Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down and workout videos



  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I will have to look into the foam roller. So glad to hear you are seeing results in the pictures even if the scale isn't moving for you. The scale moved for me but is a crazy jump up. haha up over 2 pounds and way back over 130. 130.8 lbs to be exact. SOOOOO not happy. Had a meltdown on the scale, not going to lie. I need a drink haha. I am so upset but I need to relax.

    Food is planned for next week just have to go shopping for the ingredients this afternoon. Lots happening with the house on the market and we are possibly listing the house with a different agent in week so I am stressed to the hilt and not sleeping well so I am sure that is not helping the weight and it sure as hell isn't helping my mood.

    Sorry to be so short and crappy but it is the best I can do. I will be better on Monday I promise :) Have a great weekend!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Let's see it's Monday...I had some cake yesterday but it all fell into place so no big concern. Granted it's not clean or healthy (IT DOES HAVE EGGS AND MILK!:wink: ) but it fit in my macros and the world is still spinning. :bigsmile:

    Spent ALL last night prepping multiple meals for EVERYONE. Realized it just sort of made sense to cook up some meals for the kids (they love goulash) if I'm going to be prepping lunches anyways. They like the concept of having their own 'muscle meals' in the fridge too, so why not? 3.5 hours later I had 5 lunches for me, 4 lunches for DH, a VAT of goulash for the 3 boys, and 2 pumpkin rolls. My dishwasher hates me on Sunday!! :wink: It makes life so much easier though.

    Did you experiment with that cashew chicken recipe? I ordered some coconut flour last night that I'm hoping comes soon. I found what looks to be some healthy protein-ish recipes but I needed that type of flour and we have nothing anywhere. I made almond flour pancakes last week (recipe fail) so I'm hoping these turn out better. We'll see. I'm hoping once basketball is over, Dan will be more open to letting me experiment with actual dinner recipes since we'll actually be eating as a family more often!

    Can I just say that if I worked out with my husband all the time I'd never be able to use the restroom, reach for anything on a high shelf or pick up my children!! My DOMS EVERYWHERE is out of control. I'm still recovering. It's a good thing but it just sort of reinforces the fact that I can push myself harder. We circled back to how I let my mind stop me when my body isn't done pushing. So my 'mental' goal for the next 109 days (aka when we leave for our camping vacation) is to stop limiting myself. Half this battle is mental and I'm going head to head with myself for the next 15.5 weeks! And with my meals all planned out until we switch macros again, I'm feeling like things should settle in well this week!! :flowerforyou:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I survived the weekend without issue. I am determined to get off not only the extra 2.2lbs that was on the scale last week but I want to see some sort of loss so I need to see a 3 yes 3 pound loss on the scale this week to make that happen. So that is going to be impossible. :laugh: My diet has been awesome as have my workouts BUT I have a charity luncheon tomorrow. I have no idea what is going to be served. There will be no booze and I certainly will not be stuffing myself but I am sure it will be off plan. Even if I just eat small amounts of the healthiest stuff you just never know how that will mess with you. So annoying!!!! Still so annoyed about the random gain. I chalk it up to the binge on Sun (I would have given the binge like half a pound credit :laugh: ), the soreness from the new workouts, and the stress and lack of sleep!

    We are relisting the house with a different realtor this week so even though that is stressful it will make me feel so much better since I was livid every day with the current realtor and happy with the new one we have chosen. So I am hoping that helps the stress factor. Fingers crossed.

    I am such a spaz. I have been seeing great results from the LP program week in and week out and one bad week and I am flipping out and want to jump ship or switch gears. haha I need to calm down. I need to chill out and do what I need to do (do my workouts, follow the diet and quit second guessing!) and then when it is over raise my calories slowly and then cut again when I get closer to vacation. What do you think about the OPT remix vs the current plan we are on? It seems like a lot more work but I wonder how it would work differently than the original. I have found this plan to be extremely doable. I thought it would be much harder. I say that now. I think the last 2 weeks are going to suckkkkkk! :wink:

    Sounds like you had a great weekend! Yeah prepping stinks but it makes everything so much easier the rest of the week. I love that your kids want their healthy meals! I hope Josie is like that!! Cashew chicken is tomorrow night (Tuesday nights are my experiment nights, haha). So I will let you know how that goes. Tonight is our old standby of Parmesan encrusted tilapia. I need to plan for next week though since our calories and macros are about to change big time. I am excited about the carb switch. I am curious how my body will react and how I will feel. Now is the time for all the steel cut oatmeal crockpot recipes I have been eyeing. I have no idea how I will keep my protein that low. It is like going against my religion! :laugh:

    That is so cool that your husband can train you! I wish that were the case for me. Oh and I love me some crazy DOMS. The last time I had them really bad was when I did that one Lean Out LB video. Makes me think maybe I should give that another try. haha! I got a foam roller last night so I am excited to try that bad boy out. I also did a ZWOW yesterday and realize though they are not easy they are not impossible. I always psych myself out with those. I watch them and think "oh god I can't do that" or I would hate that or whatever. Either I am in better shape than I thought or my mind is a horrible thing. haha Oh and this website for her workouts is so cool! You can type in all sorts of criteria (like length of workout, no jumping, no equipment, etc) and it pulls them all up for you! Love that you don't have to forage forever through her site which I don't find particularly well organized. I got back into checking her out when the ZCUT series came out and people were saying that she filmed the whole series in a few weeks and from the start to the finish of the series it looks like her legs really leaned out (like she needs it, haha). When I checked to see what was really different about that series and what she has online, the general consensus is just that it is more professional, doesn't require the internet (duh) and it is a way to support her but the workouts are basically versions of what she puts out for free. I am cheap so I will add in a few of her short free workouts to try to get a little extra cardio in when I get the chance. Can I be any more of a spaz? haha I do like that she is back to the uncomplicated equipment. No sandbag, zip station, ugi whatever. I can't believe she doesn't even push the gymboss anymore :laugh: I love that though. Makes it so much easier!!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Good luck with the luncheon today. I agree that it can be hard, we know what 'better' options are but we also know that on our own we could come up with 'best' options. So I'll keep my fingers crossed you can find something decent to keep you on track!! Those all are excellent potential factors for fluctuations on the scale. I wonder if we shouldn't (giggle at the thought) set a challenge after this to avoid the scale. What are the odds that will happen! I try and it doesn't pan out. But it's a good though in theory!!

    The old realtor wasn't getting things done? Not enough house showings? I remember when we listed our years and years ago thinking we were going to move. She was so eager to get it on the market, did 2 showings, and dropped off the face of the Earth. We weren't 100% about moving anyways, so we took it as a sign it wasn't the right time. But knowing you are one foot out the door, any lack of effort on their part has got to be frustrating! (I'm making assumptions that's the reason...until you get a chance to respond!! :wink: )

    Schizophrenic dieter pairs up with a schizophrenic exerciser. We are a match made in heaven! :blushing: :bigsmile: A little over 4 weeks left right? OPT remix...yes, I revisted that yesterday when I was looking up macros for Friday. It's 'on the table' for me. But I need to be in a comfortable place nutritionally because it's a lot of effort wasted (IMHO) if you aren't on point for both training and nutrition. And well, let's be honest...I'm working up to about 75/25 now a days. :blushing: If I could give myself that mental push I was talking about and get over the hump...hell ya, I'd give it a whirl- eat based on trainings should theoretically be a successful way to lower BF%. But you are right, this LP plan doable. That LP plan lots of planning not just weekly but daily and scheduling to make sure I stay on track based on the day not just the week(s). And right now, well that scares me. Like I love the concept of carb cycling...2-3 low carb days to 1 high carb day. But I think that's even a little too advanced for me. I tend to bite off more than I can chew at one time and then struggle to keep my head above water. Can I also be honest and say, though she is FAR more intelligent that I in the name of fitness, the fact that workouts have like 5 exercises at 2 sets a piece. I realize again she's far more intelligent but short workouts leave me feeling like I should be doing more. :huh: I'm not saying that's the better way, that's just my mental struggle with the prescribed program.

    Thanks for the link on ZWOW- I like her new workouts too. Considered the DVD but thought...why? She's got a team now helping her, not just 'Freddy' so she seems to be doing alright for herself. I'll stick with free until I get a bug to buy something else. :blushing:

    And yes, DH training is what is needed. Love that man to pieces. Definitely don't bite off him following my training lightly because he takes this crap SERIOUS. So no fluff for me. I got eyeballs on me 24/7. :noway: Okay, not really. He's a little careful about taking this on himself since sometimes I think I want his help and then he gets on me about pushing myself and I 'fire' him. :embarassed: So I've got to show my 110% before he'll dive back in. I'm working on it...I'm working on it!! :blushing:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I survived lunch! No bread, crackers, risotto or booze (wine and mimosas were served, hehe). I stuck with the spinach salad (light dressing), the chicken dish with the 2 (yes 2) shrimp and veggies. The only thing I think I could have done better at what the tres leches cake. I scrapped off the frosting and had half a piece. I counted the calories (well used an average for the numbers I could find for things) but I know I should have just walked away from the cake. Oh well. I think it was such a small amount it should be fine. If I left the cake I would have said I was 100% rock solid. haha

    Actually we have had 42 showings in the last 90 days so we have not had an issue with that. What we did have an issue with was our agent following up and closing the deal with these people. We got a lot of people saying they were interested and though the price was right but they would think about it and our agent just wouldn't contact them. There were issues of them lying to us about things as well so we were done.

    So yeah.....I revisited the OPT remix and I am out. Way too much effort. That and I didn't fit into the categories they said it is best for anyways. I am not concerned about keeping every spec of muscle I have. I don't care that my lifting isn't as good. And I am certainly not an athlete that needs to maintain peak performance :laugh: That and apparently, this original OPT is more aggressive which is what I need. haha. Yeah I would love to make a pact to stay off the scale but I know it would be a failure for sure. haha!

    I am determined though to finish LP and CLX and just let the chips fall where they may. No need to stress out. I will have plenty of time to stress when I am increasing my calories and gaining weight and trying to decide on my next workout program. HAHA!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    :drinker: Nice job finishing well on the calorie front with your luncheon. :drinker:

    I guess she is looking at OPT & OPT remix as the 1st being more difficult based on #s. I can handle starving for a theory. It's warpping my brain around Training Day A with Eating Schedule A, then B and B, etc. And refeeds and all that jazz. It obviously works because fancy fitness models do that complicated stuff but I would need someone else saying 'okay today you are eating this' and hand me a food schedule! :noway:

    Great attitude on the finishing out. I'm of the one day at a time I am going to kick as much @ss as possible and keep moving forward. This weekend I have a volleyball tournament on Saturday. Make a couple adjustments to the 'whens' of each workout that I have planned but none will be missed. The volleyball tournament is an added bonus. :laugh: (it's the eating while at a vball tourney that gets tricky historically so I'll have to take some time to plan out a cooler for that) It's fun though so planning will be worth it. Then it's the kids birthday party on Sunday. (which I have spray paint all over my hands from birthday pinatas!! :explode: I'm soooo bad with paint). I finished up the scoreboards and spiderwebs over the weekend. The 'pin the basketball on the hoop' last night. So tonight is the 'web shooter bad guy' game that I've got to finish up. Then on to the actual wrapping of presents and all that jazz. :bigsmile: Hopefully my pinterest attempts at a good mixture of Spiderman and Basketball (specifically Miami Heat because big guy loves him some Lebron James!) turns out and doesn't look like Party City threw up in my dining room! :glasses:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Ahh yes party planning and pinterest. It is a lethal combination!! haha And for me OPT remix is just too much work. I am overwhelmed right now with what recipes to make for next week with all those damn carbs. haha! I am at a loss. I am much more in the zone with 50% protein than 50% carbs. I thought it would be fun and all but I don't want to be hungry so I am trying to really max out with healthy carbs like oatmeal or whole grain spaghetti since even extra fruits and veggies are not getting me there. I just bought a huge tub of regular greek yogurt to eat with my sugar free jello (seriously amazing) but it will have to wait until week 10 (hope it holds that long) since it pushes me way over on protein and under on carbs compared to my fruit chobani kind.

    Ok so I got my butt on the foam roller for the first time today. Just for a few minutes after my workout. I watched a video that showed you how to roll your quads 3 different ways (with your feet pointing down, with your feet pointing out, and then with your feet pointing in like pigeon toed). The video said it will be uncomfortable at first but then you will get used to it. Ok I started with feet down and thought it wasn't that bad. I did the feet out then (duck foot like) and it too wasn't anything to hard or uncomfortable then I got to the pigeon toe version and holy *kitten* that thing burned!! I guess those muscles were sore/tight because it was shocking how tender it was. I was feeling it even after I got up and was done. Crazy!!! Now I want to do more :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Are you logging exercise calories again? How did you plan out your meals for next week? Did you change your MFP settings and then just change them back? I was going to play around with the numbers during lunch today.

    I hadn't thought far enough ahead to think about how the decrease in protein might leave us hungry. It's a good point. I am scared of this coming week to be honest. I am a carb feign. I LOVE to just eat rotini or spaghetti noodles with parmesan cheese, no sauce. And it's a habit I've broken...I'm hoping this week doesn't mess with me mentally!! :huh: I have got to get a hold of what the plan is though given that this entire weekend is booked.

    Yes, the good old foam roller. I befriended it last night. It's funny how you are like...what's the point? Am I doing it wrong? And THEN you hit a knot in your muscle and hold it there. Oh!! Yes...this is the point! My legs needed it after cardio with Dan the Man yesterday. Honestly, I would be one hot Mama if I worked out with him all the time. There's the need to 'prove' my effort 'just in case' he's watching. :blushing:

    I am irritated so let me get my rant over. I weighed in this morning up the 2lbs again (154). Aside from the little piece of cake I had (that fit in my calories/macros), I have been spot on. Last week, I gave in to no weight loss because I started the heavy lifting at the gym again and figured the change in schedule might cause some excess water weight in my muscles. But I've been on this plan 2 weeks now. Couldn't I have atleast dropped the initial bump up? I'm hoping (but not optimistic) that that 2lbs will atleast drop off. It's not likely though. Whatever I see Thursday is typically what I see Friday morning too. It's frustrating. I want go destructive like I tend to do sometimes when I get frustrated because I feel great. But it's irritating!! :explode:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oh I understand your rant. It is hard not to see that immediate result (that the scale gives us) when we know we are working so damn hard!!! You know it isn't the cake that made you gain 2lbs so you just want to throw the scale out the window!! haha. Hopefully it was a fluke and will be right back down. It is so hard to stick to the plan when you aren't seeing the immediate results you want. But we have to stay firm. Consistency is what works in the long run. We just have to drill that into our schizophrenic minds! :laugh:

    Oh no the exercise calories were a mistake. I fixed it :wink: As for planning out next week's meals. I run the numbers outside of MFP and then log my food according to the new numbers. I will then change the MFP settings once I start doing them (so on Saturday they will switch on MFP). I find that is the best way for me to plan it out without messing up my current figures on MFP. Here is a quick calculator that lets you type in the calories and %s and spits out the actual grams:

    I am looking forward to the foam roller this week to help with recovery. I need to pull a few more you tube videos.

    I posted all my S90 pictures to that posting and of course looking back makes me want to give it another round. haha! I am such a sucker. It also reminded me of the importance of pictures. So I am still keeping the faith on the LP plan and CLX and hoping for a nice difference in my pictures. :wink:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Thanks for the link. I had to eat and work yesterday, it's been a little crazy here so I am planning the crap out of this stuff today! I'll have to prep cook some tonight for the weekend, I'm assuming. So I have to get my head on right!!

    I'm glad you saw a drop today. I know you wanted it all off but it's in the right direction, and next week should show some more improvement. Keep it up girlie! :wink: I did not see anything. .4 up actually leaving me at 154.4. This number appears to be (I say appears because I think we started around January 4th so using MFP's records...) 1.8lbs up from where I started LP on. I may be off on that, but essentially I've lost nothing. I don't blame the plan because obviously it works. I'm just messing something up consistently. Frustrated with myself at this point. Just doing to keep moving forward but I've got to get rid of that scale to do it. I wanted to eat Oreos at 5am when I weighed in. No good comes of me continuing to weigh in Fridays. None at all.:mad: :tongue: So onwards and upwards I shall go.

    So S90 in the back of your mind as next? What are you doing for workouts this week?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I am sorry to hear about your scale frustration. I am there with you but not as bad. I did see a loss but as you know I am still up .6lbs from last week. Grrrrr but I can't be discouraged since my measurements are the same as they were 2 week ago when I was at my lowest and clearly it isn't fat but still you can't help but feel like "its not working" or you are not making progress. I did notice that the last 2 weeks I have been up are the 2 weeks I have been doing the Lean phase so maybe my body is still adjusting. So much for seeing all the magic in the lean phase :laugh:

    Oh well, looking forward to rest week to get a little extra sleep and some foam rolling. I am going to work that roller :tongue: I have my meals planned for next week then I got to get ready for the last 3 hell weeks :) My birthday party is the first day of week 10 (march 9th) so I am sure that will screw the pooch on that but after that and my actual birthday (we are going to Six Flags) i am hitting it HARD until Easter. This is it. Enjoy my birthday celebrations then hit it and hit it hard hard with all that protein and finish both the LP plan and CLX strong! :laugh:

    I pretty much know what I am going to do for diet after this. I am going to change my macros back to 40c/30f/30p or something close to that and ease into eating more calories about 100 calories at a time until I see too much action on the scale or in my measurements. I hope I can get up to 2000 without too much craziness. 2200 would be AMAZING to be able to maintain at but I don't have high hopes considering how long I have been dieting.

    Now....workouts are a different matter. I am ok with CLX. I don't dread the workouts like I did with Insanity but I find myself watching the time ALOT when I am doing her workouts which I didn't with S90. I am trying to figure out why I was able to do S90 so much. The times are alittle longer than CLX but like I said, I didn't feel like I was constantly watching the clock like I am CLX. I could definitely do another round of CLX (unlike Insanity) since I don't hate it but it just seems to drag out more for me which I can't figure out why. Maybe because you are going so slow?

    I definitely need to see my befores and afters of CLX before making any decisions. If I see more results with CLX then I will definitely give it another round since it is all about results with me. If the results aren't as good as S90 I will move on.

    Now....move on to where? haha I could (and probably should) do another round of S90 with my new powerblocks but I am itching for something new. I hear the Met-Rx 180 system is like a better timed version of S90 (not as rushed) and LOTS of people have liked it. I know people also like the Herbalift 24fit DVD system which is hosted by Tom Holland (S90 host) and the British chick from the Befit workouts. This program is interesting because it is fairly cheap (not like S90 though) and it is 24 weeks. yes 24 weeks crazy right? Now granted the first 8 weeks seems pretty lame since they call it low intensity, low impact but the rest seems good. I just don't know if it would be challenging enough:

    Then we have something in a different direction (ei metabolic conditioning) which my tops picks are the JNL Fusion and the Body Revolution. I am just so torn on which method I should go with. The heavier but fast moving circuit training (S90 style) or the more cardo based metabolic conditioning style (Jillian style). I have had good luck with heavier weights less cardio in the past but nowI am in new territory and I don't know how to get really lean out the last bit!! I keep thinking maybe I need more of the cardio effect since I am struggling with these last few pounds even with diet and weights. Any suggestions?:laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    So I have a confession. I am not finishing LP. :blushing: I know you'll do 110% fantastic on your own. That's a given! I talked at length about it with Dan. My concern was two fold. 1) I haven't had great success thus far which I contribute #1 to my inability to find foods I'll eat that are cleaner and healthy that fit into the macros along with the plethora of birthdays that have caused 1 to many bumps in the road. 2) NO exercise this week was planned with an increase in carbs is alarming to me. Not as a prescription for her program but just for me individually. I know I do not do well with high carbs, I know I do not do well with halting exercise for a week. You have a wealth of motivation that I wish I could channel! If I slow down on the workout front, I start to falter. I feel like I just got my stride back and I am afraid to slow down. :embarassed: And I sat at the computer for almost an hour (embarrassing by itself!) trying to find a way to not have 'red' ink all over my diary for this week. If I hit the calorie allotment, my fats were way over. If I hit the carbs and fats, my calories were way too low. I just couldn't find a way to make it work with out rewriting how I have come to be able to eat. :grumble: So Dan offered to reach out to a friend of his who is working to obtain a degree in Nutrition and who has had success with leaning out. I don't know that this will be the end all be all but I asked for his help...he's offering it and I'm going to take him up on it. What can I say?! Schizophrenic. :blushing: I'm just going to use March as a no scale, relay on Dan's advice and see where that takes me.

    I wish I could give you advice. Obviously, the programs you are throwing out are sound programs. I've 'known' you long enough to know you do your research!! I just am unclear of how it is this last bit of 'fat' comes off!! All I do know is its highly individualistic! Would you say S90 and CLX are different enough programs that you've hit that 'shock to your body' when you switched over? Or should you look at making the shock with something different like the JNL or BR? That's just what comes to mind. Not straying from weights but determining whether the 'cardio aspects' of one program would be enough of a shock to your system to take off that little bit you want off.

    **edited to add when I say 'great success with LP' I mean any....**
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    That is cool, I understand. You need to do what works for you. Honestly I am ok with the recovery week. I thought it would be harder for me to take a break but the extra sleep and giving my body a break (and my mind alittle) is good for me. I still try to make sure I get in extra walking, etc but to not need a solid 45 minutes to an hour everyday to work out is nice for me (in the sort term of course). I do feel a bit flabby but I know that is just from not having the "pump" effect of the weights and for 1 week I can deal. It is the 50% carbs that sucks!! Even though all the carbs are from oatmeal and lots of fruits and veggies I am still so damn hungry. grrrrrr. So I am going to be glad when this week is over from a diet standpoint. But of course dropping the calories to the final 40% cut with workout and 50% protein is going to be no joke!!

    OMG the foam roller. I did a bunch of lower body rolling last night per youtube videos and I thought I was going to cry doing the IT band. Holy crap!!!! Oh the burning!! And damn this morning! My saddle bags are sooo sore to the touch. You would think for how sore they are there would be a huge bruise but so far so good. I will make sure I keep it up. I need to work more on other parts like the arms and stuff. I know I can make everything hurt like hell. Calves were sore to do but they don't feel bad to me today.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'm sure you are 100% correct about the 'flabby'. I feel like on Sunday 100% with rest days. I'm glad you are able to make a good plan this week...I'm sure your next couple of weeks will be extra creative! You are a trooper and you are fabulous at sticking to plans! Big props to you for that!! :drinker:

    Ah, yes...the foam roller. It's brutal but 'supposedly' once you get into that habit-it's a Godsend. I will definitely be needing mine after the leg blast this morning. I love that you can find anything you need to know online. That Youtube is awesome for fitness research. I love it!! :love:

    I got my first response from Dan's friend about nutrition. It's kind of nice having a general base knowledge about the stuff so I can ask pointed questions to him. I appreciate he's taking the time, so I don't want to overextend on his offer!! He did also offer to make suggestions about workouts. I mean he gave me the general overview of sticking with the circuit training and HIITs, 1-2 steady state days. But I was glad to hear he's willing to keep feeding me information. Essentially just draw up his go to circuit program with HIIT layouts. My interest is peeked but Dan's my go to gym advice guy. My goal this month (aside from no scale month and staying on track) is to be open to his advice. To ask for it, fully listen, and go after it 100%. If he says roll out the full Mitch plan (<--Name of the kid with Nutrition/Fat loss background) than I'll take him up on it. So far, I'm sticking with the plan I've been on the last 2 weeks. Upper/Lower Split 10-12 reps for another 2 weeks, then it switches to lower rep ranges. I like it, it fits my time constraints, and I can make modifications since I'm familiar with it. So far so good.

    How is the hunger?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    The hunger is getting better but I am sure if I was working out it would be out of control! Once again this reiterates the point that fruit, though tasty, offers me no real satisfaction. I could eat mounds of it and still be hungry. From this plan, I think I have learned that my sweet spot for carbs in somewhere between 30-40% which for me a maybe a serving of fruit but mostly veggies, some oats, yogurt, low carb bread/tortillas and protein bars. No pasta, chips, regular bread, etc. So I will definitely be sticking to 40/30/30 split when I finish out. I expect my carbs and proteins will probably end up being 35/35 but I know I need to make a real effort to get alittle more healthy fat into my diet as well since before I wasn't eating close to 30% and I really think throwing in a yolk or two or getting 2% yogurt really helped my hunger as well. Things we learn right? Did Dan's friend given you certain macros or just like meal plan? It is good to know he is on board with the circuit training and HIIT (especially since that is what I like to do, haha).

    Yeah the foam roller. The sides of my thighs are still sore to the touch! What the hell? You would think they would be bruised for as tender as they are. But it makes me want to do more, hahahaha. All this soreness has to lead to good things right?:laugh:

    I just realized a can't do math. I have 2 more weeks of CLX and 3 more weeks of LP (because weeks 10-12 is actually 3 weeks, duh). So I am trying to decide if I should do one more week of Lean to wrap it up or if I should do one week of Lean for Life. I tend to think I will go with Lean since I don't want to shake things up at the very end of the program.

    I did decide to take pictures and measurements this Friday since I know I will be blowing the diet this coming week with my birthday celebrations. I will still do them at the end too but just in case I can't get it together in the end I want to see what the first 9 weeks of solid effort got me!:tongue:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Yes, I'm with you on the fats. Just a little bump helps out a lot. Finding a healthy little bit to add in helps. Almonds my go to often, I just have to portion them out because they are too yummy! As for Dan's buddy, for now he has me at 40/30/30 but with carbs-fiber at no more than 25g per meal. My little treat at the end of the night is a little higher but for now, he said it should be okay (greek yogurt with the tollhouse chips). I have that little extra bump every other or every 2 days for now to see if it's alright. He did suggest keeping an eye on sugars (ie. my creamer in coffee creamer which I'm trying to 1/2). He suggested 35g per day (not including fruit in AM) which I am struggling with since things like greek yogurt are higher in sugar so I am still trying to figure out that area. He also reminded me to never eat any carbs (even an apple) without a protein source to keep blood sugar levels in check. He has tons more information but suggested we start off with these things on top of what I'm doing so I don't get overloaded. I plan to see how I can manage these suggestions with the foods I have and make adjustments. Like when I go shopping tomorrow, I've got to figure out what to have as a 'dessert' type meal that isn't so high in sugar/carbs. Also, I am eating breakfast again. :noway: Which I haven't been doing for months and feels weird but so far it's okay. I gave up breakfast when getting those stomach issues- they went away so I've stayed with Leangains since it's easier for me to fit my calories that way. However, the plan is the plan so I'm going with it!!

    I think sticking with Lean is probably a good idea. Less factors to impact your decision of 'how CLX went' for you. I'm with you on that idea. Same reason, even though I'm only on week 3 of the Training Bible plan, I don't want to switch my training plan around quite yet. This plan really fits my time schedule and has some flexibility such as when and how to fit in HIIT, as well as, when to take my rest day. The only set in stone is Upper- Monday & Thursday Lower- Tuesday & Friday. With the cardio, I know what I have to get done in the week (1 steady state, 2 HIITs) but can move them around as I have time or my body deems necessary. He did suggest adding 1 more steady state day, which I can do probably on either Wednesday (I wonder if Turbo Fire regular classes would be considered steady state?) or Sunday after Saturdays run, I could always do elliptical or incline walking.

    I read on Fitness Rx that if you struggle with weight in a certain area not to 'pound it out'. For example, I carry more weight in my legs so instead of hammering them through runs or tons of extra reps, it was suggested to incline walk for a prolonged session. I want to go back and read more about it. Dan made reference to my plan as being pretty heavy on legs for someone who wants them to lean food for thought, I guess!!

    I actually did good at my parents last night. I told my Mom ahead of time I was bringing dinner for myself and didn't want to offend her. She made a good meal of roast beef, fries, and corn but the carbs were too high from me and just as a general rule I try to avoid red meats (personal preference). My Dad did comment on my food but I think next week I'll just lay it on the line that 'X' is my goal and I have to be able to follow my plan whether I'm at home or their house. Hopefully I'll get nothing but support. My mom and sister are both on here now so we logged meals together last night. It was nice to be able to chat about it with them. :flowerforyou:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Good for you on bringing your own food. I know that can be difficult. You want to stick to a plan but you also want to be normal and don't want to be the buzz kill dieter. I am dealing with coming this week with birthday stuff. People want to take me out and I have my party on Sat and honestly it stresses me out. I want to enjoy it and be "normal" but I also feel like I have worked so hard on LP I don't want to blow it. I need to just relax. Clearly a drink will do me good. If it were one day I would be ok but there is my party on Sat, my birthday on Monday (which should be an amusement park), then mike wanted to go out sometime for a nice dinner for 2, then my parents usually do a brunch or dinner for family and then we have the office party. So yeah. Its alot. I can totally control the work party (just a tiny amount of whatever is brought), and the amusement park can be decent since I will probably pack food. But the friend party, my family party and dinner with the husband is where I want to enjoy myself and not be consumed with this crap! uggghhh. Ok my venting is over.

    As for the dessert type meal that is low in carbs and sugar I really recommend the plain greek yogurt with the sugar free pudding mix. It is divine. You can also do a lot of cheesecake substitutes as well Atkins style. haha Other than that I don't know since most diets use fruits as desserts which are still high in sugar.

    Just got a call from Josie's daycare that she is running a 102 fever but we have a realtor open house until 2pm today so we can't get back into the house until then. They are giving her advil until I can get her in like 2 hours but this has to be the worst timing ever! I just hope it is nothing and not the flu. I know it is going around. She has her flu shot but we all know that might not help if it is a different strain. Fingers crossed!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    You are such a smart girl. You are right about the plain greek. I went back and looked since I had bought a couple to go packs of that last week. I ended up with Vanilla this week since they were out at the grocery store. There is a jump from flavored to plain so I'll pick that up this time. Who needs flavored when you have mix ins? Thanks for the help!

    And also 100% correct on the buzz kill dieter. I always get so self conscious and make poor choices based on my perceived notion that I might hurt someone's feelings or whatever. It's time to just move past that. I think if I'm just open about what I'm trying to achieve it will be easier. I always get the 'you don't need to lose more weight' comments. And that's accurate, it's this darn body fat I'm trying to drop! So I'll just lay it on the line. Dan's got my back 100%. He mentioned my going shopping yesterday and stopping by Applebee's. I said, not gonna happen. I can make a treat of a warm pretzel squeeze in but a full blow meal of carbs. Not, not quite yet. I don't plan on a real cheat meal for another 2 weeks. Talan's birthday is this weekend so there will be cake but I can abstain from that without offending anyone. And I'm cooking the meal, so I can plan ahead. Heck, my kids loves asparagus as much as me so at home it really isn't an issue.

    I hope Josie is feeling better. Did the fever go down? Poor thing. Hopefully spring will bring around a dose of health for all of them. I know the dryness in the air has been an issue for Talan whose had a couple of bloody noses as a result. I'm ready for that countdown to sunshine.

    Upper body round #2 done, 1 more lower body. 2nd HIIT done for the week. I'm going to move Run day to Sunday since Friday is leg/lower day I'm going to see if the runs go better with a day off between. Granted I've got incline Saturday but that's not as intense. We'll see...playing around a little!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Yeah thanks she is fine. Her temp hung around 99 the rest of the day and she was acting totally normal. I think she is fighting a cold since she started getting stuffy this morning but she is eating and sleeping and acting normal so she went to daycare this morning. We shall see if I get a call to pick her up today or not.

    Yeah sometimes I just wish I was "normal" about food. I am better and less stressed on a regular basis but I really want to finish the LP program strong. I has such a bad habit of something getting in the way of completing a program well at the very end. But at the same time I don't want to be a psycho for my own birthday. Oh well. I seriously need to get a grip. haha I hear my own crazy. I know :laugh:

    Yeah the foam roller is hard core. I did a full session when I was home with Josie and once again my sides of my thighs are sore and boy I really worked the piriformis and my butt is tender today!! Also got the triceps and those puppies were sore when I did it but not feeling anything today. I amazes me how much is hurts for a freaking foam roller. I have not idea if I am getting any benefits from this but I like the soreness. Once again I hear the crazy :wink: Do you think you have gotten any benefits from doing it since you have been at it way longer than I have?
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Glad everything was going better with the little one. She's a trooper! :flowerforyou:

    How did the week 9 end?

    As far as the foam roller goes, I stretch lightly before, foam roll, and then stretch a bit again after. I feel like my stretches (flexibility) has improved and recovery time shortened. It might be placebo effect but it makes me feel like I can go hard, hit the foam roller hard, and be ready for the next round. Granted, right now I have 2 days off between upper body days/lower body days. I notice that the 'sore feeling' might linger but the actual 'tightness' that can make going deeper in a squat or whatever is subsided. So that's my 2 cents on foam rolling!! I'd love to splurge on one of those hand held ones to but we'll see....:bigsmile:

    Today ROCKED. Loved it. I asked Dan about his preworkout drink that he takes the other night. He said give it a go because he's working on a lower dose type than usual. So I took half a scoop and it was like mental clarity. :laugh: Probably (again) placebo effect but I felt like a beast!! :glasses: Rocked out one hell of a lower body day and even though I (literally) felt like my legs were going to give out, I pushed past and finished it up. I wrote up a leg workout last night to try and target hamstrings/butt. My quads were sore from Tuesdays workout but I felt like I wanted to shake it up to hit those areas that felt neglected. I think I did a pretty good job!! :drinker: This whole getting over my own obstacles has really been mental for me. I feel like I'm heading in the right direction. And it was hard to avoid the scale this morning but I thought...did you not just kill that workout? Don't defeat yourself with a weigh in. If nothing else, I hope No Scale March helps me get past my own mental blocks.