Pregnancy 2011- June



  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Ladies I am making myself really worried because I feel like Elise hasn't been kicking nearly as much the last couple days. I still feel her every once in awhile but I feel like it is less. Normally I would just call the dr. And go in but I am on vacation and don't want to spend a ton of money if I am just crazy. I have an apt. Monday when I get back. What do you do to get you little one to kick?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    LOL at butt swab. My OB said it would be a "vaginal swab" but she did pause uncomfortably between "vaginal" and "swab" so I'm guessing it will be both. :laugh:

    My hospital offers a breastfeeding class that costs money but they also offer a breastfeeding support group that's free. I was thinking about going to the breastfeeding support group before baby comes. I'm assuming we'll be going with the pediatrician I talked about yesterday and if that's the case, my first pediatrician's appointment will be with a lactation consultant as well.

    We had our infant CPR class last night. It was super straightforward and while I was a little irritated we spent $50 for both of us to attend, I'm very glad we went. On one hand, I felt that $25 per person was just too much to charge for a class that barely lasted 45 minutes and mainly consisted of watching a stinking video (and practicing on baby mannequins). On the other hand, how freaking important is it to know CPR and how to stop a small baby from choking?! So yeah, not a waste of money.

    I don't want anyone to this comment the wrong way so I'll start out by saying my husband and I both have very, very pale skin. The instructor gave me a dark skinned baby mannequin. Without even missing a beat my husband said, "You got some 'splainin to do!" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I'm pretty sure today is Wednesday... Which means... Hoping she didn't have to go more than 24 hours Lynn should have had her baby last night! I'll be stalking today in hopes they have a phone w wifi for an update! Even though I know she'll be on mag and feel like crap all day...
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ladies I am making myself really worried because I feel like Elise hasn't been kicking nearly as much the last couple days. I still feel her every once in awhile but I feel like it is less. Normally I would just call the dr. And go in but I am on vacation and don't want to spend a ton of money if I am just crazy. I have an apt. Monday when I get back. What do you do to get you little one to kick?

    Anne, right around this time is when Maisie stopped kicking so much but I still feel her rolling around a lot. Space is really getting constricted. I think the general consensus is as long as you're still feeling 10 *movements* in an hour you don't need to be concerned. The type of movement changing isn't a big deal.

    If I want Maisie to move around, usually jiggling her will do the trick. Try eating a snack and lying down for 20 minutes or so. I bet you'll feel her move several times (it may not be kicks, but wiggles and squirmies count, too). If not, keep lying there and count all the times you feel her move at all. If you get to 10 within an hour, you're golden. If not, it may be worth a call to your doc just to see what they suggest.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Meokk congrats on the girl!

    Julie... Funny about the butt swab... That makes me a bit nervous.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Julie... That makes me feel a little better except I never felt 10 movements an hour bc on my placenta being in the front. My dr told me 10 a day. But I have felt her move since posting that. I am going to try the eating/drinking an laying down.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Anne- I wouldn't worry too much. I think it was around 32 weeks when Emma started rolling more than punching and jabbing. Hopefully it's just Elise getting too big to move around as much. To get my little one to kick I usually have some OJ and then lay down. Walking around lulls them.

    So the ultrasound confirmed it. Emma is still breech. The doctor said it is probably still too early to try to flip her. She could turn on her own up to 37 weeks (well she could turn later than that but the chances are extremely slim) and the proceduce has a risk of starting labor. He would rather wait until I'm closer to my due date. We are going to wait until the 20th to reassess the situation. If she flips on her own we will be just fine. If not, we will attempt a version on the 21st. If that doesn't work we are going to schedule a c-section for 39 weeks. I know I could attempt birthing a breech baby, but I don't want to go there.

    The strep B test was nothing. Just a brief swab that wasn't too invasive. We will get the results for that next week.

    He did an internal check and said I am 1cm dilated, but no more than that. He actually said it was hard to tell for sure what I am because they usually have the baby's head to press against, but in Emma's case her butt is up high and they have nothing to press on. He didn't say anything about how effaced I might be. I didn't find the internal check to be uncomfortable at all. I'll be letting him do it whenever he wants because I am curious about my progress down there, even if that doesn't really mean anything. Geeze. I guess it doesn't matter if I end up having to schedule a c-section. Oh children. Life is so unpredictable when they are around... even when they are still in the womb.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Julie... That makes me feel a little better except I never felt 10 movements an hour bc on my placenta being in the front. My dr told me 10 a day. But I have felt her move since posting that. I am going to try the eating/drinking an laying down.

    Oh, I see. I forgot about your anterior placenta. :ohwell: But yeah, around 30-31 weeks really is when Maisie stopped kicking so much and started making my belly ripple and stretch whenever she rolls around. A lot of times now I can see her move but I can't even feel it at all.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    And yes, the main part of the strep B test (for me at least) was a vaginal swab. Then he did the butt with the same swab. He went in deep with the vaginal part and barely grazed my booty. Not bad at all.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    I just noticed my puppy is limping! Poor bud! I'll have to watch him and see if it gets worse as the day goes by.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    My dogs are big wussies but a lot of times one of them will be limping really badly just because they have something stuck between their foot pads so I always check that first. It's almost always something stuck there or or a cut on their pad. I hope he's okay (I'm sure he will be).
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Couldn't post much yesterday as I was on the iphone....

    Anne - glad you are having a blast at the beach. I'm sure you'll feel her soon, maybe she needs an ice cream cone ??

    Danielle - sorry about the cramping but hopefully you had a nice relaxing time at the salon

    Steph - very excited for you and the new little baby seed

    Julie - woohoo for a good pediatrician and lol about the CPR baby

    Rachel - I almost laughed out loud at your question about doctors competing.... I wish. In ny it's the other way around. Getting into the doc you want is like running a political campaign !!!! Glad you are feeling good though.

    Jen - happy that your 20 week scan went well but I wouldn't do a low carb diet when pregnant, doesn't sound like a great idea but I suppose it depends on HOW low carb your doc is talking. I definitely would not go under 150grams per day

    Regina - do what you like - who cares what other people think about the way you look !?!? Oh and now I want a strawberry shortcake !

    Collins - wow, rough day, hope all improves...hugs

    Brittony - still breech, boo but there is still time right? Hope she cooperates soon. Glad to hear the swabbing was not too invasive !

    So at the sonogram yesterday the little girl just would not cooperate and was facing my back almost the whole hour we were in there so didn't get any nice photos. The good and bad news is that I have to go back for another scan in 4 weeks. The found mild pyelectasis in the kidneys. So that scared the crap out of me and of course I was googling through the night. Called the doc this morning and I feel much better now. He said that 90% of these mild cases resolve themselves in the womb and of the 10% that don't, only a very small percentage need treatment after birth. It's just worrying especially being an older 1st time mommy.
    I'm going to talk to my midwife later today I hope and she can tell me how much this result raises the chance for downs. My results were really good from my 1st tri screen so all should be well...............
    Any of you heard of this before??
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Oh and I forgot - I've totally popped !!! just in the last 2 days, shocking !!!!!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Britt I will hope you little one moves on her own but I love the attitude you are taking about this. You are doing awesome.

    Well she must have just wanted me to worry a little because she moved a bunch since posting that :) attention lover. Thanks for the reassurance.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Oh and I forgot - I've totally popped !!! just in the last 2 days, shocking !!!!!

    That means we need a picture update :)
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Ron. Glad the daycare visit went so well. Sounds like a great option.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Boo, it turns out I was spot on about the conversation I overheard a couple weeks ago at work -- It's not officially official yet, but yes, there will be mandatory furlough starting July 1st. The plus side is I get a few extra days of leave so I may not have to dip into my vacation time at all for my maternity leave now. The unplus side is um... oh yeah, the pay cut that will start 2 weeks before my due date. :grumble:
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Ronya, that daycare sounds awesome! Good find!

    Welcome Brianna!

    Dang Katrina! That sounds like a really rough day!! I am sorry. I am glad your daughter is ok. Hopefully today looks better for you.

    Britt: Ugh for the butt swab! I have that next Monday. I have prepared myself for anything in the frontal region, but I wasn't expecting my midwife to tell me next time she would do a swab of both. Thanks for letting us know that it is not invasive. I was worried about that. It just seemed super awkward to me. I am sorry that Emma is still breech. I hope she turns for you. But if not, then hopefully she will be healthy and strong!

    Mel: How are you doing? How is your little boy?

    Anne: Glad Elise started moving more for you. I think if you feel her at all in a day, I wouldn't worry too much unless it is rare and goes on for a while. Some days my lo just doesn't move as much and other days she is ALL over the place.

    Jen: Glad your 20 week scan went well.

    Victoria: I have never heard of pyelectasis. Hopefully everything comes out ok. But based on what your dr. said, I wouldn't worry myself too much just yet. I am sure everything will be great. Oh and we want bump pics. :)

    Hope everyone is doing well. Yesterday was pretty busy for me. I went to my cousin's wedding. It was really nice though. Not too much new on the baby front. Just getting closer and closer each day, which greatly excites me and then kind of freaks me out. :)

    Oh and crazy news, I just heard on the radio that some of our ski resorts are re-opening and plan to be open until July 4th! CRAZY!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Meokk- Congratulations on the little baby girl! I agree with anne that we need a new photo update!

    Ron- That daycare sounds wonderful!! And sooo reasonably priced!! It must feel good that you have that sorted out!

    Anne- I would not worry about the moment thing- especially with an anterior placenta. I have been feeling a lot more movement lately, but it's not the same as before. I think like Julie said as space gets less and less the babies movement is far more restricted and is more "stretching". So with an anterior placenta you might not feel that.

    Julie- That sucks about the mandatory cut in pay!!! Especially right before you are due. Is it going to be hugely significant?

    Brit- Sorry to hear babes is still breech. I sure hope she flips for you and you don't need a c-section. Any idea why they are scheduling at 39 weeks instead of 40?

    Lynn- Hoping things went ok, cannot wait to hear your birth story!

    I am trying to find a doula right now. I thought at first that me and hubby could handle it for sure, but after taking our birthing classes I know for sure that the more support I have, someone that can advocate for me, is what I really need. It's really hard when I love so far outside of the city- the ones in the city charge an arm and a leg for traveling to the hospital I am birthing at (which is about 2 hours from the city) and it's really hard to find one here!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Happy Hump Day Ladies!!

    Anne – Yay for your trip! Usually what I do to make baby move is drink something ice cold and lie down. Works for me all the time 

    Steph – Yay!! So excited for you!!

    Julie – That made me LOL seriously!!! Hahaha

    Brittony – I’m in a very similar situation I have a u/s scheduled for today to see if baby is breeched. Hopefully he’s not I’ve been doing the yoga pose that Annabelle had suggested the cat stretch and also one that my doc suggested. Hopefully our LOs cooperate and get their heads down. My doc didn’t mention a butt swab but I guess I better get ready. “Let’s just say I’ll be walking funny tomorrrrrow” – From the movie Easy A haha thought that might be more appropriate for the swabbing situation than for the kid that said it.

    Meokk- Awh I remember when I popped it was nice to look pregnant rather than just round. 

    Mel: Hope you’re feeling better and baby is doing well.

    Racheal: Whoa snow in July!!! I guess that’s Utah for ya! 

    AFM: Well, I have my u/s to check baby’s position and an appt today. I get to leave at 12:30 for the day so that’s def something good and I’m praying that baby is out of the breech position. I need a break from work for sure! Yesterday I felt like I was in college again listening to a lecture trying to stay awake after an all nighter studying only difference was I slept through the night with only two trips to the RR (which is a good night for me) and I all of a sudden felt nauseous. We’ve had smoke here in NM for days now from the AZ fire I don’t know if that had anything to do w the nausea. I really hope they contain they fire soon last I heard it was over 200 thousand acres on fire. It’s really taking a toll on the animals here and people w recspitory problems.

    On the plus side I’ve been looking for CPR/First Aid classes and they all cost about $35 per person but this morning I found that our local baseball park (Isotopes) is hosting a Free training Yay!!! I don’t know if they will certify you but I’m looking to at least know what to do in an emergency more than being certified.