Twenty Pound Somethings Week 11



  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I save the picture from the internet or wherever onto my computer desktop. Then go into (you can create a free account). Then import the picture into photobucket and copy the IMG will have at the front and end.  Copy and paste into MFP have to change IMG into lower case img or it won't work.  Everything else stays the same.  Hopefully this helps!
  • cassangelidy
    ahh ok. I'll create an account some time soon. heheh. :)
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Yeah! Congrats everyone!!!

    I'm so exhausted, no time to reply to everyone right now but I wanted to check in and see how everyone did!! CONGRATS on 10lbs Kristin! And enjoy your birthday week :wink:
    This week brings a fair number of challenges for me... I have the trade show all weekend so I'll only get tomorrow's work out and I'll miss Friday AND Sunday. Also I'll be trying to pack good snacks but my eating may be off over the weekend. I really want to keep this going so I can banish that plateau and make sure I don't see it again for a while!

    Okay, time for a NAP. :yawn:
  • pdxmomof2
    Happy Birthday Kristin! Enjoy your day!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks for the birthday wishes!:flowerforyou: Rhiannon...take a deserve it! And I'm sure you will do fine, even with the challenging weekend always do! I'm pretty busy...working on paperwork now for this new job, plus trying to catch up on some things for the current one! I feel so rushed! But...still excited! They also just ordered me a brand new computer and a lab coat with my name on it (one of the perks of being full-time)..I'm so excited I could squeal!!!:blushing: Just did a little!:blushing: I'm such a dork!
  • cassangelidy
    Thanks for the birthday wishes!:flowerforyou: Rhiannon...take a deserve it! And I'm sure you will do fine, even with the challenging weekend always do! I'm pretty busy...working on paperwork now for this new job, plus trying to catch up on some things for the current one! I feel so rushed! But...still excited! They also just ordered me a brand new computer and a lab coat with my name on it (one of the perks of being full-time)..I'm so excited I could squeal!!!:blushing: Just did a little!:blushing: I'm such a dork!

    hehehe yeah Kristin!! Great birthday present!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    haven't read last few posts yet just wanted to post this so i keep myself accountable.
    allowed 1770 1200 + 570 excerise = 1770
    ate 1715
    ate closer to allowed. plus we had taco bell for dinner. not planned. we were out house hunting.
    check back later.
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Happy Birthday Kristin!! Hope you have a great week!! Awesome job on the 2lb loss girl ;)

    Deb- great job on your loss as well, thats great!! You are doing so well!

    Hello everyone else if I missed ya- I really do think the no scale til weigh in day improved the morale of most everyone in our challenge lol. Yes, it was better for me to wait I didnt have the constant oh my did that just make me gain 2lb?? lol But it was kinda frustrating as well! Ive already weighed again this evening to see if some of the fluids have started to come off and they are...down to 207.0 tonight. I am going to weigh myself one more time tomorrow morning and whatever that weight is I will adjust it on my ticker and keep it there til next Tuesday..and I will TRY not to weigh again til then!:wink:

    So yesterday was just a rough day for me, PT early in the morning and just a bad day after that pain wise...Today was alot better though I did have to skip my class today bc I didnt have enough gas to get to school and back- and all the gas stations around here are EMPTY! Im currently driving a rental car that drinks gas like I drink water so Ive been trying to put in the least I can only when I have to- supposed to get my car back tomorrow! Yay!:smile:

    Food wise: bfast- protein shake snack- strawberries lunch- cinnamon raisin bar and small salad snack- baby carrots and fiber water mix dinner- 1/2c angel hair noodles and 1/4 cup pasta sauce snack- jello sugarfree rice pudding
    Exercise.. 62 min walking in the park about 40 min were real exercise the other 22 was just me cooling down and walking with my daughter collecting acorns, leaves and pinecones for her class..

    So tomorrow- more walking either at school or in the park atleast 30 minutes. Food wise tomorrow will be hard- gonna have to have easy grab and go stuff since I have PT at 730a then its just rushing around from there til about 3-4pm.

    Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow and I will check in then! :smile:

    Created by - Calorie Counter
  • pdxmomof2
    Good evening everyone. I know not many of you are on here late but I want to get this out so tomorrow can be a new day!

    I went to Weight Watchers. My sister in law and I walked, 6 miles round trip. pretty good walk. Have not worn the HR to see how much I burn. I keep forgetting. Must remember next week. Bad news at the scale. It is "TOM" for me so I have to keep that in mind but it still hurt alot to see if....up 3.8 from the week before:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: I usually pack on about 3 pounds so not untypical but still!

    Like I said, tomorrow is a new day and I am not looking back. My goal tomorrow is to even out my 1200 cals over each meal and see how that goes. Also tomorrow is a big walking day with the moms from school. We walk the whole time the kids are in school, 2 1/2 hours.

    Here's to a better day! :drinker:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Amy, it doesn't matter WHY you see the numbers go up, it's AWFUL any time!! I feel your pain :heart:

    Just a quick check-in. Finally watched Heroes (downloaded since we can't watch AND put the kiddos to bed). Sleep now!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning gals. Sorry I didn't check in last was a HORRIBLE night! My husband and I got in a big argument and I ended up going to bed at like 8...just wanted the day to be over. I ended up eating about 400 calories UNDER...I only had a small turkey burger on a light bun with 1 sl. fat free swiss. Oh well. I was just not in the mood...and yes, it was my birthday, so poopy! Oh is a new day! (Like Amy said!) I am feeling a lot better and this morning my husband told me he's taking my out for dinner tonight...which is great...but I'm ALSO going out for lunch today with people at work (that Indian food I've been mentioning). SO....this is going to be my most challenging day. I had 1 c. Multigrain Cheerios with 1/2 c. skim milk and 1 med. banana, 8 oz. PlumSmart Lite juice, and 1 multivitamin for breakfast. I have my 2 c. coffee with 2 tbsp. sugar free vanilla caramel creamer and a Kashi TLC blackberry graham bar for this morning snack (I seriously can't make it until lunch without a snack...I'll get sick!) And I brought a TLC Peanut Peanut Butter granola bar for me to eat before my workout. So...lunch will be Indian and dinner I think will be Applebees (which is okay because I order WW menu and know the calories). AND since I'm not weighing again until next Tuesday, I won't know if I'm up or not from actually a good thing I'm not weighing everyday like I usually do. is a challenging day. I am going to the gym for a 1/2 hour run and 1 hour BodyPump so that will help. I will still have to do some searching online about nutrition for Indian food...NO clue! Anyways...wish me luck and have a wonderful day gals! I'll check back later!!!
  • cassangelidy
    :tongue: Amy, I'm sorry to hear about your weigh in...TOM is soooo frusterating when you are trying to lose weight!!! :grumble: I totally feel the pain too!! :flowerforyou:

    Kristin--I'm sorry to hear you guys got in a fight. I'm proud of you for not over eating...that is what I do when I get mad...I comfort eat. "I'll show you...::eats cookie::" LOL Wow you really got back at him Cassidy. lol. Today sounds like it will be a fun day. Indian food isn't THAT bad. They do a lot of veggies and vegetarian food. I'm sure you will find some calorie info online. :)

    I have good news this morning!! I got up and got my booty to the gym!! WOO HOO!! I did Turbo Jam last night and then 25 mins on the stair climber and 15 mins on the treadmill at 5% incline. SOOO the *really* good news is....I'M OUT OF THE 190'S!!! My weigh in was 189.8lbs. That's a 2.4 lb loss for the last week!!


    If I can lose 3 pounds a week for the next 3 weeks, I'll meet my goal of 180lbs by 10/14/08!!

    WE CAN DO IT LADIES!!!!!!!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks Cass.:flowerforyou:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Yay Cass!!! That's wonderful :bigsmile:

    Kristin, I'm sorry your birthday ended in a fight. That's no fun. But I'm glad that you'll have a bit of celebration today too!

    Today is off to a beautiful start for me. I've been starting my days with a sun salutation (yoga) which has been so nice. So much to do for this trade show but I am feeling like it will be okay.

    Meals today:

    1: egg white omlette w/ skim milk cheese, tomato, pea shoots & salsa, 1 slice ezekiel cinnamon raisin toast w/ homemade olive butter and fruit juice sweetened raspberry jam

    2: 1 apply w/ cashew pistachio brazil nut butter, a dried apricot & a vanilla protein shake w/ skim milk

    3: homemade 7 bean soup, 2 brazil nuts, 1 banana sliced w/ 1/2 cup blueberries and 1 tbsp dark chocolate chips melted over top (yum!... and I needed to fill in some calories :laugh: )

    4: chocolate protein shake w/ skim milk, veggie burger (rice, lentils & vegetables) on 2 slices Ezekiel sodium-free bread w/ hummus, pea shoots, tomato

    5: 3 cups air popped popcorn

    Workout today is my advanced step class at the gym :bigsmile:

    Well, I don't know if I'll be checking in until later or possibly tomorrow. So much to do!! Have a great one ladies if I don't get back on here, and Kristin, just stay away from the BUTTER chicken :tongue:
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302

    Great start to the day...weighed this morning and the scale read 205.0!!! Yay, so I adjusted my ticker and that is a total of 5lb loss for this week!! Yippee! So down 34lbs for this challenge so far..!

    PT this morning went well. She started me on weights today :bigsmile:

    Foodwise: bfast: cinnamon raisin cereal bar snack: fiber one bar lunch: chikfila chargrilled chkn garden salad no dressing, no sunflower seeds and no croutons! Not sure what dinner will be..maybe pizza but who knows!

    Exercise: None yet, but will go for a walk this evening- atleast 30 min!

    Great job this week Cass, thats a great loss!!

    Kristin, I hope today is much better for you!

    I hope everyone else has a great afternoon as well :love:

    Ill check in later this evening!!!


    Created by - Calorie Counter
  • cassangelidy

    Great start to the day...weighed this morning and the scale read 205.0!!! Yay, so I adjusted my ticker and that is a total of 5lb loss for this week!! Yippee! So down 34lbs for this challenge so far..!

    PT this morning went well. She started me on weights today :bigsmile:

    Foodwise: bfast: cinnamon raisin cereal bar snack: fiber one bar lunch: chikfila chargrilled chkn garden salad no dressing, no sunflower seeds and no croutons! Not sure what dinner will be..maybe pizza but who knows!

    Exercise: None yet, but will go for a walk this evening- atleast 30 min!

    Great job this week Cass, thats a great loss!!

    Kristin, I hope today is much better for you!

    I hope everyone else has a great afternoon as well :love:

    Ill check in later this evening!!!


    Created by - Calorie Counter

    Thanks Katy and Rhiannon....


    I'm glad PT went well for you today!!

    Rhiannon, have a good day! Check in with us when you will be missed. :)
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Wow Katy, You are really on a roll. I wish I could drop 5 pounds in a week.

    Pedal, sounds like your doing good keeping on track while you are extra busy lately.

    Kristen, I'm glad your off to a good start today & you didn't do any emotional eating last night to soothe yourself.

    Cass, Great job on the weight loss.

    I went to exercise class today, forgot how many cals I burned & how to get back to that on the HRM so I will figure it out later.

    1: fiber one cereal & skim milk
    2: light & fit yogert, 4 oz. skim milk & kashi cookie
    3: turkey wrap
    4: apple
    5: lean cusine pizza
    6: skim milk & the light cookie I was going to make yesterday and still havn't made them yet.

    Have a great day everyone. I'll check in later.:flowerforyou:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks all for your kind words.:flowerforyou:

    Lunch was good. I think I probably ate a little more than I was a buffet. And I don't really know how to count it all so I kind of extimated. I had about 1 c. rice with peas, 2 quarters of flat bread, about 1/2 c. fresh honey dew, and about 1 cup of this vegetable/creamy was full of carrots and other veggies and not too spicy (I'm not a spicy person). It was good but I was full when I was finished. Drank lots of water with it. So...I'm pretty sure I over-estimated calories and it will put me over my limit for today (without exercise or dinner) but it's okay. Like I said, today is my challenging day this week and if it's my one day over, I won't feel too horrible!

    Well...back to work, but I'll check back later!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Quick check-in!

    Kristin, one of the things I REALLY like about not weighing in every day is the fact that one day doesn't have as much power. You can be right on point for the rest of the week after this challenging day and next time you weigh in you won't even know it happened.

    Alright, back to the grind! I'll feel SO relaxed Sunday night... AHHHH....
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Quick check-in!

    Kristin, one of the things I REALLY like about not weighing in every day is the fact that one day doesn't have as much power. You can be right on point for the rest of the week after this challenging day and next time you weigh in you won't even know it happened.

    Alright, back to the grind! I'll feel SO relaxed Sunday night... AHHHH....

    You're totally right! Thanks!:bigsmile: I won't worry SO much!