Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down and workout videos



  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    That is so awesome that everything is fitting better. So you know you are losing fat no matter what the evil scale is telling you! As for cardio, we all have our crappy days. Today was the last of my make up days for p90x. I am back on track now. I basically made up all the weight training workouts I missed but skipped the 2 cardio workouts I missed. I wanted to make sure I got all the resistance training in since I go into another recovery week next week which is all cardio and yoga. Hard to believe next week will finish out my second month of p90x.

    Good luck with the shorts :tongue:
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Today was much better. Thankfully! The gym had the AC rocking so I got in upper and intervals. Hate intervals but they are a must! I don't take pre workout on cardio days but I'm wondering if I should. My focus and intensity (whether a placebo effect or not) are great on weight days with the PWO. So I might give it a go this weekend and see if it helps.

    Glad you got caught up! That's amazing you are already down 2 months in P90x. Crazy!! Did you do befores?

    This weekend should be relatively quiet. We have a Friday game and Dan might travel with a friend down to workout at a different gym with some other out of town friends. I'm hoping to FINALLY plant the garden. We did the tomatoes but I need more soil for the actual bed. If the kids and the weather cooperate, we will be in business!! Any weekend plans?

    Tomorrow is booty day. Woot woot. Love me that day. I'd do booty day every day if it were an option! Still need to get up to Walmart to check out shorts. The weather has turned on us though. Rain and down into the 50s this weekend. So I don't think I'll have to worry about a fitting pair this weekend!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Glad you got a good workout in today. Yeah I say give that preworkout a go! I did take before pictures. I will be leaving for vacation in the middle of month 3 so I will probably take some "after" pics right before I leave since I will probably screw up the results, as usual :laugh:

    Yeah I am also glad we have a little down time this weekend. I am ready to get some extra sleep (and some shopping because I have problems as you know, haha). I am getting a sore throat this afternoon and I am praying it is allergy related and not me getting sick again! I just want to stay healthy (and lose weight of course!). HAHA

    Are you weighing in this week or are you off the scale?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Well glad today is a rest day because seems that I am sick again. This time with a cold. I would take a cold over that evil stomach bug but still I would love to be healthy for more than 5 days at a time! Looks like recovery week is coming in at the best time.

    Do know what is going on with my weight. As the soreness died down from the extra weight workouts my weight started going back down but I was shocked to see it was 123.8lb this morning. I was hoping to stay close to the 124.4lb that I was last week but as you know I didn't have high hopes for that since I assumed that weight a result of being so sick and not eating food. Oh well I guess I shouldn't question it BUT I am so distrusting. haha Why can I never believe when the weight is down but have no problem believing it when my weight is way up? :laugh:
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Like you said...take that # on the scale and work with it. Maybe it's the 'swoosh', maybe it's all your hard work, maybe it's a hundred things...either way, keep rocking it because you got the number and you earned it. Even if you were sick all that hard work doesn't seize to exist because of one week of illness! You are too much of a machine! I do hope that you get 100% healthy soon!

    Great day yesterday with workout and eats. I did the dumbest thing at the gym though. Stepped off the elliptical wrong and the peddle got stuck on my ankle so now my ankles tender. Duh?! Really!??!:angry: Switching things up for the last 3 week push before vacation. Taking Jamie Eason's LiveFit from the last phase. She does carb cycling and plyo + Circuits for workouts. Looks intense and great for fat loss. Keep your fingers crossed, I need a little more fat off this bod before heading out. :laugh:

    Tried some swimsuits on...epic fail. I think that there should be seperate dressing rooms for trying on swimsuits. A mirror that's .5 a foot away from you and flourescent lighting does not make for a flattering attempt! :laugh: Just got to keep working until that swimsuit looks good whatever lighting!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I am not questioning the scale I just hope it hangs in there a little bit longer. How is your ankle feeling today? I am over my cold (yea!) and back to normal so fingers crossed I can stay healthy. Had a great long weekend and did over indulge a bit on Sunday with the family but it wasn't a total eat until I was sick train wreck so I am hoping that didn't hinder my week's progress.

    So tell me, what do you think has lead you all your recent progress? Different workouts, diet changes, etc?

    Yeah I know how you feel about those dressing room mirrors. I will say though that there is some odd lighting in the Target dressing room by my house that makes me look so nice and tan. I enjoy those mirrors and want one in my house :)
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Glad you are feeling better! Nice blog today. Important to realize. Very nice.

    As far as me, more consistency is where it's at for me. Hitting it harder in the gym consistently. And just being more on track with macros. I'd assume is why things are going better. Less hit and miss, I suppose. Though I have to say, I still do dumb things. :laugh: Didn't eat much of anything Monday with just being super busy prepping gardens, cleaning, prepping, etc so when I hit up leg/plyo day at the gym. :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: Needed a major refuel after that...thus prompting the DOMS from hell, I do believe!!

    Maybe I need a Target trip?! :wink: :laugh: I am going to have to get back on the hunt for vacation clothes. Things are getting closer and I've yet to purchase anything. I figure I'd rather go with 'too big' then 'bought it just because'. :bigsmile:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh girl you definitely need a shopping trip!! That is the best part of losing the weight :laugh: Well for me anyways :tongue: Yeah glad I am feeling better and hope it holds out for more than a few days this time! Tomorrow is my last workout of month 2 of P90x halfsies. It really has gone by fast!

    Yeah the blog was just some frustration I had from people getting sort of pissed off at me when I would say that those pics were 2 years apart. I don't know what to tell people. I am sure if I never went off track I could have done it a bit faster but losing 70lbs and getting sub 20% BF takes more than a month or 2 people even if you are on 100%! I was getting a bit cranky with some people. I would have them contact me and say things like they have been at it for 1 or 2 weeks and they want to give up because the loss was too little for the effort. NO ONE ever said they gained weight and NO ONE ever said they had been doing it more than 3 weeks. They were all saying they didn't lose enough in 1 or 2 weeks and they want to quit. I was like seriously????? Seriously?

    Almost as annoying as the people that whine about being on a plateau for 2 weeks. sister please :laugh:
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Your blogs are famous, so I'm sure people will read...comment and spread the message!!

    Holy moly another program about in the books for you! Fabulous! Knocking 'em down.

    Had leg day today...wasn't sure it was feasible. But I got it in, just concentrated on booty and hammies since the quads are what are fried. Definitely need to consider a full stretch session tonight. Last night I gave it a whirl but plyos are no joke. These workouts switch to circuit training next week. How that's going to pan out at the gym we'll see. It's getting busier in there in the mornings.

    Baseball tonight. My sister took some awesome photographs of Tarren yesterday. She'll do Talan once he's done with school. She's into amateur photography and she does an amazing job. They are better than the formal season pics that we bought for Talan. I loved them! I have to stop slacking a scrapbook. I'll never catch up if I don't get on it soon!!

    Last night I hit calories but missed macros. The sodium from the drive by dinner killed my weight this morning so pounding the water to flush that out and see what the real number is by tomorrow. I doubt there will be a loss. The diet has been fine but I"m sort of tapering off the losses. Ironically, my husband told me last night I might be getting too skinny. :laugh: Well skinny isn't what I'm going for and though it isn't was a nice gesture. Of course the same day, my oldest told me he can see his abs but not mine since I have a chubby belly. :tongue: They say the most brutally, honest things! Lol>
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Yeah for hubby's comment, boo to son's haha! Love that you are hitting the gym so hard regardless :) No worries about the macros, calories are king.:laugh: I have no idea what tomorrow will bring. My weight was lower than I expected considering I was off the diet for one meal this weekend but when I weighed myself this morning it was crazy high. So I have no clue. We shall see. I am lower than I ever expected to be so honestly I am just waiting for the other shoe to drop.:grumble: This dream can't last too long right? :laugh: I am just hoping my good fortune holds out until next Friday though since that is my last weigh in before our trip to Galvestion and I know there will be a large rebound when I get back.:laugh: Fingers crossed for both of us :wink:
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    I'm ready for this week to be over...actually I'm ready for it to be a slow, quiet (non-workout) Sunday. Phew! Another baseball game tonight. Hopefully getting the other AC in the bedroom so my poor husband can sleep somewhere besides the couch tonight!! :laugh:

    Planting my Mom's GIANT garden with the boys this weekend...ours is in and ready to go. Hopefully I don't screw it up too much.

    Workout was weak this morning...not feeling 100%. Probably the go go go of this week. but I've got one more workout in before a mini break. I can't believe it's 2 weeks until vacation. Yikes!!

    Sorry short today- things are hectic!! Hope you have a fabulous weekend!!:flowerforyou:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Sorry it has been so long!!!! Things have been crazy here in the big D! We got not one but 2 offers on the house over the weekend. Neither of them hit it out of the park but it is a great position to be in to be able to pit them against one another. After 6 months and over 120 showings (yes you read that right over 120!!) we are so ready to be done. Since these offers were unexpected we had to make a mad dash up the the burbs we want to move to check out neighborhoods and houses that are available. With all this going on, I was also running around like a chicken with my head cut off getting Josie into swimming lessons at the last minute this week and also wrapping up plans for both our Galveston and Jamaica trips. Add in work, 5 showings on Sat and everything else and I am spent!!!

    Back to workout/diet news. My weight was up on Friday but honestly I think that was a random fluctuation since there was no real reason for it. This weekend was a weird situation. I hit it hard with p90x on Sat (which felt great coming from rest week) but then I had alittle too much fun at my in-laws pool party. I had 2 vodkas and diet cranberries and a bunch of cookies on top of the usual hamburger, tots, potato salads, etc. Soo..... I didn't make myself sick and I did have a good workout that day BUT I for sure was off the diet, then on Sunday I felt like crap (mostly from not sleeping from all the stress with the house) so I missed my workout but since I did feel like crap I only ate under 1400 calories so that leveled out that fact that I only burned like 2000 calories that day. So I think this weekend may have screwed up my final weigh in before Galveston but oh well. Life gets in the way sometimes right?

    How are you hanging in? I hope you are back to 100%! We are going to start killing it for the next few day before vacay right? Are you in? I am in it to win it :laugh:
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Yeh!! That's awesome on the house front! And that is ALOT of showings!! Holy moly!! I hope everything wraps up. Looks like you are on a roll with tying up loose ends (i.e. trips, swimming) so hopefully you can get this settled too!!

    I have a feeling that weekends throughout the summer are going to be a lot of ups/downs. Keeping things tight and then the next weekend allowing some freedom for the summer BBQs etc. For me, I know that's how it'll end up for sure. Which is why the weeks have to be on par.

    I'm doing well. I really think it was one of those weeks/things were I really went balls to the wall (thank goodness) so by week's end I was on fumes. Honestly, still a little on fumes but that's when it's time to push past it mentally!! Because you are right...only a few days left until vacation!! Time to put up and shut up!! :laugh:

    I set up all my workouts, titled them and put them in my gym bag. Got to the gym Monday and in a brain fart moment- I did Thursdays workout. So I'm all *kitten* backwards :tongue: so today was leg day even though Monday was supposed to be. I've decided the rest of the summer (and don't giggle at this! :embarassed: ) is going to be operation booty! I'll stick with the same concept diet wise but instead of just focusing on weights and cardio mix. I'm going to do Monday: Full Leg Heavy Tuesday: Chest, Shoulder, Tricep (Intervals or Stepmill) Wednesday: Cardio + Body weight booty work (<---at my parents that morning) Thursday: Shoulders, Bi, and Tri (Intervals or Stepmill) Friday: Legs focused on booty/hamstring Saturday: Cardio + Abs. My biceps are doing well, my shoulders/chest etc. are's my booty/hamstring and tricep that needs focused. So I'm going to try and hit those hard. I'll be back to home workouts before I know it so want to take advantage of the gym while I have it. By then, I'll be ready to settle in to a regular at home routine!! So that's my post-vacation plan. Let's see if it pans out!! I also think instead of normal ab work, I'm going to give Lindsay her far shot. I've been doing regular ab work and although some of the weight is allowing my obliques to show...I can't tell if it's lack of fat loss around the middle or if I should give the diasestis recti ab work a true shot. I figure at this point ab work is ab work so Lindsay is the way I'm going! Fingers crossed!!

    We leave Thursday. And Talan's tonsils come out the following Tuesday so it's going to be a busy June! When are you heading off?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Sounds like you have a great plan set up! Good luck girl, you got this! I am right there with you with needing butt and leg work. My arms are slimming nicely (which is second to the last to go down) and my abs have never been too much of an issue because of my shape but damn these saddle bags and droppy butt! It seems like I need to lose even more weight to get those bad boys in check!

    So are you leaving this Thursday (like 2 days) or next Thursday? Either way I wish Talan a quick recovery!! We leave next Wednesday.

    And big news....................after 131 showings and 3 competing bids we signed a contract on our house today!!! It was a good offer ($2k over asking price) since we had competition but it was still a bit lower than what we thought we would get initially since we had dropped the price over $20k in the last 6 months. But I don't care! I am free!!! Well almost. I could still fall apart but I don't think so since we had other people interested and this buyer had to fight for it. WOOOHOOO. Now we just have to move out by the end of the month (oh yeah did I mention we would be in Galveston next week)? haha!!!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Sorry! We had a class field trip for Tarren yesterday So I spent the day hanging out at a little tykes amusement park. It was fun. He did get tired and have a meltdown but it was great anyways to just be with the kids all day. My mom went to so that was a bonus. And then my MIL came into town for a job interview and she & her hubster spent the night. It was a busy Wednesday!

    I did manage to make it to the gym yesterday and today. Ate out last night so weight is up from the sodium. But we'll work on flushing that out today. FINALLY took measurements from those original measurements Dan took for me back at the end of March. Down at least an inch in everything (even thighs) except hips (which is weird considering but I'll take it) So we'll keep trucking along!

    Yeh on the contract! Fingers crossed it all keeps progressing along for you! That is going to be a big, fast timeline for you. But I'm sure you'll get everything tied up even with Galveston! Imagine the calories you'll be burning packing up an entire household! Did you find a new house yet? Where are you going to stay in the mean time?

    We are leaving next Thursday. Sorry for the confusion! We are camping (NOT IN A TENT!:tongue: ) the 13th through the 16th. Come home for 1 day and then the 18th Talan's tonsils come out. I have to tell you this story because it just made me want to cry. Sometimes I start to lose faith in people and then things like this happen...Talan attends latchkey before school for MAYBE 20 minutes a day. Just enough to let Dan get Tarren to school and still make it to work on time. Talan's a quiet, well behaved kid. So although I know people know him, you always assume you follow the sort of fly under the radar. Well, there's this lovely older lady who runs latchkey. She's seen me once picking Talan up and told me what a nice boy he is. Well, he mentioned that he had to have his tonsils out to a friend and this lady over heard him. Didn't she go to the store and get him an activity book and a little toy for him?! That wasn't the part that made me want to cry though...she wrote him this simple, sweet note that said 'I hope your parents don't mind me getting this for you but I wanted to get you something to help you during your recovery. You are such a nice, well behaved little boy and I appreciate you.' I know it's simple and silly to get teary over. But coming from a tiny town and moving to our 'city' (which by most standards is still tiny) I worry that there's so many kids the adults don't have time/ability to connect or see the kids. You know? As a parent, it was just so nice to know that this lady took the time to do something like that. As simple as it was to Talan, it touched my heart!! :heart:

    I'm rambling but I was just so proud of Talan for being THAT good kid that people appreciate and for knowing he's being watched in the mornings by THAT type of person who takes the time for kids. :bigsmile:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Awwww how sweet! That is awesome! It is always nice to hear good things about your kids and to know you made the right decisions in where you put them or who you have watch them! I am sure he will be back to normal in no time!

    Looks like we will be out of town at the same time!! Fun times for all.

    Yeah it is going to be crazy in the next few weeks. Inspection was yesterday and we are waiting to see if they have any demands but we were told that nothing major was found during the inspection so that was a relief. I will be a lot more relieved once the option period ends on Tuesday.

    But as for finding a house, we are all over that this weekend. We basically have to make a decision on what we want to do and if we want to start placing offers this weekend since we are out of town the following weekend. It is going to be fast and furious as our closing date is the 28th of this month. We have already been getting quotes for pods and things like that since we don't think we will be able to move straight from one house to another because of the time frame. We expect to need to have our stuff in storage for 2 weeks or so and stay with our parents until the new house is ready. But these are the kinds of problems I like having :laugh:

    Tomorrow is the last real weigh day before vacation! I expect to take pictures so that I have something to look back on for my p90x experience if I gain half of it back on vacation. hehe!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    I'm sooo over work. Thank goodness I'm barely there this month! :laugh:

    Thanks for listening to my ramble about big T yesterday. :flowerforyou: Somedays I just need to stop and remember those little things!

    Hopefully the inspection doesn't bring about anything at all...I'll keep my fingers crossed for Tuesday. And for the house shopping. What a whirlwind for you! I bet you'll be so relieved to get out of town for a moment!!

    I weighed in high today but TOM came a week early so I suppose that's to be expected. I'd been sitting at my 'normal' so the 2lb jump this morning was sort of a shock....until she showed up. I can't complain, at least I won't have to worry about that girlie stuff on vacation. So I'll take the high weigh in for now. And I'll deal with the bloating if it promises to leave in 7 days! :wink:

    Back, Bi and Tri this morning. Starting to enjoy upper body days now that I can visibly see those muscles while I'm working them. Leg days will forever be my favorite though! Tomorrow is the last of the week. Some cardio and a little booty circuit. Not sure if I'll suck it up and go in the morning or head in for a late workout. We are heading to my parents at some point to pick up the boys' basketball hoop my parents got them for Christmas. They've been asking and now that school's out it'll be a nice little go to in the drive way for them. My oldest got teary eyed last night because he was already missing his teacher. I tell you what- getting a good teacher is even more of a Godsend then you think it will be. He met his new teacher and by all reports we've got, she'll be a good match too. Little man gets Talan's first teacher ever next year so he's set too.

    I've decided ( go figure) to post pone shorts shopping. I figured I could buy some new ones but then we'd go camping, fishing,etc. and my new clothes would turn old sooner than later. I'll deal with the lose fitting while camping and worry about getting stylish when we are back. Now that swimsuit...well, I still need to decide about that. Between grocery shopping for the long weekend and packing, I may end up dealing with an ill fitted suit too. If we were frolicking on the beach, I'd be more inclined to worry about cuteness factory! :tongue:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I hear you on the work front! I am whipped from this week. Well I was basically the same weight I was last week (which was still up). I can't complain though because I am still hanging around 125 and that was a pipe dream for me just a few months again. I took pictures and they look the same to me but I didn't do anything comparisons so I will do that hopefully over the weekend. I have to get so much stuff done between the trip, fathers day and the house buying and moving!!!

    Speaking of moving, we are at the 10 yard line with the house sale. Inspection and demands came in last night. We have reached a verbal agreement and we are just waiting for their signatures. Once they have signed the option period is over and we can start looking for houses! There is still a chance the sale will not go through but it is very small and they would lose their earnest money (and we would be $5000 richer) so I think we are good on that front. Now on to finding a house, which might be harder than we thought since our neighborhood choices are moving very quickly. Oh well. We can only do our best.

    Hope you have a great weekend and keep killing it!!!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Skipped gym yesterday. Shouldn't say skipped. But slept in in the morning since Dan went to bench early. Then by the time we got back from my parents, it was showers, clean up, and bed time routine. I should feel bad about it but I don't. I slept in super late Saturday and Sunday. Felt great today. So I think I just needed it after the week. I'm good with it. Have 4 more days before vaca and though it won't be goal, perfection time. I gave it a good run! :laugh: There's still plenty of summer season to blast some more fat!

    Very optimistic outlook on the house search/selling. My fingers are still crossed for sure. Things will come together. The process is head ache provoking I'm sure...but once all is settled it will have been worth it. Definitely!!

    Legs and a little cardio to end the session today. Upper tomorrow. Combining all upper body parts into one session since I have a short week this week with vaca. All upper tomorrow. Cardio & booty Wednesday. And then possibly legs & cardio again Thursday if I have time. I know Dan needs to get in a session before we go. And I know I'll be running around like a chicken with my head cut off. So we'll see. But that's the plan!!

    Scale up 1lb blame poor eating Saturday mostly. Add in TOM. We'll see what pre-vaca brings.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Sorry about the delay!!! We were on the crazy house hunt weekend and then I took a half day off yesterday to do second showings on our two favorites and then we put in an offer. We will see how it goes. We are not happy with our realtor so if he botches this negotiation and we don't get this house we are going to probably fire him and take a break and then start looking again when we get back from Jamaica in the end of July. Thankfully, Mike's parents are gone until October so we can use their house until then and we are already planning on getting our stuff into a POD storage so we can wait it out if we need to. So sorry I have been so MIA but we are trying to get things moving before we leave tomorrow! Crazy I know!

    Well I didn't work out on Sunday either. With all the events and showings (we saw 19 houses in 7 hours) there just wasn't enough time. My eating was bad over the weekend too. So I am just not getting on the scale until I am back from Galveston and have to face the music. :laugh:

    Are you ready for vacay! I know I am but still so much to plan and prepare for!