Starting JM Ripped in 30 on Monday...



  • alidov78
    alidov78 Posts: 77 Member
    So i tried week 3 today and HOLY HELL was i stuffed! I dont think i got thru ONE whole exercise lol...Guess i should stay on wk2 for those few extra days after all haha

    LOL! I'm pretty scared about week 4 tomorrow!!!!! I still have to hit pause for a sec or two......and i can't even stand up straight to get a drink of water because I'm breathing so! it's all good she's tough!
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    Phewwww, day 7 week 3 done. Tomorrow, week 4 begins..........yikes! I haven't looked at it yet, I'll wait and be "surprised" lol.

    Doverx: one more week till 6 week/6 pack! Anyone else on here interested also?

    Have a nice Sunday everyone!
  • alidov78
    alidov78 Posts: 77 Member
    Phewwww, day 7 week 3 done. Tomorrow, week 4 begins..........yikes! I haven't looked at it yet, I'll wait and be "surprised" lol.

    Doverx: one more week till 6 week/6 pack! Anyone else on here interested also?

    Have a nice Sunday everyone!

    Do you know how much I DONT want to workout today????? you're motivating me.....i'll let you know if i get to it ;)
  • alidov78
    alidov78 Posts: 77 Member
    She ripped me....D6/W3....onto week 4 tomorrow. YIPPEE!!!!!!
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    Day 1 week 4 done. I think I did okay, had to modify a couple things a little but I made it :)

    Have a great day everyone!
  • alidov78
    alidov78 Posts: 77 Member
    So i tried week 3 today and HOLY HELL was i stuffed! I dont think i got thru ONE whole exercise lol...Guess i should stay on wk2 for those few extra days after all haha

    Ditto for W4/D1! I mean today would have to be considered a run through and she made me say a ugly word or two to her!!!!! I'll bring it tomorrow.....god I dread!
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    So i tried week 3 today and HOLY HELL was i stuffed! I dont think i got thru ONE whole exercise lol...Guess i should stay on wk2 for those few extra days after all haha

    Ditto for W4/D1! I mean today would have to be considered a run through and she made me say a ugly word or two to her!!!!! I'll bring it tomorrow.....god I dread!

    Yes, I agree on the run through. I do better on the second day when I know more of what to expect. Then I can give it "my all".
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    I did a run through yesterday...ouch - sore 30 minutes after. She wasn't kidding when she said the "mother of all workouts"

    W4D1 DONE!
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    Okay, day 2 week 4 done. I feel like I was able to give it a bit more effort since I knew what the moves were. Good workout, heavy panting and "grunting", close to :sad:

    Hope you all are doing okay! Have a great day :)

    By the way, how are you all doing on the scales since starting this workout? I am on a plateau right now and was wondering if it was muscle gain, plus I've been doing my best to keep my protein intake up high enough to support my muscles. I haven't lost anything in a little over a week now despite all my hard work.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    W4D2 done!

    No weight loss in 2 months - despite my best

    I definitely feel more toned tho
  • alidov78
    alidov78 Posts: 77 Member
    "Mother of all workouts".....D2/W4.....:sad: SHE WASN'T KIDDING!!!!!

    I'm the same as you 2.....the scale isn't showing much at all...a pound....give or take...depending on the day and time of day :ohwell: ?????? Hitting a plateau STINKS!!!!! I just thought today about bumping my water intake from 8 to 12 a day.....I should be floating by the end of the day!!!!!

    Have a good day all! I'm hitting the shower to wash some stink off.....LMBO! :laugh:
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    "Mother of all workouts".....D2/W4.....:sad: SHE WASN'T KIDDING!!!!!

    I'm the same as you 2.....the scale isn't showing much at all...a pound....give or take...depending on the day and time of day :ohwell: ?????? Hitting a plateau STINKS!!!!! I just thought today about bumping my water intake from 8 to 12 a day.....I should be floating by the end of the day!!!!!

    Have a good day all! I'm hitting the shower to wash some stink off.....LMBO! :laugh:

    I hate plateaus, yes they really STINK :( I guess it's just my body's way of being stubborn I guess. I'll push through and the scale should start moving again. I was thinking about drinking a little more water too, I currently drink 8/day but maybe I should also move up to 10 or 12.
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    Day 3 week 4 complete :) It sure does go a lot smoother when I know all the moves (not that they're any easier though!).

    This weekend will mark a solid 2 months I've been doing Jillian workouts! The 30DS then this one :)
    Alidov: On to 6 week/6 pack next week....looking forward to it :)

    Happy Hump Day everyone!
  • alidov78
    alidov78 Posts: 77 Member
    I really like @Kaylah's comment "Holy Hell".......>>>>>Week 4 = HOLY HELL!!!!!<<<<<< I'm like you day 3 I'm more familiar with the moves but, Holy Mother, they're still hard as all get out!!!! I hate several of the moves......burpies come to mind right off the bat and I hated double jump ropes in 30DS......she most definitely brings the pain!

    Looking forward to 6W6P....I may not be able to start til Tues but count me in!!!!! Enjoy your day!!!!!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    W4D3 done!

    Some of the moves I will never be able to master. I just shrug through the best I can.
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    Day 4 week 4 complete :tongue:

    There are a couple moves I really dislike but I think the ones where you jump and "click" your feet together (don't know the name of that move) is very hard!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Day 4 week 4 complete :tongue:

    There are a couple moves I really dislike but I think the ones where you jump and "click" your feet together (don't know the name of that move) is very hard!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Girl I cant even do those! haha

    W4D4 done!
  • alidov78
    alidov78 Posts: 77 Member
    Day 4 week 4 complete :tongue:

    There are a couple moves I really dislike but I think the ones where you jump and "click" your feet together (don't know the name of that move) is very hard!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Girl I cant even do those! haha

    W4D4 done!

    W4/ comment!!!!! (lol)

    those jumps are hard and require much effort!!! i have to say i hate that she starts circuit 1 off with squats and shoulder poor shoulders!!! I do think I'm seeing more definition in my arms though! They don't look like any of theirs though, but I'm seeing it!
  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    Day 4 week 4 complete :tongue:

    There are a couple moves I really dislike but I think the ones where you jump and "click" your feet together (don't know the name of that move) is very hard!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Girl I cant even do those! haha

    W4D4 done!

    W4/ comment!!!!! (lol)

    those jumps are hard and require much effort!!! i have to say i hate that she starts circuit 1 off with squats and shoulder poor shoulders!!! I do think I'm seeing more definition in my arms though! They don't look like any of theirs though, but I'm seeing it!

    Well, I do have to say that I don't look anything like they do when doing those "heel clickers" I am definitely loving the new definition I'm seeing :) Very rewarding! On the other hand, still on a weight plateau....not going to let it get me down though.
  • alidov78
    alidov78 Posts: 77 Member

    something else i use for motivation....eveytime i work out i mark the day out with a red marker.....looks pretty good this month (thanks to jillian and my MFP motivators ;)