Pregnancy 2011- June



  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Lynn -- He is so cute! Congrats!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hey Danielle- I bought bathing suits for my honeymoon and got larger bottoms than tops from Land's End. All of their suits are mix and match and the choices as vast. They are working for me so far....let's see if I grow out of them......
    Are you the only one left expecting a boy???

    Rachel - I've been all over the place, I have some days like yours, others normal and some where I skip two days. Agree that being able to go is far better than the opposite but why not bring it up at your next visit - I'm curious to see what your doc says....
    I'm thinking about hiring a doula too. In our area the problem is too much choice :laugh: You probably know this already but there is a site "" that lists doulas by area ( not sure if it covers Canada though)

    Jules - sorry about the furloughs but I expected it would be worse since I've heard of people being forced to take one day off per week......does it mean that your maternity leave will be pair out at the cut rate though? that would suck, Maisie might need to come 2 weeks early :wink:

    Math - While I think I have popped I don't think that I look pregnant to a stranger yet, maybe once I get to 23 weeks like you.....

    I forgot to welcome all the new people - Hi !!!

    Okay, okay, I'll post some photos. I took a pic about a month ago so will do another this week and do a side by side. Coming soon, promise. :bigsmile:

    So now that we know it's a girl I think I need to start a registry..... any favorites out there? I was thinking amazon or giggle or buy buy baby but I really want to try and stick with non toxic eco friendly etc. and don't know if BBB has a lot of that stuff.......any tips would be welcomed.
  • rhichi
    rhichi Posts: 133
    *wave* Thanks, meokk, for the welcome, and congrats to everyone here who has been doing well/had babies/etc.

    I had a question about weight and TTC stuff, if anyone doesn't mind answering. Like I said, I have had weight issues since my PCOS/hypothyroidism kicked in around third grade. As such, I didn't go through puberty correctly and have never had a period that wasn't medicinally induced. Has anyone had any experience with not menstruating/ovulating because of weight? I know I have more than just weight to worry about, but it's all interconnected.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Rhichi, sorry I can't be of any help myself but I think that there are a few ladies with PCOS on the other TTC board who may be able to give you some good advice.

    It's called, fit for future families. Here is a link to their June thread:
  • rhichi
    rhichi Posts: 133
    Ah, thank you very much! I will check that out as well!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Congratulations Lynn!!!! He's adorable, I can't wait to hear all about it!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Victoria -- My personal favorite registry is Amazon. I like the way it's set up, it's very user friendly for people searching for gifts, and it has the option for folks buying off of it to mark something as bought even if they buy it elsewhere. People can buy you stuff and have it shipped to you from anywhere and they don't even have to know your address. Great! So, I made that my main registry. Unfortunately, I'm finding most of the people buying stuff for us aren't the buying stuff online & having it shipped types for some reason. I guess they like paying too much money for stuff? I don't get it. But anyway, no one who has attended or will be attending a physical "baby shower" or party for us has bought anything off the Amazon registry. :ohwell: The people who have bought things off that registry are a couple of relatives out of state and a couple of friends out of town. Maybe local party guests don't plan far enough in advance? Or maybe they don't want to spend the $25 to get free shipping? I can't really figure it out. We also have very small registries at Walmart, Target, and a bigger one at Babies R Us because I wanted people to have last minute local options.

    I was told today people at work are having a shower for me on 6/21. But no one has even bothered asking where we're registered. So who knows what we'll get. Not to sound ungrateful because I'm definitely very appreciative, but we don't need clothes or diapers. What are people going to get us if they don't buy off of our registry? Yeah, clothes and diapers. Or gift cards if we're lucky.

    Apparently my friends coming to our party on Saturday are either not getting us anything or are just taking it upon themselves to give us whatever the hell they want because only 1 of the nearly 20 people who have RSVPed have bought anything off the registry. :laugh: I know the stuff they get will be cool because of course our friends have similar taste to our own. But I'm not sure how useful a bunch of stuff from 20somethings without kids is going to be. :laugh: I'm sure it'll be fun, whatever it is!

    I guess the whole point of all this rambling is that for me, the registries have been... well, almost pointless. At least so far. Maybe people will surprise me. It sucks because I spent a lot of time narrowing down what was on them so people would get us what we really needed and not just a bunch of junk. People are you going to buy you a bunch of junk regardless, I guess.

    I did just get a 15% off coupon in the mail from Babies R Us good toward anything and everything left unpurchased on the registry (and... um... that would be EVERYTHING on that registry! :laugh:). So, that may come in handy because all of our childproofing stuff is on that registry). It'll probably be cheaper just to buy it some where else though, even with 15% off.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    rhichi -- I'm sorry, I don't have any advice.

    Rachel -- Nope, no going 4x a day here. I was pretty badly constipated the end of 1st tri/beginning of 2nd tri. Now I'm pretty much my regular self, which most people would still probably consider constipated. :laugh: It's noting for me to only go 1-2x/week, even not pregnant. Especially if I'm not eating a bunch of junk. I guess my digestion is slow and efficient or something.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Where's Maureen?
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Hey Danielle- I bought bathing suits for my honeymoon and got larger bottoms than tops from Land's End. All of their suits are mix and match and the choices as vast. They are working for me so far....let's see if I grow out of them......
    Are you the only one left expecting a boy???

    So now that we know it's a girl I think I need to start a registry..... any favorites out there? I was thinking amazon or giggle or buy buy baby but I really want to try and stick with non toxic eco friendly etc. and don't know if BBB has a lot of that stuff.......any tips would be welcomed.

    I think I'd feel more comfortable in a once piece- but that's just me. I have a tankini that I normally use but it's too short with the belly!
    And you are so right- I am the ONLY one expecting a boy now! CRAZY! :noway:

    Registry wise- we were going to do two but found Target fulfilled everything we wanted/needed. We did as much as we could in-store and did the rest online. Not sure where you are located and if you have one or not. If not then I would do Amazon.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Lynn.. He is adorable. Congrats.

    Welcome newbies

    Danielle... I got a swim suit from maternity motherhood and I like it a lot. Has worked awesome so far. I didn't like regular ones in a bigger size.
  • peggy1209
    peggy1209 Posts: 84 Member
    So now that we know it's a girl I think I need to start a registry..... any favorites out there? I was thinking amazon or giggle or buy buy baby but I really want to try and stick with non toxic eco friendly etc. and don't know if BBB has a lot of that stuff.......any tips would be welcomed.

    LOL - I've had a "private" wish list on Amazon for over a year and I'm not even TTC yet. (i'm hopeless)

  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I got a maternity one with #2. Used it for #3 and this one. I like it because it has the extra boob support and doesn't feel like it's squishing my tummy. It cost more than going to Wal-Mart, but not a lot more than good regular suits. I went to Motherhood Maternity (but this was about 11 years ago!)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Hey Danielle- I bought bathing suits for my honeymoon and got larger bottoms than tops from Land's End. All of their suits are mix and match and the choices as vast. They are working for me so far....let's see if I grow out of them......
    Are you the only one left expecting a boy???

    I'm also expecting a boy. I'd heard 2011 was a year for girls, sounds like that's true. Too bad I'm a rebel :glasses:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Aww Lynn, congrats!

    I had a tankini from Liz Lange for target. It's a few years old though so dont know if they still carry it. The bottoms gave out and I used my regular old bikini bottoms. The top covered all my bump until about 35 wedks then it showed but I didn't care. I swam laps early morn not lounging around in too much public.

    Still on iPhone so not going to type much plus big day tomorrow for Buck so my story might change or update depending on what we hear tomorrow after his cardio cath. He's "fine" but we have a long road ahead of us. I finally got to hold him today so i feel a little better. Will update soon I hope.
  • wonderwoman1974
    wonderwoman1974 Posts: 66 Member
    This group is perfect for me! We have been TTC since my tubal reversal in Mar 2009. We got pregnant last February, but I miscarried. My husband is deployed until November 18 of this year. We are looking at trying IVF but I have got to be under 200 lbs and have a lower BMI to be a candidate for this. I realize also that being healthier and a lower weight may help us to conceive naturally, which would be awesome! Definately looking for support partners and people who understand.

    Add me as a friend if you want to hold eachother up and and accountable! Also to share in this journey!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Welcome Wonderwoman!

    So, I went to my mom's house today. She pulled out bins of baby clothes from me and my siblings. I got to sort through what I wanted. It was awesome to find some in awesome condition that I actually wore myself. I also got 14 onsies and a bunch of swaddling blankets that were mine too. It was fun, I am getting super excited to have and hold my little girl.
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    Hi ladies! I've been lurking around since March when I started my weight loss journey. My goal was to reach my pre-pregnancy weight from my daughter before we started trying again. I achieved my goal (yay!) plus a couple pounds (anticipating that I would put on a couple pounds of water weight). I just found out a couple of days a go that I'm pregnant! I've had a miscarriage before so I'm cautiously optimistic, but still scared.

    My main source of concern at the moment is that I seem to be losing weight. The first two times I was pregnant (my angel baby and my daughter), I remember gaining a few pounds almost immediately and then leveling off for the rest of the first trimester. This time I've gone down about 2 pounds in 2 days. I'm not tracking my calories right now, but I'm sure I'm eating plenty. I eat when I'm hungry, and it's not all low fat, low cal choices.

    Did anyone else lose a few pounds early in the first trimester? I have a doctor appointment next Thursday and if I'm still down at that point, I'll ask about it. Until then, I thought you guys would be a good resource for me.

  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Welcome everyone!

    Ahmommy.. I know I lost weight in my first trimester but I can't remember it being right to start out with. Could it be from sodium?

    Is anyone signed up for amazon mom? I am about to order my first diaper shipment. I think I'll sign up for the monthly shipments. It's free shipping and lots of discounts.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Mel... Hope you and little one are doing well! Did I miss a name?