Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down and workout videos



  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    So how was the trip? Our was good. The weather didn't cooperate much but the kids had fun and it was nice to get away. Pretty chilly so I"m kind of relieved I didn't buy any new clothes. They would have been toast. Heck, I only put on my swimsuit for about 30 minutes the whole trip. It was more of a sweatshirt and shorts kind of weekend. Eating was eh. Sunday horrible but Friday and Saturday were not too bad. Was good to get back in the gym this morning. I have to call to find out what time Talan's surgery is schedule for. Then we can plan out my gym time, when to take Tarren to my Mom, etc. Hopefully he does okay with that tomorrow. He's starting to get nervous. I don't blame him a bit. I would be too.

    Any word on house(s)?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Trip was great. I once again went crazy overboard on the eating (and drinking) not getting on the scale until at least Friday and I am sure there will be some serious damage. Oh well. I am in detox now for sure. Sadly though I was so tired after getting home last night and cleaning out the whole attic that a 5am workout was just not happening. We will see if I can get anything squeezed in tonight but with the crunch time to get everything packed up this week and out of the house and into the POD this weekend, I think I will be lucky if I can get all my workouts in.

    The house situation is such a beat down for sure! We put an offer in on a house and went back and forth like 4 times but just couldn't reach an agreement so we walked away. We might make an offer on the same house again once we are out of our current house and this house has been sitting longer. We still have other homes to look at and we have to focus on getting packed up and moved out of our current house this week so finding a new house is on the back burner for now (we are staying at my in-laws house while they are out of town and we find a new house).

    I have to say it is going to be crazy the next few weeks. I am going to try my hardest to make sure I get my workouts in the next few weeks even though we are going to be like nomads. I have my p90x videos all set on my ipad and I just am going to take my set of weights and bands with me where ever I go! It stresses me out that I really don't have a place to workout but I need to make it happen since it is a good stress relieve plus I have to get off this damage before Jamaica!

    Random side note though. I uploaded all the pictures from the trip (some which were bathing suit ones) and I can't figure it out. In some I am really pleased at how I look and in others I am so disgusted. Like how do I still have that much extra fat and cellulite when I am at the lowest weight I have ever been? uggghhhhh. Just can't think about it.

    Glad you hear your trip was good. I will be thinking about you and Talan tomorrow! Good luck!!!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    I'll be back to check in when things settle down. I'm back to work (but things are in a HUGE uproar here), Talan's still struggling to recovery, and my Gram was checked into the hospital for a pacemaker. THings are hectic and I'm running out of time to get everything in! I hope all is going okay with you! Talk to you soon.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh no! Hope everything turns out ok. Good for you to still be getting your workouts in with all the craziness. No worries, I am running on so little sleep from packing everything until all hours that I can't see straight. Just have to make it through this weekend!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    So catch me up. How's the packing/moving/storing going? Everything go okay with the closing? What workouts are you doing now a days? Able to stay on par with eating?

    My eating Saturday was bare minimum. It was 90 degrees and we played volleyball all day. So eating was the last thing on my mind. Made up for it yesterday with eating everything. I did prep cook so everything this week (aside from birthday meal/cake) should be on par. My plan is 1 treat meal a week depending on what's going on. This week it'll be birthday then hold it together until 4th of July cook out. The goal for me the rest of the summer is lower body. Going to stop focusing so much on weight loss and work on just hammering on those glutes/hamstrings. We'll see where I end up.

    Gram is doing okay. She looks worse for the wear but she's doing ok. Staying with my parents until her post-surgery check up. Talan is healing slowly. He wants to be able to eat but he just can't. Little things like diced up mac-n-cheese are okay but anything harder/rougher is too much for him. I am willing to bet he's lost atleast 5lbs. You can just look at him and tell. Hopefully his check up Wednesday says he's on course with healing.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Glad to hear that your Gram is hanging tough and Talan is healing (even if slowly). I am sure he will be in great shape on Wednesday.

    Yeah as for me.... well it hasn't been great. I left our house on Friday (after weighing in a whooping 7.5lbs up from vacation) Ok no biggie. It is a pain in the butt but 2-3 weeks of hard work and it all back to normal. However, I left on Friday to stay at my mom's house with Josie during the last phase of the moving out of our house. I am still working out (without shoes or equipment) via youtube videos but my eating has been horrendous since I am just eating what ever is at the house or whatever my mom is serving. I am feeling extremely flabby and gross right now. I must get back on track or I am going to see a gain again this week on top of the vacation gain. Which would be just craziness.

    We are closing on our old house this week which is why we are working non stop to get it done. Then we go to stay at Mike's parents for a few weeks while we close on our new house (which is just go under contract with over the weekend) and then we need to do some renovations to the new house and then we move in! haha so much going on, I must keep the eating in check or I will be 300lbs!!!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Yesterday was the big 3-1 for me. Couldn't really enjoy it with my little man in such pain. I pray this ends soon. His tears, my heart breaking...thank God Dan is a rock in this. I know being the solider of hydration and medication has to be wearing him out too. This is definitely a team effort because I just want to cuddle him up and soothe him. Dan is on top of getting down all that Talan needs to get in him. 345am this morning, he woke up from a dead sleep in pain. I pray this ends soon. And it darn well better be worth it in the long run!

    Sounds like good news (busy, but good) on the house front. That is a lot of moving and packing and signing and typing up lose ends for you! You'll knock the weights/workouts/eating out of the park when things settle. Just stay sane for now! :tongue: Sounds like you are managing with what you can fit in though. Props to you for not just calling it a time out until things settle!

    Workouts still going well. Switched things up like I had planned post-vaca. Granted I had that 1 week of mostly cardio given Talan's surgery. But back to heavy @$$ legs yesterday, supersetted bi/back Monday, and some incline (for that booty lift) today. Tomorrow I believe I'm back on speed work for legs, chest/shoulder/tri Friday and then cardio & booty day Saturday. We'll see how this schedule works. I have DOMS from H-E-L-L right now. So foam rolling needs to happen.

    Dan did order me some new blue camo workout sneaks that hopefully come in by Saturday. ( SEARCH: KEYWORD SEARCH) Talan loves camo and I wanted something a little obnoxious. LoL. The bright orange Nike Frees he got me for my birthday (that I thought I would never wear and ended up LOVING) have me hooked on 'interesting' colored sneakers. So my blue/grey Nikes needed traded in for something flashy!! Hopefully these new ones are as comfy as the blue/grey ones! I love new sneakers!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!! Sorry I have been sick and was barely on all yesterday. Josie and I are staying my parents while Mike finishes the last of the cleaning at the house before closing on Friday. We are also dealing with things on the new house which we are under contract with for closing (it has been CRAZY!). Just ordered some new furniture to be delivered the day after closing on the new house (which is in just over 2 weeks). So it has been nuts. This weekend was bad with food but good with workouts but now that I have this cold and been up with Josie my eating is spot on but no workouts :( Can't wait until we get it going on all cylinders. haha

    I am soooo sorry to hear about Talan. That is so heart breaking. Good for you for keeping it together with your workouts and diet through all of this. I can't not even imagine what you are going through. I hope he makes an EXTREMELY fast turn around. :flowerforyou:

    PS CUTE SHOES :wink:
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes for Talan. He slept through the night for the first time last night, so we'll see how his day with Dan goes. *fingers crossed*

    2nd leg day workout. Was going to do plyo after but going to have to come up with a different spot for plyo because my legs were toast! Maybe before? Or after an upper body workout. We'll see.

    I'm sorry you aren't feeling well! Stress does that to us, doesn't it?! Glad that you've been able to stay on top of your eating. That's 80% of the battle isn't it?! :smile:

    I know you are busy so I won't rattle on! Hope everything gets tied up with the houses and that everyone starts feeling better soon!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Yeah I am here I promise! Haha still sick with no real workouts but getting in lots of cardio running around for the closing of our house today. haha So we signed all the docs to sell the old one and are just waiting for the money to come through. Then tomorrow we meet with the contractor to go through our renovation list for the new house. We have no idea if we can afford this but we are going to see. haha. We shall see what we can pay to do now and what will have to wait.

    We are now going to be moving into Mike's parents house since his parents are out of town until the fall. I have been staying with my mom while Mike was finishing the final move out and clean up.

    Hopefully tomorrow I will get in a regular workout! We shall see. We have to price out a lot of stuff and make decisions and move stuff around my inlaws house and do laundry! It never ends does it? Well at least my eating has been good since I have been sick but I can't weigh myself since the scale is gone. haha Might be a good thing.

    So glad things are getting better for Talan. Even if they are slow. And once again way to keep rocking it with the workouts :)
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Yeah for the loss. A 'dent' is a 'dent' like you said. I'd be willing to bet a small fortune it's water from the vacation and stress. Stress does ridiculous things to your body!! You are golden, especially since I see you managed to get in a workout today. Props to you- it sounds like things are still hectic. The fact you are still rockin' it is deserves a giant virtual *high five*. :laugh:

    I'm at 150, myself. I blame poor self control. :glasses: The weekends haven't been that good to me or me to them, depending on how you want to look at it. It's not horrible but it's definitely not the right direction. I've just decided to go back to what I implemented back in what April? No scale, no checking measurements. Stick with the nutrition layout I had and work the new program I drew up. I've been peeking at that scale a little too much and I think the fact that it's hovering between my low of 148 and this annoying 150- I'm a little too comfortable with the fact i can cut loose a little on the weekend and still maintain. I'm not at the 'body' I want to be maintaining at yet so I need to implement operation 'I have no idea what the scale says so I better DO WORk and EAT RIGHT!!' :laugh:

    MIL got their house rented and we checked it out yesterday so things are settling on that end. Grandma seems to be healing, albeit slowly but at 90 I'd say she's doing fabulous. Talan's at about 6--70%. MIL (whose a nurse) says we still have a few days of pain considering the scabs haven't fallen out yet. But he's doing better. And Tarren, well he's about as stir crazy as they come given he can't do much as a result. So hopefully the weather clears up, Talan heals up, and we can get to enjoying summer!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I am glad to hear things are settling down and Talan is getting better even if it is too slowly for everyone's liking. Thanks for kinds words on my recent upswing. As of this morning I was back under 130 which made me happy but I am leaving tomorrow morning for a family trip to NJ for the 4th of July. It will not be a free for all it like was in Galveston but I will not be doing regular workouts and I will not be on diet for sure. Just trying to keep things in check so that when I get back on Sunday I can hit it hard for 2 weeks before Jamaica. That of course will be a total free for all and then I will be over 130 again and have to get back in shape before baby #2 comes. haha

    Yeah I am not thrilled about the weight but considering I have been homeless and living out of a box since we got back from vacation I think I am doing fairly well if I do say so myself.

    I do know what you mean about being on the scale too much. The only time it is really good for me is now when I am debloating and I see quick results from being back on track. We have to keep telling ourselves, life may get us off track but as long as we don't got into a ditch we can correct the damage in short order :laugh:

    Hope you have a great 4th of July!!!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Phew- feel like I'm off/on MFP all summer. I can only imagine how you feel with your hectic schedule! And the count down to Jamaica:flowerforyou: begins, right?

    I have been horrid with food. Dan went on a mini-cut thing to make weigh ins for his power lifting competition (which he won!!) and I decided to eat higher apparently while he ate less. I'm not quite sure what to say about it besides I'm ridiculous sometimes!:huh:

    I've thought long and hard about what to do from here. The 1680 'Mitch' plan that I implemented in March/April sounded good. But I think I want to try some higher numbers. Keeping at low calorie for prolonged periods only mean greater binging when I do let loose. So I want to try and shoot for a daily higher number and keep my 'cheating' in check. I need to get a hold of the 'out of control' behavior before summer ends. Lord knows I can't go into another holiday season without being mentally stronger. So here's what I'm thinking. My HRM took a crap so I have no idea on burns. So I can't enter in exercise calories and utilize that. Thus, I did some number running on that scooby calculator. 1900 is a mid range cut from my supposed maintenance. I'm going to go with that with a 40/30/30 split. But, here's where things get complicated. I'm going to shoot for a spread out use of macros- aiming for approximately 380 cals, 38p/28c/12f per meal. This way I can try to keep my carbs in check instead of getting a giant shot up in blood sugar from eating 0 carbs at a meal and then a giant carb meal at night (or whenever). I'm going to keep having to play the numbers game until I become smart enough not to go completely hogwild over weekends/holidays/etc. I want to be the girl who doesn't need to log but I'm not there yet.

    My workouts are going to stay the same. I think they make sense with the split I'm on and a moderate amount of cardio. Not crazy cardio because I want to hold that card a little longer to see if I can't get my diet right and be able to only utilize cardio in times of need (ie. a big event, holiday, etc). My goal is to stick with this for the next 6 weeks and see where I'm at. I just need to suck it up a while longer. Things were coming along splendidly until I let off the gas in terms of diet. So enough is enough.

    How are things with you? Have you settled into Mike's parents?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I know! I have been all over the place!! I just got back from another 5 day binge fest. I am up a total of 12 pounds since before I left for Galveston. Awesome right? I know a lot of it is water but I am sure a few pounds are straight up fat as I basically binged on and off the whole time and certainly wasn't working out. Oh well. I have 2 weeks to pull it together and try to get at least 7 pounds off. Yes. 7 pounds. I think it is do able since I expect about 5 to be water weight and I think I can get off 2 pounds of fat if I am really strict with diet and exercise. The big thing is that I was 137lb this morning and I want to be below 130 again before I leave. Tall order but I am going to try. I am sure I will come back HUGE from Jamaica but then I am going to work it off again to try to get back under 130 before baby #2 comes along. haha

    I TOTALLY get what you are saying about going too low and then wanting to binge. I think that is part of what has been happening on vacation after I have been going down to 1500-1600 calories. I am going to go lower these next 2 weeks for vacation, then I will be doing so again to try to get back under 130 again and then after that I am going to try to be "reasonable" since I am hoping to start trying to get pregnant again in August. Then I have a whole new set of goals! haha I really want to start out under 130 before we start trying but I am not going to fret over 5 pounds.

    Congrats to your honey with his power lifting competition!! That is AWESOME. I would be so proud! How is Talan doing? Back to 100%?
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Talan's doing 100% better. Thank the heavens. He's eating and putting that weight back on so all is well with him. Thanks for asking!

    Day 1 of getting myself righted around was a success. Ate perfectly according to the new plan. Packed all my meals (including dinner since I'll be at my parents) for today and 1/2 of tomorrows. The scale already dropped 2 of the 4lbs I was up. Thank you water chugging. Just need to keep the pace. We'll see how long I keep myself in line!

    We are supposed to play in a 2 day vball tournament this weekend but between the weather and a couple dropping out, not sure if it will happen. We also signed up to play in a 4s sand court league starting next Wednesday. I'm playing with my sister's boyfriend and my sister is playing with my husband. Weird right?! :tongue: The plan is to bring the kids with us since we'll be on different teams but we'll see how well that pans out.

    Saw you had a drop today. Thats a plus. Just stepping back in line after those off days really does help. We just have to stay focused. It's so hard sometimes!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Wow I can't believe I haven't posted here in almost a week! Sooo sorry! Things have been nuts with the move this weekend. Everything is in the house but we have lots of unpacking to do and we don't have our refrigerator, washer and dryer or cable yet. All that happens this Thursday. I thought the big money was spent on the house but seriously I think the bigger expense has been all the random stuff we held off on buying for years. We needed a new washer/dryer, new fridge, new lawnmower, new furniture, new grill, new TV, new vacuum, new pot set, new glass ware. haha. Basically things have been wearing out and breaking for like 2 years but we haven't been replacing things because we wanted to get in the new house first. Now everything is hitting all at once! We didn't really think about that. haha

    Glad to hear Talan is back to normal. And sounds like you had a busy weekend too! Yeah my weight is coming down about how I expected it. (slower than I want but still making progress). I was good all weekend with food even at a party on Sat night I stuck with a small amount of meat and beans and filled up on salad (ate a bit too much dessert but nothing crazy) which was huge for me. Still hoping to see something under 130 by Friday so I can feel less flabby for vacation that next day but that it still over 3 pounds I have to drop. My diet and exercise is 100% so I am doing all I can to. We will just let the cards fall where they may!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Hey I know how busy you've been! Well, I can imagine atleast- I'm sure it's crazier than words can explain! And I'm sure you are ready to pack up and get a little R&R. As usual, props to you for holding yourself on target through this big transition! And also, thanks for the advise on the programs. I've got 15 (sad) more days at the gym and then it's back to at home. Like I've always said, I don't mind the at home but during the summer it's a nice break to get out and get moving in the morning. Plus we may have to work on people actually sleeping some where other than the living room if Mommy's going to be working out in it! Half the time, I wake up and Dan's sleeping down there after struggling with falling asleep. Last night, we put the kids there because there's a 2nd AC in there and it was so darn hot in their room. Dogs might get walked more with my being home, we'll see. I do hope Dan finds something feasible. The cost + added gas + added time if traveling could potentially be an issue for everyone. We'll see. They are actually turning the old gym into a music shop. Someone bought it that has set this as the idea. I'm not sure why. We live in a pretty small 'city' and already have 2 Ma & Pa music shops. Guess only time will tell.

    I finally upgraded to a smart phone. Me and my fancy pants Iphone have been playing WordFeud while procrastinating at work.:laugh: I took the walks at work but the hike may have to wait until almost dark. The humidity is insane right now. The weather has been nothing but strange. Rained for a week straight now we are heading into 80-90 range for a week before another system of rain moves back in. Boy am I talking about some pretty lame topics. :laugh:

    Anyways, back in action tomorrow. Need to use those last few days at the gym for what they are worth. Treadmill and heavy weights- here I come:glasses:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Haha. Yeah I used to go to a full service gym back when I was in law school and it was sweet. Once I got there I could stay there forever. Seriously. I was in my own zone with my music and workouts. It is SOOOO nice to just get away and do your thing. But there are definite perks to working out at home. 1) You can work out in just a bra and whatever (been there done that), 2) don't have to worry about looking like a fool, 3) no gym bag to pack or remember! 4) can squeeze in a quick workout when ever you get a chance and the biggie for me 5) can work out without needing to take your kids to a sitter or daycare or whatever :) Oh yeah and its cheaper too. :laugh:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I'm baacccckkkkk! haha. Sad to leave paradise but time to get back to reality. Not stepping on the scale for 2 weeks. I know it is going to be bad especially since I was still up 7 pounds from my 2 other vacations before I left and I can't bear to see 140 on the scale so I am just sitting this out for everyone's sanity.

    I went back and forth on what diet to go back to now that all vacations are done and honestly I decided I wanted to have a more modest cut. I have all the time in the world to get the weight off (I just want it off before I get pregnant again later this year, hehe) and I don't want to have to go way low. So I am going to sit a 1800 for now and see what happens. Since I have been eating probably 5000 calories (from all the pina coladas, etc) I should see a decent drop from this cut even though it is only like a 15% cut for me. Let us see. I also need to get my workout room set back up so I can finish out p90x next week and then move back to my favorite yes... you guessed it S90 :) How have things been going since I have been gone?
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Hey hey buddy!! :bigsmile: What's shakin'? How was Jamaica? Looks from the profile pic like maybe you had a little fun in the sun?! :wink: Is this the first time you've been there? Do tell! I've never been and probably never will! That's one of those places hubster wouldn't venture that far on an airplane.

    I think you are taking a good approach as far as your return. Definitely. If you went severe cut, I think your body would just not appreciate a big 'let's diet' calorie level. You work out hard enough, and pick healthy enough food that you have the time and ability to just do your thing. The scale shows nothing so definitely stay off it and just do your thing. You will be back to feeling comfortable in no time. I should have seen S90 coming!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Things are going 80% well. I've been a little up/down with food. Trying to focus on meeting my macros and not worry so much about calories. Workouts are still great and at the gym. At least for another 4 days. :sad: Then I'll be at the 'home gym'. We'll see. I'm looking this weekend into when the track opens downtown at the high school. I'm a little nervous about going down there on my lonesome in the AMs but maybe?! Or maybe I can do cardio days later on. We'll see. I'm still exploring options.:tongue:

    I do love my new BF scale. I just have to force myself not to get on it everyday. No point in looking at my BF everyday. But it is pretty, and fancy, and all those good things. :wink: