Twenty Pound Somethings Week 11



  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    You are welcome to join our challenge. I was welcomed to the challenge just 2 weeks ago with open arms. This is a great bunch of gals.

    We will also be starting a new challenge on Oct 15th called Sexy in Six to get ready for the holidays. Then we plan to start another challenge to get us through the holidays.

    You would want to set a goal to reach by the end of this challenge which is Oct 14th.

    The next challenge will be either 15 or 20% of your ultimate weightloss goal.


    We hope you will join us!

    I think we will actually start the new challenge on the 14th also.. final weigh in for this challenge and I'll start a new thread that same day for us to start the Sexy In Six! That way we will continue with Tuesdays being our "start/weigh-in" day!:wink:
  • Sorry, my bad! :blushing:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Sorry, my bad! :blushing:

    No's fine...just so AJ knows. I didn't mean for it to sound bad.:flowerforyou:
  • oh no! Dont worry. I wasnt upset or mad. I am glad I was corrected.

    Have a wonderful day Kristin! :flowerforyou:

    I am off to walk the little one to school and then keep on walking!

    Chat with you all this afternoon!

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement ladies :happy: I love you guys!

    AJ, welcome and please do stick around! I'm sure if you do you'll see your goals coming closer!

    As you all know, I have no time to really write but I couldn't NOT say hi :wink:

    Kristin, just try to get little bursts in as you can today and it will all come out even after a couple of weeks at the MOST! Thanks also for the Dr. encouragement. I appreciate it!

    Okay, wish me luck!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement ladies :happy: I love you guys!

    AJ, welcome and please do stick around! I'm sure if you do you'll see your goals coming closer!

    As you all know, I have no time to really write but I couldn't NOT say hi :wink:

    Kristin, just try to get little bursts in as you can today and it will all come out even after a couple of weeks at the MOST! Thanks also for the Dr. encouragement. I appreciate it!

    Okay, wish me luck!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: ********LUCK!!!!********:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Beautiful Blossoms! :flowerforyou:

    Gooood Morning...Soooo I'm choosing to be positive today instead of being cranky about the start to my morning!!! :grumble: :noway: :happy:

    I woke up to my alarm....4:50 am....get up....go potty :blushing: glance at the clock in the living room...5:50...WHAT??? Look at my phone again...4:50....go through the house looking at clocks...All 5:50....WHAT THE HECK!!! Needless to say my wonderfully planned out workout bag just sat this morning. :sad:

    So I got myself ready and I'll be working out double hard tonight! :tongue:

    :heart: :heart: Rhiannon, Katy, Amy, Kristin, Deb, Chipper:heart::heart: You ladies are wonderful!! I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful group.

    Kristin, I hope the vet goes well...OH and where your HRM while cleaning...try to get a workout while getting ready for tomorrow. :happy: I'm going to do this tomorrow when I clean the house...I am almost positive it will be a motivator to work harder! :) by Hi!

    Check back in a little bit...gotta get SOME work done today...hehehe
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Good Afternoon,

    Well almost it's 11:45 here. Looks like everyone is doing great staying motivated. Welomce amyjoe. Good luck Pedal, being so busy is a blessing & curse. No time to eat, but usually unhealthy foods available to grab on the run. My days will become very busy starting on Monday & I hope to find ways to fit in healthy eating when I'm out and have only 10 min. to eat something. Probably will include eating in the car. The wedding is tomorrow, I'm kind of just planning on having a meal without trying to count calories. Hope it's not too bad.

    1:fiber one cereal, strawberries, & soy milk
    2:banana & natural peanut butter
    3:ham wrap & baby carrots
    4: apple
    5: egg substitute omlette & simply potatoes hash browns
    6: skim milk & maybe those low-cal cookies I still haven't made yet

    Exercise: 45 min. walk/jog

    Have a great day!:flowerforyou:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well...on my lunch now...a little earlier than normal, but I'm leaving work today around 3:30 ( as opposed to 5) to get a jump start on things for it's my 40 for the week (no over-time allowed!) Something is on my mind...starting next Wednesday (when I start my new position) I probably won't be able to chat at all during the days anymore!:sad: :sad: I don't what I'm gonna do with myself!:sad: :sad: But I seriously can't do anything about it...this new position is serious and I have to be "serious" so I will be posting in the mornings (IF I have time) and at night. But I PROMISE ladies...I will NOT leave you...I will just not be on for all my usual conversation during the day. (Which seriously makes me VERY sad!:sad: ) But it's okay. Mornings are sometimes rushed for me, so most likely I will be posting in the evenings...but I promise to get up early on Tuesday mornings to start our weekly post!:wink: ANOTHER thing...the first few days in this new postition may be weird because I'm not sure 100% what the hours will be like during initial training and breaks and my eating habit may be weird. But we will will all be fine!

    Well...I think I've rambled enough for now. I'll be back in a while! (Gonna utilize these few days I have left to be the social butterfly that I am!:wink::laugh: )
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Oh oh OH!!!! I forgot to tell you! My new swimsuit came!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the medium bottoms fit GREAT!!!! And I must say it looks GREAT on me!!!! My husband even said he likes it (which he NEVER comments about my clothing!) SO... my $4 swimsuit is AWESOME!!!!!!

    I can't believe I forgot to tell you earlier!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member AGAIN! I'm bored, so did some figuring. From the weight we have left to lose as of right now, I've figured out 15% and 20% and how many pounds a week for six weeks. have 55 pounds left to lose. 15% is 8.25 pounds (1.4 pounds a week) and 20% is 11 pounds (1.8 pounds a week). have 54 pounds left to lose. 15% is 8.1 pounds (1.35 pounds a week) and 20% is 10.8 pounds (1.8 pounds a week). have 65 pounds left to lose. 15% is 9.75 pounds (1.6 pounds a week) and 20% is 13 pounds (2.2 pounds a week). have 41 pounds left to lose. 15% is 6.15 pounds (1.03 pounds a week) and 20% is 8.2 pounds (1.4 pounds a week). have 79 pounds left to lose. 15% is 11.85 pounds (1.98 pounds a week) and 20% is 15.8 pounds (2.6 pounds a week). have 40 pounds left to lose. 15% is 6 pounds (1.0 pounds a week) and 20% is 8 pounds (1.3 pounds a week).

    And I have 29 pounds left to lose. 15% is 4.35 pounds (0.73 pounds a week) and 20% is 5.6 pounds (0.97 pounds a week). ladies can think about that and what percentage you prefer. Chances are we will be down more by October 14th (I KNOW we will!!!!) so it will actually be less. I think this is a totally do-able challenge and will give us a jump start on the holidays! So...just something to think about!

    **Can you tell I'm totally psyched for this challenge!:wink: **
  • Kristin...Girl I love haven't even looked at your post and I just think you are too cute!!!

    I'm going to be sooo bummed when you aren't on all the time :sad: what on earth will I do!!

    hahah...ok...gonna read your post now. :)
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Kristin...Girl I love haven't even looked at your post and I just think you are too cute!!!

    I'm going to be sooo bummed when you aren't on all the time :sad: what on earth will I do!!

    hahah...ok...gonna read your post now. :)

    Yeah...what will I do?!:sad: :sad: I really think I may go crazy without being able to talk with you guys (or to myself:laugh: ) on here all day! But you better believe I will be on when I can...maybe I can sneak on occassionally during the day. I will do some serious plotting...
  • AGAIN! I'm bored, so did some figuring. From the weight we have left to lose as of right now, I've figured out 15% and 20% and how many pounds a week for six weeks. have 55 pounds left to lose. 15% is 8.25 pounds (1.4 pounds a week) and 20% is 11 pounds (1.8 pounds a week). have 54 pounds left to lose. 15% is 8.1 pounds (1.35 pounds a week) and 20% is 10.8 pounds (1.8 pounds a week). have 65 pounds left to lose. 15% is 9.75 pounds (1.6 pounds a week) and 20% is 13 pounds (2.2 pounds a week). have 41 pounds left to lose. 15% is 6.15 pounds (1.03 pounds a week) and 20% is 8.2 pounds (1.4 pounds a week). have 79 pounds left to lose. 15% is 11.85 pounds (1.98 pounds a week) and 20% is 15.8 pounds (2.6 pounds a week). have 40 pounds left to lose. 15% is 6 pounds (1.0 pounds a week) and 20% is 8 pounds (1.3 pounds a week).

    And I have 29 pounds left to lose. 15% is 4.35 pounds (0.73 pounds a week) and 20% is 5.6 pounds (0.97 pounds a week). ladies can think about that and what percentage you prefer. Chances are we will be down more by October 14th (I KNOW we will!!!!) so it will actually be less. I think this is a totally do-able challenge and will give us a jump start on the holidays! So...just something to think about!

    **Can you tell I'm totally psyched for this challenge!:wink: **

    Yeah I can toooootally are TOOO CUTE...see my post above. hehehe

    For me...I'm hoping to be 180-183 by 10/14/08 which would give me 30-33 pounds left to lose....20% of that is 6-6.6 pounds which is 1 - 1.1 pounds per week. So for ME only...I'm definitely doing the 20%!! I might even try for 25% "unofficially" :tongue:

    And Kristin you are for sure doing 20%?? Yeah? Right? yeah?? hehehe
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yep...20% for me too! And unofficially more also...but as there is less to lose, it does get harder, therefore...20% sounds like a good number! WE CAN DO IT!!!!:drinker: I just hope all our other ladies are in also...but sounds like they are!
  • Yes WE CAN DO IT!!! You know I just looked over these numbers...these are very doable numbers!!! The pounds per week are right in line with what is a healthy way to lose weight...HOW AWESOME ARE WE!


    Plus, I was thinking about the name of the KNOW its going to draw attention and more people will join...which is great...but I want US to keep at the core...many will come and go...but lets do this TOGETHER!!! :happy: Now go out there and win...sorry...felt like I was a coach giving a pep talk at half time when we are down by 10. LOL.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    You are SO funny! I LOVE it! That's exactly what I've been thinking as well...we ARE going to attract new people, and although that is GREAT, I want this core to stick also. I've been worried about that, but you were a late comer as well as Amy and look how AWESOME that has turned out! SO...I think it will be fine. We will still do our normal chatting and cheering and it will be GREAT! And we will have to work hard, because I know it's easy to lose people around holiday season.
  • OMG its going to be hard for ME around the holidays...that's why I started I'm in a routine and this is a HABIT by then...and believe me...talking with you ladies has tooootally keep me on track!! Its sooo great...

    OMG I'm hungry...:laugh: I'm gonna eat my salad. :)
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good for you...and I think it's true for ALL of us that the holidays are hard. And it will probably ALWAYS be true, but we just need to get to the point where we know what good decisions we can make and how to make up for our bad decisions that will ultimately happen...I think that's the key...realizing these things and taking care of them! I've had successful holidays in the past without weight gain, so I know it's do-able! And we WILL do it! We just need to stick together...because "I" need the support!

    Anyways...enjoy your salad!:wink:
  • I know some people use the holidays as a break from their diets...I"m going to REALLY try not to do that this year. Green salad, fruit salad, turkey...these are all healthy things...its the other crap that gets ya.

    yeah, my salad was BOMB! heheheh I"m still hungry so I'm going to drink more water. :) I have a yogart and apple for snack later but its only 12:30 here and I work until 4....:grumble:
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