Skinny Christmas Challenge



  • Imsojen
    Imsojen Posts: 192 Member
    My computer was sick yesterday so im posting my weight today sorry.. Yesterday the scale said 263.8
  • JessG83
    JessG83 Posts: 56
    I'm sticking with my starting weight because I just joined yesterday :) 185.8 Sorry if I am a little late. Gotta figure the time change in because I'm in Okinawa :blushing:
  • eve180
    eve180 Posts: 51 Member
    forgot to post 219, TOM came and I gained!!!
  • frankerzzzfit
    frankerzzzfit Posts: 81 Member
    sorry a day late!! 215.5!!!!
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    I'm certainly in on this.

    I had wanted to finish my weight loss by New Year, so that I could go into 2012 maintaining rather than losing, however I still have 50lbs to go which would mean losing 1.9lbs per week, without fail, and not gain so much as an ounce over Christmas. So I no longer think that it is possible SO..

    I'm going for "BMI Normal' by Christmas. That's 32lbs to go, and would make me feel (and no doubt look) amazing! My BMI is on my sig ticker, so you'll be able to see whether I make it or not even if I forget to post in this thread (which I will).

    I'm not too bad on the diet side of things at the moment, but the exercise is another story. Particularly while it's hot, I just cannot seem to motivate myself to get off my backside and even go for a walk! Which is why I'm only losing 1lb per week at the moment, as it's all due to the diet. I know that I could so easily lose 2lbs per week and smash my target, if only I tried just the tinyest bit harder. :)
  • wannabahotmom
    Late again! Sorry!!! My weight this week is 191.9. 1.1 pounds lost... better than nothing I guess!
  • bebe3232
    bebe3232 Posts: 43
    Hey everybody! I just found this and thought that is perfect for me because that is my goal to get down to my skinny weight/pre fat weight by Christmas! I plan on being a lean 140 by 12/25! I have 50 to go till I get there I am very motivated and I know I will reach this goal! CW 190