What Really Annoys you???



  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    My pet peeves: People that invade my personal space. Traces of peanut butter inside of the jam jar or vice versa. Same with toast crumbs inside peanut butter, jam, mayonnaise, etc... When someone asks you a question, you answer it, & they proceed to tell you that you're wrong.
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    I hate drivers who step on the break excessively like every 5 seconds. I also hate drivers who don't use turn signals. So annoying!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    When I sit down with my PB&J sammich and two glasses of milk.. and I see these beedy little puppy dog eyes staring up at me all like,"If you really loved me, you would give me that sammich.."

    And E.Coli. That really ticks me off too.

    And diareah. Man, do I ever hate diareah. Especially when I'm on the interstate, and the only crapper in range is at a horror movie truck stop.

    Banana popsicles. Nobody eats those. Why do they even bother making them any more?

    Road salt.

    Dog breath.

    Holding a dog down while brushing her teeth.


    Explaining to the ER staff why I need stitches.

    Oh... and you know what makes me absolutely insane with anger?? That icky stuff that comes out of the mustard bottle if it isn't shaken well enough. That makes me so angry I could just kick kittens!

    F.B.I. back ground checks. I think I should get my ten dollars back when you don't find anything.

    Waxy receipts that are impossible to sign.. what's up with that!?!?

    Sand in potato salad.

    Ross Perot.

    Anything that isn't wireless. We have the technology, so what's the point?

    Left hand threads.

    2.5 power barlow lenses. The dang things are impossible.
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    People who tell me I can't nurse in church because it's "inappropriate," but have no issue with the statuary of Mary nursing the baby Jesus.

    Grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. I can't deal with the "shouting" and usually just skip over those posts.

    Kids who throw *kitten* at my house (figurative, we haven't had to deal with literal yet).

    People who act like I'm stunting my own kid by not sending him off with the other kids (you know, the ones throwing *kitten* at my house?) for "socialization." I'll pass on that, thanks.

    I'm sure if I kept at it, I could come up with a list as long as my leg, but I'll leave it there. XD
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    When someone puts down extreme *kitten* as their exercise log. Talk about too much information! :indifferent:

    In all truthfulness, what does one do to make masturbating extreme? Drink a lot of Mountain Dew first? Turn themselves upside down and recite the alphabet backwords while self lovin'? I just can't imagine someone being THAT into *kitten*, at least enough to making it an event worth logging.

    Please, someone who logs it, elaborate here.

    I have to admit that if I logged it, it would be moderate *kitten*, at best.
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    The biggest is probably people being rude to each other, no matter what it is about. There is a way to say "I disagree" without being a jerk.

    And it bugs me when people point out other's spelling errors to make them look dumb. It hasn't happened to me, don't know if it is an issue on this site. But I have seen it on other sites. I know the difference between too, to and two. etc... But when I am typing faster than my brain can compute because I am in a hurry and I want to offer help, but I need to get off the computer, I am going to have type-os. I am not going to proof my post in Word just to make sure everything is spelled right every time I type something. If I am sending an email, that would be different.

    I agree with this. I proofread for a living, so yes, I notice these things. I also still have typos and grammatical errors in my posts. Why? Because on messages boards or casual emails I tend to type the way that I speak, or sometimes i'm just typing quickly and keyed wrong. I don't really think on a forum like this there is any reason to point it out to people. Did you know what they were trying to say? Yes? Then why do you need to draw attention to it infront of a community of people? It might bother me but I don't need to make anyone feel stupid. English may not be their strongsuit but i'm sure they're very good at something that I am not!
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    The biggest is probably people being rude to each other, no matter what it is about. There is a way to say "I disagree" without being a jerk.

    And it bugs me when people point out other's spelling errors to make them look dumb. It hasn't happened to me, don't know if it is an issue on this site. But I have seen it on other sites. I know the difference between too, to and two. etc... But when I am typing faster than my brain can compute because I am in a hurry and I want to offer help, but I need to get off the computer, I am going to have type-os. I am not going to proof my post in Word just to make sure everything is spelled right every time I type something. If I am sending an email, that would be different.

    I agree with this. I proofread for a living, so yes, I notice these things. I also still have typos and grammatical errors in my posts. Why? Because on messages boards or casual emails I tend to type the way that I speak, or sometimes i'm just typing quickly and keyed wrong. I don't really think on a forum like this there is any reason to point it out to people. Did you know what they were trying to say? Yes? Then why do you need to draw attention to it infront of a community of people? It might bother me but I don't need to make anyone feel stupid. English may not be their strongsuit but i'm sure they're very good at something that I am not!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    crock pot cheeseburgers!!! :sick:

    DITTO!!!!! LMAO!!!!!

    ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    People who think that knowing the answers in Trivial Pursuit means they're smart.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    The biggest is probably people being rude to each other, no matter what it is about. There is a way to say "I disagree" without being a jerk.

    And it bugs me when people point out other's spelling errors to make them look dumb. It hasn't happened to me, don't know if it is an issue on this site. But I have seen it on other sites. I know the difference between too, to and two. etc... But when I am typing faster than my brain can compute because I am in a hurry and I want to offer help, but I need to get off the computer, I am going to have type-os. I am not going to proof my post in Word just to make sure everything is spelled right every time I type something. If I am sending an email, that would be different.

    I agree with this. I proofread for a living, so yes, I notice these things. I also still have typos and grammatical errors in my posts. Why? Because on messages boards or casual emails I tend to type the way that I speak, or sometimes i'm just typing quickly and keyed wrong. I don't really think on a forum like this there is any reason to point it out to people. Did you know what they were trying to say? Yes? Then why do you need to draw attention to it infront of a community of people? It might bother me but I don't need to make anyone feel stupid. English may not be their strongsuit but i'm sure they're very good at something that I am not!

    Agree. It really annoys me when people try to make themselves feel better by picking on others. Is it really hurting you if someone spells something rong.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    All the spelling, grammar and punctuation issues that come from people who are telling other people they are wrong...

    "Let's eat Grandma!" OR "Let's eat, Grandma!" Punctuation saves lives.....let's take it seriously, people.

  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    When no one responds to someone who is asking a serious question, But put the word Peanut Butter in a post and you will get 100 replys.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    The spelling/grammar thread always comes up...probably twice a week without fail and to be honest, it annoys me. I wouldn't overlook a post where someone wrongly spells or isn't completely grammatically correct! We're all equals in this world and whether someone can spell or not, says nothing about that person! we're all from different backgrounds and have different history and I feel it's wrong to judge someone on these things. Text speak is another matter and just lazy...but then I'm not a youngster anymore, even though I'm only 26...so even this is excused!

    People who annoy me are individuals who feel they are better than others...for whatever reason!

    Being a psychologist does that to you :laugh:
  • lms32164
    lms32164 Posts: 212 Member
    People texting while driving and putting all our lives at risk. Break, text, gas, text, cross the center line, text, over to the ditch text, ALMOST KILLED ME, text!!!
  • TTops76
    TTops76 Posts: 116
    When someone puts down extreme *kitten* as their exercise log. Talk about too much information! :indifferent:
    Whoa this is an option??? Boy have I been missing out on some serious calorie burns :) Just kidding
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    The biggest is probably people being rude to each other, no matter what it is about. There is a way to say "I disagree" without being a jerk.

    And it bugs me when people point out other's spelling errors to make them look dumb. It hasn't happened to me, don't know if it is an issue on this site. But I have seen it on other sites. I know the difference between too, to and two. etc... But when I am typing faster than my brain can compute because I am in a hurry and I want to offer help, but I need to get off the computer, I am going to have type-os. I am not going to proof my post in Word just to make sure everything is spelled right every time I type something. If I am sending an email, that would be different.

    I agree with this. I proofread for a living, so yes, I notice these things. I also still have typos and grammatical errors in my posts. Why? Because on messages boards or casual emails I tend to type the way that I speak, or sometimes i'm just typing quickly and keyed wrong. I don't really think on a forum like this there is any reason to point it out to people. Did you know what they were trying to say? Yes? Then why do you need to draw attention to it infront of a community of people? It might bother me but I don't need to make anyone feel stupid. English may not be their strongsuit but i'm sure they're very good at something that I am not!

    Agree. It really annoys me when people try to make themselves feel better by picking on others. Is it really hurting you if someone spells something rong.


    ;) Couldn't resist...
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    Leaving time on the microwave...Can you please press CLEAR when you are finished?
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    oopsie...double post :)
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Leaving time on the microwave...Can you please press CLEAR when you are finished?

    hah, that always annoys me too!