Weight loss group for petite people



  • dtanner15
    dtanner15 Posts: 7
    is it late to add me? 5 foot even 190 lbs. i started out at 203 and lost 13 lbs from weight watchers since january, slow progress, but it is progress :)
  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    If you were homecoming queen in high school you dont need to read this..lol..Remember in high school when you wanted to be super popular and feel like you fit in with all the cool kids? But they wouldnt let you because you were too different.. Wellllllll..my fellow petites...we are now the cool kids and we have our own group...hehe..so there to all the rest of you...(JK)..about the "so there" part..NOT the rest...LOL
  • stayci
    stayci Posts: 2
    Hi there, I am 5 feet tall and 70 kgs/154 lbs and want to lose 20 kgs or so. I am trying to have a baby so determined to lose the weight.
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    I want in too!!! lol..but I'll definately be the big girl here..ughh...I am 5'1 and 211 pounds..OMG..how did I let this happen. I started 2 weeks ago at 221 and in 2 weeks lost 11 pounds. As I get smaller I know it'll get harder. I know y'all be done before me but I know we can encourage each other regardless and I'll try and not be jealous by how little you all have to lose..lol..just kidding..i know its hard to lose no matter how far you have to go. Should be a fun journey :)

    11 pounds is an incredible beginning!! I have no doubt you will be successful. Just remember you will have good weeks and bad weeks (like my last week UGH!) but just get right back at it when that happens. This is a marathon for all of us, not a sprint. You'll do great!
  • xreinvention
    xreinvention Posts: 82 Member
    1.8 pounds down this week! How's everyone else coming along?
  • sirion2
    sirion2 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi, I just found this thread again. Congrats, xreinvention! I've lost about 1.5 pounds this week. I am so stoked! I'm finding it very motivating to exercise when I get to log the time in MFP. I am 5'3" and started at 117 and would like to be 110. I am at 115.5 as of this morning. Woo-hoo! My cruise is in a bit over a month and I am determined to have a bikini-ready body so my husband can show me off. I have a poochy belly from my pregnancy that went to 41.5 weeks so I don't know how that will turn out, but at least I can get rid of some of this fat that's hanging around.

    My biggest hurdle is packing my lunch. I just can't seem to do it. So I have no lunch today with me and no plans for lunch. I'm so silly. Maybe I'll go to the grocery store and pick up some stuff to leave at work. That might be a better solution. Any ideas? I'm thinking bread, lunch meat, yogurt, and maybe a bit of fruit.
  • Sheri869
    Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Can I ask anyone out there - how many calories do you burn in a workout? Since I'm new to this website I'm wondering....I'm seeing these "groups" and reading other group pages and seeing like 2500-4000 calories a week??? (though curiously seeing no allotment for weights???) I'm so happy with myself for burning 300-400 calories in a cardio workout, which if I workout 5 days a week is only like 1500 calories - I thought that was great....until now! And I'm working out (when I do) for almost 2 hours?? I don't have 5 hours a night to workout and I have a desk job...sooo how is this happening? Help me!!

    I don't have a hrm, but when I plug in what Idid into MF P, I usually get 200-400 calories- I use an incline on the treadmill and do intervals (so i don't know if the MFP estimate is accurate either, but I have no other way of estimating).

    Strength training is under cardio in the database, and since I rarely do more than 45-50 minutes that comes out to about 200 calories (if my memory is correct).

    Thanks for the info on Strength Training under cardio! I had only seen the main training that just has you putting in your reps & weight but I wasn't getting anything for it - so now I got it :flowerforyou:
  • Sheri869
    Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Is our weigh in on Tuesday right?? Hope so cuz I don't want to count today - though tomorrow probably won't be much better. Had my son's Birthday dinner on Saturday night at the Melting Pot Fondue restaurant....ummmmm yup you can only guess how well I did there. And Sunday my stupid body decided it was my TOM...so I felt crappy and crampy all day so I barely moved...and today don't feel much better but at least I'm at work so I won't eat as much!

    To a better next week......

    I hope all of you short, wonderful people had a great week though!!!!
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    OK, so I have a weird and frustrating problem. I had carpet put into the area where I used to keep my digital scale this week so I had to move it to another room (ironically, the only flat place in my house is the kitchen now). Now it's weighing me a couple of pounds heavier and if I put it on a different section of the floor, it weighs even more! Now I have no idea what my weight is! Even if it wasn't 100% accurate before, I knew by comparison what my weight loss was. I'm not happy about this. I may look tomorrow like I gained quite a bit and even though I didn't do well much of last week, I got back on track and shouldn't have put anything on since last Tuesday. Even so, it's discouraging to see the numbers going up.
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Ok, so I post my weight with protest this morning. I know I had a bad week, but not bad enough to gain 3 pounds! My scale, on the new floor, read 159.2 today! I guess that's the new base for me to compare my weight loss by. Still, very frustrating.
  • squigglypuff
    squigglypuff Posts: 279 Member
    I would love to join this group as well. I'm 22 years old, 4'11, and currently about 139lbs. I was close to 150lbs at my highest weight and 97lbs at my lowest weight (when I ran track in high school). I'd like to eventually get down to 115lbs -- I have a very ample chest and I'm afraid it might disappear if I go any lower than 115!
  • squigglypuff
    squigglypuff Posts: 279 Member
    I hate when that happens! I rarely duck for branches (because I'm 4'11) but every now and then, I'll walk into a bush or low branch and I'll feel like such a spaz!

    ^^ trying to quote the person that had said they walked into a branch because they didn't expect it to hit them. sorry, not sure how to use this site yet! :P
  • taneishat
    taneishat Posts: 2

    It's great to know I am not alone, I am 5'1" , whole lot of curves (naturally top and bottom heavy - even at 100lbs I was a D-cup) and is considered obese - been working my tail off, lost 26 pounds and no one noticed (okay, so they noticed I lost some weight but no one could believe how much). So I guess this is another pro and con - :smile: Pro: We wear our weight so well, people always underestimate how much we weigh. :sad: Con: Don't expect anyone to notice and appreciate how much you've lost. Stay motivated and one day all the people of "neapolinic" stature will rule the world or at least be noticed
  • curvestogo
    curvestogo Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I would love to join your group as well. Im 5ft 1/2, married with 3 children. Started here at 145 now 130. Its been a long hard struggle to try to get my BMI to 25. I'm top heavy which I'm sure doesn't help.
    Hubby bought me some personal training sessions for my birthday which have really helped and I try to go to the gym 3/4 times a week.
    Low carbing seems to be the only way I can lose weight and although I know this now has to be a complete life change with no more white bread, cakes etc it seems to be working slowly its also helped with my painful knee joints.
    Keep up the good work everybody x

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    Ok, so im missing some weigh ins, I got a few.more.messages last night. Im going to post the progress today. ;) plus a few quotes.
  • xreinvention
    xreinvention Posts: 82 Member
    I'm excited to see how everyone is doing!
  • asc81
    asc81 Posts: 8
    Count me in, please! :)

    I'm 4.9 "tall". My hubby is 6.2.

    The hardest thing about losing weight when you're a short person is the amount of calories you're allowed to have each day. I have to stay under 1100 calories, which makes it really hard to make great meals 3 times a day plus snacks.

    So I could definately do with a support group that understands :wink:
  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    Count me in, please! :)

    I'm 4.9 "tall". My hubby is 6.2.

    The hardest thing about losing weight when you're a short person is the amount of calories you're allowed to have each day. I have to stay under 1100 calories, which makes it really hard to make great meals 3 times a day plus snacks.

    So I could definately do with a support group that understands :wink:

    can you message me with your weight for last week on tuesday and this week on tuesday? It's no problem adding people.

  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    Ok girls this is what I have so far. If I missed your weigh in, or you would like to be added please message me here on mfp. In a little bit I will add share some of the exercise ideas that everyone has been telling me about,


    I also wanted to say congrats to everyone for devoting so much work. Remember that pound aren't all that count, your body is always changing, especially when you're working so hard. You will notice little things every day.
  • nichole1027
    nichole1027 Posts: 79 Member
    Can I join this group? I would love to talk to girls who get how much 5 lbs add to your frame. I am 5'1" and weigh 144.6 as of right now. My problem is that I do really well during the week and the weekends are what kill me with snacks around and beer! ;-) So, I am on a plateau, but I am also not pushing as hard on the weekends, so that is my next goal. Feel free to add me as a friend. The support is great.