Women who put on muscle fast



  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    It doesn't matter if I put on muscle easily, or just have a lot of muscle to begin with. I weigh 15 pounds more than my sister does, in spite of having the same wrist, elbow, ankle, waist and height measurements, a smaller chest circumference and the same width across the shoulders. I have noticeably larger legs, arms, glutes and back muscles.
    Sweet! You'll be able to survive better if you're ever injured.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    It doesn't matter if I put on muscle easily, or just have a lot of muscle to begin with. I weigh 15 pounds more than my sister does, in spite of having the same wrist, elbow, ankle, waist and height measurements, a smaller chest circumference and the same width across the shoulders. I have noticeably larger legs, arms, glutes and back muscles.

    You started out at the same weight, started lifting, gained 15lbs of muscle mass......in a caloric deficit?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    It doesn't matter if I put on muscle easily, or just have a lot of muscle to begin with. I weigh 15 pounds more than my sister does, in spite of having the same wrist, elbow, ankle, waist and height measurements, a smaller chest circumference and the same width across the shoulders. I have noticeably larger legs, arms, glutes and back muscles.

    it happens.

    thank god we aren't all built the same.
    elbow? why are you measuring your elbow?

    wrist elbow ankle and height are all fixed points that unless you under go tremendous surgery you aren't going to change and are not great indicators of fat. They are some of the LAST places to get fat typically.

    Some people carry weight low- some mid- some high.

    It is what it is- and has little to do with the speed of which women put on muscle. Now- it will change how you appear to look- if she carries weight higher and you lower- you'll have more defined shoulders first- and she'll have more defined legs first. That- again- is what it is- but the fact you guys are the same "frame size" but carry weight differently doesn't have much to do with how quickly you put on muscle or lose fat.
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    This thread is why women's "fitness" magazines exist and are proftable. I would challenge any single person in here who claims they put on muscle easily to track for 6 months their measurements, weight, and bf% while lifting weights and eating at maintenance or deficit, and then come back here and show your muscle gains. I have seen many a person here claim to put on muscle easily, but not a single time has anyone ever provided any data whatsoever to support said claim. Perception over science.
  • F1TCH1K
    F1TCH1K Posts: 72 Member
    Define mannish...I am 5'2", 124lbs, deadlift 220lbs, squat 195lbs, bench 125lbs. I am well defined but not manly, at least I don't think so ;-)
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    It doesn't matter if I put on muscle easily, or just have a lot of muscle to begin with. I weigh 15 pounds more than my sister does, in spite of having the same wrist, elbow, ankle, waist and height measurements, a smaller chest circumference and the same width across the shoulders. I have noticeably larger legs, arms, glutes and back muscles.

    You started out at the same weight, started lifting, gained 15lbs of muscle mass......in a caloric deficit?

    Who said anything about a calorie deficit? I eat to maintain. I've been exercising most of my life. It's too late for controlled experiments.

    elbow? why are you measuring your elbow?

    wrist elbow ankle and height are all fixed points that unless you under go tremendous surgery you aren't going to change and are not great indicators of fat. They are some of the LAST places to get fat typically.

    Exactly. The elbow is an indicator of bone structure, not body fat. That's why we measure it. My point was that with similar bone structures, the same height and similar body fat percentages, I still weigh 15 pounds more than my sister.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Who said anything about a calorie deficit? I eat to maintain. I've been exercising most of my life. It's too late for controlled experiments.

    Exactly. The elbow is an indicator of bone structure, not body fat. That's why we measure it.
    I'ts never to late for experimenting!

    You don't need to measure those things to figure out your frame is roughly the same size- I have bird like wrists- they are probably the same size as my 5'5" roommates- big fat so what.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    It doesn't matter if I put on muscle easily, or just have a lot of muscle to begin with. I weigh 15 pounds more than my sister does, in spite of having the same wrist, elbow, ankle, waist and height measurements, a smaller chest circumference and the same width across the shoulders. I have noticeably larger legs, arms, glutes and back muscles.

    You started out at the same weight, started lifting, gained 15lbs of muscle mass......in a caloric deficit?

    You know this is a losing battle, right? lol

    For the record, I've been under this same delusion of easy muscle/body size growth and I don't think people get it until they see it happen with their own bodies. I fully expected for my arms and chest to grow when I started back to lifting 5 years ago. The reality is that everything shrank because I lost body fat and weight.

    Yea, once you're down to a very low body fat percentage, you will see size growth from there . . if you work your tail off and eat at a calorie surplus. But certainly not from where you start if you're currently overweight, and definitely not in a calorie deficit.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    It doesn't matter if I put on muscle easily, or just have a lot of muscle to begin with. I weigh 15 pounds more than my sister does, in spite of having the same wrist, elbow, ankle, waist and height measurements, a smaller chest circumference and the same width across the shoulders. I have noticeably larger legs, arms, glutes and back muscles.

    You started out at the same weight, started lifting, gained 15lbs of muscle mass......in a caloric deficit?

    Who said anything about a calorie deficit? I eat to maintain. I've been exercising most of my life. It's too late for controlled experiments.

    Your diary?
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    It doesn't matter if I put on muscle easily, or just have a lot of muscle to begin with. I weigh 15 pounds more than my sister does, in spite of having the same wrist, elbow, ankle, waist and height measurements, a smaller chest circumference and the same width across the shoulders. I have noticeably larger legs, arms, glutes and back muscles.

    You started out at the same weight, started lifting, gained 15lbs of muscle mass......in a caloric deficit?

    Who said anything about a calorie deficit? I eat to maintain. I've been exercising most of my life. It's too late for controlled experiments.

    Your diary?

    My diary does not show eating at a deficit. I eat a little under, and only a little under, what MFP estimates for my TDEE, because MFP overestimates my burns from exercise. My measurements show maintenance.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Ermagaawd look at dese guns


    Turn away. 2 and a half months and 65 weenie pounds has made me She-Hulk!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    It doesn't matter if I put on muscle easily, or just have a lot of muscle to begin with. I weigh 15 pounds more than my sister does, in spite of having the same wrist, elbow, ankle, waist and height measurements, a smaller chest circumference and the same width across the shoulders. I have noticeably larger legs, arms, glutes and back muscles.

    You started out at the same weight, started lifting, gained 15lbs of muscle mass......in a caloric deficit?

    Who said anything about a calorie deficit? I eat to maintain. I've been exercising most of my life. It's too late for controlled experiments.

    Your diary?

    My diary does not show eating at a deficit. I eat a little under, and only a little under, what MFP estimates for my TDEE, because MFP overestimates my burns from exercise. My measurements show maintenance.

    I guess our definition of "a little under" may be different....either way.

    So 15 lbs packed on at Maintenance?
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    It doesn't matter if I put on muscle easily, or just have a lot of muscle to begin with. I weigh 15 pounds more than my sister does, in spite of having the same wrist, elbow, ankle, waist and height measurements, a smaller chest circumference and the same width across the shoulders. I have noticeably larger legs, arms, glutes and back muscles.

    You started out at the same weight, started lifting, gained 15lbs of muscle mass......in a caloric deficit?

    You know this is a losing battle, right? lol

    Ya, but I have 5hrs of work left.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    I get defined pretty easily and compete in bodybuilding competitions, albeit in the bikini division, but still. In my case, obviously it is intentional and has just as much to do with what I eat as how much I workout.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I get terribly fed up with being told women don't bulk up, or women don't look like body builders without steroids. I put on muscle very easily, and although I don't end up looking like a body builder when I do heavy weights, I certainly get rather manish in the arms and legs. When I rowed a lot I had very big arm and thigh muscles, and was certainly not on steroids. I didn't even eat much protein by most people's standards (being vegetarian).

    So are there any other women on here like me, who actually do get big muscles doing weights, and don't really want them?

    My upper body gets bigger and I look more defined because I have no excess fat there. I don't get huge because I'm not that big, but my clothes are tighter in the shoulders and sleeves. I like to use weights on my upper body to give some balance to my shape. Some balance -- I'll always be pear shaped.

    My butt and hips are a different story. No matter what I do, my body wants to store fat there and it gets worse as I get older because of hormones -- I have rounded hips where once they were straight -- and I've never been overweight. I don't know my exact body fat percentage but it's almost certainly low-average. As I don't want my lower body getting even a little bit bigger I avoid using direct weights on those areas. In the past when I did squats with weights, I did notice an increase in size. Not only do I not like it aesthetically, it's even harder to find clothes with a significant differential.

    My lower legs have some some definition even if I do nothing. I do calf raises every now and then to firm my calves.
  • MissKitty9
    MissKitty9 Posts: 224 Member
    If you put on muscle quickly, you put on muscle quickly. That's how your body is. There's no point in longing for something different--- be happy that you have visual evidence of your strength, & then stop worrying about what you're "supposed" to look like
  • MissKitty9
    MissKitty9 Posts: 224 Member
    And at the risk of sound a bit more b*tchy, these pictures are a joke. You guys think you look "bulky"? I think there's a bit of a dysmorphia issue going on, because, what?
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    If you put on muscle quickly, you put on muscle quickly. That's how your body is. There's no point in longing for something different--- be happy that you have visual evidence of your strength, & then stop worrying about what you're "supposed" to look like

    You can't change your body type, but you can tailor your exercise so as not to emphasize aspects you don't like. If you don't want bigger legs, thighs and glutes and have no need for extreme strength in those areas it would be best to avoid using direct resistance weight work on those areas.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,502 Member
    I feel a little weird reading this thread. The pictures demonstrating "too much muscle" look a lot like my "before" pictures. :frown: Either I gained huge amounts of muscle just carrying groceries and working my desk job or I've always looked mannish (or perhaps perception is a bit off...?).
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I get defined pretty easily and compete in bodybuilding competitions, albeit in the bikini division, but still. In my case, obviously it is intentional and has just as much to do with what I eat as how much I workout.

    Yeah, but you understand the difference between being more defined and "packing on" muscle.