Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down and workout videos



  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    The half day was nice. It was nice to have lunch with my boys. I don't get to do that enough 2 days a week is just not enough!! I feel you on the chicken with your head cut off. My job has changed so much, my pitch for a raise felt completely feasible. I am the lowest paid director of a program in our Agency, despite being the 2nd longest length of employment. I hadn't realized until as of late and thus, when additional responsibilities came out with a new boss. I went for it. Yeh, it was one of those oh sure, yes absolutely. And then fizzle. I've been there 8 years. I have this feeling, it's about time to get out!:tongue:

    I am looking at a job ad as we speak. Completely new field (in social work) kids vs geriatrics but hey...why not try?! :laugh:

    Workout was great Saturday. Off today for birthday party and prep cooking. It was 50 and windy Saturday, then an ice storm hit through the night. Strangest weather lately. :noway:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Yeah girl. Sounds like it is time to get out. I know how that goes. Sometimes these things happen to make your path clear. You will thank them later for not giving you a raise because it forced you to find something better. And as for the new field, I don't think it will be too big of a stretch since in my experience old people are just like kids. Moody but loveable and requiring constant assistance :laugh: I know I am bad.

    I am finishing the last workouts of JM that I missed and mixing in some other stuff. Final weight and measurements will be this Friday. I am going to take pics but not sure if I will post since I am visibly covered in the psoriasis and don't care to show that off. It will be nice to finish it up. I don't know how great the results will be but that is not the fault of the program.

    Well I did preview the first month of Met- RX and I have to figure out a way to cut it back. The workouts are 50-55 minutes long and they also have a stretch workout that you are also supposed to do after that which is 16 minutes. If I didn't have kids I would love to do the whole program but there is just no way I can do that timewise on a daily basis. I will definitely use it but I need to figure out how to cut it down. Hope you had a good weekend. Weather was great here (but when it is 100+ in June you can tell me how nice it is in your area, :laugh: )
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Thanks for the kind words. You are absolutely right. We have to keep moving forward. These aren't the days of old where everyone stays in the same job for the length of their careers. There's no harm in moving on, even if it is something new! I LOVED how you put your old people are just like kids. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Yeh, completely understand what your saying about working it to fit your schedule. I'm sure you'll find a way. My sister was eying T25 but concerned about the price. I said you know you could just do Insanity for 25 minutes right?! :tongue: She may have called me a smart *kitten*! Good luck deciding how you'll approach it.

    Yes, yes...100+ will be coming your way! :wink: It's 50 here and March so I'll take it. Looking at 60 by Tuesday and everyone is giggling over it. I have to laugh at how often we talk about weather as we get older. It's the conversation starter everywhere!! :bigsmile:

    Great workout this morning. Loving working on my squats. I've been really working on getting that weight up without compromising form. Dan has me on a different approach where I do the bar for 2x12 to warm up. Then start working my way up to my actual 'high weight' (which right now is only 135lb for 2x6). So I slowly work up to a working set of the 135. I could go up in weight, but I"m just not 100% confident in my form yet. The heavier the bar gets the more unsteady it feels on my back. So I figure, who am I trying to impress?! Might as well keep working on getting low and keeping myself from dropping the bar before I go up again!! :noway: :laugh:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Ahhh so jealous of all the heavy squat talk. I hear people all the time talk about strong lifts and their PR and how much they can squat and bench. I would love to know how much I could do but I might not want to do it again! :laugh:

    Just finishing out JM this week. Tomorrow is my last day. Then it is measurement and picture time on Friday. I will need to preview the workouts and see how I can break it down. It looks extremely through though :laugh:
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    The whole squat thing is definitely fun. But at the same time, I do enough reading to know it's only ONE way to get to the end result of what I'm looking for. Not the end all be all some people make it out to be. My goal is a better booty. But that's been my goal for SO long and so it needed to be half of my goal with the other being something that's actually measurable. Ya know? It's hard to FEEL progress in 'is my booty looking better'? As opposed to, can I increase the weights? And I'm at a point where despite the fact I shouldn't feel this way...I need a gold star! :laugh: I need to know I'm not just half assing my workouts and convincing myself I'm REALLY going hard. Thus, the need to wear that HRM every day and have measurable goals. Because my progress has been stagnant and something has to move forward. Diet is easier to track consistency than workouts. I can 100% say I get my workouts in but measuring that consistency goal is sometimes harder to define, ya know?

    Anywhoo...doing well here. Weights good. BF% slowly coming back down. Which is just to reinforce the consistency thing. I've been eating in my window, meeting my macros, and everything falls in line. The process isn't the issue. It's the consistency! :tongue: So far so good. Just got to keep plugging away.

    How is the before/After?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Finally back!!! Well you tell me what you think of the before and after :). I am pleased. I definitely see a difference (which I better be able to see it since it is almost 10lbs!). But I know my legs were leaner this time last year. So if I lose another .5-1" in each thigh I will be back in peak form. I was more on point with my diet last year so that is the difference for sure. I also didn't have red splotches all over me and also trying to get pregnant last year so I am going to cut myself some slack.

    SO far I am enjoying Met- Rx 180. It is straight lifting at this point, which is nice. No crazy Jillian combo moves. I have found ways to cut it back so that will work. I definitely need to increase my weights on a lot of it thought. I was not used to going that heavy since I was doing JM which doesn't allow for heavier weights since you are doing all sorts of balance moves while doing a shoulder press, etc. It has very little repetition (which I like) and the cardio is also only 35 minutes long so I think it is workable. Since it is fairly low impact at this point I find it will be more sustainable than other programs.

    Sorry I have been MIA lately. We are gearing up to renovate the master bathroom and every free minute I have I have been spending on picking and researching tile, fixtures, faucets and valves. I will be so glad when this is done! I think we will be in the middle of the renovation when we are hosting a brunch the weekend after Easter so that will be fun too. haha

    Have to keep the diet on point for the next few weeks. Josie and I have a Mommy and Me photo shoot coming up later this month. I think I will have to coat my body in make up to cover all my red spots on my arms and legs. Grrr. Oh well that is the way life goes. I am just hoping it warms up so that we are not freezing our butts off.

    Glad to hear your body fat is on the way down. That is the gold standard of progress :laugh:
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Repeating history here. Stomachs coming in, thighs sticking around. Do I really have to run?!?!? :huh: Eh, moving on. :laugh:

    Did you get my comment on your blog? Great job, great profess. Definitely looking good. And yes, you have a different situation now compared to last year. And even with that, you are still rockin' abs and pushing play. So I'd say :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Big renos? Sounds fun. Well, not fun but a good project is always worth it in the long run. Headaches along the way, but even when I sit in our bathroom and think 'how the hell did the kids get toothpaste UNDER the toilet?!' - I'm thankful that we spent the time and money to expand and improve that room. It was well worth it.

    I'm also glad to hear that Met-RX is working out and that it is fitting in to your time constraints. Always a good thing. I've got a rest day morning today and then a 'if I get out of court on time, I'll work out' if not there goes Sunday :tongue: type of thing going on right now. Ha! So the rest of my day is unplanned.

    As far as diet, everything has been okay. Even over the weekend, I had chips but it wasn't off course at all. Not unplanned, binging chaos. Just had room, and it worked. Felt nice. I wish I could remember why I stopped IF last year? I've been on that 'way' of eating the last 2 weeks and it just really frees me up both mentally and calorie wise. Everything ebbs and flows so who knows what next week will bring. But I can eat my healthy meals all day (after 12pm:wink: ) and still have room for a reasonable dessert that keeps me from wanting to eat all the PB when no one is looking. So far so good. So I'll take it!!

    I do hope that after TOM is gone, the scale does drop. Even though I realize it isn't the best indicator- it would do well for my mind!!! :flowerforyou:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    You are preaching to the choir on the tummy thighs issue. That is the story of my life right there. Yes I did get your comment, thank you! I saw a big difference but my husband really didn't which I thought was weird. I think my thighs and belly went way down. I guess he didn't agrees :laugh:

    We have a 5 mile charity walk this weekend (with Josie without a stroller, so we will see how that goes) But then I have lunch and dinner out on Sat and then lunch out again on Sunday (early Easter with Mike's family). I really hope I can keep it in check since I am getting so close to the sub 130s!! I am still hanging right above 130 so I know I need a few more weeks to get it back to comfortably under. I don't want to get to fixated though since I am starting fertility meds and I can only imagine how that will effect the scale. We shall see!

    As for the bathroom, it will be totally worth it when it is done. I have to keep telling myself that. I had such a specific imagine in my head of the look I wanted, it has been hard finding the tile and fixtures to go with that look that had the functionality and price we want. I am getting there though. It is just so time consuming and I know living through the actual renovation will be a buzz kill. Hopefully it will only take a week or two. :ohwell:
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    How was the charity walk?

    We were baseball all weekend. Swim lessons, baseball, lunch, baseball and repeat Sunday. :laugh: It was so beautiful out though, I wouldn't have cared what we were doing!! We even got the garage cleaned, thank the high heavens.Annual clean up days is this week and next so hopefully I will be able to purge all that crap that I have and no longer need!! Wouldn't that be nice?!

    Spinning Saturday morning was great but boy does that spinning leave a residual after 'feeling' . :blushing: And Sunday was off from workouts but my NEAT was 100% better than a normal weekend given the weather. Of course, snow is back tomorrow (and it's 70 right now at 9am, make sense of that?!?) but can't control the weather. I suppose!!

    Dan's tonsillectomy is tomorrow. He's nervous. I'm nervous about what to feed him and how to keep him comfy. But hopefully all of that will be uneventful and quick. I should be able to keep my workout schedule given he's not scheduled (as of now) for surgery until 10am. My fingers will be crossed.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Wow you are looking at getting more snow?! Well I guess that makes sense since we had nice weather on Sat for the walk then we are into the 40s this morning. So random. The weather was great for the walk. We did the 5 miles but with all the additional walking to and from the site I think I walked closer to 7 miles. My pedometer read 20k step by the end of the day so that seems about right. The weather turned real nasty yesterday though with hail in some areas (thankfully not ours).

    Sadly the stupid psoriasis flared up yesterday and I want to scratch my scalp off! I can't wait to pick up some special shampoo and wash it again tonight and hope for some relief!!! Hopefully just 2 more months of this and it will be out of my system!

    As for eating, I didn't go nuts but I wasn't under calories for sure. I am hoping (though it was just estimating because we ate out alot) that I was eating right around my TDEE both days this weekend. I hit 130 on the spot last week so I am really hoping I can get under it this week but you know how it goes :grumble:

    Best of luck for the tonsillectomy! :flowerforyou:
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Hey- so I dropped off again- sorry about that. Dan's having a hard time with his post-op recovery so I ended up off the remainder of the week. The kids and I did get out and about a little bit Friday & Saturday. But it really throws off your schedule when your home functions on a two adult system- and then there's only one! :tongue: Thankfully it's a temporary situation but how I appreciate the support. The boys are in separate baseball leagues plus Dan coaches Tarren. So, trying to get them where they need to be and then filling in for Dan was interesting last week. Hopefully he'll make some strides this week and get back at it.

    I read your under the weather again- sorry to hear that! Hope that it's just a simple, quick bug...if those still exist? I know what you mean about garbage. My schedule gets thrown off and I throw caution to the wind and order chinese and buy oreos. :blushing: Shoved a big ole' salad down the hatch today since it's 'on the wagon' Monday. Easter dinner was fine, it was just the days before that when that whole cook, prep thing seemed unnecessary! :laugh:

    I've hid the scale from Dan since he's concerned with significant weight loss...probably a good thing it isn't accessible because I don't want to see it right now either. :grumble: Sheesh...looks familiar I should probably stop coming down this road!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I assumed you were MIA from the surgery. I just was hoping it wasn't anything serious or he wasn't dealing with major complications. Hope he is going better this week. That is too funny about the scale though. He worries about losing and you worry about gaining!

    Yeah I am sick again. I came down with in Sunday night so at least I had a nice long weekend without being sick. My throat starting getting really sore late Sunday night and I was freaked out that it might be strep again. The strep induced psoriasis is finally starting to clear up (and knock on wood, not new outbreaks in a week) and I was told that if I get strep again it is a guarantee that I will get the psoriasis back. So you can see why I would be worried but thankfully it turned out to be just a cold. My colds are always pretty rough since it seems to effect my whole body but I would take that any day over strep again.

    My weekend was nice. My eating was so so for the first 2 days and then I definitely overate on Sunday (damn those panera danishes!). I was hoping to still see a loss this week since I got a lot of cardio in over the weekend and I was going to hit the workouts hard this week, but since I am out of the workout game for this rest of the week, I am just hoping to stay under 130lb this week. Here is to hoping!!:tongue:
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Still not feeling well? I saw your post. Stinks. :grumble:

    Dan's still off, trying to heal. He's coming with me to baseball tonight though because BOTH kids have to be there, so I'll have to be with Talan and he'll have to run Tarren's. Considering he can't speak more than a couple words before the pain sets in, coaching 5-6 year olds should be interesting! :huh:

    I've been trying to nurse a goldfish back to health, that's not an easy task- and I don't think I'm succeeding. :noway: Dan informed me I'm not Dr. Quinn medicine woman! Talan's pretty upset, I for one thought this goldfish would have only lasted a couple months...but we've had then since July!! Now he's swimming/not swimming on his side only. Googled that and have been trying to save the poor thing....what a fiasco! :tongue:

    I think I'm going to deload the next few days, just do some cardio Friday, Saturday at least. I don't want to NOT workout, I think my body is just ready for a break from the weights. Yoga last night was great. It's hard to clear your mind for that, but my body definitely needed it.

    Week's eating has been fine. IF going well. And all that good stuff. Battery went on my scale, it started randomly illuminating at was sort of creepy! :laugh: Need to replace the batteries AGAIN! Is that a sign I'm on it too often?!:blushing:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Oooooo a haunted scale! That sounds spooky! Any time any electronic device acts up I think ghosts are trying to communicate with me. What can I say, the movie White Noise really did a number on me! :laugh:

    Yep I can't believe I am still sick. I don't think I have ever taken off more than a week for something like this! My weight is still staying about the same but I feel so flabby since I am not getting much exercise. Sadly the psoriasis is acting up again, presumably due to being sick. So I am a hot mess. Just trying to eat at a deficit so I don't undo all my hard work while being out of commission.

    How is Dan and the goldfish?
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    I'm really confused...I responded...or so I thought!? What the heck?!

    Hmm...anywhoo...we've moved past the goldfish thankfully. We are babysitting MIL's kitten so that's entertaining them. Dan's still of work. Slowly making progress. He actually ate real food yesterday, so that's something. I actually took a week off myself. I'm just worn down, tired, and not bouncing back quick enough. So, with all the baseball and taking care of peeps, I decided to take a week off and so tomorrow will be my first day back since last week. I'll live to regret it, but sleeping in was nice...the scale moved down, which I'm sure will bounce back up again given TOM and hitting the gym again. But it was a good week eating wise, so I have no concerns.

    You still are not feeling well? That's terrible. Josie hasn't caught it at all has she?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Happy Cinco de Mayo! Hope you had a good weekend. I sure did. We were so busy with parties and events and my mom took Josie overnight so we had a whole 12 hours all to ourselves. Hopefully I didn't undo all my hard work because I was definitely over calories. I would like to think I was eating at my TDEE the last 2 days but since we were out my food entries were just guesses. I might have underestimated what I had! Oh well.

    I finally am getting back to normal and had my first workout in 2 weeks on Sat. It felt great. I am in the second month of MetRx 180 and I am LOVING this format. The first month was full body and it was just slow. The point of the first month seems to be to teach you the moves. The videos are long because he talks a lot in them to explain things. But this month is totally different. It is now broken into splits and there are 4 different lifting workouts (lower body, back, shoulders and arms). But what is different about this one than say p90x or S90 is the format. You start with a pre-exhaust, then you move into a pyramid then you finish with super sets. I could tell I was really working since my legs were shaking after all that. I am so sore right now I can barely walk! Today I did the shoulder and triceps workout and it was the same format and wow my arms were twitching. They also run shorter now (32-39 minutes vs 49-56 minutes). Supposedly they are shorter so you can do the cardio after it but I don't do that :laugh: So I am very pleased with these workouts. The next month is supposed to be similar only it is pre-exhaust, drop sets then a lot of supersets.

    I have a feeling I might need to stay off the scale this week since I am going to be so sore. I just got back under 130lb I don't need to see it go over that just because I am retaining.Today it is hard to walk from that leg workout I did on Sat. Love it.

    How are you feeling? Recharged after taking a few days off? How is Dan doing?
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    So I've been a slacker on getting on here. Doesn't this always happen when the weather breaks? :tongue: I've logged most from my phone, but as for really getting on MFP. It hasn't been happening. Between meetings and baseball games, I feel a little disconnected from my Internet world. :wink:

    HOW ARE YOU!?:smile:

    Good workout this morning but terrible eats this weekend. My normal prepping doesn't quite cover the go-go-go of baseball season so I'm going to have to suck it up and make some adjustments. I'll have meals prepped and then won't have time to warm it up...and with fasting from 8pm-12pm the next day, when we get home at 740 from baseball and I have 20 minutes to get something in....well I haven't been choosing the best options. Bloated, yep. Dehydrated, probably. Back to chugging this morning? You got it!:laugh: Total cycle.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Glad to hear I wasn't the only one eating cruddy over the weekend! I really blew it out. We had 2 parties and I ate and drank like there was no tomorrow. So I am scared to see what the scale tells me. I am already up a bit last week but that is presumably due to water retention and bloat from both being so sore from the new workouts and TOM. I was getting so close to the finish line and getting back down to 125lb and then I lost focus :laugh: Hopefully I can get it back this week since I have a beach vacation coming up in a month!

    My mother's day was busy. I threw a luncheon for my mom and extended family so I was busy. I told Mike that wasn't my mothers day and he needed to come up with something for me another time :laugh: How was your mother's day?
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Aww and a LOL on the Mother's Day. Wonder what he may come up with?!

    My Ma Day was good. The weather was beautiful so we packed up the family all 4 of us and the dogs to head to my parents. We just did beef on wick to save us Mom's from slaving in the kitchen. My Grandmothers both came over and just watched the boys play and chatted. It was relaxing and nice. It was a good weekend (minus the poor food choices!!)

    I've lost focus myself. After Dan's surgery and him being off from workouts, it's been hard to keep at it. Boy, if he ever quit...I'd be done for! :laugh: Now that he's working on building back up, it already seems easier. NO pressure to him. :wink: Sunday we were supposed to do a track/bleacher workout but the guy didn't unlock the high school stadium. But I was able to find a nice playground workout that kicked my butt and my kids got to play at the park...WIN WIN. Tarren wants to do it every Sunday. :drinker:

    Yeh, my weight shot up 4lbs (I made the mistake of peeking today). So time to get back to work once again. Down, down, up up. Oh the cycle. That first 5am after a few mornings of sleeping in beats me!! I had to dip into the coffee at 3 (and it's not even quitting time yet so I'm still dragging!) Baseball tonight if the rain holds off. 5 games this week. :tongue:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    So we are back on it together :laugh: I will be on the scale as well tomorrow. I have no idea how that is going to go. Meaning will it be bad or really bad? haha. I am doing it solely to try to get my head on straight since I am going to have dinner at Mike's parent's house on Wednesday. I need a wake up call so I try to keep it together there. I am hoping she makes things I don't like so it isn't a challenge :laugh: Back to the workouts and they are going well. I am glad to not have a lot going on this weekend so I can finally take a breather. Maybe I will get to together and start meal prepping again. We shall see :laugh: