


  • SenoraMacias
    SenoraMacias Posts: 305 Member
    What's a troll?? The little dolls with crazy hair and jewels for bellybuttons? In that case, no.

    You should go back to remedial trolling and return when you've honed your skills a bit.

    As for meat...if eating meat is wrong, I don't want to be right. Like most foods, the key is moderation. Especially in regards to red meat. Not saying going vegan is a bad choice, but meat provides tons of health benefits, namely protein.

    Hahahahah! Yea, I'm not a troll. I actually am friends with OP and I'm just messing with her. I eat meat, and I don't care if other people do or not.
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    Please do NOT support the cruelty & greed of the meat industry. If you only knew how these animals lived (if one could even call it that) and were slaughtered, you would think twice about putting their flesh in your mouth :cry: . Please do some research and make the right decision.
  • supermom1114
    supermom1114 Posts: 577
    So if I were to start eating *less* meat--like only a couple times a week, what are some good protein substitutes? I do take a vitamin with iron in it.

    Avoid soy as a substitute. Unless fermented like soy sauce, it acts like estrogen in your body, and not the good kind that keeps your face clear and gives you nice hair. The kind that makes you want to add on weight. Plus it messes with your hormones. I just typed a paragraph about it but... decided to delete, way too much extraneous info that doesn't answer your exact questions. Just remember, soy= not so great, especially because you already get a lot of it from processed foods, even if you don't eat very many.

    One of the best sources is quinoa. It's actually a complete protein, meaning it has every essential amino acid your body needs, and if I remember correctly it's the only grain that does, but for some reason somethings telling me theres another one out there... see research this stuff!!! lol

    Another super option is eggs! They have great protein, healthy fats, you could even get ones with higher omega-3 levels and tons of vital vitamins and minerals. Almost a perfect food except they don't have vitamin C so have an orange or some strawberries.

    Think greek yogurt which has double the protein than regular yogurt (but about a 1/3 less calcium). You can use this like sour cream or season it and add it to pasta(whole wheat of course which has more protein than regular but not enough to be considered a great source) as a creamy replacement to alfredo, of course melt some cheese of your choice in there too.

    Which brings me to another great source, cheese! Head for low-fat varieties but pay attention to what you're going to use it for. Low-fat to no-fat kinds in say a cheese sauce for pasta aren't going to give you great texture, in that case opt for naturally low fat mozzarella or parmesan which doesn't take a lot to get the taste of it.

    Beans are another great source of protein. Pair black beans with corn, I think, and you get complement proteins, meaning what essential amino acids one lacks, the other fills in. Also soak your corn in some lime juice or squeeze some on top of it to help pull out niacin, but that works best on fresh or frozen, not so much on canned, but who eats that anyways, blech.

    Anyways, I hope that helps. And when you can afford to opt for organic dairy products, get local eggs if you can. And for any fruits n veggies local is best! I don't care what people say about organic, local will always be better and you can usually find a local farmer who follows organic practices or at least uses minimal amounts of pesticides but who just can't afford to pay to get the certification. But I know how the economy is so try where you can and do your best with everything else.
  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259
    It seems to suggest that the total grams of protein is not what matters, but rather, the total percentage of protein in the meal. That being said, I don't really sweat protein. A lot of plant-based foods have small amounts of protein in them so if you're eating a really well-balanced meal with a huge variety of foods (it's key to eat a huge variety), then you can easily get enough protein.

    Protein and carbohydrate are both 1g/4cal, and fat is 1g/9cal. Doesn't matter the source. So total percentage and total grams are the same thing.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Meat is fine and healthy.

    I am a vegetarian for moral and ethical reasons...the man I am dating follows a Paleo lifestyle. Both of us are healthy and happy. You have to do what is right for you and your body. If you think that eating animals is wrong there are plenty of alteratives or if it is just the living conditions/treatment of them you can opt for free range/pasture raised/wild game meats.

    If you're going veg/vegan for health can be a difficult life to lead. Lots of work to maintain a healthy balance of nutrients without having to resort to a lot of processed foods and powders.

    I would suggest going meat free 2 days a week and see how that goes. Try to eat as many 'whole' foods as possible, that alone will help greatly with weight loss.
  • jad54
    jad54 Posts: 192
    What's a troll?? The little dolls with crazy hair and jewels for bellybuttons? In that case, no.

    You should go back to remedial trolling and return when you've honed your skills a bit.

    As for meat...if eating meat is wrong, I don't want to be right. Like most foods, the key is moderation. Especially in regards to red meat. Not saying going vegan is a bad choice, but meat provides tons of health benefits, namely protein.

    Hahahahah! Yea, I'm not a troll. I actually am friends with OP and I'm just messing with her. I eat meat, and I don't care if other people do or not.

    Ahhh, my apologies. Never can tell on these sites.
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    I forgot to add that yes, it's true that you can be vegan or vegetarian and be unhealthy.
    If you eat a lot of whole grains, fruits, and veggies, along with a multi-vitamin and eat a diet low in bad fats, you will be more likely to have health benefits than someone who claims to also be vegetarian but eats pizza and ice cream all the time.
    You have to consider the good things you are including in your diet and not just what you are "cutting out."

    I'm new to this way of eating, and I think this is an interesting discussion. I'd be interested to hear more opinions.
  • bka8
    bka8 Posts: 92
    MEAT IS MURDER…. Tasty , tasty, murder.

    But seriously meat IS healthy. You should try and eat a “protein source” with every meal.

    Just because vegetables can't scream...:bigsmile:

    Lots of good advice here, you have to be careful if you want to cut meat and remain healthy.
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    Thanks for replying...I've never heard bad things about soy...TELL ME MORE. I love soymilk, the Silk variety...Is that really bad?
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Please do NOT support the cruelty & greed of the meat industry. If you only knew how these animals lived (if one could even call it that) and were slaughtered, you would think twice about putting their flesh in your mouth :cry: . Please do some research and make the right decision.

    You should do some research on the greed and cruelty of Monsanto, which will soon be the only producer of genetically engineer soy beans eliminating even natural soy beans, and how they have deliberately planted their own seeds into private farms to accuse them of patent infringement and drove the farms out of business. As a vegetarian/vegan and consumer of soy products you are supporting this.

    You can buy organic/free range meats that are not kept in cruel conditions. Look at local farmers markets. The bottom line is humans were designed to eat meat.
  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259
    Soy is bad, mmmkay. (Unless it's organic, and fermented)

    Soy is one of the hardest proteins to absorb.

    Soy has phytoestrogens- i.e. compounds that act as estrogen in your body, and mess with your endocrine system.

    95% of soy is LOADED with herbicide- even more so than regular produce. This is because most soy is genetically modified to resist RoundUp (a weed killer) so they can spray the ****ens out of it.
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    Huh. I never knew that....thanks for the info! My mom will be interested in that...she puts soy in everything....I always heard it was really good for you. My friend is a vegetarian and loads up on the edamame at every single meal.
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    "You should do some research on the greed and cruelty of Monsanto, which will soon be the only producer of genetically engineer soy beans eliminating even natural soy beans, and how they have deliberately planted their own seeds into private farms to accuse them of patent infringement and drove the farms out of business. As a vegetarian/vegan you are supporting this."

    Only true if you are eating tons of soy. It's not a requirement that a vegetarian or vegan eat soy! That being said, I've watched several documentaries on Monsanto and I know what you say about them is true. I don't eat soy either.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Any *fact based* info on meat vs. vegetarian/vegan would be greatly appreciated.

    Check medical based sites like NIH, webmd, harvard school of public health, etc. rather than diet/exercise based sites which usually push their own agenda. Medical sites will tell you that meat is fine as long as you keep it lean and portions small (about the size of a deck of cards).
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    Huh. I never knew that....thanks for the info! My mom will be interested in that...she puts soy in everything....I always heard it was really good for you. My friend is a vegetarian and loads up on the edamame at every single meal.

    I agree that soy isn't good for a young woman who still gets regular menstrual cycles. As another poster said, soy can alter the amount of estrogen in the body. However, I've heard that soy can help menopausal women with menopause symptoms such as hot flashes which are caused by a sudden drop in estrogen. But yes, a lot of soy is GMO and should be evaluated with suspicion.
  • supermom1114
    supermom1114 Posts: 577
    I spent the first part of my life completely gorged on meat at EVERY meal (my parent's lifestyle choice, not mine). I developed fatty liver from it, and I wasn't even overweight. Of course they were eating high fat bacon, dairy products, ham, pork, beef, etc but it goes to show what excessive meat consumption can do to even a child.

    As a young adult, I've made the decision to go nearly meatless. I don't eat dairy either because it's high in saturated fat and it's not good for my digestion. I've found much more healthy ways to get my calcium. If it weren't for eating fish, eggs, and organic chicken once in a rare while, I'd be able to call myself vegan. But I found that I just need to not worry about the labels and eat what I think is best for me.

    Excessive meat intake is associated with heart disease, the number one killer in the United States. Heart disease has killed more people than all our major wars put together. My family members who still eat meat at every meal have suffered from diabetes, stroke, and heart attack. After I stopped eating most meat, my fatty liver went away, my cholesterol dropped to 133, and my physical stamina and mental acuity is so much better.

    Health aside, choosing not to eat meat is better for the environment. It takes 2500 gallons of water to process just 1 lb of beef.

    Even though I choose not to eat meat, I think it is still personal choice and could be ok for the right individuals in moderation (once or twice a week, maybe).

    For protein, I eat a lot of beans, quinoa, brown rice, nuts, and seeds. Check out this article:

    It seems to suggest that the total grams of protein is not what matters, but rather, the total percentage of protein in the meal. That being said, I don't really sweat protein. A lot of plant-based foods have small amounts of protein in them so if you're eating a really well-balanced meal with a huge variety of foods (it's key to eat a huge variety), then you can easily get enough protein.
    Actually refined carbohydrates have greater impact on fat storage (around organs included) than saturated fat. There is a great article here on many of the misconceptions about saturated fats.

    And to add to this for a little further info and insight. *Deep breath, here it goes* When you raise a cow, or chicken, or pig in the way that most of our meat is raised today (corn/antibiotic/hormone/animal by-product(YES!) mix feed, penned up in CFOs or chicken coops with no light let inside that you can barely walk in, breeding focused on how fast the animal will grow not the true quality of its meat, etc etc) You completely change what meat is. When our ancestors were still hunter/gatherers they would kill things like bison or wild game, animals that were grass-fed and roamed wherever they pleased. This meat was significantly lower in saturated fats, higher in omega-3s and CLAs and overall contained a lower fat to meat ratio than the general grocery store meat of today. So thats what the human body is used to. When you give it something that is much much higher in saturated fats and overall fat it'd going to react negatively. Then you add in the fact that animals get fed hormones and antibiotics to help them grow and not get sick from standing/laying/sleeping in their own manure all day. Combine ALL of that with the fact that what they are eating now is corn, not grass, which makes them pack on tons of fat, and fast and you've got the perfect storm. The mangled disgusting mess you create and slap the label meat on is nothing like what our bodies were made to eat. That being said, we still need meat for the reasons I already listed (although again, not saying you can't live without it, plenty of people do). Just opt for grass-fed pastured beef. Just because it says organic doesn't make it grass-fed BEWARE!!! There are plenty of organic dairy and meat farms/ranches or w/e that run JUST like traditional Big agribusiness companies, only thing is they have to kill more cows because they aren't allowed to give them antibiotics, and their corn is certified organic corn, but corn none the less. Same goes with chickens and pigs. They can all be labeled organic, as long as their feed (read, corn) is organic and they aren't given antibiotics or hormones. Really and truly its best to find a local rancher whos farm I assure they will gladly let you come see, whos cows eat grass and walk around in fields and chickens run around in their own yards, etc. and get your meat from him.

    If you want to know more about our food industry and the things they aren't telling the public watch the documentary Food Inc., read Michael Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma, and Jillian Michael's Master your Metabolism. There are quite a few more documentaries and books I could reference but those three cover quite a bit.
  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259
    "You should do some research on the greed and cruelty of Monsanto, which will soon be the only producer of genetically engineer soy beans eliminating even natural soy beans, and how they have deliberately planted their own seeds into private farms to accuse them of patent infringement and drove the farms out of business. As a vegetarian/vegan you are supporting this."

    Only true if you are eating tons of soy. It's not a requirement that a vegetarian or vegan eat soy! That being said, I've watched several documentaries on Monsanto and I know what you say about them is true. I don't eat soy either.

    And corn
  • supermom1114
    supermom1114 Posts: 577
    Please do NOT support the cruelty & greed of the meat industry. If you only knew how these animals lived (if one could even call it that) and were slaughtered, you would think twice about putting their flesh in your mouth :cry: . Please do some research and make the right decision.

    You should do some research on the greed and cruelty of Monsanto, which will soon be the only producer of genetically engineer soy beans eliminating even natural soy beans, and how they have deliberately planted their own seeds into private farms to accuse them of patent infringement and drove the farms out of business. As a vegetarian/vegan and consumer of soy products you are supporting this.

    You can buy organic/free range meats that are not kept in cruel conditions. Look at local farmers markets. The bottom line is humans were designed to eat meat.

    Amen!!! Monsanto= EVIL!!!! So sad what they do to farmers who are trying to make a living off of non-GMO soybeans =(
  • ameschiavone
    I am vegan and feel that I get all of the necessary nutrients. Be careful not to eat too many nuts and seeds, as they are vegan but contain a lot of calories and are super yummy snack. I am also very balanced with my eat habits, meaning i dont freak out if i really want non-vegan baked good, I just eat it. But, personally, I need to work on not over eating. I rarely eat treats, but whether I am eating healthy or unhealthy things, I eat a lot. Check out the book Skinny***** or Veganist for more info on becoming vegan.
  • supermom1114
    supermom1114 Posts: 577
    Any *fact based* info on meat vs. vegetarian/vegan would be greatly appreciated.

    Check medical based sites like NIH, webmd, harvard school of public health, etc. rather than diet/exercise based sites which usually push their own agenda. Medical sites will tell you that meat is fine as long as you keep it lean and portions small (about the size of a deck of cards).

    Since I have been posting a lot on here, just want to clarify, I've studied Nutrition for 4 years now, had to transfer colleges so I get another two years in a new program with a different focus. Plus I read/watch a lot of nutrition and research based books, documentaries, medical journals, etc. I know you weren't attacking me, lol, just felt the need to not sound like I'm pushing some agenda. Although I think I've been showing sides both for eating and not eating meat.

    I personally do eat meat, LOVE the stuff. But I pay the extra price to buy from a local rancher(love him!) but now that hubby's hours have been cut we're actually considering going on WIC, so definitely no more pricey meat for me. It's all about educating yourself, researching, experimenting and finding what works for you and ultimately finding where your balance is in this entire beef industry vs soy/corn (ie Big Agribusiness) vs local vs organic labeling vs whatever other beliefs you may have is. And thats what makes us all different and keeps the world interesting. =D