Reached my goal weight (with pics :))



  • kazza97
    kazza97 Posts: 13
    To be fair, I'm doing more harm to my body than she is too hers, being so overweight. As are a lot of people on this site.
    There's not just too thin or too fat, there is a happy medium and I think we're all trying to get there being on this site. I support her x
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i calculate her BMI to be 18.7 at 5ft 8 and 123lb

    its still in a healthy weight range, only just, but its still healthy. A lot of people prefer to stay at the lower end of healthy.

    I wouldnt recommend she loses any more weight, and she already said in her first post that she intends to try and gain some muscle now and fully expects to gain a few lbs when she does
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    After some recent medical research I did, I found that women I previously considered unhealthily skinny were in fact at a healthy bodyfat percentage.

    Everyone thinks I'm "thin", but my BMI was borderline overweight by medical standards! In a society of fatties (sorry America) I think our idea of a healthy weight has skewed upwards a bit. Don't take offense to the concerned comments. I think they're just not used to seeing healthy people.
  • I totally agree with you!!!!!!! =) Some people just need to relax! Geez...
  • Melisha82
    Melisha82 Posts: 243
    Congratulations on reaching your goal!! As long as you are healthy & happy with your body that is all that matters!
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    OOPS! Put my 2 cents in before all the "controversy" started.... COME ON, people! Let's stop being judgmental???? I CAME to MFP as a WW Refugee - not only because I wasn't losing the 5 pounds I wanted to take off, but because there were people on the WW Boards who were quite plainly OBNOXIOUS to me! Can't we support each other???? It appears to me that some of the "concern" is really a cover up for envy....
  • I totally agree with you!!!!!!! =) Some people just need to relax! Geez...

    I don't think anyone is putting you down. All we are trying to say is that you are not healthy! I asked a friend of mine that is a doctor to look at your photos and read your blog and he said that you really do need to get some help before it is too late. You are bordering on anorexia, his words; not mine. You were perfectly healthy and beautiful before you started this journey that has you headed down the wrong path. I commend you on wanting to be healthy but as of right now, you are not healthy and you are hurting your organs. Please, take the docs advice and get some help!

    Good thing doctors don't diagnose from looking at pictures. Who are you to say she's not healthy- and that is what YOU said. Yes, she is thin, but she is probably healthier than someone who has over 100 pounds to lose. How would you feel if I said to you " lady you are too fat and not healthy, I mean look at you!! I showed your overweight body to a doctor and he said your TOO FAT" yeah not something someone should say right?? Right.

    Now on to OP, congrats on getting to a place you are comfortable, and good luck putting some awesome muscle on :)
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    well done reaching your goal!!!

    i agree, you did look so good before...but tbh you've hit a size that i would give anything to be, so may i ask what you've done(calorie intake, exercise, eating cals back or not etc) to get to your current size??

    Thanks x
  • Love2Vape
    Love2Vape Posts: 18
    @ Suzycreamcheese: Everything you wrote makes sense. I'm glad you're here.

    @ Kazza97: I hope you let me friend you, seriously--I agree with you on this!

    @ Skinnyhopes: You're the kind of fight we need on here. I'm SOO glad you, Suzycreamcheese, and Larius all came along... I felt like I was the only one defending this nice girl.

    @ Larius: Amen brother! Right on!

    @ Jeneba: Welcome to MFP! I used to frequent the WW community also, and let me tell you... this place isn't much better. Take a moment to read all of the incredibly crude and UNCOUTH commentary made by the ignorant majority. It wasn't until now a few educated people like skinnyhopes, suzy, et al., began to present semi-empirical data DEBUNKING the vulgar majority of posts.
  • Love2Vape
    Love2Vape Posts: 18
    OOPS! Put my 2 cents in before all the "controversy" started.... COME ON, people! Let's stop being judgmental???? I CAME to MFP as a WW Refugee - not only because I wasn't losing the 5 pounds I wanted to take off, but because there were people on the WW Boards who were quite plainly OBNOXIOUS to me! Can't we support each other???? It appears to me that some of the "concern" is really a cover up for envy....

    I was waiting for you to say "OOPS"... hehehe. :laugh:
  • Love2Vape
    Love2Vape Posts: 18
    Jeneba = A Very Cool Person.
  • Love2Vape
    Love2Vape Posts: 18
    I don't think anyone is putting you down. All we are trying to say is that you are not healthy! I asked a friend of mine that is a doctor to look at your photos and read your blog and he said that you really do need to get some help before it is too late. You are bordering on anorexia, his words; not mine. You were perfectly healthy and beautiful before you started this journey that has you headed down the wrong path. I commend you on wanting to be healthy but as of right now, you are not healthy and you are hurting your organs. Please, take the docs advice and get some help!

    erika8908's QUOTE:

    Good thing doctors don't diagnose from looking at pictures. Who are you to say she's not healthy- and that is what YOU said. Yes, she is thin, but she is probably healthier than someone who has over 100 pounds to lose. How would you feel if I said to you " lady you are too fat and not healthy, I mean look at you!! I showed your overweight body to a doctor and he said your TOO FAT" yeah not something someone should say right?? Right.

    Now on to OP, congrats on getting to a place you are comfortable, and good luck putting some awesome muscle on :)

    @ erika8908:

    ROTFLMAO! Geez I almost went number 2 reading this response! DAMN STRAIGHT!! Erika, I should have saw that you posted just before I did. I MUST friend you immediately. You're my kind of blogger for sure. :tongue:
  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,438 Member
    don't let the haters get you down. While, I would kill to have your before picture, it wasn't where you wanted to be and your after is still in the healthy range. So many people are soo obese (myself included) that we as a society have lost track of what healthy is and looks like. People wouldn't even had noticed if you did the cardio and the strength training at the same time. You worked with a doctor to lose the fat and now you are willing to gain the muscle....good luck to you.
  • Well done on reaching your goal.

    You seem to have taken a healthy and sensible approach to your fat loss and have some solid future goals.

    I am wondering if you are being given such a hard time because the sight of an ectomorph body frame is far less common on here than an endo or meso. I pretty much guarantee that if you had put up two clothed "before and after" pics the response would have been different and far more positive. I guess your photos don't phase me as much as I have dated a model in my (rather dubious) past and you don't look that much different to her frame or that of her friends.

    This isn't a forum for 'models' it's a weight loss forum for achieving healthy bodies - for eating correctly and having a healthy frame and a healthy attitude to your weight - her 'before' clothed picture is of a slim woman/girl - not a before picture of someone that has a weight problem - and I don't believe she has a healthy attitude to her weight from the posts I've read and from her blog - to be that thin and not see it is a worry - she is 19, she should be enjoying life keeping fit and healthy of course - but the fact that she is adding herself to a forum which is supposed to be for overweight people to help them become a healthy weight - seems a nonsense to me.

    ^^^ I agree with some of what you're saying. In the after picture she does look boney. However, if she says she's talked to a doctor and is working on gaining muscle back now then why not take he word for it? And the MFP forum isn't only for overweight people who are trying to lose weight. There are many healthy people who want to tone up. There are weight maintaining options, even weight gaining options. Maybe this specific thread is about losing weight, but not the entire forum. And it is clear she did lose weight. I'm not saying you're wrong about her looking boney, though. I just think she knows that and she keeps saying she did it to gain muscle back. Hopefully she does that.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Well done!

    I am currently trying to do the same thing as you, i.e. losing fat first then building muscles (I am a male though, so might be easier overall for me ;-) which makes your achievement even more impressive).

    For those who don't know this yet, it is actually extremely difficult (although it is possible) to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time, for these are two "conflicting goals", so she seems to have the right strategy here.

    Sorry, I have got no advice on "maintaining weight" (although is there not an option on the site for that?).
  • Kallisti
    Kallisti Posts: 61
    I appreciate the hard work you put into getting the body that you want, and that you haven't gone underweight. I think you look great! Work on those abs and arms... with so little surface fat, you're gonna look like a rockstar.
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    Way to go! Most of the individuals who replied to your post are rude, overly dramatic, and extremely pseudo considerate. I think you have a great attitude about your fitness goals. Loosing the amount of weight you did, whilst being within an already healthy range, is far more difficult than people who are egregiously obese. For that, especial kudos are in order--reaching this intermediate goal of 16lbs was likely far more difficult than it would be for the cows who ridicule you for being too skinny. Keep up the good work, your six pack is surely in sight.

    This comment about "the cows" and then all the people who got all defensive because they assumed it was directed at them totally made my day. Hilarious! :laugh:

    Seriously though, this girl was trying to not just lose weight, but improve her overall fitness. She may have already been in the healthy weight range to begin with but that doesn't mean she wasn't out of shape. She already has goals set to build more lean muscle to improve her overall fitness. Losing the weight she did was just the first step in her health and fitness goals. Pictures can be deceiving and don't necessarily tell the whole story. And to tell a relatively thin person they are too skinny is no different than telling someone who is overweight that they are too fat. I'm sure many of us overweight people would be ready to pummel someone who said we were too fat. It's just plain rude. It may be opinion, but it's still uncalled for. Not just something you post blatantly on someone else's success story...
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    I hope we haven't upset you sweet, we just don't like to see someone doing themselves damage. Muscle actually weighs the same as fat it's just more compact :)

    What an absurd comment. Yes, if you're using WEIGHT as the static they weigh the same. Based on your logic everything in the world weights the same as everything else. Iron and feather? Check, they weigh the same. Obviously when someone says that one thing weighs more than another they are not using weight as the static in the comparison.

    "An airplane is faster than a bicycle."
    "Actually no, when they are both traveling at the same speed they have exactly the same speed."

    Seriously, that's just a silly thing to say.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    I hope we haven't upset you sweet, we just don't like to see someone doing themselves damage. Muscle actually weighs the same as fat it's just more compact :)

    What an absurd comment. Yes, if you're using WEIGHT as the static they weigh the same. Based on your logic everything in the world weights the same as everything else. Iron and feather? Check, they weigh the same. Obviously when someone says that one thing weighs more than another they are not using weight as the static in the comparison.

    "An airplane is faster than a bicycle."
    "Actually no, when they are both traveling at the same speed they have exactly the same speed."

    Seriously, that's just a silly thing to say.

    Someone should probably start a thread about this subject.... I'll get my stick....
  • simplyshannal
    simplyshannal Posts: 188 Member
This discussion has been closed.
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