Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down and workout videos



  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I am so sorry to hear about the outcome of the surgery. I would be upset too. Are thing any better now that you are a few more days out?

    As for the event......Yes! The hair is SOOO scary for me. :laugh: I can do make up and clothes but hair and fake lashes are my nemesis (not sure what the plural is for that!). Do be able to do lashes I need like 3 hours to be able to keep redoing them since I never get them to look natural and lay right. I always look like a drunk drag queen. :laugh: I am back worrying about hair and makeup for family photos this weekend! Yes it is that time of year again. So much time and effort goes into this and it pains me to think that the whole thing can be ruined in 2 seconds by a toddler with a bad attitude. I guess I just need to think positive thoughts and bring lots of candy :laugh:

    Well I was a rock star on Halloween day. Then I was home with Josie sick on Friday and I was still shockingly good with food. Then things took a turn on Sat and I ate way to much at a birthday party. (can we say 2 pieces of cake?). I was back on track yesterday (didn't track but ate well) and I am back to logging today. Not sure what to expect since I too feel bloated and flabby but that is mostly since I haven't worked out since Thursday and I am still not 100%. I feel ok today but I am I constantly hacking. I am basically living on Musinex. So I know working out will not help this. At this point I have resigned myself to just do the best I can and not stress too much about it. It is what it is right?
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    The nose, it's the same. But I'm still trying to keep my head up and move forward. Coming back from multiple weeks off from weights and cardio has been insanely hard. It's crazy how out of shape I feel. I am sore to the bone and out of breath after 2 sets. It's nuts.

    Family photos make me saw AWWW every time! I hope everything goes well with those! We are hoping to get some done this year, as we didn't get any last year. We are due! How fun! Pain to plan for, but so nice to have!!

    I'm still up/down myself. I just not sure if I'm all in or all half in/half out! :laugh: I think, so long as I can get my workouts built back up I'll be okay. I did shake off the surgery gain I had. Luckily it's only been water weight and hasn't stuck. However, it has me at a slightly higher BF %. This does not work for me! :embarassed: So I've got to even out this eating...maintenance does not involve oreos for me!! :blushing:

    I am excited to Leg Day it tomorrow. I'm really thinking of working of the theory of HITTING it hard minus the planning part. Instead of writing every workout done, every meal down. Log what I know I'll do eating wise. And then just hit the gym hard. Who knows...last night I was just going to eat carbs & protein together for every meal without logging and just hit the gym. I'm up in the air. My mind and my body are at odds right now!! :laugh:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Love the new pic! I can't imagine how hard it is to come back. It is hard for me to come back just after a few days! I am still struggling. I worked out yesterday and thought I was back on track but then this morning I had a raging headache. Sometimes I can work with it but not this morning. And my cough is still horrible. I thought I was making progress but I am back to hacking up crap. I feel ok other than that but you can imagine how hard it is to workout with that. This has been dragging on soooo long!! I keep debating on going to the dr to try to get a steroid or something but I keep thinking it will just get better. Mike is on a steroid and antibiotic and he is still having some of the same symptoms so maybe it is just something that has to slowly run its course. At least I don't feel bad.

    The one bright side is that I barely have any appetite. I have to make a point to eat the food I pack. I don't know if it is because of all the drainage or just that I am not working out but if I only ate when I was hungry I think I would be eating about 1000 calories. I am sure people are up in arms that my diary is so low but I don't see a point in forcing more food down since I am not working out.

    Yeah family pics are getting interesting. We had all our outfits picked out (dress and little faux fur shrug for Josie) and then the weather turned cold. Since our pics are in the morning outside, I am now on the hunt to find tights to match her dress (which is harder that you would think since black and white tights will not work). And I am wearing heels and I found out today that the shoot is in a rocky area by a river. So I might break an ankle but I will look fabulous :laugh:
  • pcdoctor01
    pcdoctor01 Posts: 389 Member
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    So how are you feeling today!? I see you had a loss..nice, nice!! :wink: Did you go with a Dr. appt? Or roughing it?!

    And any luck finding tights? :happy: I can only imagine the difficulty. I just try to do similar shirts for the kids and Dan because that in itself is enough work. I can only imagine changing course given weather within a few days of the shoot! Be careful out there though in those heels!!

    So I have to tell you...I was asked to join this Insanity group starting Monday! :noway: Mon-Friday @ 5am there's a group of ladies that are going to start Insanity. To be at the gym I'd have to get up another half an hour early (aka 430!!!) AND it's friggin' Insanity!! :huh: Yet, I'm still considering it....thinking about any cardio makes me want to :frown: :sick: but at the same time...I NEED fat loss through the holidays. I don't know...I'm at a loss. I'd only be able to fit in 4 days a week since Wednesday I'm not in town. So I have 2 days to decide. Lol.

    Oh the joys! I had to defrost the car AGAIN this morning. It's snowing. :angry: I'm not too happy about that. Such is life. We just had to order new tires for Dan & I. So that was fun. Oh, and I decided a double workout was necessary after how awful work went yesterday. So back to the gym with Dan, I went last night. I needed it though. I had a lot of steam to blow off!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Wow you have snow!!! That is craziness. Well at least for me in Texas is seems like craziness :laugh: It must be beginning to look a lot like Christmas to you :wink:

    Yeah the weight was down a bit so that was good. It is mostly because my appetite has been zero since I have all this congestion. I did suck it up and went to the dr today solely because I started wheezing periodically between all the hacking. Enough was enough. So I was diagnosed with a sinus infection and bronchitis and sent home with 2 cough meds (one for day, one for night), an antibiotic and an inhaler. They said I should feel better by Sunday so here is to hoping!

    Yeah the pics are a beat down. The temp is supposed to be up to 70 tomorrow but we are doing them in the morning when it is high 50s so I found some ivory tights. I am nervous about it due to just all the time and energy I have spent on this but whatever will be will be.

    I totally get what you mean about the need for cardio. Now am not down with Insanity style but if you can do it, more power to you! And yes getting up at 4:30 is INSANITY :) You will have to let me know what you decide. Would you double up and do weights in the evening?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hope your weekend turned out well. We had fun going out for Mike's birthday (we are having a party next weekend but this was just a nice date night dinner) and we got alot accomplished including assembling a new bookcase, ordering Josie's big girl furniture, making party decorations (Josie's party is in 2 weeks) and the usual laundry and cleaning. I was definitely not logging everything and did have a cheat meal for his birthday but I didn't go overboard the rest of the time since I wasn't really hungry.

    I am beat down though since even though I felt much better on Sat (after getting all the meds) I seemed to relapse on Sunday and had 2 major coughing spells where I was having hard time catching my breath even with the inhaler. So of course Mike was all on my case saying I needed to rest more and not workout. Which I know he is right about not being able to really workout since anything (even laughing) makes me start coughing up a lung. I am just trying to get as much quick isometric stuff in here and there (office lunges, yes please) and walking as much as I can. My appetite is still way down so that can work to my advantage but I just feel soooo flabby. And without working out I feel like my weekend cheats are going to cause I gain for me on the scale. Which will make me mad! haha

    Oh and we did do family pictures. Josie was a trooper. I am not sure what we got since she keep giving them her "cheese" face but she was a good girl. While I LOVED our outfits my only regret was that they didn't really work for the location. We knew they were going to be taken in a park when we booked them. And we were thinking bridges, stairs, pathways and fountains like the ones she had done previously. I picked out dresser outfits (dress pants on mike, skirt and heels on me) with that in mind. Yeah it was WAY more rustic. It seriously was like rockclimbing. We were sitting most of the time and it was just not a good plan. It needed to be jeans and flat boots sort to thing. It is fine and I can't wait to see the pics but that was my big screw up. Off the start stressing about Josie's party and hope I can workout on Wed!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Hey! Sorry for the delay. We have Veteran's Day off. So I went shopping with my Mom. It was nice to get out and have a little girls day. I didn't accomplish much. But it was fun.

    We started Insanity Monday. Terrible idea. :laugh: But, what the heck right? I'm not obligated to continue or go every day. So I figure, what the heck. I'm just doing weights 4x a week whenever I can fit it in. So far it's been right after and just light sessions because my body is NOT used to cardio circuits between loathing cardio and still bouncing back from surgery- I need short weight sessions until I adjust to Insanity again! I am going to do 1 full leg day Saturday since I won't do Insanity on the weekend and I'll have a full rest day Wednesday & Sunday. So we'll see how it goes. It's been intense. My shoulders are SOO weak that those plank moves in it have SUCKED terrible!!

    I'm sorry your still feeling down and out! Mike's right...I know you want to jump back into it. And you will, you always do!! It's good your getting something in,but keep listening to that body of yours!!

    I'm glad Josie did so well with pictures (I've got a 'cheese' face kiddo too! :tongue: ). I'm sure they will turn out beautiful, even if hiking in heels wasn't the most fun! :wink:

    I didn't have time to prep cook so I've got random frozen meals to eat today.:laugh: Sometimes I over prep meals, and then just freeze whatever I know I won't get to before it goes bad. So yeh, that's what I'm having alld ay today. Should be umm...delicious?!:flowerforyou:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Funny you say that about freezing the extras. That is exactly what I am doing this week. We have grilled extras from a few weeks ago that we froze and now I am digging them out :laugh: We need to grocery show BADLY!

    As for feeling sick, I am definitely better since taking the antibiotics. I noticed a huge improvement with all the phlegm and drainage within a day. But the cough still goes from almost nothing to hacking and wheezing and having trouble catching my breath. So I am almost done with the antibiotics but I am still taking the cough suppressants and using the inhaler. I think I am just going to wait until next week to start working out. Which sucks but I feel like I am right on the edge of finally being over this. It would suck if I threw that all away.

    Appetite is still way down which helps keep the weight in check without workouts but I know I am going to be so weak. Don't you just love that feeling when you are getting back? I can't imagine starting Insanity after coming back from surgery like you are! But that is cool that you can go as little or as much as you want. I don't think I would mind insanity if it wasn't day in and day out.

    We got the pictures back and they are just ok. They will work for a christmas card but nothing so good that we would frame in and hang it up. Which stinks since I was hoping to get a few to hang in the gallery walls I am working on designing :laugh: But its over and I can make a card and that was the main purpose. On to all the birthday party planning! Then Christmas! It never ends right? :wink:
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Sorry I'm MIA. I'm working so much my head is spinning and if I"m not working, I'm running. Dan started basketball yesterday so look out world. :laugh: Tarren wasn't feeling good the tail end of last week. It's been a busy stinkin' November. I cannot even get my head on straight before there is another crisis at work. Words cannot even express it! :tongue:

    I did make soup on Sunday so eats wise, things are okay. And although I moved rest day to today because of a hail/sleet storm we got this morning, workouts are going great. So I'm not completely drowning. LoL. But taking a breath to catch up has been difficult. :huh:

    How are you!? How are you feeling? How is the cough/breathing/returning to workouts/etc?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hi!! I know what you are saying about running around. I am in crunch time for Josie's party (this Sunday) so it is a total craft-o-polooza going on in my house. This week is the first week I am back to normal so I have been trying to hit the workouts hard and I am feeling it. Particularly from leg day on Tuesday. I am SOOO sore right now. It is funny though. My appetite has somewhat come back but not in full force so I don't even notice I haven't eaten enough sometimes. I am torn on if I should go ahead and make myself eat or not. Part of me worries that I am not eating enough and going to have some adaptation issues but the other part of me is like, if I am not hungry don't eat and don't worry about it. It will come back soon enough especially with Thanksgiving coming up!

    Hope Tarren is feeling better. I did see you were getting those workouts in when you could. Good for you! I am so glad I am feeling better just in time for the holidays!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Ah party mode!! :drinker: What's the theme this year? Another Minnie or something new?

    I'm glad you are feeling better. It's so hard sometimes to get past those bugs! Dan's struggling with one himself, just when I think he's better I hear him hacking in the middle of the night. Tarren's okay...he just has that lingering stuff like is going around. He was up this morning around 2am, landed himself in my bed with a nightmare, up again as I was just getting ready to walk out the door to the gym. So back to bed him and I went. It worked up because I took the kids to the Y's activity night and I worked out. But normal Tarren sleeps straight through the night and you have to (literally) drag him by his toes out of bed in the morning! :laugh:

    We have switched Thanksgiving to my Mom's instead of our house. Dan's mom had a sudden change in plans with her husband's family unexpectedly coming into town. I'm glad I don't have to be the main 'cooker' but I know that I tend to eat more at my parents' house vs my own. Strange but true. And what's up with 'Black Friday' barely existing with all these 6pm Thanksgiving Day sales?! It's insane!!

    I've just been sort of going with the flow with workouts. I had a plan laid out but when Tarren started to alter my workout times/lengths with not feeling well. I decided this isn't the time to freak out over plans. If I'm working out and not stuffing my face, we're solid. :laugh: I've been managing to follow a 5 day workout week- it tends to vary when/how but it gets done. And I've been narrowing my over the top snacking down slowly. So Thanksgiving isn't looking as scary as it was a few weeks ago! :blushing:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    The party is over and I am alive to tell!! It was crazy let me tell you. I started on 7am Saturday morning. I cleaned, food shopped, cooked, prepped, and decorated straight through until 11pm that night. It was crazy. I actually burned over 3600 calories according to my BMF since I was never sitting down for more than 10 minutes. I had 10.5 hours of moderate activity. Too bad I blew it all eat total crap. I was eating out of exhaustion. I am not going to lie. Just eating and eating as I was working. Put a huge dent in the pinata candy. It was bad. As was my eating at the party. I am so bloated from all the sodium in the chips, queso, tacos, etc that my ring barely fit on! So I am just not getting on the scale until next week and then I am going to have to deal with the party and thanksgiving after math. Not happy with my eating and didn't get a workout in this morning, but it is over and the party was a success so I am happy. Here are the pics:

    Yes I am all better from the cough thankfully, but I was actually in acute care last night for my mouth. haha!! For over a month I had been getting bad chapped lips and they were cracking on the corners. I just kept slathering vaseline on them and went about my day. Well I work up the morning of the party and they were all swollen and throbbing. Right away Mike was like "what did you do to your lips"? Well the party started in just a few hours so I took some Benadryl and advil and sucked it up. Once the party was over I was on my way to the after hours clinic. Turns out I had an infection around my mouth (presumably from the cracks that opened up a few weeks sooner). So I am on more antibiotics, a topical steroid and topical anti-fungal to try to help the heal up. Good times.

    Glad you are doing well. Hard to believe thanksgiving is in a few days! What is killing me is that now that I get to take down all the party decor, I get to spend a day decorating the house for Christmas. I already feel spent! haha We have a big dinner for Josie planned on Wednesday so we have to have the house put back together again. Then Thanksgiving at Mike's parents house then on the setting up all the trees! I just need to make it a priority to work out and eat better since I feel like crap from eating so badly.
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Your party looked so fun! Josie is BEAUTIFUL. Your house looks amazing. And you look fabulous in your fancy pants and boots! :smile: I'm glad it went well. Hopefully you catch your breath, just in time to start the Thanksgiving running!!

    There's a storm heading in right now bringing lots of beautiful (NOT!) snow our way. I guess a good 6-12 inches depending on where it lands. Right now, it's coming down pretty solid so I'm heading over to a meeting and then switching to Dan's 4WD SUV to pick up Talan. My mom has both kids tomorrow since there's no school...hopefully the weather holds out until I get that running done! Supposedly it's supposed to pass by Thanksgiving Day which is when we travel. So we'll see...I made the 3 pumpkin rolls so I better have somewhere to go so people can eat them!

    I remember now why I always did the gym thing in the summer, and the home thing in the winter. I wish you could put your YMCA membership on hold through the snowy months! I have to get dressed, then run down to start the car before I do the rest of my morning routine so that I can get down to the gym. If it wasn't for the fact, the kids are using the YMCA to burn off some of that energy they have from school all day and no outside time- I'd probably cancel it! It's a hassle. Layers on to go, layers off to workout, layers back on. And that's just the first 1.5 hours of my day. LoL. What a PIA! :laugh: :laugh:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh thanks you are too sweet. Yeah I looked like Santa at the party. It was funny. I had a white and black graphic dress I was going to wear (because I like to coordinate with the party theme, haha) but the weather took a nasty turn and I was just too cold to have bare legs even inside so I went foraging in my closet for something festive and red skinnies and black boots it was. I just happened to look like Santa. :laugh: Josie had a great time and I was pleased how it worked out. It took me so much longer to decorate for this party than last years since I didn't know what worked and what didn't in the new house. It is some much easier the second time around.

    Like the biggest lesson learned from this party was that generic walmart brand tape is not NEARLY as sticky as scotch brand tape. I usually am all over a good store brand and don't think there is any difference well there sure as hell was for our house. All the stuff stuck to the walls (the posters, the cutouts) we hung up the day before MULTIPLE times and kept falling down within an hour and I was getting so frustrated and I couldn't understand why the fall foam leaves that I hung for Thankgiving (they were heavier for sure) had been stuck to the walls without issue for 2 weeks. It finally dawned on me that I used our regular scotch tape dispenser when I hung and the leaves but I was using the walmart tape I just bought for all the party stuff. I did a test run with what little scotch tape I had left and it worked perfectly so I made Mike run out late that night and buy me like 3 more rolls of tape just in case. But turns out I didn't need it since once I rehung everything with the scotch tape it didn't fall down. In fact it is still hanging up as we speak!

    We are having party #2 for Mike's immediate family tonight since they are all coming into town today (and today is her actual birthday). So we get to do it all over again for 18 people (yeah got to love breeders:laugh: ) Only we are doing pasta (instead of tacos) and I am making a spaghetti squash as a pasta alternative since my whole family eats it instead of pasta. I will see how much ribbing we get from his "meat and potatoes" family about trying to sub a veggie in for pasta.

    Wow that is crazy about the snow. Yeah I am not one for snow and I am a total weenie about the cold. How much did you end up getting? MMMMM pumpkin rolls sound delicious! We are going to have a nice leisurely morning (Josie will want to drive her new car for sure) and I hope to get in a good long workout so I am less tempting to go overboard at his parents house.

    I am going to get on the scale tomorrow and face the music from my overeating this weekend. hisssss Stay warm girl and have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Back from Thanksgiving...I'll admit to overeating and move on.:tongue:

    The snowstorm was not our worst, it was just the timing of it all. We only got about 2.5 inches during the afternoon but then it started raining:frown: and things went south. Luckily by that time, I was already at my parents. Dan, however, was not. It took me an extra 20 minutes to get from work to home (to pick up Talan) and an extra 20 to get from my house to my parents. Dan...well, let's just say he listened to almost my entire ipod on the way. He was kind enough to drive my car and let me have the SUV with Talan. I was relieved when he finally rolled up.

    I am rocking the skinnies with black boots today. First timer here! :blushing: I bought a pair of skinnies at Old Navy on black friday and decided to go for it. I:laugh:

    It's weird the things that are comparable vs not when it comes to store bought. I've learned that lesson a few times on various products so I definitely hear you.

    I'm on the look out for a new Polar. I really want to get a read on my burns at the gym. And my old one is just not working. I changed the battery in both the strap and the watch. No luck. I don't know what's wrong with it and it's past warranty. I think it's time to suck it up and buy a new one. I would hope they last longer than 2 years...but who knows?!?!

    I'm off the scale for awhile. It needs a new battery and I'm not too worried about buying one to hop on and be annoyed. :blushing: :grumble: so I'm riding it out for now. Just going to stay on track non-holidays (and non-shopping days because I do plan on eating out with Dan when we 'hopefully' take our shopping trip:bigsmile: ) and hope that not going crazy the entire time leaves me at least at maintenance!! I'd feel better knowing my burn, but for now....proceeding as is!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I am right there with you sister! I definitely overate for sure for about 4 straight days. I was only sitting around like a bum one of those days (since the other 3 I was running around like a crazy person with extended family pictures and christmas decorating). I too am off the scale until at least next week. I feel bad that I have been off for 2 weeks straight (last week I didn't weigh in since it was after Josie's party weekend and then the day after Thanksgiving). But I know it isn't going to be good. I know I went nutso more than once and I know my body just bloats up and fattens out when I go overboard so it will only upset me to see 5-7lbs up on the scale. I know I am still going to be annoyed when I get on the scale next week and see 3-4lbs up (presumably fat since bloat will be gone after that long and it will take me forever to get it off). I have such issues with food in social situations!! You think I would have this under control by now but no. Oh well.

    Looks like Santa needs to bring you a new Polar for sure!! That does suck though that it isn't lasting that long for you. But at least it picked a good time to completely crap out. :laugh:

    I am down to my last 2 weeks of S90. I don't think I want to take pictures or measurements again. :laugh: I know it isn't going to be good only because of my diet (and a little bit from being out sick so long, but 90% diet). I am like what it she the point? They are not going to be an accurate picture of the program. I am ready to move on and start something else though. This round just dragged on and on (mostly since I was sick for so long). I am thinking of checking out JM's program since I could use some extra cardio at this point :laugh:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Yeah well.......I got on the scale for the first time. 138lb. So I am up 5 pounds. Not shocking but not thrilled. I think it can get one or two of those pounds off by Friday but I am still way too close to 140 to be entering Christmas time. I NEVER wanted to see that # again. Time to get to it. Sigh.
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Hey- popping in real quick to say sorry I'm MIA. Talan was sick Th-Saturday. Dan got a REALLY REALLY REALLY bad version Saturday that hasn't gone away. Been trying to keep the sickies feeling okay, the healthies away from the sickies, and trying to keep some sort of semblance of sanity in our house. It's been a whirlwind- I've done more laundry this weekend than I probably have in a year (Dan does 98% of all laundry normally) and with having to wash towels constant and dishes constant to avoid spreading it. It's been insane. They thought he had MONO (which would have been 2x in 4 years but that test thankfully came back negative..) he's just so down and out of it. Luckily, Talan's was a 24 hours bug. I'm not sure why I'm rambling here? LoL

    Anyways, I've been bad 75% of the time myself. Eating whatever I can throw in my mouth. I've missed quite a few workouts and things are just not the healthiest. LoL. I cooked up a storm last night because I'm sure I'm up on the scale, and like you said...need to get it down before Christmas!! I completely hear you. I don't even know what my problem is?! It's not like we've been to holiday parties or something?! The no exercising because of sick family I can handle- but I just eat whatever, whenever. Hell, I had a bowl of icecream with sprinkles last night...I can't even remember the last time I ate icecream at home. Years?! It's been a whirlwind. On top of my new boss started yesterday and I wasn't here because I had to take Dan for all kinds of blood work. It's been fun. I can't wait to breath again.

    How was your icestorm? Everything okay now?

    Yeh, we (especially you!) are troopers and will get a lid on this. I know it. It's just been one thing after another, and now it's time to catch it before it gets too far ahead of us. It's an obstacle for life, I know it! But we'll get it. I keep telling myself, I need to worry more about the diet and less about the training. I can make myself gym it everyday. It's the diet that I constantly falter on. But every time I take a plan of action its always 80% training 20% diet focused. I just can't be consistent, even after all these years!! I need balance still! LoL.

    How crazy are you trying to get all your holiday shopping down between ice storms and birthday parties?!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    No! I am sooo far behind over everything due to being locking inside for days on end with the icepocalypse. Everything that was canceled last weekend has been crammed into this weekend and because of the ice I have lost hours stuck in extra traffic. So I am behind on everything outside of the house. And work has been nuts. Sigh!

    Well as you saw I logged a 3 pound gain from the 2 weeks around Thanksgiving. Not bad to too close to 140 for comfort (136). Hope I can get through this action packed weekend (two parties on top of other stuff) with small loss so I have more wiggle room at Christmas. Then you know how things will go once the new year hits. :laugh:

    Hope you are feeling better and have a great weekend!