Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down and workout videos



  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Well D&C went as well as could be expected. I am feeling ok other than pure exhausting when I try to do too much. Like yesterday I tried to go about my business as usual without any meds and I totally hit the wall by 2pm. I was begging for my Advil and felt like I could have slept for hours. I was told that for about a week I could feel way more tired than usual. I am not sure if that is recovery or just from the changing hormones but I am feeling that for sure. I planned on working out today and tomorrow but I am now afraid of over doing it and feeling like crap on vacation so i am just going to skip the workouts today and tomorrow.

    I am up and down with emotions with this whole thing. The rage and depression from it all is basically over and now I am just beat down. I am beat down that I have to start all over again and most like have to endure another one or two more miscarriages before one with finally stick. I have been avoiding the scale like the plague since my eating has been out of control and I feel like crap. I know some of it is bloat from the surgery but also I know it is fat from over eating this past week as well as being up from vacation last week. I am not going to worry about this week on vacation but I have to hit it hard next week since I want to be close to 130 before I get pregnant yet again (we start round 4 in the beginning of Nov).

    I haven't figured out how I am going to do that yet. I am definitely going to cut some major calories (1500 and below) and stick to mostly protein but I don't know what I am going to do workout wise. If I didn't have kids I would be doing weights in the morning and cardio in the evening but lets face it. That isn't going to happen. I am only 2 weeks from finishing CLX but I think I need more cardio to get the job done. I expect I will need to drop about 10lb (maybe more) in about a month. ugh!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Well I am back and scared to get on the scale tomorrow. Haha. It was nice to get away but I know I gained some serious weight between this vacation and the stress eating from the week before. I will be thrilled with anything under 140 but I am not holding my breath for that. Oh well all I can do is work at it some more. How was your weekend?
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    I didn't even go anywhere and I still can't get it together. :ohwell: I keep saying tomorrow, tomorrow. And then I'm up until 2am and dont' get enough sleep so the gym is the last thing on my mind. I'm trying to behave eating but that's erratic too. This is probably the biggest rut I've been in in quite awhile. Not good.

    The weekend was good. We did go to the gym Saturday and I kicked my own butt (however, it's the same workout I had done 3 weeks ago but this time I felt like I might die...thanks to poor nutrition I'm sure!!). And I cleaned like a feign all Saturday. And then Sunday....I meal prepped and didn't accomplish much of anything. And I didn't eat well either. I'm not sure what to do to fix this?! You'd think seeing the number on the scale creep up, or the fact my pants are right would...but it hasn't quite sunk in yet I guess.

    I keep coming up with plans and then don't follow through so right now I'm just trying to figure out what the issue is so I can fix it. I am not quite sure yet!!

    How was your trip?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Ok I am back now that I can post again! haha. I tried posting yesterday but with the updates I wasn't able to. Trip was fun and it took my mind off our current TTC issues which was nice. I did get randomly burned in weird places so that sucked but overall it was great to take a few days off. Now back to the fall grind! haha. I weighed in at just over 14lbs up so that will be fun getting off. It was already doing down this morning but isn't it crazy how you can put on weight in 2 weeks that takes 4 months to get off! But so is life. As annoyed as I am that I have to diet down and be hard core on the weekends (we shall see since we have events coming up) I have found some comfort in thinking of it as just a part of maintenance. This is ultimately (well when I was around 130-135) my overall goal weight. I will get down closer to 125 when I am really strict and I will get up to 140 when I letting it all go. But ultimately I have still lost over 50lbs and kept it off for almost 4 years so I have to be proud of that. Even if I am cranky that I have at least 10 pounds to lose!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    First of all, this new set up on MFP is weirding me out. I couldn't find out posts to begin with, and now I'm not sure if this will go thorugh our we'll see. Also I can not tell when you posted?! Strange. Adjustments I suppose.

    Anyways, good attitude! You are right, I think maintenance is just as wobbly of a roller coaster (I'm feeling it myself). And so it's always a matter of moving and adjusting, accepting and altering. Such is life I suppose. But I think the outlook on it is right. Positive about the progress and continue to adjust and move forward.

    I'm glad your trip went well. I think getting away was the perfect idea. Definitely sometimes just getting away from it all is exactly what the mind, body, and soul need.

    Hubster gave me a pep talk last night about getting back on that gym/diet train. My mood has been foul, and that has worn me down physically and so my gym efforts mixed with Dan's crazy work schedule have really faltered over the last couple of weeks. Which, I already know NOT going makes me cranky so not going because I'm tired and cranky only feeds my crankiness! >:) It's not a good cycle and I need to hop out of it. So we'll see. I can forge ahead with a perfectly laid out plan and fail at it. So I'm just taking it a day at a time. Today will be a late workout with fasting from 10pm last night until 1230pm today. I have all my homemade meals ready. So today should be good. Saturday, well I'll tackle the plan for that as it arrives. One day at a time right now.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    One day at a time is right! Though I am trying to think of this as maintenance in the grand scheme of things, I did have a total freak out over the weekend when I realized this is the highest weight (over 140) that I have been at since July 2011!! Talk about reality check. Nothing really fits but I refuse to get new clothes so I am just wearing all my stretchy dresses and trying to focus on every day. The weight is coming down but way slower than it was going on. I am hoping that I am below 140 this week. I will not be really happy though until I am back under 135. One day at a time though. Well I am on my last week of CLX. Part of me is wanting to go back to Supreme 90 day because I need the firm kick in the *kitten* but the other part of me doesn't want to do anything too hard core since we will be starting yet another treatment round in the beginning of Nov. Maybe I will just do a few workouts and see how it goes. Part of me really wants to buy something new as well :D
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Ohh..what new fun could you find!? T25? i know you love Shawn T!!! o:)

    Yeah, I'm still struggling to get myself under control. Today is ok. Yesterday was okay until 4pm and then not so okay. I really can't define my problem. I'm on the See Food diet it seems. Ugh. I had to pull out those pair of dress pants from the BACK of my closet because I wasn't in the mood to feel uncomfortable in my normal pants. So something has to give. I don't know if I'm not sleeping well or what. But that alarm goes off and I feel like I just barely shut my eyes. Probably tied right back into not eating all that well, so I'm not sleeping all that well, not exercising as much as I should so I'm know that vicious circle. I'm going to have to just man up. But even though I know it, I can't seem to push myself into it!! A definite funk is what I'm in.

    I have to study for my licensure exam so I'm hoping to tie in some steady state cardio with studying and kill two birds with one stone. Tonight is a lifting day so I'll get that in after work. But that's just a piece of the puzzle. I need to put this puzzle back together. Sheesh. I know it, I've just got to find the motivation to do it.

    Are you ready for Halloween? the kids want costumes that we don't have around here and they are out of little man's we are in crunch time trying to figure out if we are sticking with 'a Seattle Seahawk football player' and 'Ninja Turtle'. I think we'll have to take to the stores this weekend so they can peak around. Maybe find something that I don't have to ship! Lol.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Haha I know just what you mean about pulling out the "fat" pants to feel comfortable. I have been wearing stretch dresses to avoid that and finally bit the bullet when it got cold and pulled out the bigger pants. I have to keep telling myself it is just temporary. I 100% agree about the sleeping thing effecting everything. If I don't sleep, I am way more hungry, way more grumpy and have no interest in working out.

    I am doing well with food and workouts but of course I have a lot of ground to cover and I hope all my good eating doesn't burn out before I get close to my goal (especially with Halloween). I do have family pics the following weekend so I hope that helps keep me in check but this weekend is a crazy one. We have a birthday party on Sat then my annual charity ball that night and then Sunday is my mom's Halloween party. So there will be some bad food for sure.

    Speaking of Halloween, Josie is all set. She picked out a witch costume at Costco over a month ago and is happy as a clam so that was easy. Mike and I are doing Frankenstein and the bride of (since I had an old wedding dress). I need to hunt down green make up, neck bolts and white hair spray and then we will be set. I also need to get a dress for this event on Sat as well so I will be busy this week!!

    I am doing some of Jessica Smith's YouTube challenge videos and let me tell you. I am crippled from the one I did on Sat. Just goes to show that changing it up can make a difference. I think I am going to stick with those a while because I like the idea of choosing my own adventure. Like my thighs are still so sore from the weekend so I chose kickboxing and low impact cardio. But I will say that the low impact cardio was not the best choice. It involved using paper plates as sliders for your feet and it worked my thighs just as much as the lower body weight lifting one did. Not sure how long I am going to stick with that but they are all under 45 minutes and free so I am on board.
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Hey! :) I so need to take time this weekend and go into the attic because all but 2 of my sweaters are up there. Let's just say people probably are noticing that I REALLY like wearing this purple sweater! ;)

    Halloween. I can't believe it's already Halloween. From there it's a downhill slide to the rest of the holidays! My oldest is going as a Seattle Seahawks football player and my little one as Leonardo from the Ninja Turtles movie. They look good! We don't dress up. Besides college I've never been to a Halloween party...I should probably work on that!!

    I saw you were trying something new on YouTube. That thing is so useful. We just got set up with a new internet provider so I bet my Apple Tv would work alot better for doing youtube videos now- I should give it a whirl. I've been enjoying the Strong Lifts program. 3 progressive weight lifting sessions a week. Then I add on a plyo day on Saturday. My next step is to start using morning cardio as a way to add study time. But I'm still working on that.

    I dumped it on the plyo box 2 weekends ago and my shin is still healing. Deadlifts on Monday were rough. Nothing like dragging a bar with 175lbs up and down a bruised/swollen shin x5 times! :'(:s

  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Uggh costumes and a dress was a huge fail. So the wedding dress I thought I was going to use didn't fit!! So I had to scrap the whole bride of Frankenstein thing. I ended up going to Salvation Army and got a horrific 80s Dynasty type dress and I am going to glam it up 80s style. Jury is still out on what Mike will be but if all else fails there is a red Elmo shirt that he can wear. So we will be in costume but boy it really was a fail overall. haha

    Yeah so then the dress situation was also epic. I tried on a few old cocktail dresses I had yesterday and only one even remotely fit (one from back when I was still losing baby weight) yet it was still a bit clingy in the thighs. So I went out at lunch and tried on about 20 dresses and I really liked one but it was WAY too long and I don't have time to hem it so I will be rocking the slightly clingy size 10 dress. Ugh. Yeah and the scale was not my friend either. It was up just over a pound but I am sure it is due to hormones and bloating since I was a rock star this week. Still annoying as hell since I am still about 10 pounds up and as you said we are on the beginning of the holiday debauchery.

    So....sorry I am a negative nelly. I am just ready to be back to normal!! :smile: Hope your shin is feeling better! Have a great weekend!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Aww...I have avoided shopping even though I totally need to (seriously, I think my circulation to my thighs is being cut off in these dress pants :| ). I probably need to scoot my butt upstairs to see if any of the pants I put away, are more comfortable. I did grab all my sweaters but the whole thigh situation I totally relate to.

    I have not been eating well. I cannot get into a motivated mood. I go to the gym, enjoy my Strong Lifts program, and 4 days a week get my exercise in. But, my mood sucks so my eating sucks. And I can't even tell you why my mood sucks- it just does. :\ So every day is a roller coaster right now in terms of eating 'on plan' and eating whatever/whenever. I haven't been on a scale. At this point, I'm just moving forward trying not to be so moody one day at a time. I want to delete the paragraph because it is so negative nelly. But whatever funk I'm in, has my mood settled right now. So, for now I'm plugging along trying to get over myself. :#

    The kids are stoked about Halloween. My parents are coming over to go trick or treating with us since hubster has to work. I pray he doesn't miss every holiday this season because of the new job. He tried switching shifts but no luck. But, they still get to go so they are ready to rock!!

    We are getting Talan's impressions for his appliances at the dentist next week. Preventative orthodontist work is what they call it. They keep telling us this is the right way to go to help him down the road. So we'll see. It seems strange a 7 year old with appliances, but if it means less time in braces as a teenager he might thank us later. B)
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Ahhh!! I was just logging my food on the MFP website and this little pop up comes up saying you posted on this forum. haha. So here I am promptly :)

    We made it through the weekend. I wasn't totally nuts but this was my first weekend off plan (since being back) and I am sure I ate over my TDEE both days. So we shall see how the scale treats me this week. I too haven't been on since last week. Even if I didn't lose fat I should see a drop since I was artificially high last week due to water weight. So we shall see. But yeah there is a lot of stuff I don't fit in right now. I am not a happy camper. I know it will come off and I know it just takes a while but this is where I always crap out. Where I have been at it for like 2-3 weeks back and still feel fat and stuffed into my clothes just have to push through and know that my whoosh is coming and I have to just stay the course!

    Sucks that hubby has to work! We were there last year when I was carving pumpkins all alone with Josie when Mike had to work the whole weekend before Halloween. Thankfully he only had to work a few hours on Sunday so we got our pumpkins done together and he will be home for actual Halloween.

    Hopefully he will be like my brother and never need braces and the retainer will work by itself :D . If you have any pets make sure you keep them away from it. Dogs and cats have a magnetic attraction to retainers! I could never figure it out.
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Good information on the dog/cats with the retainer. I do hope this helps in the long run. I knew he was going to need it, but sheesh- the timing threw me off. Fingers are crossed. We have that locked in on the calendar. And the electrician called to set up the appointment to upgrade our electrical panel. So home/kid things are under way.

    Tomorrow is the big day...duh, dun dun. Halloween and it's 40 plus rain here. :# The irony is last Tuesday it was 78 and sunny. What happen?! :)

    I've been getting in all my strength days as planned. Tonight is a rest day and I HAVE to stretch because as the weights on the barbell go up...the tighter my hip flexor seems to get. So I'm stuck at 160x5 on squats, 65 on overhead press, and I did manage to bang out the 185x5 for deadlifts...but they are my favorite know. :D

    Food wise. It's up/down. Nothing more to report on that really. I have good days and bad days. I'm working to make my good days more frequent then my bad. But, more importantly I'm trying to work on my mind and my mood because that's the driving force right now. So good things to come.

    I didn't realize MFP now had alerts on when someone responds. Interesting. I can't decide if I do like the alerts on your food journal like 'this food is high in potassium' or if I'm just annoyed with that! lol
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    haha I know what you mean about the food alerts. I am always getting yelled at for sodium. haha. There must be a weather front coming in since we are the same way. It has been warm all week and it is supposed to we really cold tonight but I think it isn't supposed to kick in until after we are done trick or treating. That is the good thing about having a three year old. They tired out easily. :D

    Well my weight was down to where it was 2 weeks ago which is good for the week but not overall. haha. Baby steps right? I just have to stick to it. Must...get....over...the...hump. Have a great Halloween!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    My weekend was not good. I did plyos Saturday but that is the only successful thing MFP wise I accomplished. House wise we did move our 'toy closet' into the spare room so that the kids have easier access to the toys. Plus it gives the electrician more room to work with.

    My weight is up 13lbs from my 'normal range' - some of that I know is from my workout, some from my water weight from this weekend, but most of it is from poor food choices. I asked Dan to let me send him pictures of my weigh ins for accountability. He's not going to harp on me or anything for the highs. Or do a dance for the lows. ;) But, I just need some sense of accountability. I need to accept where I'm at and do something active about it. Mood positive or negative it doesn't matter. I have to move forward from this or I"m just going to continue to put on weight. And this isn't going to help my mood either. So, that's my first step. My second was hitting the gym this morning. I haven't been missing my workouts, even though they've been at night. But, I'm going to try to set up my day for more success by moving my workouts back to the AM. My strength is going to suffer which I am going to have to accept as part of the calorie deficit anyways. So let me get this out before my stats start to plummet. I hit 170lbs on a 5x5 squat. :-) I enjoy the heavy lifts. But without a set diet, I am not going to be successful. So I have to get on track consistently.

    How are you? How was Halloween?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Ohhh girl!!!! I know how you feel. I was one a tirade over the weekend! I did really well. Saw some weight come off. Was thinking I was past the "hump", you know when you are working hard for weeks and finally are starting to see the results....then came Halloween. I was strong on actual Halloween. 2 small slices of pizza at the carnival and a few pieces of candy. Nothing crazy or over calories. Then comes Saturday. I ate well in the morning, then we go out with friends and I eat too many chips at the Mexican restaurant but the meal was still reasonable but I get home and eat nothing but candy! I started to get my first TOM since the D&C and it was doozy. Basically the rest of the weekend (Sat night-Sunday night) I barely at any real food just insane amounts of candy. I think it is by far the worst I have done in my own house. I know I have done with with drinking out or on vacation but this one took the cake for sure in terms of straight crap consumption. I think the evil TOM from after surgery was a huge factor since I usually can get this somewhat under control but not last weekend. Also didn't work out am sure my weigh in is going to suck this week. If not for the food, then for the TOM and if not for either of those it might be bad from my new fertility med I am starting tonight. I go back and forth if I will even get on the scale this week or not.

    Congrats on the squats! You are a badass!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Yep, TOM and halloween candy do not go hand in hand. I asked Tarren to hide his, but he thought I meant from Dad so he hid it in front of me. And then said, ha! he'll never get my candy! :D It was too funny. Monday was a good day, Tuesday was an 'eh' day. Today is yet to be seen. My nerves are bad with this whole orthodontist thing. I read too much about it on the internet last night so I'm second-guessing myself. (don't read on the internet late at night...not only do you not sleep but you worry too much!). But we are going to meet with the ortho today. Then running around like chickens with our heads cut off because Oldest has swimming promptly following his ortho appointment and Youngest has basketball at the same time. Thankfully Dan's working days today so he'll take Tarren. But, Tarren made me promise to sneak up to see him too. So running we will be!! :) And then I have to lift since Dan worked during my AM workout slot! Lol. It's going to be a long day...thank goodness I had yesterday off!! Hopefully it gave me enough in the tank to tackle today!!

    Everyone (I shouldn't be so broad, so I'll say many people) struggles in a roller coaster path with these journeys. So, hopefully we are up that hill ready to coast into 'kick *kitten*' mode. It hasn't to be right around the corner right? o:)
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Mourning Strong Lifts 5x5 today. :'( With the weights going up and my deficit going down, I'm at a point where I have to put in a pin in the program for now. If Dan could be with me to spot me, I could potentially keep going. But, I already notice a different after 2 days with squats this morning. I'm going to keep the exercises in my workouts but drop the weight a bit and keep pumping out good form. I'll definitely circle back to the program when the time is right because I REALLY enjoy it. It's fun to keep trying to get a certain weight and then move on up!!!

    How was your weekend?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Haha! The strong lifts will be there when you are ready to come back :D My weekend was good. Eating was total crap Sat night but good the rest of the time (still too much junk in the house). I have eased up big time on the workouts due to my TTC situation. I am trying to just be consistent with moderate resistance and cardio and eat at a higher deficit. My head just isn't in the game for the hard core workouts at this point since I am constantly concerned it will affect out TTC efforts even when I am not actually pregnant. And then of course with the pregnancies I always have in the back of my mind that I might be pushing too hard and causing this (even though mentally I know that is not the case). So I am ok with just doing my you tube workouts for now since I just need something to do every day to keep me from falling off the wagon during this fun time. Just started another treatment round and really want to get my weight down more but I need to cut myself a break since I am on all sorts of meds that will mess with my hormones and weight. But I still hate seeing how high the number is and how tight my clothes are!! Ugh you know how it goes.
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    I can see what you are saying about the workouts. And honestly, the fact is you are working out, you are being consistent. So I think that carries more weight than anything. Being healthy. That's a giant commitment whether it's Strong Lifts,, or Insanity. You definitely have a lot on your plate so never sell the efforts short that you consistently put out there!!

    PS. I keep having to stand up and walk around my office today. Apparently DOMS has set in early. >:) It's gonna be that kind of a day. LoL.