Is that THE ONLY thing he wants from me?



  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    LOL. Dumb post did a double post. Oh well /shrug
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    OK just for goes more!!
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Just say the word, and we will share interplanetary latin love until the break of dawn. We will bump across the galaxy, exploring the known solar system with our passion. We will journey to places even the astronomers have never been. We will bump to Pluto, as well as to the moon.
    When we are through with the lovemaking aspect of our romantic evening together, I will still continue to attend to your needs. If you wish a grape to be placed in your mouth, I will place one there. It does not matter whether you want a purple grape or a white grape, as I will supply myself with grapes of both colors.
  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member
    Nice. This poor woman's thread is getting hijacked by George Lopez
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    We will journey to places even the astronomers have never been.


    As for your grape squeezing fantasy, let's not even go there...

    Why don't you set up a seduction thread to woo the ladies you have your eye on? I have to admit you are very smooth. The extent of my seduction technique is "Baby, your eyes are like spanners. They're certainly tightening my nuts..."
  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member

    That reminds me of the lyrics to "The Bad Touch" by the Bloodhound Gang

    I much prefer the lyrics from "Freaks of the Industry" by Digital Underground
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I much prefer the lyrics from "Freaks of the Industry" by Digital Underground

    I feel a download on the way to the gym.

    Later dude.
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    Okay, at the risk of being flamed all the way back to my starting weight I'm going to go ahead an be honest.

    First, no matter where you meet be it a bar, church, or at the melon isle in the grocery store, the only reason a guy is going to go through the trouble of reeling you in and buying you a drink (or a melon) is because he finds you attractive. Attractive for either gender is short for "sexually attractive" not the type of attractive we call our moms or puppies. The same goes for a woman. I've never had a woman cross the bar to start a conversation with me, buy me a drink, and join me at my table and not had the opportunity for intercourse. I know lots of folks will instantly argue this point, either trying to prove sexual superiority or just to try to make themselves sound completely disinterested in sex in any way (which is really unattractive ladies). But if your honest, that's the way it is. Either that or he looked like a pay check.

    So lets skip all the "he's a creep" type of social posturing and get to the bottom line. You're saying that a good looking, well mannered man with his own home and a good job would like to have sex with you and is not afraid to let you know that. If the roles were reversed and a man were saying that a hot, employed, and well educated woman would like to have sex with him there would only be high fives and his friends finding other rides home that evening.

    So is it the only thing he wants, no probably not. If all I wanted from you was sex and I didn't score the first three dates I would have found someone else to want it from. So, while he is a be forward about the naked sheet tangling contest invitations, chances are he is also pursuing you as a person as well. I could be wrong and he may just be caught up in the thrill of the hunt and loose interest once he has bagged and mounted his prey but that's the risk we take every time.

    But seriously, in most cases if it were not for sexual attraction, no one would ever get to know the "personality" of the other person that they say they are "really" interested in.

    Okay ladies (and boy's that are trying to score points with the ladies) flame away.
  • NA_Willie
    NA_Willie Posts: 340 Member
    I much prefer the lyrics from "Freaks of the Industry" by Digital Underground

    I feel a download on the way to the gym.

    Later dude.
    You dont have Sex Packets?
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    Okay, at the risk of being flamed all the way back to my starting weight I'm going to go ahead an be honest.

    First, no matter where you meet be it a bar, church, or at the melon isle in the grocery store, the only reason a guy is going to go through the trouble of reeling you in and buying you a drink (or a melon) is because he finds you attractive. Attractive for either gender is short for "sexually attractive" not the type of attractive we call our moms or puppies. The same goes for a woman. I've never had a woman cross the bar to start a conversation with me, buy me a drink, and join me at my table and not had the opportunity for intercourse. I know lots of folks will instantly argue this point, either trying to prove sexual superiority or just to try to make themselves sound completely disinterested in sex in any way (which is really unattractive ladies). But if your honest, that's the way it is. Either that or he looked like a pay check.

    So lets skip all the "he's a creep" type of social posturing and get to the bottom line. You're saying that a good looking, well mannered man with his own home and a good job would like to have sex with you and is not afraid to let you know that. If the roles were reversed and a man were saying that a hot, employed, and well educated woman would like to have sex with him there would only be high fives and his friends finding other rides home that evening.

    So is it the only thing he wants, no probably not. If all I wanted from you was sex and I didn't score the first three dates I would have found someone else to want it from. So, while he is a be forward about the naked sheet tangling contest invitations, chances are he is also pursuing you as a person as well. I could be wrong and he may just be caught up in the thrill of the hunt and loose interest once he has bagged and mounted his prey but that's the risk we take every time.

    But seriously, in most cases if it were not for sexual attraction, no one would ever get to know the "personality" of the other person that they say they are "really" interested in.

    Okay ladies (and boy's that are trying to score points with the ladies) flame away.

    I agree. Well said.
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    And listen to Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo by the Bloodhound Gang. Lyrics are perfect for this thread! *squish mitten*
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    And listen to Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo by the Bloodhound Gang. Lyrics are perfect for this thread! *squish mitten*

    Perfect. That's going on my workout playlist.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    So lets skip all the "he's a creep" type of social posturing and get to the bottom line. You're saying that a good looking, well mannered man with his own home and a good job would like to have sex with you and is not afraid to let you know that. If the roles were reversed and a man were saying that a hot, employed, and well educated woman would like to have sex with him there would only be high fives and his friends finding other rides home that evening.

    A guy who talks about nothing but sex one week into dating a woman is hardly what I'd call well-mannered, especially when said woman has already told him she's not into sex with guys she just met. Being a good-looking, gainfully employed, homeowner means nothing if you're also a *kitten*, and that's what this guy sounds like to me.
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    i was thinking the same thing. what if HE is TESTING her? just a random thought. :D

    News bulletin...As men, we are too stupid to put a test together. Now, he may be giving her a 'can I pop that cherry right quick' quiz to see is he needs to grade her on a curve or not.
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    So lets skip all the "he's a creep" type of social posturing and get to the bottom line. You're saying that a good looking, well mannered man with his own home and a good job would like to have sex with you and is not afraid to let you know that. If the roles were reversed and a man were saying that a hot, employed, and well educated woman would like to have sex with him there would only be high fives and his friends finding other rides home that evening.

    A guy who talks about nothing but sex one week into dating a woman is hardly what I'd call well-mannered, especially when said woman has already told him she's not into sex with guys she just met. Being a good-looking, gainfully employed, homeowner means nothing if you're also a *kitten*, and that's what this guy sounds like to me.

    Of course I'm a *kitten*... oh wait you meant him. I respect your opinion just not the logical outcome of following it. Would it be preferable that he not be interested in sex? At which point the whole thing is pointless for both of them. Or that he hide his feelings so that later she can tell him he should "share" more. Or that he be too spineless to share his desires with her so that later he can cheat on her with someone with the guts to listen and she can cheat on him with someone with the guts to talk about it?

    Honestly if she does not like the idea that he wants her and is willing to say so, she should just move on. I can only assume you have never been a man. First the ladies tell us we should share our feelings with them, when they mean we should emulate theirs. Then they tell us we should not talk about sex, and later expect us to be okay with not getting our needs met. they want us to be more assertive, just not with them. Then just to make things more interesting they think we should put this huge weight and importance on the simple, satisfying and mutually enjoyable act of sex. It's sex, just sex, really it's not that complicated or a holy experience (okay well once or twice it was but that's the exception) it is JUST sex.

    It actually sounds like this guy is more enlightened than most of us. He has the courage to say he wants you when what he really wants is.... well ... you.

    We're men, you've confused us, and we're not nearly as complicated as you'd like us to be.

    We'd all like a drink, an orgasm, and a steak, and then if you don't mind seconds of all three. Don't hate us for being who we are, it takes courage to be us. However you are welcome to join us any of the above three. If you can't keep up we can do any or all of them for ourselves.
  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member
    I am done in this thread until the OP rejoins it. For all we know she could have either dumped him or screwed him by now.
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    I am done in this thread until the OP rejoins it. For all we know she could have either dumped him or screwed him by now.

    could have been both. in either order.
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I like MrBrown72.
    A breath of fresh air ... no BS.
    Smells pretty good. :flowerforyou:
  • ladybugz_247
    ladybugz_247 Posts: 120
    HORN DOG ALERT!! lol stay away..
    Hi Pals,

    I need the opinions/advice from men and this is the only place I can think of I can get the ear of a few men in a short period of time. :flowerforyou: Ladies your opinions are also welcomed. :flowerforyou:

    First alittle background. I'll try to make it as short as possible.

    I'm not much of a party girl. I average a "club night" about once every 3 months or so. Usually when a friend comes into town or celebrating a Birthday. Anyhoo, this past weekend was one of those rare occasions. I'm in the club, having a good time. This FINE *kitten* man approaches me very politely and tells me his name and asks if he can buy me a drink. I accept and we end up chatting for awhile and then he invites me up to the VIP section where the rest of his friends are. I met some of them and they were really nice.

    I have to leave the party early. He had already given me his number because I refused mine ;). The next day I call him and he asks if he can take my friend and I to dinner (he knows I'm entertaining my out of town friend). We accept and he came all by himself and we all had a great time. The next day he invites us to his home to watch the Playoffs... said he's grilling burgers and some friends are coming over. We accept and true to his word, some of his friends and family are over and he is a perfect host. Well now I'm so smitten with this guy I can't wait to see him again.

    I have a crazy work schedule lately and don't have much time for socializing on weekdays, however, we are chatting alittle here and there. But everytime we talk somehow he turns everything to sex... how he can imagine how good it will be with me, what he will do to me, how much i will enjoy him, etc. Everytime. Today, he comes all the way across town to take me to lunch. He asks me if i want to come to his house tonight (I don't work on Fridays). I say, "i don't want to be alone in your house". He then reminds me that he has family staying with him because of some remodeling being done at there house. That there will be a bunch of people there. I tell him that he will be dissappointed if he thinks "That" will happen. Perfect gentleman, until he walks me to my car and there go the hands all over me. Now, I'm not hollyier (sp) than thow type of woman, I can get down and dirty but i like taking my time and more often than not wait till we're exclusive. I met this guy on Friday, yes less than 1 week.

    My question to the guys. Does it seem like this guy just wants a "Hit and Run"? I'm thinking this mostly because I met him in a club. BTW, We are both the same age.

    Thanks for your attention :)
  • SidneyShotgun
    Just because you meet someone in a club, does NOT mean the relationship's not going to last... I met my husband in a club and we've been together for nearly 14 years now. One of my friends also met her guy in a club and they've been together for about 10 years. Granted, most of the time it's a hook-up spot but as long as you set boundaries and the guy's willing to stick around, it can work...

    Which brings me to my next point. Yes, it seems like he's all about getting into bed with you but at the same time he sounds like he may have some potential. Give him one more chance, be really honest and straightforward (guys don't get subtleties) about your wanting to wait. If he gets it and thinks you're worth it, he'll back off. If he doesn't, it's time to say buh-bye.

    I agree 100%.

    It's hard for classy girls to meet genuine guys and get the point across to them that they're not hoes when so many girls are so willing to give it up for a smile and a compliment. It's really nice to see there are still super classy ladies out there like yourself. Be honest with him, and hopefully he sees the benefit in waiting.