Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down and workout videos



  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Sorry crazy day. Don't have much time to chat but I did want to let you know the cough is SLOWLY getting better. Cardio was rougher than normal this morning and would start some light coughing but nothing major. I am going to be hitting it tomorrow again though with the lean intervals. Hoping for the best on final weigh in tomorrow morning! Then will "do my best" this weekend. haha. See you tomorrow!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Crazy days lately, I understand!! I am glad you are starting to feel better. I am also so excited you finished CLX! Props to you sista! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: And a loss for you today also! Great job! Did you get all your pics and measurements?

    I made the decision (as noted in my blog post) to hold out another week on measurements and reassess from there. I feel like I have a good idea of what/where too do/go from here but I figured I'd throw it out and see what responses I get. I am always up for feedback. This mornings lift was hard. I was just not feeling 100% but got it in. My legs are feeling it already so I guess that's a good thing. Need to squeeze in a quick workout tomorrow AM (have to do a 5am even though I'm not working :grumble: since Dan needs to lift too before we head out of town) Upper tomorrow since I'm off schedule for missing Tuesday. The hotel has a treadmill I'm hoping to hop on why the family sleeps and then finish out one more week before changing anything when we get back. I need to foam roll...:huh:

    I am going to prep some simple chicken salad and take some rice cakes with me for the trip up. That should tide me over until we make it up there. I'll pack some good stuff for the hotel room in an effort to limit self sabotaging this weekend! Also going to pack some water. I'm a water snob and can't handle city water. So best to just take the time to prep. Dan needs prep food is ALWAYS hungry. :laugh: So I'll get it taken care of tonight. Though that needs done, packing, and then I have to get all the Easter eggs & baskets ready because when the kids load up in the car Mommy has to run back into the house and hide them secretly since by the time we get back the Easter Bunny will have already come and gone. (<---longest run on sentence in history!!:tongue: ) It's going to be a busy night!!

    Enjoy your weekend! I hope it's relaxing and wonderful!! :drinker:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Good for you for staying off the scale, water snob :tongue:, you are much stronger than I! :laugh: Well I weighed in and was overall happy. I was a little annoyed that I wasn't able to go potty yesterday (sorry TMI) so my number might be slightly higher than it normally would but I can't complain with being at 127.4lbs. I was hoping LP would get me to 125. Close but no cigar. I did lose 8 pounds in the last 12 weeks which sounds quite impressive, BUT about 4-5 pounds of that was still holiday weight. So I would be interested to know what happened if I had started at my standard 130 (the barrier my body loves to sit at) instead of 135.4. I would definitely say I lost BF though. The calipers were on the 8mm mark this morning and it was 12mm when I started (it is in 2mm increments so I dropped down 2 levels on the calipers). So according to that I am just under 20% even in the new age bracket (which was a goal of mine but I need to stay comfortably under there).

    So I made progress and didn't die so that is all one can hope for right? haha. I did take pictures and measurements but I haven't had to do the side by sides. I think I am seeing more definition though. I will post everything next week on my blog. I just don't have the time to get all of the photos edited and uploaded before I am leaving town. At this point everything is so minor but still. I want to see changes :laugh:

    So I am going to slowly raise calories and I am about to connect my BMF to MFP (we shall see how that one goes!). I am not sure if I would do the full 12 week LP program again or if I would just go straight to a 35-40% deficit with really high protein since that seems to be where most of the action happened with me. I definitely will be cutting again before summer.

    I too need to pack healthy food today for the road as well as in the room. I usually pack a bunch of protein bars on any trip to keep us from eating crap in between meals but since we are on the road I can bring more stuff. I see jerky, nuts, hummus and sandwiches in our future. haha. I also laugh with the water snob comment. As soon as we get to any hotel, we immediately go to a grocery store to buy a package of bottled water. I refuse to pay mini bar prices and hotel water is always nasty!

    Well I am off for the weekend. Have a very wonderful Easter weekend and we will both do our best to keep it together :laugh:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh yeah I was totally off the wagon over the weekend. I hung in for one day then it all fell apart that dinner!! haha. So I haven't been on the scale since then. I will expect an increase but that is cool. The only thing I don't know is whether I should continue with the plan of eating higher calories (like 1600-1800) or if I should stay lower for a few more days to make up for my weekend binge. Hmmmmmm decisions. Great pic by the way :)
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Morning! I took Monday off so I spent the day cleaning, prepping food and hanging out with the family. I wanted to take today too, since the family is home probably still cuddled up in bed but sadly I had to head in to work! It felt good to hit the gym in the wee hours of the morning though. My 8am workout yesterday was fine but there's more people in the gym by then so it's not as 'fun' to get in my workout.

    Thanks for the comment on the pic. You too! Looking good with that 6 pack! I'd say CLX and LP did you well, but I know 98.99% is your consistency and dedication to accomplishing your goals. I've realized that 110% over the last month. I, of course, 'knew' that was the key to this but I can 'feel' how that consistency really drives the progress now. Thus, I am spending lunch considering new objectives for the next 11 weeks pre-vacation. I will definitely be purchasing a new swimsuit though! I was pleasantly and annoyingly surprised by how ill fitted my suits were this weekend. Granted one of them was purchased shortly after my youngest was born and that one was like a darn tent. But even the one I purchased for vacation last summer, a strapless tankini...I was shocked to find out the bottoms were actually loose. I'd like to think that's a good thing but I'm not exactly on a mission to 'lose the booty', I just want that thing to fight gravity!! :wink: So we'll see...I plan on holding out for a while to see where the next few weeks lead me. Again, I'll probably never make it to a bikini because a front shot of my stomach even flexed may show abs peeking through but my belly button is a hot mess. :huh:

    Easter was rough for me too. I kept it together 90% on the trip but Easter day my emotions got the better of me. I picked and picked, couldn't even log because I have no idea what I ate. All I know was I ended up in a food coma Sunday night, literally. I laid in bed and cussed at myself for reverting back to old habits after all this progress!! :angry: It was a wash. So I got my butt up Monday (work day off or not) and got to work. Chugging water and getting my head back on right. I hope SOMEDAY to get passed that holiday hiatus BS!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Ok that is awesome that all the bathing suits didn't fit!!! You rock girl! Your ab pic looked awesome but I know what you mean about wanting to feel comfortable with your mommy issues. I still have some skin that I can tuck away for pictures and stuff but it can all hang out when I sit down in a 2 piece so I am very careful about that action and trying to make sure bottoms are higher up. You can see the little bit of extra skin left in my profile after pic. There is that little fold showing out of my shorts. A small price to pay but I can't wait to have it cut off once I am done with having kids. haha!

    Yeah I was happy with the stats from LP and CLX but I honestly didn't see too much of a change in the pictures. The only thing I can see clearly is the thighs which is my trouble zone so I am happy about that but then I notice that I barely lost anything in my thighs according to the measurements so maybe I was just standing differently. Whatever. I just have to look back and my true before and after pics (as shown in my profile) and I can't doubt the change there :laugh:

    Yeah as for Easter, I was on the scale this morning and it was up over 4 pounds. haha. I am sure some of that will come down but I expect to see a 2 pound gain from the weekend debauchery. Speaking of scales, when do you break the streak and hop on? :tongue:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Saw the you deactivated!! Was it a mistake or are you gone?? :cry:
  • cleaneater80
    cleaneater80 Posts: 462 Member
    Don't know where I found this thread but could not stop reading it. Love the way you two encourage each other and the work you have put in to get where you are. I"m hoping you didn't leave the site mamreese ;(

    I'm needing some inspiration right now. I reached goal weight back in 2011 for my wedding and now am up 12lbs. I have had a hard time getting my head around being where I am now and the changes I need to get to where I want to be. I'm active and know how to eat right I'm just in some kind of funk that is stopping me from getting to where I need to be.

    Jennie you are such a inspiration - How did you get started to really lose the weight and make some changes?

    Love your banter back and forth -
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh thanks, Mamareese should be coming back at some point! My breaking point was how unhappy I looked and felt after having my daughter. I was a size 14 and I had enough. So I started about 6 weeks after I had my daughter and never looked back. :laugh:
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    What's shakin' sista?

    Weekend was interesting. Got the gym in but movies derailed eating. Things are looking up for this week. Not much longer and we'll be off on vacation. We have a tee ball game tonight so I had to add tonight's meal to prep cooking. Pretty sure I made 8 meals yesterday! Yowser!

    What's new with you?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hey girl!! Is it really you?? I didn't realize you had come back. haha I got a ton of FR after I posted 2 blogs and I guess you got accepted into the mix and I didn't notice haha!

    Glad you are back!

    Yeah the scale is looking really evil. Though I hit 125 and have been within less than a pound of 125 for 3 weeks now, since I increased calories (and had a single big cheat meal on Sat) my weight has been sky high. You came back at the perfect time so that you can talk me off the ledge. I know I need to give it more time and I didn't gain 3 pounds of fat but it messes with your head for sure!

    Just have to keep the course. I want to live a normal life and I need to eat closer to 2000 on a regular basis to live how I want to live. But of course, I will only give this so long since I do have 2 beach trips coming up. So I do expect another cut coming my way but I want to give the higher calories a chance. How have you been?
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Haha. Sorry, I should have noted that in my friend request!! :wink: Forgot about the influx you've gotten since the blog posts hit the top 10!!!

    The scale blows. So I see why you are waiting on the profile page. You are right that you didn't gain the 3lbs but seeing it still sucks. I hear ya. I consistently see the 148 unless I eat high sodium them I'm up 3-4lbs and want to smack my head! :tongue:

    Definitely agree about the living the normal life. After this vacation push, which I'm still gearing back up for, I've got to find a suitable pace for the long haul. Sure they'll be the 30 days until vacation or birthday pushes but still need to look at that 'what can I do forever?' balance. The 6 days a week of the gym/home workouts is feasible. It's the balance of eating and we'll find it! I definitely wasn't prepared for it yet so I have a ways to go mentally. But it's a game of when/how just like the weight loss is!!

    Things are good. I switched up the set up of my upper body this morning after talking to Dan. Usually I go with a minimum of 2 exercises per upper body part (i.e. chest, back, shoulders, bi, tri) with 3x15 but he suggested instead of mixing bis with tris in a superset...burn out bis together, tris together etc. So I did. And holy hell. My layout will stay the same but I'm sticking with his go heavy one day 8-10 reps and fast/lighter with 12-15 the other day. I always figured I should switch them to allow one part to rest before hammering the other but this was way more intense. Bis are throbbing now! :sad: Tomorrow is leg/booty day which is my favorite day so some foam rolling and rest tonight. Then one more early morning.

    I get to go to Mother's Day programs for both the kiddos tomorrow. Soo excited!! :flowerforyou: It'll be nice to end the week on a high note with the kids!!

    Any Mother's Day plans?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    ohhh sounds like you have a good workout routine. Well as expected I was up 2lbs. Hard to know how much was from the cheat meal and how much was from the calorie increase but I have to stay strong. 1800-1900 is still a 20% deficit so I know it isn't fat and I need to just relax. I know I will be good one more week but if I see 2 more weeks of heavy gains (and getting close to 130 again) I know I am going to back off. I just can't deal with it right now. I will raise the calories more in the winter when I don't have to be in a bathing suit! :laugh: I have worked too damn hard to be in the 120s to give that up right during skin showing season.

    Well we had some mother's day plans including a brunch for my family that I organized on Sunday but Josie has some stomach bug (I am home today) so I am not sure if she will be over it by then :ohwell:

    I am glad you are back at MFP. What made you decide to come back?
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    I understand the conflict with upping them. And you've got to be comfortable with doing it so I hope the scale settles down for you so you can continue to see where your calories lie! I get the swimsuit thing 100%-there's more room for experimenting when things cool down outside!!

    I do hope that Josie is feeling better!! Nothing worse than a sick little one on any day let alone a little holiday!

    I was off work yesterday for the boys' Mother's Day thing so I didn't get on MFP. They were so stinking cute, I loved it. I'm glad Mother's Day falls during the school year! :tongue: Means that I can go enjoy a little program every year they are little. Though Dan did tell me that I have to find something to do later so that the boys can 'work on' my Mother's Day gift. Too bad I already hit the gym!

    Both the boys played tee ball today. Tarren had to sub in since we didn't have enough players. Talan never hits off the tee which I guess left Tarren something to prove since neither did he! :laugh: They did great. It's cold and rainy here so I'm glad we are home and on to lunch/laundry. But it was fun.

    I had cardio today. I think tomorrow I'll swap my rest day in for a little stretch session and a small amount of cardio. With the weather turned crappy, we aren't getting out and up on the hikes like we have been. So I don't think taking the rest day out for now will hurt. Wednesday can be a rest day if needed.

    I tried to prep as much food today as I could so I won't be swamped tomorrow. Who wants to prep cook on Mother's Day?! Not this chic. I did my egg muffins and some turkey is thawing for turkey muffins. I won't be able to do Dan's until tomorrow since the chicken needs to last him until Wednesday. But some is better than none.

    I'm hoping these pinterested themed presents we did for my mom, Gram, and MIL dry!! Otherwise they'll be getting 70% dried clay danglers instead of 100% dry!! Procrastination is my middle name!!

    Enjoy your Mother's Day and I hope Josie feels 100% ASAP!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I am back....just barely. After missing 4 days of work (one just for Josie, 2 for all of us and 1 more day just for me) I had to come back even though I can still barely keep any food down (or in for that matter). I did overdo it on mother's day brunch (because it was delicious) but considering I have only be able to eat crackers and bread since Sunday morning (and they are going through me faster than anything) I think I will post a loss. If nothing else it will be pure water weight! I think the earliest I will be able to work out again in Sat and probably not until Sunday or Monday since I am so weak from not eating and I am still not back to normal. I get hungry but the minute I eat something I feel sick as a dog and then I reject the food one way or another (I know TMI but as a mom I sure this doesn't bother you, :wink:)

    Hope you had a great mother's day. Sorry to cut this short but I have mounds of work to get to since I missed so much.
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    I'm glad you are feeling better! What a down and out run you had!

    Things have been hectic to say the least! Court today and full on pre-summer vacation work to do here at the office. It's been crazy. Both boys are now playing tee ball which is awesome. They did great at their game on Friday. The next one is Tuesday (our anniversary!) so we'll see how round 2 of both boys on the same team goes! It's fun to watch them out there with Dan coaching. I took almost 200 pictures (granted only about 70 turned out!) on Friday. I really need to get on that scrapbooking! :tongue:

    Workouts are going well. I was able to workout with Dan on Sunday. We went out to the Olive Garden (we traveled 40 minutes just to get a 'special' meal:laugh: ) It was nice but I definitely didn't mind my light lunch today...even if the breadsticks were delicious!! I'm running out of count down days so things are getting serious! Decreasing time on weights more and increasing cardio some. With a decrease in carbs, hopefully it will help. Either way, I HAVE to purchase a couple pair of shorts and a suit before we go. I'm down to 1 pair of jean capris (no work capris) and 2 pair of shorts! Eek! All my summer skirts, aside from a flowy white one I wear to work are too big. Can't complain about that but I can't find anything worth purchasing either!! You know shopping's hit or miss!!

    Are you back on a regular eating and workout schedule? Did Miss Josie get back to 100% too?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    As of today I am 100% back to normal! Sorry I am on here late but I am still playing catch up. :) You know how that goes I am sure. I did see a nice 2lb+ drop last week from being so sick. So I do expect a rebound since I can now eat solid food. haha! But I am hoping it is still under 126, which is where I was before I increased my calories and had a big cheat meal and my weight shot up to 127. At least then I will feel like I am starting clean again. But we shall see I just realized I am only 3 weeks out from my beach vacation! 23 days to be exact! Gotta keep it tight!

    We also have just over 2 weeks left on our listing agreement for the house and we have to decide what to do. We just dropped the price big time (and it is as low as we are willing to go now) but we are not sure what to do once the listing agreement ends if we don't have any interested parties. Soooo stressful. I just want to be done with it! Oh well can't think about it.

    Congrats on everything being too big!! That is awesome girl. You rock!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Yeah for solid foods!!:laugh: I'm sure the weight will settle out this week. Keeping things consistent helps. <---a reminder for myself! :blushing:

    Sounds like we are on the same timeline with vacations! I have 23 days today. I have to keep running the online calculator because I can never remember! All I know is it is creeping up on me!

    Yeh, I tried on some shorts this weekend. Could not find anything that worked. There isn't a happy medium that I've found between juniors shorts which tend to be too short for me and women's shorts which have been too long. I have to have a little balance between 30 year old Mama of 2 and fitness Mama. :laugh: We plan on packing light since we have to take camp fire wood with us, along with food for the 4 days. But still finding something appropriate but comfortable for fishing, hiking, etc has been a struggle. I did hit the jackpot for Talan on a lawnsale over the weekend so he's set. Now on to me! Dan has the same problem though with shorts...he's always been an Abercrombie shorts guy but with all the added muscle those just don't work for him he circulates 2 pair around..hell,the poor guy only has one pair of jeans, why am I complaining?

    Today is our 8 year anniversary and a baseball game. Instead of staying with my parents like I typically do Tuesdays to make my Mom's babysitting of Tarren easier, we will all be staying at the house. I haven't decided on dinner but I plan on keeping mine salads. Gotta keep pushing that Jennie mentality of adding veggies to everything for density! :bigsmile:

    I ordered a new workout top from JcPenny's along with a swimsuit cover up. Got both for $4 and they both fit great. So I rocked a bright *kitten* pink workout top this morning. :drinker: It was super comfortable sort of a loose fitting yoga type top. I may have to get another one!!

    House selling...what a conundrum! I hope it works out for you! We talk about moving here and there but I doubt it'll ever pan out. The house was a foreclosure (might be repeating a previous conversation here) so we paid a reasonable price and thus leaving it for a bigger loan, bigger monthly payment is hard. But come summer the conversations always come about in regards to moving. We have enough room for a nice deck, a little swing set, etc but the neighbors porches are in line with ours so nothing we do is private, every time we are outside it's like a neighborhood party. And I grew up in the middle of no where with the ability to do whatever, whenever outside. It just gets cumbersome trying to have a nice campfire or a family lunch out back with the neighbors looking over you constantly. The pros and cons of all of it are exhausting! lol.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! Thats awesome. It will be 7 years for us in September (but we were engaged for 2 years while I was in law school so 9 years together but only 7 married). Glad you made it through the 7 year itch :laugh: Hope you do something special :wink:

    I totally understand the short issue. My favorite shorts that are in the happy medium (not mom length but not up the crack hoochie shorts) are actually the Faded Glory shorts from Walmart! They are like the find of the century for me. They are great for me since they are not low cut (thus not showing crack or letting my mom skin hang out in the front) and they have a bit of wiggle room for my thighs and butt (not skin tight) yet they are at a very flattering length that isn't matronly yet is comfortable to wear anywhere. Oh yeah and they are dirt cheap! haha. I bought mine last year so the style is a little different than these but here are this year's versions:

    I think I need to check out these myself since I don't have any cuffed ones (yes I know I have a problem, haha)

    I think the 4.5 length is right on the money (as is the $12 price and the fact that they are readily available at walmart :laugh: )

    Yeah my body is still trying to figure things out. I got on the scale to day and it was over 129lb. ummmm no. That isn't even possible. I am extremely sore from all the workouts and I do expect a rebound since Friday'w weigh in was artificially low but that was nuts since I was 125 on Sat . I was off plan for dinner on Sunday but it wasn't anything crazy and I have been way under the rest of the time. So we will see if everything dies down before Friday or not but not going to worry about it. I want to lean out a tiny bit more if possible before the trip but we have a lot of events in the weekends leading up to the trip so I know that isn't realistic since the only way I lose any weight is to stick to my calories and macros 100% everyday. The most I can hope for is maybe a little bit down or just maintaining. Sigh. Its life right? :laugh: This is why I refuse to put 125lb down until I am at or under it for more than a day :laugh:
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Surprisingly we have a Walmart :laugh: so I'll have to check them out. I'd order online but I have no idea size! So even if I can determine size and then order the colors/styles I like that would rock! Thanks for the heads up!!

    Cardio today was awful (as I noted :grumble: ). It's stinkin' hot, the AC wasn't on at the gym, the lifters took the only fan and I haven't been feeling so hot since yesterday's baseball game. I didn't have any gas in my tank. I considered not even going and doing something at home but poor Dan slept down stairs last night since the only AC we have in right now is in the living room. Thus leading to an epic fail at cardio day. :explode: :angry: Back to weights with light cardio tomorrow so hopefully some rest and H20 give me the boost I need!!

    Works just been a killer then being on the go with the kids, trying to get everything ready for summer, etc...I feel like I'm on fumes lately! You know how it is. Just a speed bump that I need to hurdle. Cardio isn't really my thing anyways!!

    I found a pair of kakhi capris to wear today. I'm proud to say my booty didn't fit in them when I bought them end of season last year. So when they went on fine today, I was pleased. Just need to keep pushing. Going to taper my carbs back down (that's been hit and miss even with keeping calories in check) so that things are in line for the vacation. I need to get swimsuit shopping but I never seem to make it to a store without a kid in town. And the last thing my 2 boys want to do is wait for me to try on swimsuits!! :noway: