Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down and workout videos



  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Scale dropped 2, so let's see if avoiding sodium bombs gets me back on track. :wink:

    Quiet weekend coming up so no excuses to fluff off. My 9 year anniversary is Wednesday, so we won't go out until at least that next weekend given we have baseball games on Wednesday. :laugh: So keep it tight and then a nice meal out guilt free is the goal. We shall see how I do with that plan!!:noway:

    Hit the gym this morning. We are having some strange weather as usual. Significant T-Storms and Flash Flooding in the AM, then it takes of into warm, humid (i LIKE it though) summer like temps. So no outside workouts since Sunday, but that was a blast and I can't wait to get outside and get another one in. Something creative to keep me motivated!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Happy almost anniversary!! Amazing how times flies right? Also congrats on the scale! My weigh in was the same as last week but I think that means it is actually up a little since I was really bloated last week. I am ok with it though since I am sitting right at 130 still and know I can get it under 130 this week. Nothing major coming up this weekend so I too should be good with eating and getting meals prepped for the week. I do have lunch out tomorrow at a burger place I love but if just have my burger and split my side I should have no issue fitting it into my calories if I am good the rest of the day.

    Still enjoying the metrx workouts. The set up really exhausts the muscles. There is basically no cardio (or cardio effect at all, other than for legs) for these strength workouts but how the sets are done you can really fatigue that muscle so I am thrilled with that. So many workouts I feel like I am not getting to full failure. Either the lighter weights are not getting the job done or I don't have good form with the heavier ones. So pre-exhaust and pyramid set up really helps with that. I have done pyramids before but never pre-exhaust. I like it. I am halfway done with Metrx as of today. I think the next month's workouts will be equally good since they add drop sets to the mix. Thanks again for the heads up on it!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Met-Rx sounds fun. I probably should have picked one up when it was cheap!!

    My legs are fried. Seriously, this whole DOMS things is ridiculous. :laugh: I headed into gym after the boys baseball games to do Squats and Deadlifts. Worked to hard on pushing through heels, focusing on glutes. And what's fried?! QUADS. :noway: Now wait a minute?! How did that happen?

    We have about 6 weeks before our little camping get away. My weekend blew, Sunday at least. I just cannot hold it together for a string of more than 5-6 days. Then I have a fall out, and back on the horse. It's ridiculous. So in typically Me fashion, I wrote up this weeks workouts, laid out meals for the week to get on the right track ('s my weekends that suck, maybe I should focus my prepping on Thursdays!! But regardless, I'm in my normal cycle again :tongue: ) So hell of a circuit workout this morning. Weighed in high but took that accountability to paper and am going to track my weight daily. I hate the thoughts but what the heck is it going to take for me to see that my one day of binging is derailing progression!? :huh: :huh:

    So we'll see...always coming back to the same thing, have to keep finding ways to try and tackle it.

    How are things for you!? Anniversary Wednesday, Baseball Monday, Wednesday, & Saturday. So that about sums up my week!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Sounds like a fun week. My weekend was pretty good in terms of food. I did indulge but I was well below my TDEE for the day, each day. I have noticed though since I am doing the heavy lifting again I am STARVING. Like want to rip off someone's head starving. I know I am not making the best decisions when I am like that so I need to make so more high protein snacks to try to get a handle on that. Really hoping for a good weigh in that will get me back under 130 this week. Only 3 weeks left before our beach vacation.

    That will be my biggest challenge. To keep it together during vacation. I really just want to minimize the damage. I have a hard time just eating until I am full. I just love the food and keep eating and eating until it basically hurts. Then of course I feel like sludge and don't want to move around so it is a double edged sword. I have another beach trip to Florida in Sept so I can't let it all go to crap on this vacation in June and at my grandfather's in July.

    Yeah I hear you on having weird soreness. That is how I am with squats. No matter what different form I use I always seem to burn out my quads before I ever get it in my butt.

    We got this right? :laugh:
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    We do got this. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Gotta keep keepin' on. This was never going to be an obstacle free journey. Sometimes, overlook the fact that progress has happened, is happening, and will continue to happen if we keep moving forward. That's the best approach. So onward and upward!

    Work circuits kill me. Phew. Straight body weight stuff today but it looked like 3 minute bike sprints, 3 minute walking lunges repeat for 3 sets, 3 minute bike sprints, 3 minute body weight squats, and repeat with different exercises for the 60 minutes. I was toast. Still am toast, and mostly those damn quads. :embarassed: I kept thinking squeeze that booty. Think about that booty. :blushing: Mind muscle connection takes more effort than the squats!! :wink:

    Tomorrow Tomorrow Tomorrow is my anniversary. And tonight, I spend the night at my Mom's so I won't even see my fabulous husband until after work. He's handsome, I love him. :love: Still blows my mind to think we've been married 9 years, together 13. That's almost half my life!!:tongue:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Happy belated anniversary!!! Hope you had a great time. Sorry for the delay. I have been busy busy so I haven't been on here as much as usual and then there was the 3 day holiday. I overall did well. I was under my calories everyday except Sunday. I didn't really track on Sunday since we had a lunch at my parents and dinner out. I know I went over calories with the delicious strawberry pie (which of course I ate 2 pieces of) but I didn't feel like I completely gorged. But of course the scale is just hanging out at 130 taunting me just 2 weeks before our beach vacation. Grrrrrrr. Not sure how much of it has to do with the lack of overall focus or from losing ground while being sick or from the fertility meds but I am not feeling so hot. I have just been feeling flabby but a lot of this might have to do with the clomid since it is bloating the hell out of me :angry: If it works it will all be worth it. If not I will just be flabby and annoyed :laugh: Did you have a nice long weekend?
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Completely understand about the delay. It's been hit or miss with me on here as well. Having the Iphone now, often times I just log on that or at night for the day...and so getting on MFP doesn't happen as frequently as it did in years past!!

    How are you feeling today? Glad the weekend went well. I did about the same this weekend as you mentioned. Most days were fine, Monday...we went with pizza and breadsticks vs. cooking and I always over eat those darn cheesy breadsticks. But wow...I can't even believe how much moving and grooving we've done now that the weather seems to be on track. I love it, but it just makes me realize how idle I get when the weather is cold and snowy. We did everything from cleaning to laundry to cooking out to swimming with the dogs to baseball to bike rides to workouts. In one day. Winter is like workout, work, home. :laugh: Maybe I'd be perma-thin if I lived in a warmer climate. :noway: Nah, probably not. I'd just eat fro-yo to make up for the increase in NEAT. :bigsmile:

    Long weekend plus I'm off tomorrow to go with Tarren on a field trip. This has been an excellent week. :laugh: June is always a on/off work month for me. We do more of the kids school stuff field trips, graduation, etc. Then we take our camping/vacation trip mid-June and they give us our birthday off. So I'm always in love with June. :flowerforyou:

    Rest day today...but Dan got huge tractor tires for us to use for flipping and jumps and hammer hits. So we may play with that if the rain holds off!!:drinker:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hope you had fun at field day and glad you are enjoying the nicer weather. We have a lot more nice weather than you do since our winters are usually 40 degree averages with no snow and one or two days of sleet out of the year. But then we have 2 months of complete misery to do thing outside since we will have weeks on end of over 100 degree weather. Nothing like waking up and it being 90 degrees at 6am. haha. But I would take hot over cold any day especially since I lost the weight and I am always cold.

    Well weigh in was so so. I posted a small loss but really the scale was all over the place this morning. Basically it was a 3 pound spread. I just picked a number in the middle. Later I got on the scale before I ate and the number was up but I didn't bother changing it. I should have seen a nice loss from the week but I think the fertility meds are messing with it.Oh well no biggie.

    I finished the second month of MetRx and will be starting new workouts tomorrow. So excited. And hopefully some baby magic happens as week this week but only time will tell. All the TTC is just hurry up and wait and wait and wait some more. So annoying. Hoping this is the month :happy:
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you on the TTC front. :flowerforyou:

    I'm sure the meds do play a role, and it's good you take it in stride as far as the scale goes. It can be frustrating (I have banished mine for the next week...TOM). But there's so many factors. And we're killing workouts, healthy and strong. So we are doing well I think!!:drinker:

    Field day was fun. Talan had a blast. Then Thursday I took Tarren on a field trip. That was fun too. It's nice to see your kids in their own 'element' doing their own thing. It's just amazing to watch how much they've grown and how they interact with people outside of the family. Especially at school events, because these are THEIR people- not people they know because of their parents. It's just such a different world. I'm glad my kids have adapted so well to school lives. Hopefully Tarren's transition into full week Kindergarten next fall follows suit. :happy:

    Those tire flipping, sledge hammer workouts are just the bomb (so 2000, I know but they are!!:bigsmile: ) We are filthy, sweaty, and smiling when we are done. It's a blast. The kids do a few rounds of their tires when we finish up. It's just an awesome thing. Although, I have two giant tires in my tiny driveway- it's totally worth it.

    Sliced up my ankle on the front door Friday night though so I'm nursing a pretty significant cut. Modified the workouts to adjust. Bike this morning was fine, but squats and lunges wasn't such a good idea. Either way, I got it in. I need to buy a bigger First Aid kit. Between Dan, Talan, and I (still trying to figure out how accident prone Tarren made it through without an injury!) went through a box of butterfly bandaids, giant bandaids, and waterproof med tape. It's going to be along summer if this is how we are starting out.

    **Oh, and I can't imagine 90 degrees at 6am***our mornings and nights are still pretty cold (40s) but hopefully that starts to rise a little. It was beautiful this weekend. Thunderstorms rolling in this week, but that's par for the course.:wink:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Ouch! I hope your foot is feeling better! I remember when I had the glass in there and it sucked. That is funny about your first aid kit getting used up fast. The life of being a mommy to boys right? :laugh:

    Yeah trying not to worry about the scale too much. It will all be worth it if I get pregnant this go round. If not know. :mad:

    New workouts are going well. They are like a more supped up version of last months. Same principles and moves but more of them. At this point of the program they are doubling up the strength and cardio workouts. Sorry ain't no one got time for that. :happy: So I am just doing the strength workouts since those themselves are 40-55 minutes long.

    We are leaving for vacation the middle of next week so I am trying to do the final push but I am also limiting my cardio since the dr. wasn't sure if that had anything to do with my ovulation issues. They assume not since I don't marathon train or anything and it isn't like my BF is really low but cutting back on cardio might help I am all for using that excuse :laugh:

    Yeah right now our lows are in the mid 70s overnight. So you can imagine how it will get when we start hitting the 100s (we are only at about 90 during the day now).
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Just wanted to pop in and let you know I will be out of pocket until next week. Beach time baby! Not in as good of shape as last year but I am going to try much harder to not go completely overboard (famous last words right?) Have a great week and I will see you next Wed!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I'm back!! Yeah so I wasn't as good on the trip as I hoped. Only really logged 3 of the 7 days. I did better than the last 2 times with eating but I am sure I will see a gain. Hopefully it will be a few pounds that I get off in a week or two versus the 8 I usually put on that takes me months! How has your vacation been?
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Welcome back. I'm back on the grind myself and the transition is a difficult one! :noway: We had such a good time, we actually stayed an extra day. The kids had such a blast, Dan and I were so relaxed. It was nice. I had a hard time getting back into the swing of things. I'm back at work as of yesterday. Going with a night workout tonight. We had last baseball games yesterday so we are done with that. I'll miss watching them but it allows for more flexibility in our schedule (which is good for my workouts). Ironically, with the kids going to a babysitter now 3 days a week, I have to get them up earlier. This has made AM workouts a little trickier. I'm sure we all will get into a groove soon.

    My eating wasn't good either. But, to be honest, despite feeling like stuffed sausage in my dress pants today, I'm okay with it. I didn't gorge, I didn't binge...i just ate what my family and enjoyed smores, a couple beers, you know. And it was good for my soul. :glasses: :glasses: It may not have been good for my scale....but that's alright, I'll get it off. Though my prep game isn't back on par either so I'm eating Fiber One cereal, cottage cheese, and some chicken sausage that I found in the cupboard. :blushing: Haven't exactly been to the grocery store yet.:tongue:

    How was your trip?
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    It was great. I was the same way with food as well. I didn't go crazy but I certainly had some over indulgence. My weigh in last week was 3.8lbs up which isn't awesome but I am ok with. The last 2 years I have gone for 5 days and eat and drink myself sick (literally I will make myself feel sick I am so full) and I am up 7 or 8 pounds. This time I was gone for 2 extra days and only gained half as much as usual so I take this as a win. Maybe I am learning something :laugh: Probably not since I was just in check because I knew I couldn't do a huge cut to get it off with TTC. One more full week this week since I am leaving town again next week to see my grandfather for Fourth of July. Love all the trips but I can reek havok on one's diet. Oh well you have to live a little right?
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Good morning! Today I'm celebrating 32 years on this Earth. :drinker: I love birthdays- mine, the kids, families, the neighbors.:laugh: I just enjoy birthdays. I've got my meals all packed and requested salad with chix and a handful of fries of dinner so aside from maybe a slice of birthday cake- I should be set. Today will be a rest day unless the weather breaks and I can do tires. The YMCA will close before we get back in town- but that's okay, I'm a fan of 3 days on, 1 off. Works well.

    I know what you mean about trips. I told Dan, though I'd love to diet down some more. I also hate the thoughts of not enjoying summer. Summer is my favorite. :tongue: Do I need 47 smores a night? No. But do I want to be so strict that I feel guilty about having 1-2? Nah. I do not have the body I want yet. And I will continue to work for it. But I can't let it overrun me. I need to work on better traits/characteristics like being more consistent. But consistency is not the same thing as elimination or restriction. Making my schedule fit my life and working to improve my day to day is my birthday goal. I always think it's a battle between 1 extreme and the next. I beat myself up, then 2 weeks later I decide to roll with the punches. Eh. Too much of both. Balance. Consistency (which does include flexibility, when you account for it in your daily planning). And optimism. Those are the improvements I'm looking to make in my 32nd year on this Earth. We will see how that goes.:wink:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Happy Birthday!!!!!:drinker: Yes today is not the day to be too strict with the diet (or whatever day you are celebrating your birthday :laugh: ) I know what you mean though. Are we going to stop living life over 5-10lbs? I have to tell myself that on a regular basis. I was so proud of myself for only gaining 3.8lbs on vacation but then I realized I was also 5 pounds lighter so even though I only gained half as much I am still a bit heavier than I was this time last year. So I was pretty beat down at first but I have to give myself credit. And we are thinking TTC efforts this month might have paid off so fingers crossed on that one and we shall know more next week :wink: Maybe the secret was avoiding cardio like the plague :laugh:
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    So...something maybe cooking in there? I'll keep my fingers crossed.

    Weekend was good/bad. Ate freely. :drinker: :blushing: Trained hard. So win/loss. I suppose rather than win/win. But when it comes to weekend...i can't seem to win them all. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Sadly what was cooking is no longer there. We had a rough weekend as I started to miscarry early Sat morning and had to wait until this morning to get finite answers. But we just learned that the baby is gone and the worst is over. So sad but it is good to finally have answers and to have been able to have it naturally without needing a D&C. So we will be starting again soon but have a specialist appt next week to see what next steps we need to take. I will be back to workouts tomorrow.
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Totally lost my whole 4 page paragraph and now I'm about ready to walk out the door for work. GRRRR...

    I'll summarize: :grumble:

    I am glad you were able to get back to workouts this morning and I hope that the sweat & weights was a mental release for you. I will pray that things with the specialist help to light the path from here forward.

    As for me...good workouts, no giant deficit, and just rockin' along. The usual. :laugh: i'm off until Monday (totally am blowing through vacation days!:wink: ) so I've got to finish up before I'm out of time.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Yeah every day gets better. I am also about to leave town to visit family over the 4th and that will be a good distraction. I am also going to the specialist next week to see where we go from here and I am looking forward to that. Just trying not to do too much damage at this point but hey if I do I have good reason :ohwell:

    Have a great 4th! I will be back on Tuesday.