Funny thoughts that cross your mind during exercise...



  • InfamousQ
    InfamousQ Posts: 266 Member
    "Ok. We're just one mile from home. Keep running and we can be home in 9 minutes. You can do this for nine more minutes, can't you? Just imagine you're dancing. You can dance for more than 9 minutes..."

    "Half mile left. Less than five minutes. You can do this for five more minutes, can't you?"

    "A quarter mile left. We'll be home before this song is over. Keep going."

    When I run outside I do the same thing!!!
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Someone who looks like they would be in better shape starts running on the treadmill next to me. "Challenge accepted!"
  • jennyb31
    jennyb31 Posts: 166 Member
    Durring lifting
    1. Push thru your heels, squeeze your butt, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze
    2.Don't breath to loudly, it might sound sexual
    3.why do I sweat so much?
    4.Did I put deodorant on?
    5.Helloooooo Hottie!!
    6.You can really see my nips thru this shirt
    7.I wish I looked as ripped as I do lifting all the time
    8.DUDE, I can see you looking at me in the mirror,perv!

    Durring Zumba
    1.She looks like she is having a seizure!
    2.OOH,I Luv this song!
    3.SHOW OFF!
    4. I really luv this class

    Durring running/circuit
    1.your just running
    2.your almost there, and doing great!
    3.These are getting easier, that means Im getting stronger, AWESOME!
    4.Im half way!!!
    5.I Luv the burn
    6.I hope Im sore tomorrow!!
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Why the F do I always manage to look down at the timer with frickin 30 seconds left on the interval.. LONGEST 30 SECONDS OF MY LIFE! EVER! 25, 20, 15, DO IT Darnit!

    I hope I don't pass out, my key isn't on my pants, and if I trip and go unconscious on the treadmill, it's gonna make an awful mess of my face....

    Why is the surround sound speaker I'm staring at making funny faces at me?

    I swear a lot in my head when I'm exercising...

    I need new deodorant..

    Do your keagels..
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    is she wearin a thong or nothing at all........LMAO
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    OMG you guys are killing me, this is so hilarious! Especially all the fart thoughts... farting makes me giggle...
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    Best thread ever!! hahaha
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    * Don't look at my watch, don't look at my watch, don't look at my watch, don't look at my watch
    * I know this treadmill is going to just quit one day. And I know that I will be running on it when it does.
    * don't look at my watch, don't look at my watch, don't look at my watch, don't look at my watch, dammit - it's only been 30 seconds!?
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    -- I hate this song, but I'll fall off the machine if I try to change it.
    -- This better pay off.
    -- Hmm, what should I eat when I get home?
    -- I had 13 minutes left like ten minutes ago!
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member

    I'm thinking....

    1. Out of all these damned empty treadmills, you want to use the one that's right next to me?
    2. Shut up and get off the phone!
    3. WHY did I let myself get in this bad shape?
    4. Once I lose this weight, I'll never get this big again.
    5. This music is lame, I wish something with a beat would come on now.

    And my favorite....

    I sure hope my top isn't riding up in the back. As I pull it down, I think "I must have the BIGGEST BUTT in this place!"
  • jennyb31
    jennyb31 Posts: 166 Member
    when running a race: "I'm F&*king tougher than you"--that's my internal motto when I get tired and I'm trying to motivate myself to pass people.

    another fave : "20+ hours of natural labor. twice. If I can do that, I can do this"

    also I do a lot of math. whether it's counting steps or trying to figure out mile pace based on laps on the different tracks I run, or figuring out how many minutes/seconds I have left to finish the course to get a certain time etc.
    Oh My Gosh! I count everything too!!! My breath, my steps, ect......
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    "why does that person keep looking over at my tredmill"
    "damn the guys lifting are hot"
    "People probably think i'm crazy in here everyday"
    "I hope this fart is not loud"
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    - Oh look! A bird!

  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    - Oh look! A bird!

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I sweat something fierce. It's absolutely disgusting. There's one particular treadmill at my Planet Fitness that has great air circulation, and is right in front of the tv channel I watch the most, so that's my favorite. So a frequent thought is, "Dammit! They're just walking! Why take the best treadmill if all you're going to do is walk?! They're not even sweating... well, of course they're not. They have the best air!"
  • Hottness4Lyfe
    Hottness4Lyfe Posts: 321 Member
    While doing Insanity....

    -Beyotch you "Dig Deeper" if I go any deeper I'd be in China
    -What da fock you mean that's the damn "warm up"?
    -After 60 days will I have an *kitten* like Beyonce'
    -I often sing "Brick House" in my head
    -This sucks but I'm fat and must suffer through this
    -I sing "Jesus Love Me" to forget how much he hates me
  • PecanTanDiva
    PecanTanDiva Posts: 162
    1 -*kitten* 45 minutes isn't over yet????
    2 -I hope I don't have camel toe
    3 -Damnnnn my fart stinks
    4 -Wait, I have my Ipod blasting, did they hear me fart
    5 -I came hear to exercise, is she really trying to hold a conversation with me
    6 -No sir, I do NOT need you to train me so dont ask (asking every WOMAN in the gym)
    7 -I just went to the bathroom, WTF I have to again
    8 -Who the *kitten* farted, ewwwww (it wasnt me this time)
  • Gemini_1980
    Gemini_1980 Posts: 349 Member
    :bigsmile: OMG this thread is hilarious. Glad to know I am not alone

    1-This warm up really does not warm me up to this workout
    2-Glad I live in a one story house because I would not be able to do all this jumping if someone lived under me
    3-Why does Jillian keep saying "this is only 20 minutes" because according to my HRM it is exactly 34 minutes
    4-I can't breath
    5-Gosh I can't catch my breath
    6-I can't wait to log this on MFP
    7-Da** has it only been 15 minutes OMG
    8-Did Jillian forget I was doing the cardio still because she is just a talking while I am about to pass out and she has not started counting down yet. That can't be fair
    9- I am so glad I workout out at home because I could never do this in public
    10-Why did I let myself get this out of shape?
    11-In highschool I use to be able to do this with no problems.
    12-I can't wait until my stomach looks like her's while doing this workout
    13-Will I loose a lb after this workout in the morning?
    14-This workout should easier by now geeesssshhhh
    15-One more jump and I am going to pee on myself and I swear I just went to the bathroom.
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    1. Crap- I forgot to shave my pits.
    2. I wish people would wipe off their sweaty *kitten* crack imprints before they leave these machines- disgusting.
    3. Lazy dummies should unload their weights every time instead of leaving them on the machine for me to do when it is my turn.
    4. My yoga pants make me look like Urkel.
    5. If people could only hear what's playing on my iPod, they would laugh at me (cranking up the Hall & Oates). I hope my ear bud doesn't pop out.
    6. There is a little brown dingo playing peek-a-boo with my *kitten*... I hope I can finish out this set.
  • PattyTheUndefeated
    PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
    during HIIT
    - ok it's been 30 seconds. just 39 more of those
    - ok it's been 1 minute. just 19 more of those
    - ok it's been 5 minutes. just 3 more of those
    - ok halfway there. oh wait, ****! in one more minute i'll be halfway there. ok 1 more minute till halfway there.

    during weights
    - i can't wait to eat that sweet potato and chicken after this
    - and a nice big salad too
    - wouldn't it be nice to have a big fat cheese burger?
    - with bacon?
    - cheeseburger
    - cheeseburger
    - cheeseburger


    Best one, by far. :D