Lindsay Brin's 60 Day Slim Down and workout videos



  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    So today was Back and Bi. But of course I also started with Squats. Because I love them. Because they are my favorite. And because so long as I get to squat, I pretty much will show up for whatever workout. :p

    Yesterday I had the day off. I did eat out but had a salad and small pasta dish from applebees. Stayed off the appetizers and larger meals. Kept my weight the same from Monday through today so that's a plus considering I had a small drop at the beginning on the week. Still 9lbs to go. But it's some movement!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA. I have been sick as a dog and missed 2 days of work so far. I am also attempting to get ready for Josie's party this weekend while being sick and it sucks. In the mist of all this we got an answer as to why I was having the miscarriages. I have abnormal chromosomes that I am passing down. We have been recommended to try IVF with genetic selection to try to get pregnant with chromosomally normal embryos. Which is nice except insurance doesn't cover it so we are looking at $16,000 just to try a single round of it. I am glad we finally have an answer but damn. Talk about not having great options.
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    And then I went MIA! :neutral_face: opps!

    Well, hmmm. Answers are a step and I definitely can see where you are at with the limitations of the option. It's a lot to think about. Hopefully, you can talk about everything as a family to see where to go from here. Maybe AFTER the big party and once you are feeling better. You need to be feeling better physically for sure.

    Speaking of the birthday party- What's the theme this year?

    We finally have everyone's work schedule so can plan Thanksgiving now. Did you see they are pushing up Black Friday even more this year into 5pm on Thanksgiving Day?!?!? So frustrating. I enjoy Black Friday shopping with my Mom and sister for the sheer act of getting out and going with them. But 5pm on Thursday?!?!? Grrr.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Now I am back ;) haha. I was all in tailspin getting ready for the party (my little pony theme) and getting figures for the IVF (it is now up to more like $20k, uggh). I am feeling better but still not normal which sucks. I still just feel under the weather. I tell you these kids bring home the worst plagues. I wanted to work out this morning but had just a rough night I cancelled that. This weekend was a mess for eating. I ate all sorts of crap and drank too much yesterday. I was very active with all the cleaning and decorating so I am hoping that helps. We all know thanksgiving isn't going to be the best day ever :) Just hoping to maintain like I did last week even though I know that might be a pipe dream.

    Speaking of Thanksgiving, yeah I am not a fan of the shopping that day. I agree. I enjoyed a good black friday sale but I refuse to go out on Thanksgiving. Thanks but no thanks.
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    I struggle trying to find our thread every darn time. It's frustrating!!!!

    Dan had to work a double yesterday, and he's on for Christmas. :-( so that stinks but other than that things are good. I'm still studying for this test, which keeps me up late at night so my AM workouts are up/down. But getting 90% of them in. My weight is still up, couldn't tell you exactly how much (sodium bomb!!!) but none the less- not where I wanted to be this time of year, but it is what it is.

    Now it's time for online shopping and planning for the next few weeks. :-) I'll take it. The kids are excited, it's time to be festive and happy, right??! ! :-)
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I just did as well! I had to log in like 3x to get "my discussions" to show up! Oh no he has to work on Christmas! That sucks :( I hear you on weight being up. I am sure mine is even higher than it has been from my eating (and drinking) over the weekend but I am getting on the scale tomorrow morning to try to put myself in shock and not eat as much tomorrow . haha

    I am finally healthy again and ready to kill it. But that also means my appetite is back :o Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    So I'm way behind the eight ball. This lack of motivation is carrying me through the last few weeks, even when I get a good day or two in- I slide right back. Plus having to search for the discussion (trivial, I know) frustrates me. I liked simple MFP. Lol.

    I'm still way up, I'm still trying to get the motivation to push ahead each day, I'm still slacking on eating, and my clothes still don't fit. Prep cooked all day but we'll see how that pans out. I'm in quite the funk and I need to get my *kitten* out of it.

    I've logged in enough to know that you've been consistent with your workouts, good job. How's everything else?

    Sorry I'm such a slacker lately...I really don't have an identifiable reason for my status- it's just where I'm at unfortunately!? And I'm not having much luck talking myself out of it.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    No worries. I was having my own drama to deal with. We had another miscarriage (that is 4) over the weekend after Thanksgiving but we finally got a diagnosis. My losses are from a chromosomal issue that I am a carrier of. So we are moving forward with prepping for IVF with genetic testing (to ensure the embryos are chromosomally normal) in Jan/Feb. I would like to get some of this weight off in the mean time since I am up 10lbs from my happy weight and it is straight flab. I have been buying bigger clothes also so I hear you!

    I think we both just need to do our best to make it out of the holidays without a 10lb gain and then get down to business come January :)
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    Amen to that statement! No more gain would be fabulous. I hope thus new plan brings some good news. And, I am very sorry yo hear about the weekend. You have been doing a great job of staying on course with the workouts throughout the past weeks. Great job. I finished day 3 of couch 2 5k. Doing that 3z a week be gore my weights. Lord knows if it's after weights it won't happen,

    How's the Christmas shopping? I have to get for the in laws and wrap EVERYTHING. Poops me out just thinking Bout it. These boys never sleep..don't they know how previous sleep is?!?! Lol
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    OMG I am still in a freak out mode about Christmas shopping. Almost done except for my in laws. Uggh! They are the worst right? I have been working out regularly but the eating is out of control. Damn all the sweets and parties! I am scared to get on the scale tomorrow!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    So I'm only 11 days late to the party. Seriously been terrible for the last what...2 months? Not cool miss thang not cool. I should probably be more active and motivated soon!! :smile:
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    And now I'll have to posts since I hit some wrong button and posted already. LoL. Christmas was nice. Too short, I wanna go back. :smile: Ate too much. Said I ate too much, and then ate some more!! Hit the gym this morning with my Monday motivation. I'll let you know if I still have it by Wednesday! Kids are off until the New Year. So it's on to planning for our family New Year's Eve party. They asked for the traditional activity every hour, so they shall get it! Pinterest better have some good ideas!!

    How are you?!?!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hi!! I am back! For real I am back. Hitting the diet and workouts as hard as possible. I am up to 145 which is 15lb over my happy weight and boy am I feeling it! I am about to start IVF so I have 2-3 weeks to get off as much as I can before I am on the IVF meds and can't really work out (I think I am allowed to walk and maybe do the elliptical but that is it). I am back to S90 but it only for the next few weeks before I start the injections. I have been thinking about doing LP since that really helped me get the weight off back in 2013 but once again I am only able to do it for 2-3 weeks so I am not sure it is worth the trouble. But yeah 15-20lbs overweight is not my cup of tea. Oh well guess that is what 4 miscarriages in 6 months will do to someone. Hopefully it will come off fairly quickly. How was your new years?
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    New Years was awesome, besides Dan having to work all night. We spent it with my mom end 92 year old grandma doing fun activities like crafts and board games. Eating way too much food of course! Then this weekend was Christmas at my grandmas so more excuses to eat, I'm out of excuses now though. Lol. The kids are back in school and I'm off vacation so reality. My weight is definitely still high. Hovering around 165, which is scary. Amazing how quickly it finds it's way back.

    How was you New Years?

    I saw the S90 post today...good choice. Tough call on LP, it is effective but oh the math involved! :s I'm starting with conservative numbers so we will see if that's enough. My goal is to maintain strength because there's a max out deadlift competition next month that I want to do. I pulled 255 this weekend so I thought it might be fun.

    Is the weather there good for walks? Low impact cardio (for short bouts o:) ) is stress relieving. I've been doing the c25k app and those thirty minutes are almost Relaxing. For now at least.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    The weather is all over the place! Some days it is 30 (like today) other days it is in the 70s. Welcome to Texas, if you don't like the weather just give it a minute :smile: I will most likely be hitting the elliptical if I am feeling up to it. If not I will just try to get as much movement as possible. I really have no idea what to expect. I started the S90 since it is my old go to. I have 3 weeks before the stims that I can work out and diet all I want. Once I start stims I am out of the game for about 2 weeks. I can start back up as soon as I feel ready after the retrieval. Some people said they were fine a day or two after. Some people had complications and were out much longer. But then I have another 2 weeks of doing whatever I want before the frozen embryo transfer (we have to wait almost a month to actually put the embryos back in due to the genetic testing we need to have done).

    Ok random question about LP. I thought about going back and just copying some of the meals I did but I thought we did it back in Jan of 2013. When I looked at my meals and macros that didn't seem to be right. Do you remember when we did it? Was it 2012 or 2013? I guess I have blocked it out! Haha!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    My email to you about it was 10/2012. I love the search function in email. I use it all the time at work since I save everything, it's so much easier to locate things with a few key words!!

    I've been tracking on My Macros Plus, trying to see if I like it. I don't think I do. It was suggested to me since it's all grams and macros. You can set it for training days and non training days which is nice. But I have such a hard time tracking. Like today, was a no lunch day so I ate on the run. I didn't measure anything just tried to behave. Now, I had a lunch packed and snacks packed but couldn't get to the fridge to get it. So although it might be a nice app, it doesn't work so well for me right now. I just have to avoid binging and some of this weight should come off. Then when (if) things at work slow down I should be able to track better. Or I'll live off protein bars...that's easy enough to track. I made a delicious protein shake this morning but it gave me terrible belly pain an hour later. Milk and I don't get along before noon.

    I'm sure everyone's different in terms of when they are ready to get back in the game, just take your time. You are a good, consistent work out girl! I have no doubts that if you need a month off, you'd still be able to jump right back in the game. I do hope it doesn't take long, but your consistency is note worthy!!

    I'm back to the Y tonight since Dan's schedule doesn't allow AM workouts. The resolution crowd is filling the gym. I completely enjoy people getting into fitness, it's just hard when the gym is crowded. The kids and I are going to try going later to see if that helps. I'm just off the mentality that I need to go immediately following work before I settle into the couch cushion!!
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    I made it to the gym last was close though! ;-)
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Ahhhh thank you!! Then I know it has to have been 2013 (which is what I thought). Ok I will have to dig all that out then! Funny how you say about living off of protein bars since I am sort of doing that now. I am subbing in a lot more bars and shakes than I have in the past. What can I say? It is quick and easy. Great job getting into the gym.

    I am basically back in the swing of working out and eating well again but you know how it goes since the weekend is coming. I am down 3.5lbs so that is good but I need to see another 1.5lb drop in the next week or 2 before we start the stims. And I want to be down close to 130 (11.5lbs away) before the transfer which will most likely be in March. Big goals right? I know it will be hard though since the meds will likely mess with me. But we shall see. Anything fun planned this weekend? For us all we have is taking down all the Christmas decor which is an all day event (3 full trees, 3 baby trees, and all sorts of other crap). Not looking forward to it but at least it will keep me from eating :)
  • tsquaredmama
    tsquaredmama Posts: 168 Member
    I finally found the forum! I had to search with your username. Ugh, why is it so difficult for me?

    I hauled our tree out the day after new years, we only have the one real one and one baby one. However, it is now just laying on the side porch. So....let's call it mild progress!!

    Did you find the food journal entries you were looking for?

    Sounds like you are doing well. Props to you. Keep at it. Just stay healthy and be active, that's the path to maintain sanity, right?!

    The gym is crazy busy. I am going tonight without the kiddos, since Dan-o has a day off. He'll go earlier and then I'll go later. Give him some time with them and me some quiet time. Or at least me time. We'll see...he's coming off midnight shift so he's trying to acclimate his days off during daylight hours right now.

    And we are off for our regular interval dental appointment to check on Talan's retainer....every 3 weeks on the dot. LoL.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    haha sorry I just found it too!! For me I had to log in on the actual discussions page to get "my discussions" to pop up. Even though I was already logged in. So maybe that will help.

    I really haven't had time to look again for the entries but I will this week. I am a rockstar over the week but you know how it goes with falling apart on the weekends. I am just barely under 140 so I still have a good 10 pounds to go. And this week is the last week before I start my injections and have been told 100% by the doctor only walking for those 2 weeks. So my diet will gave to be in check big time with the meds so that I will not have major work to do after the retrieval. But I do have doctors orders to eat fast food/pizza on the way home from the retrieval. How funny is that? You need to drink Gatorade and eat large qualities of salt right after to draw excess fluid from the ovaries. I was like sweet count me in! haha!

    Stinks about the regular dental appointments. We took Josie for her 4 year appt and she failed the eye test so looks like we are off to that specialist. It never ends.