Pregnancy 2011- June



  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    -Danielle: I am Belinda :happy: I love your name choice! My son's middle name is also after my grandfather. I am pretty sure that our next will also have a family middle name. I am named after my Aunt and my Husband has his dad's name for his middle. I guess we like to keep it in the family :laugh: I was being overly emotion but I ended up crying because he told me the names I liked were stupid.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Julie - sorry you're having a hard time with your mom. I also like my boundaries. I agree with the others that you should tell her now what you want so that you don't have to put so much effort into it later.
    As far as the rings thing - I couldn't even get my ring on by 8 months with all my other pregnancies (I took it off while I still could so it wouldn't have to be cut off). Isn't it funny how someone can see you without your ring and think the marriage is in trouble!

    the name thing: My husband and I picked out names for boy and girl before we ever got pregnant with our 1st, and those names stayed for our (only) girl and first boy. For our 3rd, we didn't find out what we were having till he was born but had a name for boy and several choices for girl. Interestingly, the first 2 (girl & oldest boy) were not family names at all, just names we liked. Our second son was named after my husbands grandfather and my grandfather. This time, it's a boy, and we've picked another family name (farther back in the family line, but it is family, and we really really like it). We told close family, and interestingly they disapproved - especially the side where the name comes from! Oh well, it's our baby, not theirs, and he will make the name mean him really quickly.
    The only thing that bugs me (always has) is when people refer to the bump by the name we've picked out. I know a lot of people don't mind this, and if it's your thing, I have no objections. But to me, there's something special about giving him the name at birth. Old fashioned, I guess, or just neurotic :laugh: But it bugs me and I've had to tell people to knock it off with my baby (my kids are the only exception, they call him by his name already and it's perfectly fine with me ... go figure). So, I've stopped telling people what we're naming him!

    Had another good long walk today (well, 2 short and 1 medium, adding up to 45 minutes all together) and I feel wiped out! Yay for food!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member

    But to me, there's something special about giving him the name at birth. Old fashioned, I guess, or just neurotic :laugh: But it bugs me and I've had to tell people to knock it off with my baby (my kids are the only exception, they call him by his name already and it's perfectly fine with me ... go figure). So, I've stopped telling people what we're naming him!

    I feel the exact same way!! That is why I have left it at a couple names we like. I just want her to be named as soon as she is born. My extended family seems to have issues with this because they want to call her a specific name, and I just don't want them to yet. It's probably harder for them because my sil has already name her little boy. I don't think there is anything wrong with people doing it, I just don't want to. I just didn't think it would cause so much commotion among people. Some people tell me that I better hurry up and decide because I don't have that much time left... wth? Others have said that is weird and they have never heard of anyone waiting to see the baby. I hear about it all the time I didn't think it was a big deal. Next pregnancy I will just tell people that we aren't telling anyone the name until he or she is born, lol. I really have crazy reactions from most people when I don't have a exact name to give them.
  • KatalynasMommy
    KatalynasMommy Posts: 136 Member
    Already can't wear some of my summer clothes I just bought this year good thing I have the ones from last year that got too big, HOPE to be able to use them for a little while. Can't BELIEVE I'm already 12 weeks. I feel different things once in awhile but I can't wait to feel the little one move around in there.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Well, bed rest didn't last long :laugh:

    Dr. called at 5:02 and said they already got the results back from my urine and it was 380 something. She said even though it is the beginning stages of preeclampsia, she doesn't want to let it progress any further. If I wasn't as far along she would keep me on bed rest, but since I'm 38 weeks she's ready to induce.

    Long story short, we're leaving for the hospital in about an hour! :noway: :bigsmile: Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and I'll update as soon as I possibly can!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Belinda -- We're having a girl - Maisie Charlotte (Maisie is pronounced may-zee). Luckily, hubby and I are partial to similar names. His #1 at this time ended up being Charlotte and my #1 ended up being Maisie and Maisie Charlotte sounds better to both of us with our last name than Charlotte Maisie. Plus Charlotte is statistically a lot more popular in the US which makes me shy away from it. Once we decided we liked Maisie Charlotte, that's what she's been ever since. We went through hundreds and hundreds of names over and over again and she refused to be anything else. If she pops out and it turns out she's a boy, she'll be Isaac Alan. Isaac because we agreed on that name years ago (since we were so sure we'd have a boy first for some reason) and Alan because it's hubby's middle name and he really likes it.

    Lynn -- Boo to bedrest! I hope your pee results come back alright. :tongue:

    Danielle -- Sorry about the raspberries -- being pregnant has finally brought me some relief from them because I so seriously caution hubby they'll scare the baby. :laugh:

    Rachael -- That's crazy people are making such a stink about not settling on a name yet! We seriously considered not telling anyone mostly because we didn't want any unsolicited feedback about the names we chose. Thankfully, we haven't many negative reactions. I think the most negative one was from my dad who said "Maisie? What, like CORN? Leave it to you to choose something weird." <insert rolling eye smiley here> "Thanks, Darrell Cleytus, your constructive input has totally changed my mind..." When we thought we may name her Charlotte and call her Charlie, my parents both had a cow about it (not that we care what they think at all). Little do they know she may end up being Charlie anyway. :laugh:

    My doc appointment was fine. My blood pressure was squirrely again. 1st with the regular cuff it was 136/72. Not terrible but pretty darn high for me. I told the nurse, "That's high for me, they've used the um... bigger cuff on me the last couple of times" so she did and it was 92/73. :huh: Low top # and high bottom # for me. I was pretty worked up at the time because my husband was still in the shower when I got home to pick him up and he ended up making us 5 minutes late for the appointment. :grumble: So, maybe that's the reason for the weird BP readings the last couple of times.
    The doctor said it was fine, so whatever. I was measuring fine and baby's heartbeat was fine so yeah, still on autopilot here. I asked about baby's position and she said they'd figure it out next time as she basically shooed us out of the door. That's the 2nd time we've seen her. She was my least favorite OB going into today's appointment and I still don't care for her so much. I really like all 3 of the other doctors though. I just know she'll be the one on call when I'm in labor though. She's fine, just not super helpful answering questions and has seemed a bit rushed both times. None of the other docs have been like that. I guess I just don't like her bedside manner. For some reason, I get the feeling she'd be most likely to get fussy and push me into an unnecessary c-section or something. Fingers crossed she's not the one.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    OH MY GOSH, LYNN!! I'm sorry you're being induced but I'm so excited Joshua will be here soon!! :love:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yeah, I'm still here. :tongue:

    We're keeping MIL's cat while she's on vacation and hubby was cleaning her litterbox. Apparently it smells worse than our cat's litter box and he ended up calling the cat a "stinky fat bi***." So, I said "Thank you!" as though he was calling me that and he said "Not you! Mioko (MIL's cat)! You smell alright.... and.. you're just pregnant... and.... you're... mostly nice." I feel the love. :laugh:
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Well, bed rest didn't last long :laugh:

    Dr. called at 5:02 and said they already got the results back from my urine and it was 380 something. She said even though it is the beginning stages of preeclampsia, she doesn't want to let it progress any further. If I wasn't as far along she would keep me on bed rest, but since I'm 38 weeks she's ready to induce.

    Long story short, we're leaving for the hospital in about an hour! :noway: :bigsmile: Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and I'll update as soon as I possibly can!

    Good luck Lynn! Wow, Josh will be here in no time. I wish you all the best. Definitely keep us posted when you can.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Lynn- AHHHH! Two inductions in less than a week! I'm so excited to hear about your baby boy. Good luck and keep us posted!

    Julie- hahahaha! Your hubby is funny. I have a couple of doctors in my practice who are fine, but I would prefer not to be on call when I go into labor too. It is their bedside manner. I know you've got a million patients, but at least pretend to be interested in me and my questions. Now don't you go getting any ideas from Mel and Lynn. Keep that blood pressure normal and stick with us awhile!

    The name we have chosen for our little girl is Emma Jolie. I keep telling my husband we need to come up with a boy name just in case. I think we decided on Ethan the other night. Maybe Ethan Andrew or Ethan Brian. Andrew is his father's middle name and Brian is his middle name. I dunno. I can't get serious about boy names. It would be an extreme shock if a little boy popped out anyway.

    My in-laws really bugged me the other day. My husband's name is Jarrad. Apparently his older brother had a hard time pronouncing his name, so he ended up calling him Geebers and G-man (who knows how he got the G sound from Jarrad, but whatever). He has been called these two ridiculous nicknames since childhood. I mean, I get it and can see the cute side of it since his brother was only 1 and came up with this silly nickname. Anyway. The in-laws said something about trying to figure out a nickname for Emma Jolie that involved "G." Uhhhhhh.... NO!!? Emma is short enough. I mean I wouldn't mind if you took it down to Em, but pulling a nickname out of your butt for MY child is not going to fly. Especially something that makes absolutely NO sense. I didn't say anything at the time, but if they continue with that one I'm going to have to step in. I feel like I might be being a bit too sensitive about it, but she's our baby and I can be sensitive about it if I want.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    My dog's name is Emma (not because I think it's a dog's name but because I name my dogs names I really like! :laugh:) and I end up calling her Emmy or Emerson or Emmers or M&M a lot of the time but never G-emma or anything like that. :tongue:
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    GL Lynn! T&P!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Wooooooooo! Excited and thinking of you Lynn :happy:

    Lots of prayers coming your way- can't wait to hear how it goes :heart:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Juiie- I hope that you get a Dr you like when it's time to deliver. That can make a huge difference. My regular OB was out of town for both #1 (it was scheduled, I just went overdue and he didn't induce to make it easier on his schedule, thank you!) and #3 (he had been sooooooo exhausted the day before, busy time of year, and I knew he needed a break so I didn't mind). Both times, it worked out great, although I think he may have handled my failure to progress with #1 a bit differently - but I still avoided a c-section so all good. Anyway, the doctors I ended up with, from his practice both times, were still great. He works with a lot of midwives, too, so the philosophy there seems to be let the mother take control as long as everything is going well ... he told me I could stand on my head if I wanted when I asked about delivery positions, LOL!!
    But, yeah, don't go following Mel and Lynn :wink:

    I have a Dr's apt tomorrow. I'm interested to see if I've managed to gain any weight this time. My appetite has been better, so here's hoping!
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Good luck Lynn!!! You will do awesome!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Lynn. My thoughts are with you. Keep us updated! We will be thinking about you!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Lynn !!!! Thinking of you and hoping all goes as well as possible. Can't wait to see photos and hear all about it. xoxo

    So, tonight may be a bit sleepless for ultrasound is at 11am tomorrow. Boy or Girl ????????

    Ron - rest up OK ! I don't want to hear any stories about you passing out :heart:
  • collinsclan
    collinsclan Posts: 312 Member
    I feel the exact same way!! That is why I have left it at a couple names we like. I just want her to be named as soon as she is born. My extended family seems to have issues with this because they want to call her a specific name, and I just don't want them to yet. It's probably harder for them because my sil has already name her little boy. I don't think there is anything wrong with people doing it, I just don't want to. I just didn't think it would cause so much commotion among people. Some people tell me that I better hurry up and decide because I don't have that much time left... wth? Others have said that is weird and they have never heard of anyone waiting to see the baby. I hear about it all the time I didn't think it was a big deal. Next pregnancy I will just tell people that we aren't telling anyone the name until he or she is born, lol. I really have crazy reactions from most people when I don't have a exact name to give them.

    All of mine we've had a name picked out and it ended up changing during the pregnancy. It didn't stick until the baby was met at birth. We've picked out a girls name and a boys name and we're not sharing them until we deliver the baby in December.

    Lynn - Good luck! I hope you get the birth you desire even if you have to be induced. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Good luck lynn! I will be thinking of you!

    Meokk- soooo exciting! Cannot wait to hear. Do you have a feeling what it might be?

    Julie- That is a very sticky situation with your mom. I feel the same way. My mom lives 1200kms away though... I was just up front and told her that I want to have a lot of alone time as a new family when the baby comes and my husband is off work, and she said she would respect that. And even though we have a spare room, she is going to stay in my in-laws camper just so we have a bit more space. (it's a fancy camper with tv and stuff so she should be just fine!). Stick to your gut and be honest with your mom. Perhaps the way she is behaving (saying "our" baby) could have to do with losing your brother. I would imagine she is still in a lot of pain and that maybe this new baby is the only happy thing she has in her life at the moment.

    BM- We have yet to choose a name. We have decided not to find out the sex, we have a short list of about 3 names for each. I am like Rachael and collinsclan in the fact that I do not want anyone knowing the name before the baby comes- we won't even tell people what we are considering! (mostly because I don't want to hear any opinions!). For a boy we have Logan, Nathan, Easton and for a girl we have Avery, Kirsten, Kensie and Lauren. Hubby and I cannot agree!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    At my last appt they told me at my ultrasound that the baby is more developed than my dates. Yay! But only by about 4 days. So my new due date is August 8th instead of August 12th. They did not bother officially changing my due date and I didn't change my ticker, but I am happy!