

  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    Was able to WI this morning for a 0.4 lb loss. Every little bit counts, every little bit counts.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    2stepz- 0.4 is awesome! it's not a gain, and you were busy. you should be pleased with yourself for that :-)
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Hi, remember me????? I think I lost myself and found someone else when I woke up this morning. Been exactly 2 weeks since I did anything for exercise. so this morning I was feeling pretty good, of course it's hotter than **** outside, but i made myself get on my treadmill. It took me 20 minutes to walk a mile, and I was sucking wind! Terrible!!! but I did the mile I told myself I was going to do.
    Yesterday my son asked me if I was still doing my "computer thing, because I think your tummy is getting bigger again" Eye opener! And my back is good enough that I can walk, I've just chosen not to. Completely fell of wagon, food wise, execise wise, feeling good about myself wise.... but I think I'm ready for round 2. I just have to get thru this summer, come fall, I know I can do better.
    You guys are staying strong, that is great to see, I'm very proud of you! Joni, sounds like you were a little off there for a bit, but looks like you are sliding back into routine also. We do have our moments don't we. Tammy, loss is a loss is a loss. I'm glad for you that you had a loss, that is fantastic!!

    Well, I'm gonna go check over everything since I've been gone, Hopefully it'll be esy for me to get back into things!!

    Later all, have a great day!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Hello , I am back from vacation . I gained like 4 pounds while i was gone on vacation but i have lost 1.5 pounds of that this week ! I am back on track with everything !
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Mary- welcome home! yes, i lost my mojo for a while there, but i'm back to it now with renewed gusto. sounds much like you. glad to hear that your back's feeling better. and don't worry, it'll take you no time to get back to your pre-break level of fitness if you just stick at it.

    Kris- sounds like your holiday was a good one :-) it won't take long to lose those few pounds. and who cares anyway, as long as you had a blast.

    AFM- i did my 4.5 mile run yesterday and my 5k timed run today. jeeze it's hard. i still wait patiently for the day that it gets easier! but today while i was on the last 60 second stretch home i really opened it up and went truly as fast as i could. i ran like i did when i was a kid! it felt really wonderful to do that. you know when you run and your face shakes? and i knocked 90 secs off my 5k time, and there were hills in it and everything. so, i'm pleased about that.
    i'm abit worried about my friend- the girl i'm doing the half marathon with. she has fallen off the wagon completely and is literally just getting back on it. she's started a 12 week running programme, where for the first 4 weeks all that is expected of her is to run for 10 mins 3x a week. i worry because i can't see how that's going to get her to 21ks in 8 weeks. i'm in week 7 of my training and have to run 7 miles (11.5 ks ish) on a long run and 5 (8ks ish) on a short one. she won't even be running 2ks for a month. i don't want to put her off though. it's super that she has got back to it. i know this sounds selfish, but i just don't want to feel i have to run the half with her and be her cheerleader. i have enough problems keeping myself motivated.

    oh, and MFP said that by now i'd be 84kgs. but i'm still 88. the same place i've been for the last 3 weeks. i tell you all that there's a conspiracy going on here!
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    Well, loos ittle group died out didn't it. I'm doing ok, Joni you sound like your doing great, Kris, stay strong, you be great.

    I'm gonna go take a walk. Does anyone else belong to a different group that maybe I could slide into? I know I haven't been on much but when I'm in a group it helps me stay focused and I'd really like to get back into the forums. Thanks guys, and I'm glad your all my friends!!!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am back on track now ! Maybe we could start another group or something ? Maybe new people would join or something i really do like this group also and it keeps me focused when i am in different challenges and things ! Maybe we could do something like a labor day challenge or something ?
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    i'm up for whatever the majority wants! i'm pleased to see people back, though. i tried to keep things going on here, but i got a little lost for a while there. and it's difficult when it's just me talking to myself!!!

    anyway, let me know! i'm only on 1 challenge board (30ds), but i generally just use my homepage and talk to my friends on there.

    but i'd board hop anywhere with you gals!

    anyway, the 6 week challenge is nearly over i think. might have to double check, but i seem to remember it's until the end of the month...... which is 2 days away.

    mary- did you go without weighing in for the whole entire month?????

    ETA: Yep, 6 weeks is almost up! that went by fast, ay! results to be posted in a few days please.
    6 weeks ago i was 89.5kgs. i know i haven't lost much- i've been at a stand still for at least 3 weeks. i'll weigh in on tuesday morning and post here.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    so, curiosity got the better of me and i weighed in this morning after 30 mins on the cross trainer- 86.9kgs! so that's pretty much 3 kgs. so, roughly 1lb a week over the 6 weeks.

    evened out, that's not so bad :-)
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    So... where do we go from here?

    My scale finally started moving again. Ironic that I took a week off of journaling every BLT and dropped muchly. I've officially dropped half of my 30 lb goal. (30 lbs before my 30th birthday.)
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    wtg 2stepz... that's superb! awesome job.

    as for what happens next, i'm not too sure. people have stopped posting here so it's hard to ask anyone! what do you think?