Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down and workout videos



  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    So glad you are liking your new scale! Yeah I am still unsure about if I want to weigh in this week or not. Technically I could since I have had over a week since I have been back but I know I will still be way up since I left 7 pounds up and I feeling crazy flabby. Part of me wants to get on the scale just to get a starting point so I can have the benefit of seeing the numbers go down every week but the other part of me thinks I am going to go nuts when I see the number and just put me in a crappy mood that day. So I am unsure. It is all a mental thing since I am not changing my plan at all right now. I am finishing up p90x (have 2 weeks left) and eating around 1700-1800 calories. Nothing on the scale is going to change that right now. So I am not sure. We will see how I feel.

    Today was the first workout in the new house. The gym (well its more like a workout room and not a gym) is looking pretty shifty but it is workable for sure. It will be the same set up as the other gym (elliptical, weights, ball, chair, monitor) but this room will be 100% gym and not an office/gym combo like it was in the old house so I will have more space. I would like to also get a pull up bar as well to try that bad boy out but we will see.

    House is coming along SLOWLY. I felt like we were assembling and unpacking endlessly over the weekend yet we still have so much to do. We did finish the play room and like 90% of the media room and Josie's room. All that is left in those rooms is to hang things on the wall. The kitchen is only about 50% done since we are washing load after load of glasses, dishes, etc that were all wrapped up in paper. Our room, bath and closet is also about 50% done but still need decorating and serious organizing. The living room, dining room and family room as all crap collectors at this point and our 2 extra bedrooms also need serious unpacking but those rooms will be the very last. I am hoping after next weekend we having most things put away and we are just working on decorating but that might just be a pipe dream. haha. I never want to move again. EVER!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Phew- I've started adding Sirachi sauce (a teeny tiny amount) to my daily lunch since it's essentially been the same thing just about every day for oh, I don't know...a year?! Just to spice up my life and holy Moly BATMAN! :mad: Fire in my mouth!

    It sounds like you are doing enough moving and grooving with the unpacking to not need an official workout but props to you for getting that home workout room set up so that you can get back into the groove. It sounds like you are getting a handle on it though. As much work as it has to be, I imagine it's nice to being feeling a little 'settled' in to a place you've been hoping for for awhile now! Just in time to start considering baby #2!! :tongue:

    Yes, I'm back on the cut plan. I was helping Tarren learn to ride his bike (which he got in 2 sessions...he just needs help holding the bike to get started). And I just felt so flabby, so fluffy. I think the facts are that my maintenance at this point must be around 2k and although I've set things up for 1800...the reality is the weekends are more. Even if I'm under on the week, all the family things we've been doing I just haven't been holding it together on the weekends. Plus the PB addiction of mine! :blushing: I felt better in March/April when I had the plan from Dan & Mitch- I liked the way I looked and the scale was being kind to me. I have taken initial scale measurements and the scale says 23.6% BF so I'll avoid checking that constantly and just check in on the BF progress again in a month or so. I'm sure I won't avoid the scale all together but you can weigh yourself without having to go through the whole BF assessment. So that's my plan.

    I'm submitting an application to the YMCA for a discounted membership for the family. It'll go up for review and we'll know in a couple of weeks whether I'll be going there. I'm okay with it either way. I just figured with both kids doing 2 sports this coming fall (bball and fball) that if I got the membership before's a discounted rate for them. And Tarren wants to take swimming lessons which are included in the membership. So we'll see. It'll either be home or the YMCA. Just depends on the outcome.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Awwww how fun (or maybe not, haha) teaching him how to ride a bike!! As for me I am busy busy with both the house (as you can imagine) and also work. OUr workload has greatly increased which cuts back on my time on MFP. booo haha. There is still sooooo much left to do on the house but I have been making it a priority to get back to my p90x workouts. No excuses!! I too feel really flabby. I will get on the scale on Friday just to see where I am at and reset things. Time to face the music.

    I totally know what you mean about the 1800 calories and weekends. I have been good on the weekends now since I have been so busy with the house and don't have to time to go out (or going to parties, etc). But starting in Sept. things really pick up on the weekends. I am hoping I have get back under 130 by that time, but honestly I might be looking at 10lb to get there. I have thought about doing some of the intermittent fasting if I am not seeing the results I want but I can't do that when I am pregnant so I am not sure if there would be a point to that. haha

    That is nice that swimming is included in the YMCA membership. We are paying for classes for Josie at a private swim school and they costs freaking fortune! See loves them but I say she is swimming me out of house and home :)
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Hey...sorry I've been MIA. Things have been out of control. I think I've told you before I work at a county run agency in the mental health department. Well, my immediate boss (the director of the whole agency) recently resigned after alot of scrutiny about how the agency is run went down. Things have been a whirlwind trying to put out fires, figure out how to proceed, etc at work. Then last week, my husband calls to tell me the electric fuses keep blowing and he can't figure out why. Calls an electrician who comes out says 'holy hell you are lucky' brings out a wire that burned 75% of the way across...dying out just before it hit the floor boards in our bar room. Come to find out, the flange in our upstairs toilet had rusted out and has been leaking for months, hitting that electric outlet causing the issue. So I had no electric which has been corrected. A toilet that had to be completely repaired underneath and a wall that's tore out that we are still trying to work on correcting. On top of that, Dan's hours were reduced again so everything has been complete chaos. The positives are the house DID NOT catch on fire, we corrected the issues with the house, and he has been given word that in 3 weeks he can resume normal hours. Now we just need to pinch every penny until then and eventually fix the wall. It's been chaos, major major chaos.

    Luckily, I've been going to the Y every morning to get the workouts in. How could I not relieve stress the best way possible? :laugh:

    How are you?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Wow!!! All the house stuff is a huge pain in the *kitten* but wow you are lucky that the house didn't burn!! I am sorry to hear of everything going on at work and at home but that is so awesome that you were still able to get to the gym! I try to do the same thing when I am in a state of chaos (like with the moving) to keep in the routine and try to burn off some steam!!!

    Sorry I have been MIA as well but mine was just due to the house and work. At work we are completely changing our protocols in an effort to go as paperless as possible so with all the training and adjustment that is required tons of my time has been zapped. haha Then at home we are still working on the house. This weekend we finished un packing all the moving boxes (we have all the baby stuff in boxes but that is going to stay there until we actually get pregnant, haha). We also finally made a decision and bought a sofa and two accent chairs for our family room (which is completely empty) but the sofa is backordered until next month so we will still be sitting on the floor but at least that is done. We are just now getting to hanging pictures and working on decorating stuff but it is progress for sure. Still need to buy end tables, a dining room set, a rug, a chaise for the bedroom, a coffee table and a book case but we are getting there and honestly the chairs and sofa were the biggest things since we had nothing to sit on and Mike is picky about sofas.

    I am on my last week of my halfsies rotation of p90x. I enjoyed it. I am going to go with the results I got from the 2.5 months I did before I went on vacation and gained 10lbs but I did want to finish out strong ;) Still need assemble to desk that is going in the workout room (for DVDs and internet workouts) but my workout room is almost complete and once I blow up the stability ball I am ready for another round of S90!!

    Hope this week is a better one for you!!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    You are 100% accurate...continuing with the workouts is a blessing. Just to get a moment's peace and knock off some steam. I'm so glad we were able to get the YMCA membership. It's only at the current rate for 6 months and we'll have to reassess to see if it's still worth it. But with the football the kids are in, the swimming they want to do, and basketball in the winter. That will atleast get us through. Plus it's just been nice to have an 'extra' place to go and do something without an added fee. We've been at their mat room where the kids can just play around and up to their gym where they can shoot and play soccer. It's been nice family time. Dan's went with me 2x even though he has a separate membership where he and his powerlifting friend go. And even though we don't actually do the same workouts, it's nice to just be in the gym at the same time.

    So is the house working out well then? Everything falling into place? It sounds like you've got a lot of new pieces added in to really make it your own. And a nice little workout room to boot. That's always a plus! And off to S90 soon. That should be a good transition for you. The old steadfast S90!!

    I just started Ryan Hughes's Blast Training. Dan bought the e-book awhile back but then got into the powerlifting with his buddy. I needed a switch up since I essentially use the same format and just alter what exercises when. So I needed a shake up and talked to Dan about it. He suggested this so I'm transitioning into it. You start of adding 2 of his workouts a week, and then slowly add in another workout a week until you are doing all blast trainings. I've got to see how it plays out because with the kids going back to school I'm either going to 1) have to get up earlier which probably won't happen 2) decide whether cardio or longer weight sessions is the key for me. So right now, I'm focusing on weights and trying to use that as incentive to keep my diet clean. When we go back to the gym after work (1-2 days a week lately) for the kids prime time (playtime), I get a little extra cardio in. But morning right now are primarily weight focused. My arms are fried already from todays. He does a lot of pyramids with heavy weights and supersets so I'm assuming my burn is still high. I swapped out the battery in my polar watch but the strap still isn't registering so eventually I need to get a new one. I'm afraid I need a new transmitter though which is almost as much as just buying another FT4. That's going to have to be on the backburner for now because it just isn't in the funds.

    The scale is holding steady still around 148-150 depending on the day and BF is holding steady at 23%. I want to have Dan take measurements again to see if anything has changed since early summer. I doubt it, but my work clothes are fitting well so I'm okay with that. I need to stop slacking on abs though. I hardly do any. I really think I have the diastis recti and need to only do Lindsey Brin ab work. But I've been completely slacking on that.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Ohhhhh you will have to let me know how the new blast program goes!! I am similar in focusing mostly on weight training during my actual workouts and letting my cardio be daily activities with Josie, walking dogs or moving crap around the house. I like my set workout times to be pumping iron :laugh:

    Yeah the house is coming along. We were hanging stuff (clocks, shelves, pictures, mirrors) for like 2 hours last night before it was time to stop since Josie was going down to sleep. Who would have thought just hanging crap would take so long! We still have quite a bit of that left to do but we didn't have the right nails or anchors, etc. Tonight is assembling some more furniture (a desk and 2 chairs) and eventually I will hang up a huge box of clothes in my closet. It is hilarious. Every day I say I am going to finish my closet (instead of just pulling crap out of this box) yet I end up doing all sorts of other things and before I know it, it is late and I am exhausted so I leave it for the next day. It is like the easiest unpacking job ever yet it keeps getting pushed to the back burner!

    As for my weight. It is slowly going down from the 10lbs I gained over all my vacations. I lost 1 pound last week and hope to see at least another pound again this week. My clothes are fitting alot better than they did when I came home and my upper abs are starting to come back out but my tummy feels very flabby and I lost major ground in my lower body. At 125, my thighs were looking pretty good but now I am back to saddlebag city at 135lb. Oh well it is what it is. Of course I would like the numbers to go down faster but I am not on a huge deficit (I eat about 1700-1800 on weekdays and 2000-2100 on weekends) so I know it is going to come off slowly. It is annoying but I know we are going to try to get pregnant again in the next few months so there is no point in crash dieting since the minute I stop when I am pregnant it will come flying back on and then some. Hopefully this is a better overall approach.

    Hope things are ok on your end with the house and work!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Things are not slowly down- preaching to the choir right? Holy moly. I haven't even had time to really log a full days food. Between work, workouts, kids and their practices, and all the mix in between. I picked up my regular foods this morning so even if I don't log..I'm just repeating meals so I should be good to go.

    I hear you on the cardio thing...that's exactly where I'm at. I had 15 minutes left after my shoulder & back workout for a little stair master but I'll do a walk with the kids or some cardio while they go to prime time tonight. If I can fit it in, I do. If not, I just need to focus on the weights and staying on track with eating. The less cardio I do, the more I figure it'll be effective for when I really look at 'cut' type times (ie POST HOLIDAYS :laugh: ) Those Blast Trainings are no joke though. My legs kill, they even feel 'swollen' if that's possible. Of memory it went something like this- Squats 20,15,12,10,10,10 increasing weights each set so I added 2.5 on each side every set- Lunges HEAVY 15 reps each leg x 3 supersetted with Stiff Leg Deadlifts, Leg Ext and Leg curls supersetted 3x 10, and then Leg Press moderate weight for 75 reps. I wanted to puke afterwards. I went home and ate one of my lunches while sitting on the couch because I knew if I didn't get actually food with substance in me I'd never make it to work. It was intense. I'm just going to focus on cardio & glutes tomorrow because my quads are too fried for anything.

    I saw you lost another pound. Great job. It's good to get back into the swing of things and feel things moving in the right direction. Very smart decision about not trying to hammer out a huge cut right now. Are you getting excited about trying?!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Yeah work is nuts for me too. Just got handed 400 contracts that need updating in our system. Awesome! Yeah I lost another pound. Moving in the right direction and perfectly on track since I am at a 500 calorie deficit but I keep going back and forth with whether or not I should go back down to 1600. You know how it goes. I was able to drop weight before Jamaica much faster (averaging 1.5-2lbs) when I was eating that but of course I say what is the point. I really hope I can get under 130 (5 more pounds) before I get preggers but 5 weeks might just be when it happens if it was like last time (first egg out of the hatch).

    It is exciting and also scary. I finished the halfsies round and I am starting back up on S90 either this weekend or Monday. I don't think I will have time to start this weekend since we are all over the place with the house again (meeting with contractors, driving all over the place to pick up craigslist furniture, hanging more crap, making a venture to Ikea, haha). I am going to stick with S90 as long as I feel able when I get pregnant (assuming it takes less than the 90 days, haha) and I will move to Lindsay's prenatal programs once I feel like I need something more baby specific. I am hoping I feel well enough to keep up with my weight lifting workings though. We shall see. My dr. said as long as there is no complications I should be able to continue my current exercise program as long as I feel up to it. My bigger thing is going to be diet. Last pregnancy I was out of control and not working out. I was put on a 1800 calorie a day diet by my doctor since I was gaining weight too fast (12 pounds in the 1st trimester!!!) and that was without real workouts. That really worked. There were some days I would go over but it really kept my weight in check and had I been on 1800 calories a day when I started I would have been in a very good place of 30 pounds gained overall (which is my hope this time around) I expect to probably stick to where I am now of 1700-1900 for the first trimester as long as I keep working out and probably bump it up to 2000-2100 for the second trimesters if I can keep working out. But we will see. The biggest thing is just not to go nuts like I did last time!

    Glad to hear the workouts are going well. I totally get what you mean about the swollen. I actually think they are swollen when you get the microscopic tears you get when increasing the loads. Hence the water weight gain you can see on the scale when you are sore ;) Go get it girl!! Have a great weekend
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Tried responding this caught up in an early start at work, and then lost everything I had already typed. Yikes! I think we can agree that things are hectic for us both right now! So although I haven't been able to pop on much I am sure you are continuing to rock it. How is the adjustments to the diet post-vaca?

    I'm out of whack with eating, rocking it at the gym. But goodness knows I can't outtrain this bad diet so I have got to get a handle on it. I'm leaning more towards stress and time management as the issues right now. Luckily today, I have everything packed and ready so although I had to mix and match since I missed lunch- I still only had healthy options. I just need to only have good choices within reach and all should be well. :laugh:

    The new workouts are great...exhausting but great. It's nice to have a plan. I loved writing up my own but this is a nice little change. Even had time after my arm workout for a little cardio. So we'll see how the week goes. I haven't been on the scale but water weight or not, I'm sure I'm up a bit. I definitely don't want to continue in that direction so I have got to get it right!

    Did you get all the furniture picked up and all your contractors situated?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    No worries I have been out of the loop with being sick all weekend and the last 2 days. I finally have kicked the fever but still feel very weak and dizzy so no workout for me today. I am hoping I can workout tomorrow but I will probably just do a random youtube workout since I don't want to start S90 on a Thursday, especially since I will not have time to take photos until this weekend, etc.

    Yes we did get the kitchen table picked up and it was perfect! We are actually going to look at a formal dining room table tonight that was listed on craigslist. That has been the hardest thing for us to find since real formal dining room tables are going the way of the dodo. So many people just don't use them since a lot of people turn their dining rooms into play rooms or offices and a lot of new houses don't even have formal dining rooms at all. That means that the choice is fairly low for a formal set and then the price is fairly high for new stuff. But on the bright side it makes for a good second hand market since so many people are getting rid of formal tables. So we have an opportunity to find a set at a good price if we can find something we like. But as you know with Craigslist all you can do is be patient and flexible in order to find what you are looking for. You have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince right? :laugh:

    Yeah scale is stuck still way to high from vacation weight but that is how it goes. I am only down like 2 or 3 pounds and nothing is happening this week since I have been laying in bed for days on end. Oh well I can't get frustrated since I am doing all I can at this point. Life goes on right?

    Hopefully our kitchen remodel will be starting in 2 weeks so while that process will stink, it will be nice to have it finished way before Josie's party and all the holidays. It has been a last minute dash to finalize picking out tile and faucets but I will be glad when things are underway! Things still crazy for you at work?
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Things @ work are still very much crazy! Things always pick up in the mental health/social work arena around the start of school anyways, that much I can plan for but with all the internal changes and everything- it's just been crazier than normal. Last night was volleyball until 930pm. Tonight Tarren has flag football practice. Relax (hopefully) Friday (though my house desperately needs cleaned!) and then Saturday is their first games in the morning. So still on the go. They should be fun though.

    I hear you on the craiglist. Dan is looking to sell his current car and pick up a used one so he's been browsing the online classifieds. But we know how that game goes...we've done it time and time again. You said it perfectly with your kiss a frog quote! :laugh:

    Today's workout began with 100 barbell squats. I got through 73 before my quad started seizing up. The rest of the workout was rough, quick but rough. Hack squats 20,20,20,20. Leg curl ss with Leg extension= 20,20,20. And then using the assisted pull up machine for booty push downs 15,15,15,12. No cardio for me on leg days. Not happening. :embarassed:

    How are you feeling??
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Ok that is too funny about the mental health being effected by the school year. haha! I would never have thought of that. Does it get better or worse around the holidays? Yeah the cleaning and mom duties just never stop!

    I am feeling better and over the hump with the illness but randomly I am waking up with bad headaches in the morning. I take some excedrin and allergy meds and they are gone in a hour or so but I hope that stops soon since I am getting back to workouts next week and working out with that sort of headache not going to be pretty. I didn't work out yesterday but I definitely burned some calories moving this enormous mahogany table and 8 matching chairs. I was very proud of myself that I was able to carry my own weight and really help Mike lift and move this thing. So there is my NSV for the week :laugh:

    I certainly need a NSV since I was up half a pound on the scale this week. I know that isn't a big deal especially when being sick but considering I am still 9 pounds up from my lowest and 5 pounds up from where I want to be before baby time, I am annoyed. I can't figure it out but this is the same pattern I feel into last year. I got down to under 130 before vacation by eating at a moderate deficit and doing circuit training. Then I go nutso on vacation and gain a crazy amount and I only can get some of it off right away. Week after week I bust it and I still end up with a few extra pounds. Then I finally get sick of all of it and do some hard core cutting (a la LP style) and I get lower than I had ever been. So who knows. At this point I wish I could cut that hard and just be done with it but I know it isn't going to be the best idea with a pregnancy hopefully in the works.

    We now have almost all the furniture in the house (except for our big sofa and coffee table which was backordered) so I am glad that is done but we have Mike's family coming over to see the house for the first time this weekend and I am frustrated that I lost so much time with being sick since I couldn't even get out of bed on the weekend. So the house still feels very cluttered and disorganized. I will be working like a crazy person tonight to get the house at least decluttered so people can walk around. We still don't have homes for things since we are waiting on those last pieces of furniture to determine what we have space for. We also need to go food shopping to get all the stuff we are cooking and that takes about 2x longer than normal since we have to ensure a gluten free menu since 5 of the people coming don't eat it. Good times. I will be able to relax a little more once I feel like the house at least appears better. haha

    Anything fun planned this weekend?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Happy monday! haha. Well I had a great weekend but I am not going to lie, though I was very active I went out to a lot of events and I went totally over the beam. It was fun but I then took my s90 before pics last night and compared them to when I was 10lbs lighter right before vacation and it was shocking. I can see why my clothes feel tight. Uggghhh. So yeah I know I am being bad but I have decided I need to get some more of this weight off before I get pregnant so I am going to down to 1600 calories and back to measuring everything! Talk about wake up call!!

    Back to the Supreme 90 and boy it kicked my *kitten*! I forgot about the pace! It was killing me but I loved that it was all said and done in 35 minutes. LOVED THAT! :)
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Hey girl. Still hit and miss here since we aren't in full swing yet. Tarren doesn't go to school until Thursday so I had to take M-W off to be with him since my parents are on vacation. It's been great. I just haven't been on the internet hardly at all. A quick log on the phone and that's it. Talan's first day was today so I'm excited to hear how it went.

    S90 is back in action eh? How's that going? I hear you on the butt kicking. Did my first set of intervals (which only lasted 5 rounds) and about kicked the bucket. Had to get in the prescribed amount of cardio time so I ended up switching to reverse stepper. That I can handle. Intervals, I'm a little out of shape for!

    I also hear you on the pictures. I'm definitely fluffier than Spring time and there's no visible gains. If there are any from this summers heavy weights, they are hidden by fluff. I need to get it on like donkey kong with the diet. Just not sure how to approach it. I set up my diary for now. But I'm not sure whether to go back to the Spring plan or carb cycle a different way. still debating. I figure I need to get my head on straight with calories first before I worry about any of that.

    And we have a stricter dress code policy now at work. So I need to go clothes shopping but that's not happening until I get my act under control. I'm not buying clothes right now!!! Time to act right!!:laugh:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hahaha I am actually the exact same boat. I am buying stuff for the house at places like Ross and TJ Maxx and I want to instinctively go to the clothing section but I say NO! Not only do I not have the money for this I am way thicker than I want to be right now so I need to walk away. It helps since we are spending a fortune on furniture, decor and appliances on top of the remodeling cost. Which starts this week! Eck!

    Yeah I am out of shape for sure. It is a combination of both being heavier and coming off a week of being sick. And honestly 30 minutes of s90 is much more of a whip than 30 minutes of p90x (since I am only doing half of course). But I clearly need it for sure! Today was supposed to be that ball workout that I hate and always sub something else for so I was doing my KB workout. Also proof I am out of shape since I had to drop to the 20lb bell since the 25lb would have killed me. Speaking of killing Tabata Inferno tomorrow. I think I am going to die!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    You survived Tabata! :tongue: Of course you did! I barely survived steady state cardio. LoL.

    So we are agreed that in order to get some new fall clothes for our wardrobe- we need to get on point!! :wink:

    Today was my last day home with my baby. He's off to school tomorrow and I'm back to the 'real' world. Back to the grind. :huh: Not looking forward to it. I have a nice casserole cooking for the kids and Dan, laundry is going, the house is picked up...granted I look like 1) I just got home from the gym 2) rolled out of bed 20 minutes ago. But the rest of this place looks good. :laugh:

    Tomorrow is back to weights and blast training. Arms baby. Working on those guns. I've been better today about eating. Yesterday wasn't bad but I'm still hungry at night. I'm contemplating the IF thing again- just because I only eat in the AM out of habit/PWO foods/etc not because I'm hungry. But at bedtime, the furnace is a-roarin'!! I'm going to wait a bit to see once I get back to work and in my regular routine how I feel. But I see it coming. We'll see. I'm off the scale for a while too. It's not helping me so I'm just hiding it under my bed. And going about my thing. :wink:
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    So this week I've been adding egg whites to my meals to plump up the volume without adding a lot of calories. Surprisingly its yummy...good thing too since I've finally relented to cycling carbs again and today's low carb day. I do make a pretty darn good chicken breast though...pretty darn tender if I do say so myself!

    Gym with the kids back in school is great. Oddly enough I don't have to get up as early or I can get up as early and actually have a moment to breath at home. :wink: Dan takes them to school so I just have to get them through their morning routine before I leave at 8. Which allows me to be at the gym until about 7. 30 minutes to get myself ready. And then wake them up at 730am. So far so good. How was this AMs workout?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I am alive I promise just crazy busy with the house, work and having to take my car to the shop so Mike and I get to carpool!. The workout was a struggle today. I have to say I feel so out of shape. Part of it is still being so sore and the other part of it is now doing all of this on lower calories. I will adjust but it is a whip and being a solid 9 pounds heavier than I was 2 months ago doesn't really help. We shall see what the scale says but since I didn't get my wake up call until Sunday night I think I might still be up or about the same as last week:grumble:

    Yes no clothes for quite a while for me!! I need the money for the house anyways :laugh:

    Glad you are getting a bit of time to yourself, you deserve it for sure!! We will get it! We are back in action and its on like donkey kong!!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Ya for the loss!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    No worries on the not 'stopping in' the forum. I understand the busy for sure! Great job on the loss and on keeping up with the workouts. I can tell I'm about to a rest day because I'm running on low today. Phew! Can't wait to sleep in tomorrow! No football game for the kids so it might just be a clean, rest, and relax kind of day!!