Funny thoughts that cross your mind during exercise...



  • av8rblond
    av8rblond Posts: 140
    Love love love this thread...

    Mine are all the same as the ones before me but also I think horrible thoughts about the perky perfectly coiffed little cupcake beside me on the treadmill..Oh my God did I just hear her say she just looooooovvveesss running on the treadmill...yeah so do I (can't you tell)..but unlike you you little marshmellow I am sweating like a piglet and am really hoping you have your music up loud enough that you can't hear my wheezing, panting and occassional colorful language.
  • aaronjames11
    LOL Makes Exercise all the more worth while :)
  • Andythefitfamilyman
    I have three simple thoughts
    1. Im doing this for my wife/kids
    2.I hate my ex wife
    3.dear god I need a shower
  • LauraJo08
    LauraJo08 Posts: 219 Member
    While running around the track at the gym:

    1. Uggh slow walking friends chatting, I'm doing a time trial, so don't block the whole track.
    2.(While running past the weights area)....speed up and impress the hotties lifting Laura!
    3. UGHHH, why is this track 9 laps per mile?

    On the treadmill:

    1. why is it so much harder to run an 8 minute mile on the treadmill compared to a track?
    2. (hot guy)....please run on the treadmill next to me...a challenge and my extra effort to impress will burn more calories!
    3. Can everyone hear my embarrassingly loud gangster rap (the only thing I run to)?
    4. 11/12 left....8/9 left...2/3 left....1/2 left..... I like to think in fractions!


    1. I hate squats with shoulder lifts.
    2. Anita has better abs than you Jillian, you better watch out!
    3. Do not tell me one more time that "if I want a 20 minutes workout, I have to earn it." (besides its 26:42 actually).
    4. Stop winking at me.
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    I sweat something fierce. It's absolutely disgusting. There's one particular treadmill at my Planet Fitness that has great air circulation, and is right in front of the tv channel I watch the most, so that's my favorite. So a frequent thought is, "Dammit! They're just walking! Why take the best treadmill if all you're going to do is walk?! They're not even sweating... well, of course they're not. They have the best air!"

    OMG - this all the way!

    There's one treadmill that is ideally situated between two air con stations (and the air con in my gym isn't all that hot!) and I love running on it. It feels extra bouncy underfoot and like I'm running on grass. I hate running on the other treadmills and really, really resent it when someone's walking on MY treadmill chatting to their mate on the next treadmill.

    I seriously want to just walk up and ask them to move. I know, I know, it's insane but you do get into your routines! :grumble:
  • xXxKayleighxXx
    When the class instructor is telling you to join in when they are counting down and asking you to shout something i think
    "How the hell do you expect me to shout when i can barely breathe!?!"

    "I am shattered and sweating like a b@itch and you look fine...."

    "Legs done, abs done, just gotta get through the arms and i can stretch...God i love the stretch"

    "Owwwww....*kitten*.....pain....don't drop out you'll only draw attention to yourself"

    "Why did that sweaty guy in the lycra shorts have to do squats in front of me? I really don't want to be looking at your butt crack sweat line. Now i've gotta try and move without looking too obvious"

    "If you just finish this, you can hit the jacuzzi"

    "Hahahahahaha" at that girl that was just posing in the gym in tiny clothes and full make-up now has panda eyes in the jacuzzi/pool
  • korgscrew
    korgscrew Posts: 99 Member
    Done the gym one, now the 30ds

    1. Oh no! Not squat shoulder press!!!!!!
    2. I'm pushing it out!!!
    3. Stop saying ladies!! I'm a guy!!!
    4. Why do I always start to phone it in When she says "don't phone this in"!!
    5. Jill, please do jump rope more while the camera is on you, it helps me get through :-)
    6. I can't balance while I do these stupid lunge and bicep curls!!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member

    during weights
    - i can't wait to eat that sweet potato and chicken after this
    - and a nice big salad too
    - wouldn't it be nice to have a big fat cheese burger?
    - with bacon?
    - cheeseburger
    - cheeseburger
    - cheeseburger

    HAHA! I was thinking something similar today except it is Pasta night at small group tonight.and I was like gotta keep going Diane.. Gotta earn that pasta.. and salad.. and bread.. and dessert.. and Oh Cute Boy.. Nope Pasta.. Gotta focus on the pasta..