Young Working Women (career, not corner) *CLOSED GROUP*



  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    is it weird I LOVE to listen to lil wayne? I just let his whole album play while i'm working out, I love it!
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    I listen to the Katy Perry Pandora station when I work out. But what I usually do is play a show on my iPhone on Netflix. So far I have watched every epsiode of every season of 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation and The Office (for the second time). Yesterday I started Arrested Development. I probably look like an idiot laughing to myself, but I don't care! It makes the time go by sooooooo fast.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    I listen to the Katy Perry Pandora station when I work out. But what I usually do is play a show on my iPhone on Netflix. So far I have watched every epsiode of every season of 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation and The Office (for the second time). Yesterday I started Arrested Development. I probably look like an idiot laughing to myself, but I don't care! It makes the time go by sooooooo fast.

    Um, I watch all of those and love em to death!! Especially Arrested Development. I'm thinking of watching it all the way through again (it will be my 3rd time). I swear it gets even funnier!
  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    Ok, MASSIVE panic! Got a letter this morning from the bridal shop saying that my dress is ready and I need to book a fitting ASAP! Wasn't expecting it back until early August so was hoping to have lost more weight by then!

    When you go in for your fitting, tell them that you are in the process of losing weight! I'm sure they deal with this issue a lot so they will know what to tell you! Don't fret girly :)

    Ooh, you reckon that'll work? I asked them to order a smaller size when I ordered the dress initially but I guess they get so many people saying they're going to lose weight and then don't that they didn't want to do it LOL

    How is everyone getting on with 30DS? I've been slacking on workouts over the past few days cos I had an assignment due in but it's all gone now! Persuaded my stepdad to have a go at level 2 with me tomorrow LOL he is my gym buddy!

    Re goals this week? Afraid I can't slack off with a dress fitting coming up (esp after I slacked off during the week before my essay deadline!) but I will try very very hard to be aware of alcohol BEFORE it enters my mouth lol
  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    Whoop for avoiding the beer! I find that the problem for me is mindfulness, or I've had some without even remembering I wasn't going to lol (makes me sound like I have a problem LOL)

    Song choices - really loving 'When Love Takes Over' (Kelly Rowlands/David Guetta) cos I feel like I can just dance through the exercise instead of concentrating on it! lol
    I also discovered (serious guilty pleasure here!) that I love running to the Wicked soundtrack, a lot of the songs are at just the right speed for me to plod to!
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    I listen to the Katy Perry Pandora station when I work out. But what I usually do is play a show on my iPhone on Netflix. So far I have watched every epsiode of every season of 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation and The Office (for the second time). Yesterday I started Arrested Development. I probably look like an idiot laughing to myself, but I don't care! It makes the time go by sooooooo fast.

    Um, I watch all of those and love em to death!! Especially Arrested Development. I'm thinking of watching it all the way through again (it will be my 3rd time). I swear it gets even funnier!

    I am glad you said that...I have not been able to really get into Arrested Development - although I've only made it about 4 episodes - so I will keep at it. But the other three are seriously my favorite shows. I have seen every episode of all three multiple times.

    @alteredorchid (sorry...I can't remember you name. I need to make a real name vs. MFP name spreadsheet)...I hope you show us pictures of your dress!! I am basically obsessed with weddings and wedding dresses. Like...looking-at-Facebook-albums-of-weddings-of-people-I-don't-even-know obsessed.
  • KeshiaV
    KeshiaV Posts: 187 Member

    @alteredorchid (sorry...I can't remember you name. I need to make a real name vs. MFP name spreadsheet)...I hope you show us pictures of your dress!! I am basically obsessed with weddings and wedding dresses. Like...looking-at-Facebook-albums-of-weddings-of-people-I-don't-even-know obsessed.

    I am absolutely obsessed with weddings!!! I'm so guilty of facebooking weddings of friends of friends. I thought I was the only one lol.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    @charc16 - looks like I have a bad memory when it comes to names too!! Anyway, arrested development is kind-of hard to get into because you have to really listen to the stuff they say. I think it's why it didn't do very well - most people either love that show or just don't understand lol
  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    LOL you really wanna see? Will have to figure out how to upload a pic here, it's the website pic rather than the dress on me though (obv LOL) - you won't tell anyone though, will you ;)

    I also facebook-stalk strangers weddings, I am SOOOO nosey!! lol

    btw my name is Gayle, I put it in my signature but maybe I should change my user name too :/
  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    Oh, forgot to mention - got to go for the dressing fitting THIS weekend!! nooooooooooooooooo
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    Oh, forgot to mention - got to go for the dressing fitting THIS weekend!! nooooooooooooooooo

    It will be okay!!! You can always get measured again. Tell them that you are losing weight and see what they say! Doesn't hurt to ask :)
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    Gayle, I definitely want to see a picture! Get that bad boy posted :smile:
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    I'm so excited about my supper that I have to pre-share it with you guys, LOL! I'm making stuffed bell pepper, but in light of me transitioning to vegetarian again- I gave it a twist!
    Half bell pepper (whatever color)
    stuff with a mix of tomatoes, onions, peppers, cheese (I use raw milk sharp cheddar), black beans, corn and quinoa or brown or wild rice (i'm serving my rice on the side because my mind will think I'm eating more)
    crack an egg on top (yeah an egg!)
    then bake until egg is set to desired consistency. You can also stuff with chorizo or soy chorizo.

  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    Gayle, I definitely want to see a picture! Get that bad boy posted :smile:

    Erm... I have no idea how to post a pic here! So here's the web address....'s dress D4042
  • twistyBee
    twistyBee Posts: 63
    Gayle that is an absolutely stunning dress!!

    Cristina, I tried making stuffed peppers once and lets say they didnt come out too good, my dog wouldnt even eat it! (I'm not a good cook) but these seem easy enough. With my boyfired (the cook) being gone for the evening it is something I might try myself with the chorizo!
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    It's so pretty! You are going to look BEAUTIFUL!!!
  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    Aw, thanks girls! Obv not going to look like that in it but hoping a little scaffolding goes a long way :-D went looking for some bridal lingerie today too but it was HIDEOUS, hoping I can find something better tomorrow :)

    Btw haven't had stuffed peppers for ages! Stuffed mushrooms are my absolute favourite :)
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    OMG Gayle that dress is beautiful!!!!! oh it's so pretty!! :)
  • KeshiaV
    KeshiaV Posts: 187 Member
    Gayle- Your dress is BEAUTIFUL! I can't wait until we get to see you in it :)

    mmm... stuffed peppers! I've been thinking about making some, this was definitely the inspiration I needed :)
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    My stuffed peppers are currently cooking :) Perhaps I will post a pic if they come out well!