Young Working Women (career, not corner) *CLOSED GROUP*



  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    2 lbs a week is pretty darn awesome!

    I am about to move (in 13 days!) for a new job, and I am seriously considering purchasing the video to try out for my next self-challange!
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    It hurts to type. My body is tired. My eyes are only half open. My quads are like aching jello from the mountain climbers. I even had to half-cheat and break them into 1 min intervals with a 10 sec rest, which is really only enough time to breathe and drip some sweat on the floor.
    I feel like I had a freakish weigh-in Monday. My coworker and I wanted to eat mexican yesterday and after much debating, I decided to let the scale decide (LAME, haha, I know- but it's funny- if I'm up, I won't, if I'm down- I will, although I do not use that as en accuse to over indulge.) and it was TWO WHOLE POUNDS LESS than Monday. Weeeird. I have been doing this "Superfood Diet" which is not so much a diet as teaching your body to eat food for fuel. It's supposed to have amazing results but surely not so quick?! Eh, either way, I'm feeling pretty good about myself! I'm on day 2 of my 100 push up challenge and I did 18 push ups this am! Anyway, if you are interested in this "superfood diet" which is really more of a challenge if you really care about health, not so much calories, let me know! And you can check out my diary for the last few days. Except yesterday because I had mexi.
    Amber- that totally sucks about your ankle. I've also heard that the stationary bike is good for rehab on ankles and knees and low impact.

    OK, must rest arms. haha.
  • twistyBee
    twistyBee Posts: 63
    Hey girls! So this morning I finished Day 30 of the 30 Day Shred! I am so excited! Mostly because I don't have to walk up extra early anymore :)

    Anyway, I know a few of you have just started/are thinking about starting the 30 DS so I thought I would share my final results. I lost a total of 8.8 lbs (163.8 to 155) and 6.5 inches. Not so bad! I'm looking forward to starting Ripped in 30 soon.

    @twistyBee...sorry to hear about your ankle! My roommate had bad knees and she loves cycling because it is pretty low impact. Also, maybe you can adjust your calories a little to -.5 a week or even maintenance until you are feeling better so you have some more calories and aren't worrying about going over. I hope you feel better soon!!

    Thanks for the words of wisdom! I am planning on taking today off and try out the stationary bike tomorrow, quie a few people have suggested that. Enough about me, CONGRATS on finishing the 30DS!!! I am only on day 2 level 1 so I can't wait to see the results when I eventually finish it...after all you were the one who initially motivated me to get it!
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    Now I feel like I need to get the 30DS. Words can't even DESCRIBE how much I LOATHE doing videos in my house though. I have her Power Pilates or something like that and I got pretty bored after a week. Plus, my old dog ate my remote, so I'm stuck in the beginner level baahahaa.
  • Morganjannelle
    Now I feel like I need to get the 30DS. Words can't even DESCRIBE how much I LOATHE doing videos in my house though. I have her Power Pilates or something like that and I got pretty bored after a week. Plus, my old dog ate my remote, so I'm stuck in the beginner level baahahaa.

    LOL @ the "my dog ate my remote"

    I dislike videos at home as well- but I think I can do 20mins... maybe...
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    OK I just caved and ordered the 30 Day Shred! Man, I LOVE Amazon.
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    Awesome! It's not so bad, I swear. I wake up at 6:00 in the morning and do it, so usually I'm halfway through before I am fully aware of what's going on. It's mostly mental I think. You just have to make yourself do it every day. I did quit a few times, so it probably took me closer to 40 days to finish.
  • AmberM6912
    AmberM6912 Posts: 79
    Amber, right before I started on mfp I had started getting back into running a little. I stepped off the sidewalk wrong and rolled my able, fracturing it and tearing some ligaments. I was in a walking cast/boot thing for 6 weeks and had 6 weeks of physical therapy after that. I still have to wear a brace for support when I do anything physical. Anyway, my point was the therapist had me doing the atatio bike on a low resistance setting for a little longer than I would normally do a higher resistance. Sometimes I felt like I was on there forever, but it kept me doing at least something after I got out of that dang boot. 8 weeks of doing nothing completely killed me! But... That's when I found mfp and now I have more motivation and support to get where I wanna be. So I guess something good came of it. Just do what you can and don't push it, especially at first because you will do more harm than good. O totally feel your pain, but you can do it!!!

    Ps sorry if there are any typos, I did this on my phone and it can be somewhat of a pain!
  • Morganjannelle
    I'm back in the 130's!!!


    I did a little happy dance in my bathroom and now I'm super excited for this weekend!
  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    Congrats, Morgan!! You're making great progress!!
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    cristina, I'm picking up 30DS today, Casey did you start it already? Ugh I'm dreading taking the "before" pic though, but I know I'll be glad I did when i'm taking the "after" haha.

    and morgan, congrats! I'll be so happy when I break out of the stupid 140s!!! only a few pounds to go, here's hoping that happens in 30 days :smile:
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    I'm now really intrigued about this 30DS business - I hate working out at home! How do you all stay motivated to do it every day?
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    I'm now really intrigued about this 30DS business - I hate working out at home! How do you all stay motivated to do it every day?

    Haha Allison I'll let you know if I'm even able to!:embarassed:
  • twistyBee
    twistyBee Posts: 63
    Thanks Amber for your support! I do plan on getting back in the swing of things next week, even if it is just riding the staionary bike. With this being the first time I have ever injured my ankle liek this, I am definitely being more cautious than I probably should be...but like you said I do not want to do more damage. I can't wait to get back to my 30DS and join you gals!! :smile:
  • twistyBee
    twistyBee Posts: 63
    Way to go Morgan, getting out of the 140's is a challenege I am also facing and will definitely be doing a happy dance!

    The good thing about the 30DS is once youve done the routine for a few days and get the hang of it, you can mute Jillian's voice and just listen to your own music, which I plan on doing. I took measurements rather than a photo, since I haven't been dropping the lbs like I would like to, so I'm hoping the measuring tape will be a better friend than the scale! :wink:
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    So I know a bunch of you are just starting/thinking about starting the 30DS and I thought I would post my before and afters. I know they are nothing super amazing, but I was on my way to post them in the 30DS Before and After thread and I thought I would stick them here too. Plus, now you all get to see how awesome I look when I wake up in the morning (joking, of course. Please excuse the severe bedhead and grimace on my face. Smiling is hard for me in the morning).


    Day 30

    **sorry they are so BIG! Now you just get to see my blubber all up close and personal. Embarassing.
  • funky_stripes
    funky_stripes Posts: 119 Member
    totally missed this past week, i will weigh in on the upcoming monday
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    I feel kinda bad because I legitimately HATE Jillian workouts. Don't get me wrong, they are awesome workouts, but I really hate Jillian. She's so mean! I spend most of my workout wanting to punch her in the face! haha I never did the 30DS though. I rotated No More Trouble Zones, 6 week 6 pack, yoga meltdown and shred it with weights (her kettlebell dvd).

    On another note. I got my wisdom teeth taken out this week so it put me a little off track :( I dumbly assumed I'd be right back to normal the next day but reality hit me like a ton of bricks!! (I blame my dentist for misleading me). O-well...
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    Charlotte- thanks for posting pics! I'm totally excited now because I can tell a huge difference!
    Angela- ewwww yucky. Ont he plus side- you can't really eat so that's awesome! LOL jk.
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    Charlotte, those pics are amazing! No need to be embarassed, lady! :)

    Laura, I've been doing Ripped in 30 for the last 4 days, and I can already tell a difference not only in how much I'm physically able to do during the actual workout, but I can put my hands on my core, flex my (moss-covered-rock-hard :) abs, and FEEL MUSCLE hiding under there! I'm seriously pumped to see the before/afters. I took measurements (for the first time ever) and also starting pics and weight, so hopefully in a few weeks I can post awesome before/afters like Charlotte!

    Someone asked how to motivate yourself to pump it out every day, and I have a secret tip. Do it eaaaaarly in the morning, before work. Others have said this, and it's totally true: by the time you're at full mental capacity, it's already half over and you only have ten more minutes! Also, I actually like Jillian, and would rather she get all up in the camera's face and yell, BL-style. I like Jill when she yells. Makes me feel like I can do it. :) Ah well, to each their own, and that.