Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down and workout videos



  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    End of workouts do suck. I got it in, but I know I would have felt better doing it int he AM. Unfortunately, I'm in the same boat again today with a late strength workout. I had to be in early to work this AM to get desk stuff done before I'm off traveling for the day. Which meant I left for work almost an hour earlier, and I'm not a 4am exercise. 5am is about my limit!! :laugh:

    I have to be honest that at this point, almost a week in, I'm not sure the medication is helping. It's only 'impacted' me 1x so far. I know she wants to go two weeks but so far I'm not impressed. :grumble: I feel like I'm falling apart with all these doctor's appointments! Tomorrow I have to go see a ENT dr for my deviated septum as PCP believes this may be the cause of those heart flutters I've had on/off for the last year. Apparently deviated septum can lead to sleep apnea which in turn leads to heart palpitations?! I don't know...I think they just want me to meet my deductible early with all these trips to the doctor. What a mess! I'm 30 for goodness sakes, shouldn't I be avoiding the doctor?! :wink:

    I loved the phrase 'schizophrenic dieter'. That's a new one, I loved it though! I know what you mean. I think I'll probably end up back on some type of carb controlled (or cycling) 'diet' after this. As we get closer to bathing suit season, I definitely need to pay attention to those carbs. WITHOUT A DOUBT! :wink: I was happy to see that (for now) I'm only up a pound. I shouldn't say 'happy' but given my poor eating and still a missing TOM...I'm rolling forward with sticking to LP and getting in my workouts.

    And as you said about your decrease from 11 to's progress and movement forward. So regardless of whether it screams, is PROGRESS. It's moving forward and continuing to push ahead. I read something on a fitness sight about taking the time to just appreciate where you are. We are all striving for the next noticeable progress and we need to remember to take a little time to appreciate where we've taken our bodies. Take that time today!!:happy:

    I'm off to travel the highways of Pennsylvania today. We are expecting a significant storm tomorrow morning so she better not come early!! :frown:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Kudos to you for getting things done at night! I am feeling the lack of sleep this morning. Thursdays are rough since I am out late volunteering on Wednesday night and then that 5am workout comes fast the next day. So I am usually running on less than 6 hours of sleep on Thursdays (as I am right now, haha)

    Yeah it is progress and I need to appreciate that. I also need to appreciate that I am 80-90% happy with my body (depending on the day) with where it is right now. How many women can really say that? And 5% of that unhappiness comes from something I can't change right now (the momma skin). So really I am 85-95% happy with my body from all my work. Haha. I am pleased with the sizes I wear, I like how clothes fit for the most part, I like how I look in most pictures and I feel great. So I have to remember these things when I get too focused on the 5-15% I want to change (ie extra weight in my butt and thighs).

    Yeah you are falling apart. Just kidding :laugh: I have had a few things like that in my life. When I was taking the bar exam I was having all sorts of stomach issues and had to got to a GI specialist and get a colonoscopy and everything. They could never really find anything and then it just resolved itself a few months later. We chalked it up to the stress of the bar and I haven't has an issue since. I have a few bouts like that with headaches (got to get an MRI), enlarged thyroid (got to get sonogram of my neck for that one), etc. Nothing turned out to major and everything got resolved but yeah at the time you are getting all these referrals and doing all these tests and you are like WTH I am not 90! I think I had to be one of the youngest for getting a colonoscopy at 24. haha So now when I am facing anything like that I think, well this too shall pass. :laugh:

    Scale will fight back tomorrow. Just not sure how much. No loss I am sure though booo. But I know it is water since my diet and macros have been as close to perfect as I can make them. haha Hopefully I can see a loss next week when everything settles back down.

    Good luck with the weather. It is actually supposed to be 73 here. haha Thats Texas for you!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I went a little MIA, sorry about that! :laugh: Friday was so hectic from start to finish at work and at home. Thus prompting us to take some QT as a family which was nice, unproductive, and perfect. :wink: And then Sunday involved my attempting to prep for the week only to end up sidelined with the migraine of my 2013. My poor kids probably felt like they were home alone since I was useless most of the day. :sick: :sick: I'm in action today but only about 75% worth. :indifferent:

    You are doing amazing on LP and with CLX. Just keep at it. Obviously, you are moving in the right direction. Heck, you see losses even when we can admit that it's unlike given the situation. Kudos to you for that. I planned out up until Thursday. Then I'll have to get back in the kitchen to stay on track. Friday is a playdate with my girlfriend and pizza so maybe a salad before hand with only the consumption of 1 slice during? We'll see how that goes. And although he was supposed to play in the alumni basketball game and then go out to the bar after, it's looking like we'll skip all that because of his wrist. And since it's his birthday, he suggested going up to a World's Gym next to his buddies house working out with his buddy and his wife and then go out to eat. So that should be a much healthier option vs. the bar food and drinks. So we'll see how the wrist is and what he chooses for his birthday. I like to think ahead a little but I definitely just need to stay in the present and focus on how I'm doing today, at this moment.:tongue:

  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Glad to hear you made it though the storm and the weekend (even if you were sick :angry: ). Things went well for me. I did well at the birthday party and kept the chicken nuggets to 5 and only half a cupcake. I did go overboard on the fruit salad and the grape tomatoes with greek yogurt dressing. Hey if you are going to binge, you might as well binge on fruit, veggies and greek yogurt but still, calories are calories so I am hoping I am still ok. I have to say the weight lifting has me SOOO hungry again. Eating the 1400 calories and low carbs was so much easier since I wasn't working out! Funny since I am eating so much more right now!

    I am hoping for a nice loss this week since I assume I was seeing some rebound last week from the increase in workouts and carbs. I am working it as hard as I can and making sure I measure EVERYTHING! I am leaving nothing to chance here. haha I am just above 130. I am at 130.2 to be exact! I am hoping and expecting to be under 130 this week. I am hoping I am considerably under 130 and see more than a half pound loss. But you know how it goes. I wake up starving every morning. So that should mean something right? haha

    Did the weight loss version of LB's free trial. There is definitely a huge difference between her two programs. I found the weight loss version to be to easy (though it is alot of what you put in to it, I still feel like I would need more challenge). Of course the Lean Out workout was evil! haha. I was sore for days on that bad boy.

    This is my last week of the Push month and will be headed into the Lean phase on Sat. I am excited and apprehensive since I know it is going to be longer and harder but hoping the "magic happens" then. Need to take pictures this weekend too. On Sunday, I think I will be trying out one of the JNL Fusion videos that was posted on you tube. She did the shoulder workout live on youtube. So I will see how I like that :laugh: I wish it was her butts video (glutes that salute :laugh: ) but beggars can't be choosers! haha
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I've been meaning to ask you how you are liking your Fitbit?

    And as for the weekend, yes I'd say if you go overboard, you might as well do it in a healthy way. Definitely a lot less calories over in those things!! I am over weekends at this point. Every weekend from here until March 11th involves some kind of birthday event. It's not going to be good for the whole LP plan that much I can already foresee! :blushing:

    I tried the BeFit extreme with a BeFit Butt workout yesterday morning. It was nice, quick paced on the Extreme and the butt workout was real short but my booty is sore. Coupled that with a late night Turbo Fire quickie and my body is tired today. Even with the appropriate amount of protein yesterday. :laugh:

    I'm eyeing what's up on deck. We have our little mini camping get away mid-June. I'd like to stay focused enough to be ready for that. I definitely don't want to be 'dieting' all the time. But a moderate deficit and a good workout plan. I'm eyeballing the Jamie Eason program again. I'm just not sure. I like knowing what to do at the gym when I head in there, but at the same time I like to go with what I'm feeling sometimes. So I'm weighing my options. With being able to get back into the actual gym, I'm balancing my 'need' to lift weights for fat loss and my perceived 'desire' to run (which waxes/wanes :ohwell: ) No plan is not a good plan but too much plan and I'll throw it out the window. :laugh:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I am liking it a lot. The only thing that I think it has issue with is activity level when working out with something that doesn't involve a ton of arm movement. So I just fix that issue by doing an "off body" edit. Basically if you have the band off for more than 30 minutes at a time, it lets you log what you did during that time. This is what you have to do for any water sport since you can't get it wet. I use it for pretty much all my workouts though since I do so little traditional cardio. The values are pre programmed according to activity like MFP only you can't modify the calories, which is fine since they are generally much lower than my HRM which I always knew was artificially high on some workouts since I have a high HR naturally. So that is my only complaint. I wear it all the rest of the day and it really forces me to get off my butt and show what I have and haven't done during the day. I am addicted and find the info fascinating!

    I was planning out all my meals for the rest of this phase and just wanted to make sure I did my math right. Are you switching to week 9 on Friday the 1st?
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    That's good to know, I'm glad you are liking it. And that it's working a lot better than the Jawbone Up. I always go back and forth on whether to get one. Would it make me behave better? Or would it make me more number crazy? I just have one of those 'you just never know' personalities. :laugh: I'm on the edge though! If I saw a good deal like you got through Costco, I'd be pretty torn!!

    I do believe that is my switch day. I have been putting the weeks in my planner for work since I can't seem to keep them straight. I don't know if I'm actually going crazy or my stress levels are just higher than normal but I cannot remember anything and I walk around like I'm bat **** crazy half the time. :blushing: :blushing: :huh: It's not good. LoL. I'm hoping a weekend away with Dan will help. Work is stressful, Dan's stressed from basketball which gives me sympathetic stress for him, all these birthdays, finances, tax season :wink: , and everything else. It feels so odd because I don't usually physically feel stressed like I do lately. I may need to self medicate with a little Kahulah and Cream...does that fit in my macros?!:tongue:

    This set of macros and calories is a good level for me, though 1-3 wasn't too bad either. 4 sucked and I sucked at hitting the goals!:mad: I went over on carbs yesterday eating delicious Angel Food cake, such a silly move. I never thought about the carbs in it, I just knew it was good calorie wise. So off I go enjoying a treat. :blushing: Oppsie!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    PS that was ALOT of smilies in one post ....even for me!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Yeah I like it and it gives great data but it can make you a little obsessed (as if I wasn't already). haha! I read an article a while go (maybe it was LP) that said a lot of what people deem to be daily lower calorie burn after they have been working out for a while (adaptive metabolism or whatever) isn't necessarily their metabolism's response to the workouts, it is that the person is less active the rest of the day their work out. I didn't really believe this theory but after using the BMF, I totally see how I am not as active throughout the day after I have worked out. Some of it I was aware of since on my rest days I would still try to walk around and get some exercise in but I didn't realize how often I took the lazy route (elevator instead of stairs, email instead of walking to the other's office, etc) after I had a hard workout. It was like "I don't need to do that I already got my exercise". So I can totally see how working out for 30 minutes a day could be used as an excuse for people not to get regular daily activity like they would had they not worked out. The BMF clearly showed that in steps and calories burned throughout the day. So that was a eye opener!

    Ok good I am glad we are all on the same page with the switch. Yeah I am liking this phase of ratios. It gives me so much more wiggle room with the extra carbs. I can eat fruit and recipes with grains oh my! haha. I am enjoying that for sure. It is more carbs that I have ever had since I started watching my macros. Of course the extra calories are nice too. It makes me feel "normal" :laugh: Week 4 wasn't that bad physically for me since I was rarely hungry. I chock that up to the extra fat and no real workouts. The big thing for me with week 4 was hitting the macros. That really made me feel like I was on a diet per se because there were so many things I just couldn't eat. So it was more of a drain mentally then physically. And it was hard for me to get the fat up just because adding in the fat would jack up the calories. And for me I would much rather have 170 calories worth of chicken and veggies that a single serving of nuts. I am a volume girl. It just makes me sad when I have a tiny portion of something to eat (even if it is awesome). Which is why I always add veggies to my lean cuisines and salads with low cal dressings to my dinners. Week 9 is going to be sooo odd with all those carbs. I wonder if I will be starving but on the bright side, I will get to eat TONS of veggies and fruit (and maybe a cookie).

    So far my weight has been going down (slowly) so I am thinking I will see something on the scale this week (which I should since I think last week was a bit of a rebound coming off week 4). So I am thinking about what to do after CLX and if I can't figure it out right away I will just do the lean for life phase until I figure it out. I am SOOOO lost as to what to do with macros and calories when we finish. I do want to increase my calories some (maybe even maintenance level for a bit) but I don't want to undo all the hard work I did. I wish there was a chapter about how to maintain the results of this OPT plan. I know there is the maintenance section but it just has general tactics and I know I need a bit more structure. I need something to tell me to keep my macros at _______ and lower your deficit by _____% each week. Any thoughts? I just want to try to maintain as much as I can while increase calories slowly since I think I will need to do another round (if the results of this one are good) before my vacation in June.

    Oh yes enjoy your weekend. Try to unwind. And yes booze totally fits in :wink:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I definitely think it was the LP stuff that explained a decrease in NEAT. If not, we definitely read it somewhere because I clearly remember thinking 'yep, that's accurate.' Workout, who needs to park far away...I WORKED OUT! :laugh: That's why I appreciate nicer weather so much. I can get a workout in, check that off. But then get the dogs out for a nice walk which is great for stress relief, makes me feel better about how they are doing, and increases that daily activity without a whole lot of mental effort to MOVE more! I can see how the BMF would help with that. And an excellent point for purchasing one! :bigsmile:

    A volume girl, (lol) I like that. Makes sense. I definitely appreciate being in a the same macros for longer than 1 week (though i get the shock effect) because it takes me a few days to figure out where I need to go with my meal planning. I feel like I've got this one down and can roll with it. Unless of course, I overlook carbs in angel food cake. :huh: :laugh:

    As for where to go from here, I have to be honest. I'm not near maintenance yet. I have a decent layer of fat on both my stomach and thighs that keeps my head away from thinking about how to 'settle' in to a routine. For me, after this I'm thinking a higher calorie level (smaller deficit) with heavy as possible lifting and HIIT on off days. I'm looking at a couple of printable programs. I know I can't diet consistently until summer. So I'm hoping to work on the muscles side of things while maintaining a small deficit and then do a short 'cut' before our trip. Will it work? I have NO IDEA!! :huh: But that's where I'm at. I'm still a bit behind you on the road towards maintenance! So hopefully you have it all figured out by the time I get there!! :bigsmile: I'm kidding...I'm kidding! :tongue:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Yeah exactly! I am close but not exactly where I want to be body comp wise. I really want to lose 4% or so of BF to lean out my legs a little (since everything else has leaned out decently and the lowed body is the last to go for sure!) BUT I know I can't keep up strict dieting the whole time. I really do want to get to a maintenance level or just under with my food and hang out there for a while before I start up again on a heavy cut (hopefully my last one, yeah right!).

    Well I have only myself to blame for being in a crabby mood about my weight this morning. I was feeling good this week. Awesome on my food (calories and macros), I was getting all my workouts in. I was sure I would see a killer loss but now I don't think so.

    Here is my pattern: my weight is always the lowest on Friday mornings because I watch my sodium (of course for weigh day), it goes up a little or stays the same on Sat morning since I don't watch my sodium on Friday but I usually don't have DOMS since Friday is my rest day. Then on Sunday and Monday my weight is usually artificially high since my sodium is way off on the weekends and I drink about a 10th of the water I normally do on the weekdays. So the real show is on Tuesday morning. This is when I get an idea of what to expect (minus some water weight) on Friday. It was at a nice number on Tuesday and that lead me to think I would have a great weigh in on Friday since I can expect about a pound of water weight off that number come Friday morning. Yeah....then Wednesday and Thursday hit. Wednesday it was up, ok fine and then this morning it was way up. Uggghhh. There is no reason for it and I know it isn't fat but it makes me so cranky to think that I am not going to see a good loss (or a loss at all) this week. Now I did see this pattern last week when my weight just randomly spiked on Wednesday and Thursday and then it was down again by Friday but not this much. grrrrr I blame myself for my crappy mood about this. I should know not to get on the scale especially when I have seen this trend before but at the same time I talk myself into doing it so I can see the patterns and have a better idea of what to expect (foolish I know). Sigh. So fingers crossed that everything levels out but I think how in the hell do I expect to drop 2-3 pounds of random "weight" in one day. Oh well only time will tell.

    I think for when I finish the cut I am going to start increasing calories by like 100 calories at a time. I hear that is the best way to do it until I am close to a maintenance level. This is when I will sync my BMF with MFP so I can actually see my true deficit on MFP and adjust accordingly. So that is all fine and dandy. The one thing I haven't figured out is the best macros for maintenance. I have tried to research it and shockingly I haven't found anything. When I get closer I might throw it out to the MFP world and see what answers come back but I am thinking maybe the standard 40/30/30 is the way to go since that is what NROLFW recommends and the Eat More to Weigh Less crew and also a lot of Crossfitters like this to fuel their workouts. So I think that might be my starting point for when I finish this cut.

    This cut has taught me for sure that I need a bit more fat. I don't eat alot of fat since there are so many additional calories (ie I have to eat less food to keep in my calories). So I cut out egg yolks, would eat 0% greek yogurt and eat chicken instead of beef, etc. I wasn't doing it because I thought fat was making me fat but just because eating less fat generally meant more food within my caloric goals. BUT the higher fat amounts really do give me a longer feeling of satisfaction. Now I am not eating crap tons of lard but the added egg yolk and higher fat dairy, etc does seem to keep me fuller longer so I think I do need to keep more fat in my diet. Thank you LP :)

    My overall goal after this cut is to try to get my calories back up to as close to maintenance as possible without ruining the results of the cut. It will be a difficult journey for sure! Happy Valentine's Day!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Nice loss. LP is treating you right, eh? You happy with how it's going then? I think what you said about 'needing more fat' is the important part in all of this. We can read and read until we are blue in the face. We can steal a meal plan out of a muscle and fitness magazine every other month. But none of it tells us how OUR bodies are impacted by the food and exercise choices we make. If we can identify those types of things over time, then I think (fingers crossed) the experiment of maintenance might not be SUCH a guessing game. One can hope at least! Our bodies will always keep us on our toes, but at least we won't be starting fresh. (Optimism on a Friday morning!!)

    Well, it's looking like my weekend won't be disastrous. Which is good since I was able to keep myself back on track from the debacle of the other weekend:blushing: . I don't think there will be any bar time. (and although I say I wanted to turn to Kahulah and cream with this stress...drinking and caring for 2 children on a Thursday night just doesn't sound appealing when thoroughly thought through! :tongue: ) So all should be alright with the world, no self sabotaging ahead. :laugh: Granted Dan and Tarren's birthdays are this weekend...but Dan does icecream cake which I don't care for, and Tarren's getting a Mommy made cake which I can always say no to cake. It's just not that appealing. *thankfully!* And a couple more weeks at these macros is completely doable. I'm good to go, I do believe!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    So glad to hear you are good to go. Yeah I was really pleased with this morning's weigh in. I was well below 130 and I haven't been this weight in over 6 months. I am like 2 pounds away from my all time low (which I held for like a day and then bounced up). I have been happy with the program because I think it is very doable and not overly taxing. Since consistency is the biggest thing, I need something that I can deal with day in and day out and certainly I can with these macros. I am also glad that I adjusted to the higher TDEE estimate since it seems to be working fine (no point in driving myself into the ground when I don't need to).

    I have no idea what the hell is up with the scale though. This morning's weigh in was what I would have expected if my scale numbers hadn't bounced sky high yesterday (it was up like 4 pounds, for no reason). Same thing last week. Like 3 or 4 pounds up the day before. Whatever. I have learned my lesson. I will stop getting on the scale after Tuesday and wait until Friday (how sad is that!).

    I completely agree with you about finding out what works for us. Early on in this journey I learned that processed carbs (crackers, chips, pasta, breads, etc) were just a waste of calories for me. Not only were they a waste they actually made me hungrier! So that was my first lesson. My second lesson was that I did the volumizing effect of veggies to make me both mentally and physically feel satisfied. My third lesson was that fruit isn't filling at all for me (so odd considering the fiber) so I use it as a treat and to bulk up other foods a little but that is the first thing to go when I need to cut carbs or calories. LP has taught me 2 things so far: 1) the fat is really helpful to stay fuller longer and 2) consistency is really everything. (oh and I need to weigh everything not just "measure" it).

    Ok the consistency part you would think I would know by now but it really made me look back. When I was down to my lowest almost a year go I was consistently doing S90 and eating 1800 calories a day. And that was EVERYDAY including weekends. There was no off weekends or major cheats or eating out (since I was preparing to go to Galveston). When I get back from Galveston, I couldn't get the extra vacation weight off and never got close to that weight again. I just hung around 130 (about 3-4 pounds higher) for the longest time regardless of what I did (and I was constantly changing things up). Same thing happened after Xmas. Got most of the vacation weight off by still couldn't get it back down to 130 (let alone 127). Now here I sit today a 128.6lb and I see that the results I am having is because I have been vigilant about my food, which is exactly what I did last year before Galveston (even though the calories were higher).

    I see now that I was sort of half assing my diet (especially on the weekends) for the past 6 months. Which is fine. I needed a break I suppose but at the time I thought I was doing it all right. I thought I was just "stuck" and my body wouldn't let me get any lower. I was logging everything on the weekdays, not usually going nuts on the weekends and working out 6x a week so I assumed I was doing everything possible. Now I see I was estimating a lot on both the weekends and weekdays. I wasn't measuring the hummus or the salad dressings and I see now that I was eating double some times triple what I was logging on certain things. I was eating way more than I should on the weekends as well so I was probably just eating at maintenance or even a small surplus that whole time. But as LP says, I am glad to know it is my fault since now I know I can fix it. haha

    I am sure maintenance will the be same learning experience :laugh: Oh so excited I finished Push and now going to Lean tomorrow :drinker:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I had toay off because of President's Day so I'm just now dropping in. Spent the day shopping with Mom, cleaning & prep cooking. 2 birthdays down, 2 more to go for this month! This weekend was definitely different than we had planned. Dan decided he would play in the bball game but not go out so we didn't hit the bar and we didn't head out of town either. Instead we went to watch his game as a family and then grabbed a bite to eat out afterwards. Eating out was in the plan either way so I kept it light Saturday and hit a good run up. Was a good day. Yesterday I knew I'd give in to cake so I just stayed well behaved and then enjoyed a piece with my handsome 4 year old. He was too stickin' funny about his birthday. He was a riot to be around all stinking day. I loved it. Sadly, Dan's birthday wasn't one for the record books with all the change in plans and what not. But we made it work.

    Tomorrow is my sister's birthday so I'm planning on just brining my eats with me. She usually requestes periogies or someother family recipe for her birthday dinner. If it weren't for the planned cheats over the weekend, I'd consider it but I have to keep it tight after those. Hopefully I don't offend anyone! I have to do it...I saw swimsuits and shorts out while I was out shopping. If that isn't incentive, the fact I bought 2 tops that require me to wear leggings as the bottom half of the outfit should do it!! :blushing: (What can I say they were a heck of a deal!!)

    Now if I can just pound the water and stay the course. Right? Always the prayer for the beginning of the week, isn't it?

    How was your weekend. I barely peeked in but did catch you got your workouts in. Nice work. Lean going well?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Glad to hear you had a nice long weekend. I was killing it with my workouts but I had a total crash and burn with my diet. The first since the start of LP. Sigh. I went to the brunch at my parents and I was doing so well. It was hard to just eat small amounts but I did it! I was so proud. Then we go out shopping at a kid's consignment sale and come back to my parent house. At this time I just have a breakdown and eat all the left over raspberry crumbcake and danish and some chocolate. WTF? I tried to log the best I could but even with really rough estimates I was at around 3k calories. So I am sure I blew my weigh in this week. Seriously. Why do I do this? I just go to the lowest point I have been in FOREVER and I totally ruin it for nothing. I mean it wasn't like it was my birthday. I was so strong the whole time then just caved. Grrrr oh and boy did I have the headache of the century after that. I think it was from all the sugar since that was all I had (chocolate, cake and danish) and I have't been eating much sugar since New Years. Well I just have to accept it and hope I don't see too big of a jump on the scale. Moving on...

    As for Lean, it is so different! I thought I would like it more but so far not so much. It is because I have such bad balance. haha so I am definitely struggling on a lot of the balance moves. But I know it is doing something since my arms are soooo sore from Lean 1 and 2. I hear there is more legs in 3 so I am excited to see that. So far it isn't my favorite phase BUT none of them seem to be when I start. They all have to grow on me. I didn't JNL's workout on Sunday and it was good but honestly, I really prefer the heavier/ slower style. I prefer to get my cardio burn by limiting my rest in between sets (and doing supersets) than but doing endless reps. BUT it really matters what is going to give me the results I want. Lets face it. Though I like the feeling after working out, I don't work out for just the fun of it. Shame on me? I don't know but it is what it is. I don't mind working out most of the time and I feel crappy if I don't but I do it because of the way it makes me feel and look not because it is just so much fun. Now I am not going to do something I hate (like insanity, sorry, haha) but I can do all sorts of different weight techniques if it will help me reach my goals. Which is to just maintain my muscle mass (not worried about gaining muscle) while losing BF but not drive myself into the ground.

    So I think I am going to do some of the free 10lb slimdown workouts with Chris Freytag (since I have liked her style) after I finish CLX before I jump into another program. I have also in eyeing the MetRx 180 set since I got an ad about it in my powerblocks. Apparently it has several leg days in it! You know we love some legs. I saw it is on kineticflix which I just learned about (netflix for workout dvds). How did I not know about this? I might have to subscribe to that. I have a problem. Just sayin' :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    1 crash and burn with a prompt recovery will be alright. Don't let it get you down. It's all mental so as long as you move forward, LP will be just as successful regardless! :smile: *I'm so damn optimistic before 11am, it's ridiculous!* But in all seriousness, you've been very targeted with your calories and macros, and I realize that's the point, but you had a little one day blip and now it's over. If Friday brings a frustration, SO WHAT! You know what you can bring with all your effort and hard work, one weigh in isn't the big picture. So HERE WE GO onto another week of being on point and well behaved!! :wink: I'm rambling...too much coffee, see!?

    Very astute of you on your recognizing your preferred approaches. I think one of my issues (and I used your term with LaurnWhit the other day) is I'm a schizophrenic exerciser. Come winter I want to hibernate and stick with the cardio/weight mixture (ie. S90), as winter drags out I'm tired of pulling out the weights and need a break from that approach so I go with straight cardio (ie. Turbo Fire) as spring hits I'm starting to get antsy and think about races and getting out of the house so I start to hit the gym on the weekend for cardio, closer the warm weather gets the better my habits of heavy weights, low rests, and preferred cardio are. I'm about to that last portion with spring only being 29 days away (perk of having a Kindergartener-he counts down everything!). Right now being in the gym in a breath of fresh air. Just to get out of the house after being locked up through the winter. I know enough to know that will change because I have the above mentioned diagnosis. But I realize if I just roll with the punches and fluctuations, I'm alot more consistent and better off in the long run. So, I'm rolling. As long as I'm moving and burning, I will refrain from beating myself up. And as long as I finish out LP with my head on straight, all will be right with the world. :tongue:

    I'll have to check out the 10lb slimdown just for kicks. :laugh: We do need an arsenal full of 'you never knows'. And yes, anything with legs- sign me up! I'm all over that. I had lower body work yesterday AM and then Dan wanted to hit the gym together in the afternoon. I figured what the heck. HOLY LEGS BATMAN. :huh: Morning meetings are involving water and a closed door so I can stretch without weirding anyone out! And tonight is Stretch 40, I can hardly weight. My friend foam roller might even stop over!! :tongue:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Yeah I know I have to move on but I am just so annoyed that I was doing so well and I just blew it. It might not be a big thing but it could be a huge rebound. As you know, you just never know. hisssss. Oh well I cut my calories a little on Monday to try to help but then I just moved on and I am eating normally with the LP plan.

    Yeah I like to change things but but I am such a program lover! I love not having to decide what workout to do and I love the satisfaction of completing something! I also feel like programs take the guess work out for me so I don't have to worry if I am mixing it up enough or work certain muscles too often, etc. But now deciding what program to do, that is another matter!! haha I would love to try some of Cathe's programs but god all her strength workouts seem to require so much equipment! Most require a step (which I think I will invest in once we are in the new house) but then there are benches and bars and all sorts of crap that I don't have. Maybe I can check one out from the library. haha. Have you done any of her strength workouts?

    Well I did all the Lean workouts and I have to say that so far Lean 2 was my least favorite! haha I think it is because I struggle more with balance on those. I was digging Lean 3 this morning. Push ups are not my favorite but I found these doable and boy was my chest muscles spent after all that! So tell me about the foam roller. I am very interested :)
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    You do just never know how 1 blip or even 5 perfect days will impact the scale...and that stinks! (less optimistic since I have to travel all day today and in general today will be a craptastic day! :tongue: ) We'll keep truckin' along though.

    I have not done any Cathe stuff. I read alot about it on the EM2WL group. But never invested. Looks good, but yes on the seems like you will end up with a gym of your own. Not sure, aside from it seems like a solid group of programs/workouts. Sorry! not much help on that. :huh:

    The foam roller. Well, that is my little friend that Dan got me for my birthday. My giant, hard pool noodle. I love and loathe it all at the same time. He got it for me last summer when I was running alot and my hamstrings/quads/IT were always tight. It sucks while 'foam rolling' but it really does help to loosen up the tightness/soreness in your muscles after workouts. Essentially I should do it every night but I only end up doing it when 'it hurts so bad!' He picked it up at ****'s for like $25. And I just roll whatever sore muscles on it at night before bed to try and loosen them up. Works like a charm usually. Last night, my right hamstring was so sore it was painful so I had to go with foam rolling, icing, and some Tylenol. But typically just a good stretch and the foam roller and I feel much better. If you are a firm believer in stretching helps with recover, you'd probably enjoy the foam roller. :glasses:

    I'm traveling all day today and am ill prepared. I have my water bottle and a protein bar. :grumble: Was too busy last night to think about making a to-go lunch so I'm hoping some bars and a fruit will keep me right until I get back to the office. You plan plan plan but a wrench gets thrown in and I end up with an 'uh oh'! Luckily, I can't think of a single fast food restaurant between the office and the facility that I'm traveling to so bad fast food shouldn't be an issue. *Fingers crossed* But I will be thinking of my yummy, already prepped lunch just waiting for me in my office fridge!!

    And I'm also onto a late upper body workout. We have had this issue of little man sneaking into our bed at night. Literally sneaking. I'll wake up and there he is. So as soon as I see him I have to get up and carry him back to bed. Well this AM (at 4am) he sneaks in, I say 'you have to sleep in your bed like a big boy' proceed to carry him back to bed and he says 'but I love you Mommy!' with little tears in his eyes. So of course being the sucker I am, I sit with him until he falls back asleep. Head back to bed and round #2 proceeds. I have a feeling the next couple of weeks will be similar so I'll end up having to use my phone as a portable alarm clock because I'll never know where I might be at wake up time!! The joys of parenting! :laugh: :laugh:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    What a little sneak! So cute! I can totally see Josie doing something like this once she is in a toddler bed (which is why we are not putting her in one until she climbs out of the crib or turns 3, haha). We definitely need to contain her as long as we can!

    I have been curious about the foam roller as I wasn't sure if it actually stretched you or was just supposed to feel good. I am all in if it actually stretched you out since I too am a fan of stretching and recovery but I wouldn't spend the money on it if the only purpose was to just rub you a little :laugh:

    Just bought a groupon like thing for my first ever sports massage. I am a fan of Swedish and hot stone massage (can't tolerate deep tissue) but I have never tried sports massage. I am excited since apparently it involves heat, stretching. Should be interesting that is for sure.

    I understand on the ill prepared, that is one of the biggest things that LP has forced me to do. Plan in advance to be able to hit those macros. That and lots of planning is involved since I am weighing EVERYTHING now. I did get a bunch of itty bitty tupperware like containers for my tuna (with premeasured miracle whip) and carrots and hummus (of course also measured). That has made life easier since now when i get home I can throw them in the dishwasher and grab a new set for the next day's lunch. Since we only had a few containers before (and most were too big) I would have to hand wash and dry the ones I used as soon as I got home so I could pack them up again. Stupid thing but hey it saves me a step.

    Speaking of planning I am actually trying to plan out next week's meals and decide on recipes. I am thinking of trying this new recipe from HG (as I love cashew chicken) but I need to increase the servings (I refuse to cook meals that don't have any leftovers). Not sure if it worth all the trouble of having to do math and double the whole thing. haha

    Well I did everything I could do the rest of this week to try to undo what I did on Sunday. We shall see what happens on the scale tomorrow. I don't have high hopes. I will be ok (not happy but ok) with anything below 130 (even though that would be a gain from my 128.6 weigh in last week) but it will be a nut job if it is in the 130s again. No lie. Find me a straight jacket. :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Let's see...the foam roller...yeh I definitely wouldn't call it a rub :blushing: I watched a bunch of videos on youtube to make sure I was doing it right. Essentially you are rolling your muscles on it, finding the tight spots and then settled in for a couple minutes in that 'uncomfortable, tight spot' to help break up the knots in your muscles. I can definitely feel when I hit one and definitely have noticed improvement in recovery when I utilize it. But a sports massage sounds fantastic. When Dan bought me a full body massage for my birthday last year, I saw a pamphlet mentioning that she did sports massages. It sounds fantastic. You'll have to keep me posted about how you like it. I'm a big fan of massages and wouldn't mind splurging on one myself soon!!

    The new recipe looks yummy. I've done very little experimenting on the LP plan. (Which I should since it does get mundane!) That one looks good though. I think I've mentioned Dan's preference to stick with the typical eating plan so when I experiment too much, I end up with LOTS of leftovers! :laugh:

    My weight is steady. No loss, no gain. Which had been frustrating until I took some progress pictures just because I felt like it had been awhile. I don't see much change in the thigh/bottom half area but my stomach is looking promising. So although my weight annoys me, I'm ready out a NSV to keep myself sane. I could just be being 'nicer' to myself today or it could actually be some progress. Either way, I'll take it today. :wink:

    I need to pick up some new Tupperware and your note reminds me it needs to be done! I think my entire dishwasher during the week consists of all Tupperware on the top rack! All of Dan's, all of mine. I don't know what I'd do without them! I should pick up some more little ones that you mentioned. They always seem to go MIA on me!!