Who is MFP for?



  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I didn't read much past the original post, but unless I am blind or have an unrealistic view of "skinny", I don't recall seeing many, if any at all, pictures of "anorexic" girls on this site. Typically it's either fit looking people, or larger folks looking to slim down. Sometimes I really feel it is far more of a weightloss site, than an actual fitness site. (Not that the 2 have to be exclusive)

    I suppose I shold qualify that statement because I do spend most of my time in running or exercising threads and not so much in the should I starve myself ones, maybe that is why I don't see it?
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    hit the button twice
  • Starleng1
    Starleng1 Posts: 142
    GOOD LORD !!!!! Can't we all just get along !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone on here nedds to worry about thier own reasons they came to this site and NOT why someone else did !!! If you are concentrating on your own weight loss then you shouldnt have time to worry about some one else !~~

    I have made such great friends on this site and have gotten more support from strangers than I have ever gotten from home ! SO with that being said I LOVE ALL MY CURRENT MFP PALS AND WELCOME NEW ONES !!!!!!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    I second this. Everyone has theur reason and it really isn't our place to question. Apparently if we are on this site, it means that we need support for something.
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    Regardless of a persons size, having a tool like this and the support of all it's members is good for every person. The fact that some people are here may seem "too small" may be a good thing because this site can teach them healthy habits and what their healthy weight is. This site is designed for people of all ages, shapes, sizes and needs. Some use it to lose weight and slim down, some use it to gain weight and bulk up. Don't discriminate.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Thank you Mike, for creating MFP, for everyone.

    I wish you all the best, and I hope your journeys all end in fitness.

    If you starve yourselves out of existence, and leave behind an emaciated skeleton like Karen Carpenter, that's up to you. I hope you won't, it would be a tremendous shame.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I think he asked a great question. He was really just trying to get an answer to a question that was on his mind and if you noticed he did say he was not trying to offend anyone but just wanted to know was the site intended for one type or for all. I agree with most of the comments on here that its for everyone to become healthier and not to get as skinny as possible and most of you all were respectful with your response except for one person. I won't call out the name but if you don't like his question or the post remember you dont have to read or respond to it. This is a place to help and encourage and you really just defeated the whole purpose of the site. He had a question... exactly what the forum is for. I found some great answers on here so thanks for asking the question and thanks all for the resonses! This was very interesting to read
    I totally get where everyone is coming from...MFP is everyone, I totally agree.

    However, can we honestly say it is not disturbing to occasionally see people with goals in the 90 lbs range or who seem to be in favor of being thinner than is healthy? (Edit: I am talking about people who are PRO ED, not just recovering/struggling). I have very mixed feeling about the idea that ALL should be welcome and encouraged when it comes to that. It is about health and I think we all need to keep track of that with both accountability AND non-judgement.

    Not easy though, is it?

    ^ well said.

    I think what he means is coming across profiles that are not here to better themselves, get healthy or attempt at all to get help. There are a lot of profiles with profile taglines like "Hunger hurts, but starving works" "eat less feel thin" "love the empty feeling in my stomach." "If i eat I won't stop, so instead I eat nothing" "I live to be model thin" ..etc, pictures of emaciated women as their thinspiration which aids them in not eating. They also in another attempt to not get healthy mind, body, soul...end up surrounding themselves with like-minded individuals. It can be concerning when you see groups of girls (school age girls mostly) who weigh 95lbs (goal to weight 89lbs), consume less than a healthy amount of calories, view food as evil & bones (the more bones that show) good. I don't think discrimination should be placed on people who are trying to get healthy...mind, body and spirit. We all have an eating disorder in some way, shape or form. If you're overweight, obese, fat, skinny, anorexic, here to tone, healthy, fit...everyone should be welcomed but it is hard to see those groups of girls who are encouraging others not to eat to aspire to be everything but healthy.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Regardless of a persons size, having a tool like this and the support of all it's members is good for every person. The fact that some people are here may seem "too small" may be a good thing because this site can teach them healthy habits and what their healthy weight is. This site is designed for people of all ages, shapes, sizes and needs. Some use it to lose weight and slim down, some use it to gain weight and bulk up. Don't discriminate.

    Be careful here...it's not about being "small" people with serious EDs are not just someone who wishes to small but whose health is in danger from a serious behavioral/mental disorder.

    Agree that we should not discriminate or judge but I am uncomfortable with using "too small" and ED together. Hopefully this sight teaches healthy habits. I think for 95% of people, it does. But for someone who is suffering from an ED it can be a trigger or encouraging.

    That said, I still agree with most everything being said. Just wanted to point out that the small words we use can have a big connotation and indicate misunderstandings of the condition and how to communicate about it.

    (disclosure: I recovered from a ED myself)
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I haven't read through the 7 pages of responses yet, but this site is a tool everyone and anyone no matter what their goals are. If you look at the setup there is an option for weight loss, maintaining, and also weight GAIN. So some of the small people you see may even be here with the goal to gain weight. Either way, it's not for any of us to judge, even if people are using this site in an unhealthy way. Unless people are posting misinformation on the main forum that could hurt others, it's no one else's business. Not trying to come down on your for making this post, I'm sure you posted it with good intentions, but we just can't dictate everyone's personal health choices. Best thing you can do is do is be a good example and provide encouragement for all the people you can.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    double post.
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    Regardless of a persons size, having a tool like this and the support of all it's members is good for every person. The fact that some people are here may seem "too small" may be a good thing because this site can teach them healthy habits and what their healthy weight is. This site is designed for people of all ages, shapes, sizes and needs. Some use it to lose weight and slim down, some use it to gain weight and bulk up. Don't discriminate.

    Be careful here...it's not about being "small" people with serious EDs are not just someone who wishes to small but whose health is in danger from a serious behavioral/mental disorder.

    Agree that we should not discriminate or judge but I am uncomfortable with using "too small" and ED together. Hopefully this sight teaches healthy habits. I think for 95% of people, it does. But for someone who is suffering from an ED it can be a trigger or encouraging.

    That said, I still agree with most everything being said. Just wanted to point out that the small words we use can have a big connotation and indicate misunderstandings of the condition and how to communicate about it.

    (disclosure: I recovered from a ED myself)

    Pretty sure I said NOTHING about any eating disorders. I said this site may be BENEFITIAL to those who are too thin because they can learn a lot from other people and help teach them better habits. Where in that statement was I crossing a line? That's right, I wasn't...
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I suspect that when I reach my goal weight and am much slimmer than I am I will still be on here trying to stay that way and to continue to be and get healthier. I do not want or expect to be very thin just healthy. I think MFP is for everyone but I feel uncomfortable being in situations where I see people not getting enough nutrition. I want to be supportive equally to all my pals. I feel that we are not suppose to be perfect but just trying to improve. So it is not just for everyone it is also fine for someone to say that we do not have to be too skinny to be healthy and beautiful and post it on these boards. This place is for skinny people trying to gain and people like me trying to lose and those who aren't trying to change their weight but want to be fitter and healthier. It isn't a dating service but I know I really care about my pals and I can see how more could happen for those unattached. Yes MFP should be accepting of any thing that is healthy or trying to be healthy and if we arent there yet we do not want to be enabling unheathy behavior yet we want to be supportive. That isn't always that easy to do. So lets not be so judgemental of someone who is having a hard time sorting it all out and being honest about it. I do not drop friends on here that disapear for months at a time but I have finally started to delete those that are here promoting their blogs and don't ever support me with a comment of encouragement. I have friends that are thinner than me or closer to their goals. Some that have lost have alot to give to others. So maybe that will be another reason to be here when I have lost the weight. However I do not think I will ever have too skinny a picture on here not only because I don't really want to be too skinny but I do not think it would be very thoghtful of others here. However if I was too skinny and trying to gain I think it is supportive by being honest about who I am. I am willing to support anyone trying to get healthy but it is hard to know what to do when you feel like you are being asked to enable those who aren't. It doesn't happen just with those that are too thin it happens withthose that are trying to lose too. So I am all for someone saying you don't have to be super thin to be beautiful I think it is true. I think it is supportive of those that are too thin and not and for those who are just right it should let you know that you are beautiful just the way your are. I wish some of my friends on here knew how beautiful they are in my eyes.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member

    Pretty sure I said NOTHING about any eating disorders. I said this site may be BENEFITIAL to those who are too thin because they can learn a lot from other people and help teach them better habits. Where in that statement was I crossing a line? That's right, I wasn't...

    That's true...I wasn't attacking! Sorry if I misunderstood just in the context of the last several pages of posts the conversation has shifted towards EDs (not just people are thin, etc.) so that was my mindset.

    I think its a valid point for us all to remember and I didn't mean to imply you were out of line at all. I just hate to see the two conflated in general, even if you weren't doing that.

    Edit: Sometimes we need to decide if we're having a conversation or argument. I am truly just trying to talk about something I think is important, I don't mean to attack anyone in my posts.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Okay guys, this thread will now be locked. There have been numerous reports regarding offensive topic content and it also appears to have run its course. For future reference...if someone posts something which you find offensive, then do NOT post in retaliation...please just report the post and the moderators will look into it.

    This thread will be left available on the boards, however, I will inform you that insulting posts may be edited/ deleted including other posts which include quotes of these offensive topics. After discussion with fellow moderators we will decided whether the thread shall remain as a referencing tool or whether it should be removed.

    Thanks for your co -operation

    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator. :flowerforyou:
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