Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down and workout videos



  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    You are definitely starting to look it! Good for you! Scale may not be cooperative, but your body is responding regardless of what it says! Yea for that!!

    I had shoulders, calves, and abs with cardio today. I'm spent! LoL. Supposed to do legs tomorrow. Not sure if I'll stick with the plan given I have the alumni volleyball and I don't want my already pathetic vertical to be even more diminished by DOMS! :noway: I hope it's a good turn out, I'm excited to participate. I hope that kids enjoy seeing Mama out there!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Ohhh good stuff with the DOMS. I have a little in my triceps from yesterday's workout. Yeah I think things are getting better with my body but I want to lean out more. Basically everything is better but not as good as it once was. Meaning I am seeing my definition come back but still feel looser and flabbier than I was before. My clothes are fitting better now but when I left they were getting loose on my (which of course I loved). I would just like to get close to that again. Wishful thinking right? Next workout is a leg day but I don't know if I will have time to get to it tomorrow since we are pumpkin picking in the morning. I love fall!! Have a great weekend!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Hehehe. Love the new profile pic. So true. :tongue: You know how I feel about leg day!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Weekend was fun but exhausting. Turn out was poor for the alumni game but my sister, husband, and father jumped in on the fun and we all played a few matches with the few alumni that came in. It was a good time. Shoulder is feeling the wear and tear so shoulder day sucked this morning. Cardio before and after weights. Going to try and keep that in check this week. We don't go to my parents at all this week since Tarren is on a 5 day school schedule this week due to my Mom having training. No excuses about not eating on plan since I'm the only one in charge of cooking my meals!! And also means an extra workout day since I can hit the YMCA on Wednesday morning as well. No excuses here. Time to step it up so I'm in a good position when I have the week of rest after surgery!!

    How was your weekend?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Wow look at you go cardio queen! You are a rock star! As you can imagine today was a leg day :laugh: And I feel legendary. haha

    This weekend was touch and go for me. No work out but with being on my feet all day I was at about the same burn if not more than I am on work days. The eating was so so. I am trying to get a grasp (aren't we all) of enjoying food on the weekends in a healthy way. I made our usual healthy breakfast pancakes and for lunch we had left overs at the pumpkin farm and then we all shared a bag of kettle corn (which of course I didn't need but it wasn't too bad). Then we made DIY thin crust pizzas which also wasn't bad but my hubby poured 2 large glasses of wine on top of my 2 large pieces of veggie pizza. Still doing ok overall pleased with myself. I was still hanging strong through yesterday but then we went to my nephews party. I was being really good with a small veggie sandwich and a small piece of cake but then I went nutso and ate a bag and a half of potato chips. They were the snack size bag and I thought oh 150 calories (I was not doing half bad) until I realized there were 2 servings in the individual sized bag (you know how evil that is) so I ate 390 calories in vinegar and salt potato chips. Sigh. I didn't binge and it wasn't a huge deal but we both know I can't do that if I am trying to get the last of the weight off. I have a sneaking suspicion that I am just going to have to hold my own for a while and hope to just lose a small amount of weight (if that) at this time of year. I know I can do better but at this point not going totally nuts is my better. haha

    I am getting back the scale Friday to see where I am at and then we will know where I stand. For now I am back in action. I am pleased with myself though that I have all my dinners cooked for this week (and some extras in the freezer). I tried out 2 new recipes. One was a tomato basil marinade for chicken (which was excellent if you are interested) and then I ground chicken for the first time myself for chicken meatloaves. We haven't had those to eat yet but I am excited to try them out on Wed. The grinding of the chicken went well and it is lower cal than the ground turkey I buy at the store because it is all breast meat. It is also cheaper since I am doing all the labor and buying huge bags of frozen breasts at Costco. So that was a win. I hope they taste good since we have 2 servings in the refrigerator and one each meal of them in the freezer. haha. All this food talk is making me hungry! Off to eat my tuna. Press on my fellow workout warrior!!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Couldn't get to the internet yesterday since I was 'babysitting' this rescue kitten. Oh boy, talk about a weird day! They brought her in when the construction guys who are doing our new parking lot found her. They said she'd been there last week but they were concerned about her when she was still there this week. My boss took her up to the vet to have her checked/cleared. She has fleas but is healthy, just tiny from lack of food. I let her hang out with me all day in my office waiting to find a home for her. I had text Dan about her figuring he'd say no way (which he did). But the longer she stayed with me, the more I loved her and knew the boys would. So I sent Dan a video of her, saying it would make a great early Christmas present. He showed the boys, they called me, and begged for her. So, off to our home she went. I NEVER thought we'd have another cat. She's itty bitty and eats baby oatmeal right now because she's so tiny. And she gets a little fiesty since she isn't used to being around people so she gets skiddish. But she just loves attention and she's already going in the liter box (I probably just jinxed that!) The boys are learning how to handle a tiny one. And Dan's being a trooper, he's not a cat person but he let her lay on him and sleep. It was adorable! When I got up for the gym I checked on her, she slept in our spare room. She was all nestled in her bed but as soon as she saw me it was go time. :laugh: It's one of those, probably shouldn't have. And I definitely wouldn't have went out and sought a kitten with a full household. But she needed a good home, and I knew we could give her lots of love. So hopefully it works out.

    I will say, for whatever reason I was amped up for this mornings workout. Back and bis. Was banging out curls like a bad *kitten*. :tongue: Cardio sucks...but I'm keeping it up, have to! It's hard to superset and circuit at a YMCA so the extra cardio hopefully offsets that. We did eat chinese though. Who wants to cook and not play with the kitty?! :blushing:

    How's Josie?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh how exciting!! A new pet. You gave that little kitty a good home :heart: And though I have never had cats I am all over an pet that does its business in a box!:laugh: What is the new kitten's name? What does she look like?

    Sorry I was MIA. Josie was sick with a high fever and throwing up. Thankfully it passed within 24 hours but that day sucked. I literally laid on the couch all day with her. Cooped up in one room with the dogs since we are having work done to the kitchen. Humorous side note my TDEE was 1900 for that day. 500 calories less than when I work out and go to my desk job. haha. But then yesterday I was trying to get caught up with my work. You know how that goes.

    Looks like I will be facing a 2lb gain on the scale this week. I was hoping that after my anniversary weekend I would be able to get it off by the next weigh in but it doesn't look that way. Oh well. I am going to log it and take my measurements and face the music. I need to see I am making some sort of progress so maybe the measurements will show something (even though I know it will be a big jump since June, which is when I took my last measurements). My arms seem like they are leaning out and my abs are coming back. I know my lower body isn't looking like it was back on when I was at 128lb but I am surprised I am still stalled (or going in the wrong direction). You know how it goes. I know the issue is the eating on the weekends but I didn't think it was this bad. Like I would expect it to have stalled my loss but not have shown a gain. ok enough pity. I know what I need to do. I am just half a**ing it (and probably will continue to do so through out the holidays) but if I am gaining I need to get it right. Stalling is one thing gaining (like legitimate gaining, not just fluctuations) isn't going to work out. haha. Onward and upward!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Rest day today. Was trying to make it until Saturday so I could take Sat & Sun. off but I feel like crap. Been waking up in cold sweats, wondered why...until today- now I know I've got a bug. :ohwell: The extra sleep didn't help much, but better than half as*ing it at the gym.

    Kitty's name is Mako. (like the shark :laugh: ) My kids are shark week fanatics so it works. She's a tiger kitty with beautiful strips and a few orange/goldish flecks in her fur. We had never planned on another cat, but she needed us and we love her! She's been great. She just cuddles and does her business where's she's supposed to so I can't complain. She even loves the fact she has her own little room (our spare room) for when we are all at work/school. She goes in with no complaints and hangs until we get back. Did you end up getting that pup? I know you were waiting until you got the new house, but I couldn't remember if you ended up bringing her home.

    The weight/scale is a funny thing. With not feeling great/PMSing combo, I've been a little less strict macro wise. The scale initially shot up but today I've settled back down (which isn't my low but what I've been at) I would have expected an up. But the irony is probably I'll go back to behaved eating and shoot back up. The scale blows really.

    I'm glad Josie is feeling better. Any sick kid stinks, but a sick throwing up kid is really hard! It's so hard for them, and you feel so bad! I'm glad she got to cuddle up with Mama while she was on the mend!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh no! I am sorry you are not feeling well. We always take our health for granted until it leaves us! I hope you feel better soon. And I know the minute you do you will be back at it! Sounds like the kitty was a perfect match for you guys even if you were not looking for one (sounds like she was looking for you! :wink: ).

    Well the scale was kinder than I thought. I was up half a pound from my pre anniversary weigh in. Which considering I thought I would see a 2 pound gain I would totally take this. I also took measurements and it was basically what I knew. Just maybe not as bad. I am 133lb now and last time I took the measurements I was like 126lb. I was the same or slightly up (like half an inch) in my upper body and waist (both natural and pooch) but my thighs were up an inch and my hips were up 1.5 inches. Soo there is it. It is basically what I knew (that my tummy and upper body were leaning back out but my lower body wasn't looking so great). I was some what pleased with this though. I am glad that my thighs and hips were the only thing really affected. I am sure my butt is too but I can't measure my droopy butt that well. :laugh: I know for my legs and butt to lean out I really have to get the BF low. I have to get back under 20% to see a drop there. It is just so hard to get that (as I know you know!)

    But I feel good though since a co worker randomly said that every time she sees me I look skinnier (which I chalk up to the dark wash jeans) but it felt nice. And I tried on a bunch of evening gowns for our annual charity event and I was pleased with how I looked it most of them (including that little liquid gold number in my profile pic that I tried on for fun, hehe). So I am content for now. hehe. I might change in an hour! Have a great weekend and get some rest girl!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hey girl. Just wanted to check in with you and see if you are doing any better! Hope you are getting some rest and hanging in.:flowerforyou:
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Good morning! How are you? I'm about 80% so I headed back to the gym today. I think if it weren't for work hours and the stress from that I'd probably have bounced right back, but recovery time hasn't been available! And I haven't been able to take a day off to rest since I have 4 days of next week for that surgery. So I've been sucking it up...but not working out. I hit it slow this morning so hopefully I can get a few decent workouts in before I'm off again next week.

    How are things for you? How's S90? Did you find a good dress for the event?

    I am trying to work on laying out a plan (when I have time) to get things under control before we head into the holidays. With not feeling well and just being unmotivated, my eating has sucked. I know if I don't hammer down on myself, I'll just let it go through the holidays and regret it yet again this year. I thought about the Leigh Peele stuff but I'm not sure I want to micromanage so much that I throw in the towel over a #s game. I might try the 15% deficit on the website and use that to allow for some stretch on 'clean foods' with the holidays coming up and still try to keep things under a format. We'll see. I'm still exploring my options. Workout wise-I'm good. I know what I need to do, it's just that darn diet thing that kills me!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Glad you are feeling better even if it is not 100%. I totally get what you mean about not being able to recover 100%. I too have come down with something (just a cold like virus thing) and there is no rest for the wary. I am not working out right now but there is no time to just lay in bed and rest. Even last night when I was half comatose and in bed with Daddy "watching" Josie, she wanted to be all up on top of me. I am sure you know how that goes.

    I had a great week and actually worked out both days on the weekend and no binging which is why I had no clue why I was up 1.5lbs today (back up to 134.4) soooooo annoying. I honestly thought I would have been down to 131-132. I was wrong. The only explanation is from being sick since I was killing it with food and workouts and I think I am leaning out more in my legs. I would have taken measurements but I was exhausted and cranky so I just got dresses and headed out.

    My husband thought maybe I was pregnant and that was why I felt bad and the scale was up but I killed that dream for him. Took a test, not pregnant. I told him sorry. Not pregnant just sick and fat. Annoying on 3 different levels. Well I am just a sick crank pot today so I will stop raining on your parade. Hope you are feeling better for the weekend!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Awww! Feel better!! I totally get the cranky pot comment! Trust me! I'm the same. My mood suffers when I'm not feeling well. We tried to do a family outing to the YMCA but I essentially did 20 minutes of cardio and then walked around the gym until I decided to go hang out with the kids. My endurance has taken a crapper with being sick and work has me run down. I have 1/2 day today to take Tarren to the dentist (FINALLY!) to check out his teeth. I pray it's just one of those things where although it sucks, it'll be fine because they are baby teeth. But we'll see. They do look so significantly different. My girlfriend swears it's just the mother in me that no one else notices. But his teeth are obviously pushed up into his gums. Fingers crossed they didn't hit the adult teeth.

    I told Hubster it's going to be a gym, rest, sleep weekend. He's not sleeping at night so he's exhausted. I'm pooped. Tarren's mood has been iffy and Talan well, he could just use some rest from a long week of school. I'm thinking a quick dinner and family movie night tonight. We'll see. I've got to get some groceries stocked up after the dentist so the kids don't starve and I don't order out all weekend! :laugh:

    Surgery next week, find out Monday what time. I pray I find my motivation after that because I left it somewhere and I can't seem to find it!!

    I do hope it's just a 24 hour bug for you. Great job with the workouts and the diet. Keep it tight this weekend and forget that scale. Just check out your profile pic and remember how sassy you felt in the liquid gold #!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I am back!! How did the dentist go? I hope things went as well as you can expect! It wasn't a 24 hour bug for me. I basically slept all weekend. It was crazy. I haven't that since before Josie. It just happened to work out that Mike to Josie to work with him on Sat and then over to his parents so the house was quiet. Every time I sat down I feel asleep. And I slept hard. Like for 2 hours straight. Then I would get up and throw a load of laundry in and get something to eat and I would sit back down and be asleep again. This happened like 5 times on Saturday. I don't think I have ever slept that much. It was better on Sunday but still I had a 2 hour nap then too. Crazy!

    I felt better yesterday but still tired and weak. I expected to workout this morning but we had a rough night with Josie and I only got a few hours of sleep so I decided not to press my luck since I didn't want to be sick for our gala event or Halloween party this weekend. So I will be back in action tomorrow for sure. I need to since that dress isn't forgiving. haha

    I fought hard but I kept my eating decent since I always want to eat when I am sick! I feel like I am just treading water. But I do feel like I am doing the best I can right now. I am doing all the workouts I can get in (when I am not sick) and I am eat 100% on the weekday and not binging on the weekends so if the scale isn't budging now because I am not hitting diet 110% so be it. I just am no in the right place with it right now. It sucks to be up 8lbs from my low and no where near my sub 130lb comfort zone but maybe it is just my winter weight ;)
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Hey sorry- I've basically been non-exist the last few days. Surgery took a toll on me (my face :noway: ) so I have been passed out 90% of the time. Let's see. The surgery went well, My Mom was 100% right - I tried telling her I'd be fine on my own the days after and to go to the Dr. for a follow up. Negative. I couldn't do anything. I figured it's just my face - my body is fine but when you can't see passed your nose depth perception is a problem! Along with I couldn't tip my head down to a normal place so there was a lot of assisted walking. Then when she won the battle of going to the Dr. for follow up with me, she won the right yet again card because I stinkin' passed out as he was taking out the bandages. I have NEVER passed out in my life. Strangest feeling. So thank God she went with me. Thank goodness Dan and her were both her. He wrangled kids while she kept me under control. I have another follow up Wednesday to see if when I can get back to working out (supposed to be back to work too, but I can imagine staying off work any we'll see)

    How are you feeling? I've tried staying a little on top of MFP checking in but with all the naps my brains a little foggy!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Glad things went well but girl you had SURGERY of course you are going to be out of it :wink: Take some time off and relax (I know it is hard).

    I am feeling better today which is good since I felt like I had a relapse yesterday. I swear these viruses/cold just wipe me out! But this weekend is going to be fun and busy. Will tell you all about it when I get back. Have a great weekend and try to take it easy for real!:flowerforyou:
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    How was the weekend?

    I am back to work and back to a regular computer so it's much easier to respond on MFP. I'd been using my Ipad here and there to check in, but it's hard to write longer paragraphs on that thing!

    I still have some swelling and had to give in and take the pain meds to get into work this morning. I have to get off them ASAP though because I can't drive on them! So I had to hitch a ride to work today. My GF was great about it but I have kids to run around, I need to drive!

    I work today, tomorrow and then have Wednesday morning off to see the Dr. It's my appointment that's meant to clear me for work, but I wasn't arguing with him about the fact I have a desk job and can ice my face whenever I need to. So I'm here...and he won't know! I'm hoping he clears me for atleast some light cardio. I'm supposed to play volleyball this weekend. We'll see how that goes. And I have to work Saturday (nothing like jumping right back in the wagon!)

    I'm back to tracking today. I didn't do prep cooking for myself since I'm essentially hiding in my office until all the swelling in my face goes down. So it's a sandwich, cottage cheese, and an apple today. The macros aren't fantastic, but I'll survive on them. It's better than the tons of soup I've been eating all week. The soup was fantastic, but eventually it gets old!!

    Are you almost done with S90?

    I am finishing up the final plans on my 'post surgery' plan. :tongue: I'm not going to go hard core calorie cutting, but hard core cleaning up the diet and sticking with a moderate cut. I think if I don't slash the calories and just leave them at a small deficit it should be easier to make better choices. I laid out my macros based on and my calorie allotment is at a 15%. So we'll see. I am going to go with a plan I got off Beverly International- it's a figure competition training plan. I'll never end up doing a competition but with all the reading I've done, I know I'd never fall into the 'bikini' category. I'm too broad shouder and overall a 'bigger' (for lack of a better term) build. So I'm hoping this plan will play into where I'd fall better. And then I'm going to request Dan be the keeper of regular measurements and photos. Every 1 to 2 weeks (still deciding on that). I need someone else doing it so I don't slip up.

    I'm sure I'll have to ease back into working out..heck, going up the stairs left me winded! But that's where I'm heading when I'm cleared. I'm thinking 6-8 weeks of that figure plan and then see about readjusting things. Fingers crossed. I need a good swift kick in the butt! :blushing:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Glad to hear you are healing. I know what you mean about the stairs winding you. After being sick I still feel like an asthmatic going up the stairs in just my house! Hopefully you will be cleared for working out but girl you better be careful in volleyball! Last thing you need is to get hit in the face with a ball and have to go back under the knife! :frown:

    Well this weekend was a binge fest. Shocker right? My first real binger in a while. I had a great time at our gala. After a lot of practice I was able to make my hair look halfway decent. I can't tell you how proud I was!:laugh: It was a fun weekend but I am going to avoid the scale this week. There is just no point since I know it is going to be up and I am going to be pissy. Especially with Halloween on Thursday. Our neighborhood party is burgers and fries so my sodium would be through the roof anyways. So I will be good and work out and try to keep it together this weekend but no weigh in for me.

    I SOOO didn't want to get up and work out today since I was fighting a major food hangover but I knew I needed to. It wasn't pretty but it got me back on the horse. Sadly, with all the breaks I have taken I still have over a month to go on S90. I am on my last week of month 2 but I am very behind. Oh well. I just keep plugging along.

    I found one of JM's revolution workouts on youtube and want to see how one of those workouts are. I was interested in her program since I always liked her videos but I couldn't really justify it since I had other programs. Barring any uterine occupation, JMBR might be my next program after I finish this bad boy up. That or another round of CLX. Since I am commuting farther to work, there is just no way I can do the longer workouts. Even the 45-50 minute ones are becoming a battle if I am not out of bed the minute the alarm goes off.

    Hope things are ok for you at work and the nose doesn't give you trouble!:flowerforyou:
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Loved your little statement baring any uterine occupation. LoL. That's a good one!

    You looked fabulous in your dress. Absolutely stunning! Glad it was a good time!

    I finally sucked it up and did some prep cooking last night. I was so tired and my nose ached enough I had cottage cheese and a spoonful of PB for dinner. It was lame. So I knew I had to throw something together for today's lunches. Just threw a can of chicken in with some Fiber plus pasta and asparagus with some garlic salt. Hopefully it turns out okay. It's my lunch for the next 3 days!!

    I am at this point so disappointed with the outcome of this surgery. I have had more crying spells lately than in the past 6 months total. It was supposed to fix the septum so that my left nostril was completely open. It's not even a little better. I have NO idea what the hell he did. I have an appointment tomorrow. I'm trying to be optimistic but I fear it was a pointless thing to go through. We'll see. I still have some swelling but I can feel that the cartilage is still out of place. What he did while I was knocked out i'm not sure. Needless to say, I'm suffering from a small bout of mini depression. I had put this off for years thinking it wouldn't be worth it...and so far, it's not. I'm not eating my feelings simply because it's too much of a pain to eat when I'm hungry, let alone just because. Sorry for my blah mood! I'm also coming off the tylenol with codeine so that's impacting my mood a bit too. It's been a long couple of weeks.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh no! I am so sorry that the surgery isn't giving you the results you want. I would be upset too. Hopefully it is something that healing more will correct. I hope your appointment today goes well and you will get some answers!

    I too am struggling with meal planning. I was a rockstar for a few weeks but lately I have just been throwing things together last minute when I get home. Still healthy stuff like fish and rotisserie chicken but it has been rushed and I know I can do better. I need to cook some spaghetti squash this weekend so that we can have some turkey meat sauce spaghetti this weekend. I just have a lot of other stuff going on with events and needing to get the house together and planning Josie's big birthday fete. No excuses right?

    We had a good time for sure at the gala and everything worked out well. I can't tell you how pleased I was with my hair. I looked half way decent and I didn't have to spend hours on it (and no meltdowns either!). Small pleasures right? :laugh:

    Tomorrow is our first Halloween in the house and the first time taking Josie door to door trick or treating. We have a full schedule of Halloween events at school, then carnival at the neighborhood then trick or treating. Curious to see how it all plays out. Are your kids ready for Halloween?
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Yeh, surgery total waste of time. Essentially Doctor's happy, I'm not. So time to suck it up, put on my big girl panties, and move forward. Still pretty sore but time to jump back in the saddle. I'm going to attempt some light cardio for the remainder of the week (fingers crossed, I've been oddly still exhausted all this week) and then Monday start my new plan. I'm getting all bloaty and lazy. Need to do something!!

    Busy Halloween girl!! I guess we are going to the Inlaws tonight to make Halloween cookies. Talan gets to bring his costume to school buy they don't do a parade anymore so I'll be at work all day, and Tarren goes to a Christian preschool so they just do pjs typically and a movie. No dressing up for him.

    I am so glad your hair turned out for you! I hate that part! I can do the make up if I put in the effort but trying to do something with my hair overwhelms me!! You looked beautiful so I'm glad you were happy!!

    Friday I'll do a grocery haul, lay out my meals for the week...and we are off. It's going to be a fattening holiday season if I don't grab those reigns soon!