lot of people. I don't have toes in my ribs. haha. I've been doing those stretches, but I feel like they aren't doing much. I'll keep at it, though.
  • peggy1209
    peggy1209 Posts: 84 Member
    isn't that true though - there are so many things you don't "hear" about pregnancy . . . you have to ask people "what didn't you know or what was different than expected?" - then all of a sudden its like mucous plug, delivering hte placenta, etc . . .

    Hope everyone is feeling great today - Happy Friday!!
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Hello all! I've been a little MIA on MFP lately, but I'm back and apparently this is the board for me! I'll be 13 weeks tomorrow and have a 2 1/2 year old son. The fun part is that with my son my due date was 12/17/08... he was 3 days late and born on 12/20/08. The baby I'm pregnant with now has a due date of 12/17/11! Let's hope they don't end up with the exact same birthday!!!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I lost my plug after labor stArted w my first. It reminded me of a cigarette butt that lost the wrapper and went through the washer and dryer. Midwife pulled it out thistime stripping membranes inducing.

    I had tons of contractions this time round. Especially when working out. I'd get them prob 6 - 7 times in the hour swimming or in spin but not working out just consistently throughout the day.

    Postpartum advise: in the hospital they give you wash cloths to wash up after the toilet. Toilet paper hurts but I'm not using linens at home. I recommend getting a roll of super soft papertowels like viva and using those so you can just throw them away. If i go out for any length of time i take the spry bottle and some paper towels in a baggie with me. Especially this hospital toilet paper now it's like sandpaper on stitches! Also if you have to shower w a big towel bring one with because hospital towels are even smaller than hotel towels. I'd prefer to bleed on theirs though not mine so it's a trade off. Slighy tmi topic, but... also, if you landsscape at all I highly recommend going super short because you bleed so much it'd be such a mess to clean up. I made hubby wait to go to the hospital so I could shave my legs and be sure to trim up!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Danielle – I like my male doctor most too. I thought I would be really uncomfortable since I’ve only ever had female doctors (and he was the one who gave me my pap at the first appointment) but I didn’t have an issue at all.

    Victoria – my co-workers daughter married a Jewish man so they left half of nursery empty so his family could bring stuff after the baby was born. (I was tempted to ask if that was the reason but I didn’t want to be rude) I’m guessing my shower will have family and friends since that’s how it was for my bridal shower.

    Steph – glad everything is going well so far!!!

    Rachael – yea for showers! I don’t like being the center of attention either but I figure after Kathryn is born no one’s going to care about me anymore, so I should take advantage of it now.

    Julz – my family traditionally gives the father’s name as a middles name to all the kids, boy or girl. Thankfully my parents didn’t follow that and we won’t be either, I don’t think Kathryn Castor has a good ring to it. :laugh:

    Maureen – sorry you’re having such a stressful time at work.

    Ahmommy – I’m a FTM

    Anne – glad you’re having a good time. I always get like that at the end of a vacation. As much as I like going away, I’m a homeboy and always look forward to going home again.

    Jenna – I’m so sorry about your cousins’ son. I can’t even imagine……

    Julie – can you please send some of your cleaning energy my way? My in-laws will be here in 4 days and my house is an effin mess!!! Have a great visit with your friends!

    Brittony – enjoy your day off. I hope you have a fun shower!

    Jsecret – congratulations!

    Mel – that’s for tips. Although I have to admit it’s getting hard to see already to landscape, I can’t image how I’m going to do it before labor. :huh:

    Yesterday was an epic fail eating wise, the only thing I had of any nutritional values was a salad and nectarine at lunch. I brought plenty of healthy snacks to work with me and ended up eating crap all day, then went out to eat. Oh a positive note I found a new way to end being backed up….eat at Chilli’s. :ohwell: :indifferent:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Welcome Jsecret - my birthday is 12/20 as well !!!

    Mel - thanks for the tips, I'll be sure to groom away and I would never have thought of the toilet paper thing.......
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Good tips Mel! I have not been able to landscape in quite some time and it's driving me crazy. I have gotten my husband to tend to the area a couple of times now. He's a good sport about it. I've always been a tampon girl, so it would be really gross to have to deal with stitches, excess bleeding, an untrimmed yard, and pads. Bleh!

    Oh my gosh, Ronya. I should figure out whatever it is that keeps me regular. You'll never be backed up again. I feel like I've gone number two (haha, I'm such a child) at least 5 times this morning. My MIL said that she didn't realize she was in labor with my husband because she just thought she had to keep going poo. She ended up rushing to the hospital and delivering with a nurse because she waited too long. Wouldn't that be nice!? "My labor wasn't very painful. Just lots of poo cramps."

    My friend told me her mucous plug looked like a cigarette butt too... um... GROSS! The joys of pregnancy.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Jkitty - I had a friend who went through the same experience, her little girl was almost full term when something happened and she died in utero. It's challenging for the parents and everyone around them, and I know that I still get the (mostly irrational) fear that that's going to happen to me. I'm glad they are able to stay strong and let their faith in the Lord pull them through. Hugs to you, too!

    Ahmommy - This is my 4th. But my next-youngest will be 8 in a couple of weeks, so in some ways it's like a first all over, it's been so long!

    Yay for days off! (Who was that taking a lazy morning? I am too). My class is only M-Th, and my husband works S-Th (nights, got home at 6 this morning) so it's nice to have a morning when I can just be lazy for a few hours. Glad my kids can fix their own cereal and put dishes in dishwasher when they're done. Right now, I'm laughing as the boys play with the electric piano's recorded song settings :)

    Mel- Always before, they gave me a peri bottle to fill with warm water at squirt on myself and then blot dry, it was much better than wiping. But now that you mention it, I'm thinking the flushable moist wipes might be nice too as long as they're unscented. And I love your term "landscaping." Never heard it before, but a good way to put it!!

    So many things I haven't thought about in so long! Makes me glad I've still got a few months to finish getting ready.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    All I want is one or two nights of uninterrupted sleep before this baby arrives! Apparently that is too much to ask for. It's amazing how much more tired I feel when I have to wake up numerous times to 1)go to the bathroom, 2)turn over because my hips hurt 3)poke my husband to stop snoring 4)be poked so I stop snoring 5)yell at the cat who is scratching the *kitten* out of the door! Blah!

    Showers- I don't know of any showers that will be thrown for me :frown: I did get a very nice group gift from some people at work though which was very thoughtful of them! I have mentioned before that showers around here happen after the baby comes, so perhaps someone will plan one for me, but I am not holding my breath.

    The big thing here is bridal showers. They throw community showers here where literally 150+ people come, including people you don't know but who may know the family you are marrying into, etc. It is all held at the community hall. That was neat. We had more gifts (volume wise) for the shower than we did for our wedding, which was over 200 people!

    I think I might be having braxton hicks now and then. I just feel pain for a few minutes at the front, it's as though the baby is pushing forward really hard, but quite low. It is very very short.

    Julie how long are your contractions lasting?
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    OK, attempting to post my bump photo..........

    Just so you know, my *kitten* didn't get this fat because I'm pregnant - I already had that junk :laugh:
    Seeing this profile make me think I need to go bra shopping, definitely up by at least a cup size ! yikes.....

  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Mel - Thanks for the landscaping recommendation. I can't see down there at all anymore so it's gotten a bit wild. :blushing: I was thinking I probably don't want to shave the part I normally do (but haven't in a while since I can't see) because if I shave after not shaving for a while it'll be all itchy and prickly and I figure the last thing I want to do is add more discomfort down there! I seriously think during early labor I'm going to have to set up camp in the bathroom with a mirror and a pair of scissors and just trim it as short as I can. Hubby offered his beard trimmer but I just wouldn't feel right. :laugh:

    Ronya -- I don't think I have any cleaning energy left, though I do have more cleaning to do when I get home. Most likely that will be fueled by me finding cleaning slightly more appealing than being mortified by an exceptionally dirty house. :laugh: Plus I've already bribed myself with cookies, milk, and a nap afterward (because yes, I'm 4 years old). I really wouldn't care so much about it being super clean for the out of town folks coming today but I always feel like I have to go above and beyond when we're hosting a party.

    Brittony -- Please pass some of the pooing my way. I won't go for days and then when I do it's very unsatisfying. :laugh: I won't get too descriptive, but it's like I'm a rabbit or something - one little tiny bit at a time. :embarassed: I had been having a good ol' clear out every couple of weeks but that hasn't happened in over a month I think so... who knows where it's all going. I've eaten like 2 bags of Doritos over the last week. I find it really hard to believe my body was actually able to find a good use for all that junk! WHERE DID IT GO?! :laugh:

    Um, this is totally not pregnancy related but I can't believe what just happened. It's long, so please don't feel like you have to read it.
    My moron coworker (I complain about him a lot) came into my office about 10 minutes ago *yelling* at me because our supervisor, payroll manager, and I asked for feedback from our whole department on a document we had created explaining the mandatory furlough that's about to happen here starting July 1. He apparently thinks it's stupid and "written like a textbook" and because of that it "isnt' for the employee." Okay, that's fine. To be honest, I don't disagree. But, how else are we supposed to present information to 1500 people across the state? I made that point along with a couple others that supported it. He was also really upset about it being 3 pages long. Really? It's that long because we're answering a lot of potential questions about the details of how this is going to work. The information is grouped by topic so you don' thave to read the whole thing. Just read the part on the subject you have a question about. It makes perfect sense to me, but anyway.

    He apparently opened the email and then basically decided to verbally attack me because I agreed it's an okay idea to be proactive and present information in black and white to try to head off questions and reduce the number of calls we get about it. I really can't understand why he was so incredibly offended by it. The *kitten* YELLED at me. I've never been yelled at by a coworker before. That's unbelievable to me. It blows my mind that he really did it. He also dropped the F bomb 4 times. By that point I had had enough so I said, "I don't know why you came in here with your *kitten* on your shoulders but you need to leave." He left but continued to yell stuff at me through the wall between our offices.:noway: He came back over a few minutes later and apologized and we had a rational normal adult conversation about his concerns and then I explained what we felt was the point of the document & why it was created. I can't wrap my head around why that wasn't how it went in the first place. How do you seriously get so heated about something like that that you have to explode and yell at someone for like 5 minutes straight?! :laugh: It's hilarious and scary and hurtful to me all at the same time, I guess.

    Anyway, he needs to be gone. I really think I'm going to talk to our supervisor about this. That kind of behavior is totally unacceptable to me, apology or not, and I'm shocked. Too bad I'll be leaving for the day before my supervisor gets back from lunch. :ohwell:
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Meokk- Cute bump!!

    Julie!- That is awful about your co-worker. Totally uncalled for! If your supervisor is not going to be around, I would perhaps send an email detailing what happened. That kind of behavior is not acceptable! He was probably upset about the cut backs and was taking a lot of it out on you.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Victoria! Super cute baby bump. :smile:

    Julie: That is crazy about your coworker. I don't think yelling like that is appropriate at all! Sheesh, and I don't do well being on the brunt end of people's tyrants. I hope that didn't put you in too much of a bad mood today. I know those kind of things bring my mood down considerably.

    I am also jealous of all of you who can have regular and multiple bm's a day! I am estatic if I get one a day. As far as grooming or "landscaping" as it has so nicely been put, I have had issues too. It is way hard to see. I was trying to do a little bit because Monday is my first appointment where I will be checked. I didn't want it to be a mess. :blushing: TMI maybe, but I had to sit over the toliet with a little mirror and some grooming scissors. Haha, it was interesting to say the least.

    Rachel: I know how you feel about the sleep! :frown: It is so frustrating. I have the same issues, I have to pee 1-3 x a night, I have to rotate because my hips hurt, my cat gets on the bed and off the bed, sometimes my hubby snores, and when he works graveyards he gets home at about 5:30 am, so that wakes me up. I just wish I could get as much sleep before my LO comes because I know I won't get much after. I guess it's just preparing me to function on minimal amounts of sleep. Just know I feel for you girl!!
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    Hey guys, I just can't stay away!!

    Steph, so glad to see you back :flowerforyou:

    Mel, you've been on my mind a lot, and I'm hoping that everything is okay with your little man. He's a cutie.

    Lynn, congrats! He's perfect.

    Rachael, if you got any cuter, it'd probably be illegal somewhere. I can't believe you're already 35 weeks! Close, girl!

    Julie, the crap you deal with at work! :noway: You're a better woman than I am, for sure. I'd have cried, choked someone out, or screamed back. Most likely cried, because it never fails to immediately make whoever is yelling feel like a total *kitten*. Way to keep your cool, and hope things get better for you!

    It's totally impossible for me to reply to everyone, just know that I'm silently keeping up with all of you! I feel like I gotta stay on here reading until all the LOs are here!

    AFM: I'm doing pretty good, most of the time. My life has gone back to normal. Ryan's sister just got pregnant though, and that is proving to be very, very hard. Nobody ever knew about it (except the sister who is now pregnant), so everybody is all "baby baby baby" alllll the time, and it just makes me sad. I'm happy for her, but I find myself wanting to not be a part of anything that goes on with the family lately. I know I won't be able to hold her baby in front of anyone else in the family, because I'm truely horrible at hiding my feelings. I don't know how to act! Frustrating! But I really am happy for her.

    Aaaanyways, I'm still here, hanging around, seeing how you and your LOs are doing! :heart:
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    I haven't responded to anyone for quite a while so I'm just going to pick a random page to start from. My appoligies to those of you I will totally miss by doing that....

    Rachael - Ummmm..... I would really, really like some of your cool weather. Please, pleeaaaase!!!!

    Kacy - Thanks for popping in and saying hi. I actually really like the name Gemma although I've never heard it before. I'm sorry that you're having a rough time because of a pregnancy in the family. I would just encourage you to find one person that isn't connected to the family and tell them what you're going through. Then at least you'll have one person that you can vent to or be sad with orat least express whatever emotion you might be having at the time. And if you can't find anyone like that - we're all here for you! :flowerforyou:

    Ronya - Glad for you that you have the daycare thing all figure out now. I know that if that was something that I needed to look into I wouldn't be able to rest well until I had it all figured out. Glad you were able to find an option that you really liked.

    Lynn - Glad that you and the baby are doing fine. Looking forward to hearing your birth story. He's an adorable little man!!! And so sorry about your co-worker blowing up at you. Not sure I would have handled that very well. I think I would have either yelled back or just broke down in tears.

    As far as registeries and showers - With DS I registered at Target. I :heart: Target even though I don't shop there a whole lot. The registery was used mostly by my co-workers. My MIL hosted a shower for me that included people from church Dh's family and some of my friends. One of my mom's sisters hosted a shower for me that was just my mom's family. (Which, before you think that's small consider that she has eight sisters. :tongue: ) And my co-workers had a shower for me. I'm not really expecting anything with this LO at all. Seems like to me showers are mostly reserved for first time moms.

    Mel - Tell us how your LO is doing!!! I am so anxious to hear. I have been thinking about you a lot. DS was in ICU for 2-3 days and it was quite a while 'till I got to nurse or hold him. It was so very hard and I was a total emotional, hormonal wreck. Hope you're holding up well and that your little boy is doing fine... And a name???

    ahmommmy - I lost 10 pounds after I got pregnant. At 26 weeks I have gained all but four of those pounds back. My Dr. and midwife aren't concerned about it since I started my precnancy almost 100 pounds overweight. I will say that I have had to work at not putting a bunch on. I think a lot of it depends on if you started your pregnancy overweight or not. I also get the feeling that it's totally normal to lose a little, especially if you are feeling nausious. I have a son that will be two the end of August.

    meokk - I like the name Elodie. Might even have to mention to DH and see what kind of horrible reaction I get. (We can never seem to agree on any names.) We usually and up settling for names that we can both tolerate, but it seems like if one of us really like a name the other will hate it. :noway: I really like Emma, too, but as others have mentioned, it's quite popular right now. Which is fine. Just something to consider. And I could hardly believe it when I saw your picture!!! You look SO much like my mom did when she was younger!!! Her hair is more reddish, but other than that you could show up at a family reunion with her and her sisters and someone would think you just belonged....

    Julie - hope your contractions stay under control for a while yet! I don't remember having any BH at all with DS. Then again, maybe I just didn't know what I was feeling. :laugh:

    pmaria - I like Ethan Joe and Lianey Marie

    Brittony - So sorry about your yard. That would be really frustrating! And I'm with you on not liking to feel so out of control.

    JKilty - I'm sorry about your cousin's baby! My cousin and his wife had a pretty much full-term stillborn baby boy soon after I found out I was pregnant this time. It was oh-so-hard, but like you I was inspired by their strength and trust in God. It was truelly amazing!

    AFM : My Dr's office just called and said that I didn't pass my 1 hour gloucose challange. Now I'm so frustrated and annoyed that I can barely think!!! They said that I can study up on diet and suchlike and eat like I'm diabetic for the rest of my pregnancy or I can pay to go have the 3 hour test done. I don't want to do either!!! :sad: Uggg!!! My midwife is gonna flip and totally want to restrict my diet which makes me think that I really want to do the 3 hour test unless the cost is totally unreasonable. If it would come back positive then fine. I'll change what I eat. I just hate to go to the bother of totally changing my lifestyle if it's not absolutely necessary. :grumble: Rant over. Now I need to get off here and go get something done while DS is asleep. I made 34 1/2 pints of strawberry jam to sell yesterday. Went and got more strawberries this morning and now I have enough to make three times that much. I think I'll save some to do next week, but hey won't all fit in my fridge so I've got to get to the ones that aren't fitting. And I need to mow. And I need to hoe the garden, put posts in for one planting of tomatoes, string up the other planting of tomatoes, mulch some stuff, hoe flower beds, and tomorrow morning I'll need to pick the strawberries in the garden. And have I mentioned that I'm really tired of the 90 degree weather!!! Sorry folks, I did say end of rant a while back didn't I. :embarassed: Guess it was just the end of that one. Thanks for hearing me out. Now I've gotta go work on strawberries and meditate on cutting sugar out of my diet. :angry: