Pregnancy 2011- June



  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Have a good appointment Julie!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Thanks Lindsay, I hope you have a good trip.

    Good luck on the dr. apt. Julie!

    Ronya, how fun! I love when my LO is super active.

    Britt, good job on the exercise challenge! I can't wait to see your new haircut, I bet it'll be super cute.

    Exercise Challenge:

    Wed: 45 min. water aerobics
    Thur: 40 min. on the treadmill
    Fri: 30 min. on the treadmill
    Sat: 60 min. on the elliptical

    Hubby and I put our rocking chair/glider together last night. I am super excited to rock my little girl in it. :) Early this morning my hubby rolled over and just put his hand on my stomach, I don't know if he was fully awake, but as soon as he did my LO was moving all over the place. She usually doesn't specifically respond to touch. It was cute.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Oh my gosh, Rachael, you look sooooo cute in your pic!!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,611 Member
    is anyone else finding mfp really slow?? Whenever I am trying to reply it takes forever to load, sometimes I press reply again and there is a double post! So annoying!

    My husband is going nuts, apparently i am snoring like a lawnmower these days. I have never snored before! I am hoping this is all pregnancy related and it goes away soon. Anyone else?
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    I sure hope it isn't too late to join this awesome group. This exactly where I want to be! My husband and I are in category "one" for right now, but after a few months maybe going into category "two". :happy:

    I am addicted to MFP and I've looked online at baby websites, but I don't feel a real connection because I'm just focusing on pre-baby health at this point. This group is a terrific solution!

    I'm 30 years old and I've had my pre conception appointment thus far. This spring I found out a have hereditary gum disease - yuck! So right now I'm working on getting my gums all taken care of and working with my weight/strength and diet.

    I've lost most of the weight I want, but I'd love to be more tone and lean before baby.

    So glad to be here!!!! :love:
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Welcome emmyvera!

    Rachel- I haven't been snoring, but my nose felt like it was stuffed for months straight. I've had to start breathing through my mouth at night, which I didn't normally do. It's all normal for pregnancy so I hear.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Rachel -- I've heard snoring is a pretty common pregnancy symptom. Normally, I snore when I don't exercise regularly (luckily, these days walking from the couch to the kitchen seems to be enough exercise to keep me from snoring :laugh:).

    I have a potentially big problem brewing and I have no idea how to handle it without hurting feelings. This weekend my mom suggested that she would be LITERALLY camping out nearby after baby is born to "help." And by literally camping out, I mean it -- parking a camper at a nearby state park. I love my mom. I really do. But apparently she's forgotten that we don't get along very well for very long. The reason she's forgotten is because I've managed to not spend more than 12 hours or so with her at a time since I moved out at 17 (yes, I moved out while I was still in high school because I couldn't take my mom's neverending drama anymore). I can just imagine how I'm going to feel about her being here after more than 2-3 days with all the stress we're going to be under at first and being exhausted and in pain. It won't be good, I can pretty much guarantee that. She was even lamenting over how if she parked a camper, she wouldn't be able to be at our house ALL THE TIME. I said "um... well, I think [hubby] and I will appreciate some time alone with the baby." She responded "Maybe." :indifferent: She insists I'll need someone to cook and clean because ALL I'll be able to do is nurse the baby. Firstly, naive as I may be, I don't think that's exactly 100% true. Secondly, I have a pretty great husband (despite my complaints :wink:) who will be at home and he is more than willing to help with most of the cooking and cleaning (of course, I'll have to instruct him on the cleaning, but he almost always does whatever I ask him... repeatedly... to do :laugh:).

    I know she wants to help (at least in her mind, that's her reasoning). I'm happy for her to come down and stay with us for a few days, but I also want LOTS of time alone with my own family so we can all get to know each other and get used to our new routine. I don't know how to explain the way I feel to her. She essentially threw a poutfest when I finally told her I wasn't in love with the idea of her coming to our baby party this weekend (no, she was never invited.. she tried to invite herself). But the fact is, I don't really want her to come and I suggested that was the case but she still seemed set on coming whether I wanted her to or not. Finally I just told her no.

    I don't understand why she feels like she has to be a part of every single baby related thing. She's upset I don't want her there to see the baby being born. She even refers to Maisie as "our baby." :noway: I'm beginning to become seriously frustrated with the situation. She has a hard time not making everything that happens 100% about her -- very high drama. I KNOW if I try to bring up that we'd like to be alone after a few days it's going to be this huge dramatic "Why are you doing this to ME" kind of episode but I also think our wishes need to be taken into consideration and respected and that I should be honest. Maybe I should just wait until the time comes and if she tries to really overstay her welcome I'll bring it up at the time. Help?

    Also, FACT: My mom lives less than 2 hours away from us. Not like she can't easily make a day trip every couple of weeks.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Aw thanks Brittony!

    Rachel: I have snored maybe once that I am aware of, my husband said he nudged me so I would stop. But I have been stuffy a lot so I have a hard time breathing.

    Welcome Emmy! :)

    Julie: Sorry about your dilemma, I don't know what I would do. I understand how she wants to be apart of everything, grandma's get that way. But I also understand your need for space. I want that too. Good luck with that.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Oh, Julie! My Mom and I don't get along if we are together for more than a weekend. I just don't think we have ever understood each other. I was really hesitant to let any of our parents stay here, but luckily they are all planning on getting a hotel room. The potential problem solved itself. I would just stick to your guns on this one. You know in your gut how you will feel about your mom being there too much. I guess on the positive side at least she wants to be involved.

    My mom took it upon herself to advertise Emma potentially being breech to the facebook world the other day. It's not that big of a deal, but I didn't exactly want total strangers commenting on the situation. It just seemed like it was none of their business. I had people calling to make sure I was okay.... Of course I'm okay. I don't know. It just seemed like unnecessary attention. You just made me think about it with the "100% about her" comment. My mom isn't that bad at all, but it just felt like the only reason she put that status up was so people could say, "I'm thinking about you and your family!"

    I disagree with the whole, "You'll only be able to breastfeed," comments too. I've gotten them as well. I understand that the extra cleaning and cooking help will be awesome, but I don't think I'm going to be completely out of commission. Plus... what am I supposed to do if no one lets me do anything besides breastfeed and sleep once everyone leaves? Shouldn't I get used to juggling stuff right away with my husband? I will be taking full advantage of help, but I also don't want to be treated like a baby. My in-laws did that to me when they came last weekend. They kept telling me not to get up for things like water or letting the dog out. I can do it people! Don't spoil me into becoming a dormant couch potato! I'll let you know if I'm overdoing it and need some help.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Maureen - Cute new pic, you look great!

    Mamarandall - Love your new pic, hope you are getting some rest!

    Lindsay - Hope your trip goes well and you enjoy the trade show.

    Katrina - Sounds like you had a nice weekend, glad you got to see your hubby for a bit. Hope all goes well today with your son's endoscopy, keep us posted.

    Ronya - I rarely feel Josh in the middle of the night anymore, crossing my fingers that he's on a good day/night schedule.

    Julie - Hope your appointment goes well! That's a tough situation with your mom, I'm not really sure how I'd go about it? Knowing non-confrontational me, I'd probably bite the bullet and put up with it, but that probably isn't the best thing to do. Is there a way you can put it to where it sounds like you don't want to inconvenience her? Blame it on your husband? Something....I don't know. I'm sorry that you're having to go through something like that, because I know the last thing you want to do is hurt her feelings. Oh - and we have a lot of people on both sides of the family who keep saying "we're pregnant", "our baby" or when "we go into labor" - even though I'm pretty sure I'll be the one doing all the laboring :laugh:

    Brittony - Same here, no more milestones left, just baby! I suppose that's the biggest one of all though eh? We are so close! I think I'm gonna get a haircut today too. Nothing fancy, I've had the same haircut/style for like, 8 years :laugh:

    Rachael - Cute pic! I LOVE my new glider!

    Rachel - My husband complains about me snoring all the time :laugh: I actually wake myself up sometimes when I first start snoring and I'm not quite asleep - yea, it's pretty ferocious :blushing:

    Emmy - Welcome!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Popped into the Dr.'s office this morning to drop off my giant jug of pee, got my blood drawn again, and BP checked. BP was high on the first 2 readings, so they had me lay down for 10 mins and checked it again. It went down on the 3rd reading, but it was enough to convince my Dr. that I need to be on bed rest, so here I am :ohwell: Sorta frustrating because my job isn't physical whatsoever, and I only have so much paid time off saved up and I want to spend it with the baby. My boss was nice enough to let me take some work home so that I'm not dipping into my paid time just yet, but that'll only last me a couple days.

    The results from my urine test and blood should be back tomorrow morning, and the Dr. said if my protein is over 300 she's gonna induce me. Part of me feels sorta bummed at the thought of being induced, but I'm trying my best to get over it and roll with the changes. I'm realizing that none of this is under my control, and whatever is necessary to ensure that Josh is healthy is what we're gonna do.

    I definitely failed the exercise challenge last week. We took the dogs for a walk twice, and I did a few laps around the kitchen table one night :laugh:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Collins - hope the tests for your son go well :flowerforyou:

    Ron - hope you are feeling better after the salon episode.

    Julie - I think you need to put your foot down and make it clear to your Mom that she can be in Maisie's life but ONLY on your terms. You are the mother and get to decide who get's to see her and where and when. I would think about a happy medium to be planned in advance, maybe you can invite her to stay with you every other weekend for a few months.......
    From what you have said about your Mom I would imagine that having the baby around is not going to improve your relationship and will be an additional strain so getting boundaries set early might prevent any major confrontations.
    I'm the one whose mother is going to come and live with us for 6 months and I'm not really sure how well that might go but we are starting with a strong foundation. My mother is respectful of my needs and wants and can handle any boundaries I might want to have in place. I'm very lucky in that regard.
    Good luck with the difficult but necessary conversations.:flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ha! I totally forgot to share something that happened last week. The guy just walked by my office and it reminded me.

    I have a problem remembering stuff unless I can see it. So unless I see my wedding rings in the morning, I'll forget to put them on. I leave them on top of a cabinet in the bathroom at night and that usually ensures I'll see them in the morning and remember to put them on. That is, unless I put something on top of them and leave it there (like if I put a bra there & then decide to wear a different one, which I think is what happened last week). So, anyway, I forgot to wear my rings to work one day last week.

    Okay, so do you ever just get a really strong feeling that someone is attracted to you (but you can't pin down exactly why you think they are)? Well, I feel like this guy at work has had the hots for me since he started (I did his orientation a couple of years ago). We see each other around all the time & always get on with the "Hi, how are you?" typical BS conversation. Well, the day last week I wasn't wearing my wedding ring, he got on the elevator with me. He immediately did the hand check and without skipping a beat he said "So, uh... how's married life treating you?" HA! And I said "It's going very well." And then he looks at my left hand again and says "Yeah.. it can be a challenge." What? How do you respond that way to someone who told it's going well? :laugh: Um, also I'm 8 months preggo, dude. :laugh: Anyway, it cracked me up that he was attempting to find out if I was single the second he saw me without a wedding ring. I went home and told hubby to watch out because the men at work are apparently prowling, baby bump or not. :tongue:
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Julie- My parents were around quite a bit after my daughter was born and so were my in laws. I had a little pep talk with them all when we first brought Allison home. I basically told them she was our baby and we were new parents. I said I realized they had done the whole parenting thing before but we were going to raise her how we wanted to. I also made sure to mention sometimes I get overwhelmed or just might need some alone time with my fiance and daughter only. The parents were very understanding or at least it seemed thay way....maybe they were just scared of my out of control mood swings lol. This is your families special time and you need to make your opinion heard. I know it seems a bit overwhelming but at least she is staying away from the house. Maybe if she annoys you too much you can send her to the camper. I know with us it was so nice to have someone watch Allison even for just a little bit while we took a nap.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    Rachael – you are so cute!!!! I love the new pic! And Kathryn doesn’t respond too much to touch but she goes nuts when hubby talks to her. Although that's probably because he puts his face against my belly and yells, “BABY! THIS IS YOUR DADDY!!!” :laugh:

    Brittony – enjoy your hair cut, my hair is the one thing I’m really bad at keeping up with. I let it go until it’s completely unmanageable and full of split ends then end up chopping more than half of it off.

    Julie – I’m sorry you’re dealing with that, I just had a similar conversation with my mom. I love my mom but we bump heads a lot and our relationship is a million times better now that I’m not living at home anymore. She wants to take two weeks off to help out after Kathryn is born. I told her that hubby is taking off the weeks born to say home with her. I don’t mind if she comes over every day after work (she only lives 20 minutes away so sleeping over is not an option and I know she’ll bring yummy food) but I want the first week to be just the three of us for the most part. If she HAS to take off work, I told her to wait until after he goes back to work. She wasn’t happy about it, but she’ll get over it. I figured it was best to tell her how I feel now instead of after I give birth. She hasn’t even mentioned being in the delivery room but I’m sure she knows it’s not happening. That’s funny about the guy you work with….apparently being pregnant with another mans child doesn’t stop some people.

    Rachel – I haven’t had any issues with snoring, but like Brittony said I wake up with a stuffy nose almost every morning.
    Emmyvera – welcome!

    Lynn – boo for bed rest! I’m in the same situation you are, the more time I take now the less time I get paid for on maternity leave. Hopefully you don’t have to be induced.

    Danielle - love your new bump pic!!! So cute!

    So I got a bit claustrophobic at church yesterday, felt like I couldn’t get enough air in. It started when there was only about 5 minutes left in the service and stopped the second I walked outside. Then again this morning at work, but it stopped when I got up and walked around for a bit. I didn’t get dizzy so it wasn’t nearly as bad as what happened last Saturday, but it’s starting to annoy me. Part of me thinks their anxiety attacks (which I haven’t had since college but I know those don’t go away so quickly) and part of me thinks it might be pressure on my lungs from baby and my organs being moved around. Ugh, I don’t know. :frown:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ronya -- LOL at the "Baby! This is your daddy!" thing. My husband does this really high pitched annoying "BABY!" yell into my belly. She always stops moving when he's around. I honestly think she's afraid of him. :laugh: If she's killing me with the wiggling around, all he has to do is put his hand on my belly and she immediately freezes. :laugh: He has a very deep and intimidating voice and I seriously think she's startled by it. It's going to come in so handy when she's about 13! :tongue:

    Rachael -- I forgot to mention earlier that I also love your new picture! You're pretty much the most adorable little pregnant lady ever.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,380 Member
    Random question but as a newcomer I was wondering what gender everyone is having and what name you might have picked out?

    When we had the talk the other night we started talking a little about baby names. This was the first time that convo had ever came up LOL and it become oh so clear to me at how hard it will be for us to agree on a name when the time really does come...We might need the full 9 months plus some to agree.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Thanks for all the sweet picture comments. You are all awesome and know how to make a girl feel good. :)

    Lynn: I am so sorry about your news! Bedrest would be super hard! I hope your test results come out ok, but then if you get induced little Josh will be here and you will be right on maternity leave. I do hope all works out in the way that you want it to and a way that is healthiest for you and Josh. I will keep you in my thoughts.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Julie- Do whatever you feel is right for you and your family. Being pregnant has really changed my mind frame as for as always wanting to please everyone but myself. I have been trying to readjust my priorities which I’m still learning. But your Mom needs to understand that this is about you and your family. She may not like it but she can respect it.

    The ring thing; First of all most people don’t even care or have the respect for you whether you have a ring on or not. It makes me sick how many times I’ve been hit on by men asking me if “I’m sure I’m happy in my marriage”. DH has a hard time wearing his ring in the summer- the one time he goes into a store w/out it on he had a girl laying it on thick. I then wondered why he told me the story afterwards!

    Lynn- Thinking of you. Hope that things go how you want them to :flowerforyou:

    BMFrazie- Can I ask you your name so I can refer to you as that instead of your user name?! :smile:

    Baby boy and his name will be Avery Earl. Avery is a name we loved and have never met anyone else with it and Earl is after my grandfather. Don't worry about the name thing. We bought a book and too be honest it was a waste of money. We didn't pick a single name out of it! We had a harder time with boys names than girls- funny how that worked out!:laugh:

    AFM: I’m feeling a lot more pregnant by the day. Such as going to bend over for something and ooof there’s a belly there! Hello! DH has resorted to giving my belly raspberries lately which seriously makes Avery squirm all around. It’s like their own little game- already teaming up against Mommy!