Young Working Women (career, not corner) *CLOSED GROUP*



  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    I grew up in the Dallas/Fort Worth suburbs-- I wanted to get away from everyone in high school so I went to University of Mississippi and double-degreed in French and International Studies. I spent a semester in Paris my junior year. French degrees don't land you jobs so I went straight to the MBA program at Texas Tech University. I started my job with a department of defense agency in San Antonio right after I graduated from Tech. And now, today is my last day at the agency -- and I start my new corporate tax consulting job in Houston next week!!!

    Downside of the new job...I had to cancel my trip to France I had planned for the end of July. :(

    Oh and my picture is my dog Bruce! I adopted him last year -- he's my bud! (Even though my fiance thinks that Bruce is HIS dog now...)
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    1. I grew up in Tulsa, OK (NO-we do NOT live in teepees and have dirt roads. YES- we have real buildings and even an few airports!) Went to college at Oklahoma State University and majored in everything under the sun in this order: interior design, undeclared, Hotel and Restaurant Admin and finally Marketing where i only stayed because after 5.5 years it was time to freaking graduate. I worked in the Athletic Dept in Program Development and wanted to continue with sports marketing ish- took a ticket sales job with a hockey team after I graduated. Didn't make enough money, so I hit a bump in the road working 2 part time jobs and living at home ::wahhh:: lol. Yeah, we have real buildings but in Tulsa the job market is slim. SO I moved to OKC, interviewed with the Thunder and the Dallas Cowboys, took a crappy customer service job at AAA UNTIL where I am now. (LOL) I am the special events rep at an amusement and water park. It's a lot of M-F work for little pay PLUS weekend work, night work, "volunteer" work and even littler pay. I REALLY want to get into the non-profit area doing events and fundraising, and Dallas will probably be my next move because I REALLY HATE THIS JOB. Whew. That felt good to say.

    2. I am like, the WORST role model for this group. Or maybe the best because I admit everything? Lol. Last night we had "Employee Ride Night" where from 9-11 all the seasonal employees that usually RUN the rides get to ride the rides and the full-time staff (me) get to run them. Soooooo... yeahhhh... after work my coworkers and I went and got beer and pizza and drank and ate until the event. Ha. I mean- does anyone else feel like somethings are just worth a pound that week? I do. LOL.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    Yea. I could not combat TOM cravings anymore and had a few low calorie brownie snacks and had yet ANOTHER affair with the light moose tracks ice cream. The weird thing is, I actually lost over a lb. Stupid woman bodies being so complicated. I can't figure it out.
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    LOL that one thread was really cool though, no wonder we are so much hungrier during that time, because our metabolism literally speeds up. I doubt I lose any weight though. Well I say that, but probably because I'm still bloated and the salty pizza and bubbly beer didn't help. ::wahhhh:: haha

    **Edit** I'm down a pound too! WTF. I feel like I'm up 10 though so I don't even care.
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    Sorry ladies, I haven't had much time to log on! But I grew up in the South Jersey/Philly area, went to college at West Chester University, which is right outside of Philly, was a communications major, i used to want to be a sports broadcaster. I'm a HUGE sports fan, there's nothing I love more than being in a fantasy football league with 10 dudes and crushing all of them haha. So after college I had a really good job offer doing PR at QVC, and instead chose to do sales because i got greedy and it was a lot more somehow I ended up in the IT world ( I worked for Verizon selling business services (not cell phones!) to clients in NY) now I work for a financial institution called TIAA-CREF here in Charlotte (oh yea, had a terrible breakup with my bf of 3 years in philly, lived in the same town as his ENTIRE family, had the opportunity to move to NC, had never been here, but was 24 at the time and figured why the eff not, so i picked up and moved) and I'm in HR doing Talent Acquisition supporting the IT department. Basically when you apply for a job on a company website, I'm the one who goes through your application, reads your resume, calls to screen you, and decides to set you up with managers or not, things like that. Not that I am a complete expert or anything, but if you guys need any resume advice or anything let me know, helping people get jobs is what i do ALL DAY LONG haha.

    Whew, sorry that was long, like I said it's been a while. I've been slacking on the workouts, but my boyfriend and I just booked a trip to Mexico with friends at the end of October, so that's even MORE motivation to drop these last few pounds and get in shape.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    LOL that one thread was really cool though, no wonder we are so much hungrier during that time, because our metabolism literally speeds up. I doubt I lose any weight though. Well I say that, but probably because I'm still bloated and the salty pizza and bubbly beer didn't help. ::wahhhh:: haha

    **Edit** I'm down a pound too! WTF. I feel like I'm up 10 though so I don't even care.

    I'm starting to think that idea may have some merit... I'll make sure to track it all next month and see if it's the same! And for all of you who don't know what we are talking about, it's this topic:
  • AmberM6912
    AmberM6912 Posts: 79
    I grew up in a small town about 30 minutes outside of Athens, GA (GO DAWGS!!!!!). When I graduated high school, I had NO desire to go to UGA where my entire high school was going so I chose a small private school in NW GA. I LOVED it and majored in Biochemistry. After 2 years, the one-time scholarships that I had ran out and Georgia has a scholarship program that allows you to go to a public university basically for free as long as you keep a B average. So off I transferred to another university about 20 min outside of Atlanta. I finished off a chemistry degree and got a certificate in forensic chemistry. I took a job at Georgia Pacific when I graduated and i LOVED every second of it. Unfortunately it was a temp position and it was at the time the economy was crashing. When that position ended I took a job at a third party testing lab and hated every second of the 3 years I was there. I liked what i did, but hated my group and the way that everyone was treated. SO... on to this week. I quit that job and accepted a job in central georgia to be with my boyfriend and up and moved 2 hours away. This lab is smaller (hopefully more like the GP position) and I start on the 18th of July! I couldn;t be happier with where I am in life right now. The last thing left is finishing up the journey to my goal weight, which, thanks to the AMAZING support group I've found with you ladies, is much easier!

    They say that when a large group of women are around each other, their TOM cycles start to sync. Is that true about our virtual group? I feel like many of us have mentioned it being our TOM last week/this week. Haha just an observation!
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    LOL that one thread was really cool though, no wonder we are so much hungrier during that time, because our metabolism literally speeds up. I doubt I lose any weight though. Well I say that, but probably because I'm still bloated and the salty pizza and bubbly beer didn't help. ::wahhhh:: haha

    **Edit** I'm down a pound too! WTF. I feel like I'm up 10 though so I don't even care.

    I'm starting to think that idea may have some merit... I'll make sure to track it all next month and see if it's the same! And for all of you who don't know what we are talking about, it's this topic:

    I wonder if it applies to people on the Pill as well, or if it's just the natural cycle.
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    Allison I was thinking the same thing as well, I'm on the pill, my cycle better not get switched up haha! Although my roommate and I ended up syncing up, even with my being on BC....a couple months in a row it came a day early each time, she said hers was late a couple times (which she ISNT on BC so that had to be scary)....until we got to the point we had it for at least a few common days.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    I was ALSO wondering the same thing since when you are on the pill, you aren't supposed to ovulate. But this month, I know my BC is all screwy because I've been on antibiotics for 10 days (ugh I really hate antibiotics)
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    Well if you guys are thinking we are all going to start syncing up with our cycles, you may want to kick me out of this group. I have been on mine since the 18th, and I just took my first reminder pill last night. Yes, you have counted correctly; I have been on my period for 12 DAYS. By the time I start my regular pills, it will have been right around two weeks.
    Kill me.

    On another note, it gives me hope that you all have had so many jobs thus far. I am thinking that I want to get out of here soon. But I also think I have to stick it out for a little longer (I have only been here since February). Maybe another year. Plus if I leave my job I know my boyfriend will try to convince me to move to Iowa to live with him (where he works), and I literally can not think of a worse place to live. No offense to anyone who lives there/loves thousands of miles of nothing but stinky livestock.
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    There are 2 of us on bc in my office and 3 of us are synced regardless. Something about the days/times/number of pills and your body just does it.. it's like an unsolved mystery! My best friend and I are also like within a week of each other. When I used to live with 3 girls.. it was a nightmare. 3 girls PMSing at the same time is bad news.

    Charlotte- I have had so many jobs since I graduated, and this is the only one I will have been at for a year in August. I have talked to a lot of people about this, and apparently it is becoming more acceptable for our "generation" and given the economy we graduated into. Although, I would not want to move to Iowa. I don't even know anyone from Iowa... I don't even think I could 100% tell you where it's even located bahaha.

    I just ate my leftover pizza for lunch. WHYYYYY OH WHYYYY?! ha. I was running late that's why. I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow and get back to my normal eating routine. I also think I'm going to start pre-cleansing for a detox next week!
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    AHHHH Charlotte that's the worst!!! How is that possible on the pill?! It hasn't regulated at all? If it makes you feel any better, I've been on BC since I was like 14, the reason being because I was having TOM every TWO WEEKS! My mom made me wait a whole year to see if it regulated for i got on the pill, and it didn't of course....but yea I would have MAYBE 5 or 6 days in between cycles. Terrible.

    And I agree, I would never move to Iowa haha. But that's just me. Oh and don't stress about jobs, as long as you have a good reason for leaving each position, you won't look like a job hopper. I was at my last job for 7 months and was so miserable and hated it, but in my next interview (for where I am now) I just explained that I wasn't a cultural fit, and didn't align with the values of the company, explained some very neutral and vague reasons why haha...and it isn't a big deal. (granted, a job every year for 10 years is a little much. But if you're under 30 and have 3 or 4 jobs under your belt, that's kind of expected.)
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    Hah, thank you for the sympathy. I only got on the pill in Feb. and everything was fine and normal. Then I started eating better and losing weight about two months ago and everything got all f-ed up. I am going to wait one more month and if the same thing happens I am marching myself over to the gyno and demanding a new pill.

    And I am glad I am not alone on the whole Iowa thing. The only reason I would even consider moving there isbecause when I go there I feel like the thinnest, most beautiful person in the world when I'm there. What is it about the midwest and obesity? When I walk around an Iowa Walmart I feel like Miss Universe.
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    Wow Amber I'm in awe!!! I wish I could just up and quit my job. You are so brave and awesome!! I hate my job so very much and I picture myself walking out all the time. But I need it right now to pay off the student loans (for a career I don't so much want anymore) Ooo well, life is good otherwise so I should quit complaining :)

    Okay here is a question for you beautiful ladies. If you could do anything in the world for a career and you didn't have to worry about money what would you do? For a long time I've wanted to own my own bed and breakfast with my mom. She would be in charge of the kitchen (as she is the better cook, but of course I would help!) and I would be the hotel manager and event planner (as I would love love love to plan weddings!) I know that sounds so cheesy but that's my dream! What's yours?

    I would own a trendy restaurant in nyc

    I would NOT however want to plan weddings :) because I was in the wedding industry and dealing with the bridezillas is NOTTT FUN haha
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    I grew up in Ohio and moved to Indiana to go to a very small, private Engineering school. My major was Biomedical Engineering (and I minored in Literature to keep my sanity) I loved the atmosphere and the people so much but I found out very quickly that Engineering was not for me. But because my school is private and I already had a year/year and a half of loans to pay off from a very expensive school, I decided to stick with it because I need that engineering salary to pay them off!! O-well. It's a good background and I REALLY did enjoy my focus, but I'm not using hardly anything I learned for my job.

    Now I work in the pharmaceutical industry as a validation engineer. We make sure big pharma is doing everything the FDA says it needs to be doing. And that ends up being a ton of pointless, boring paperwork.

    ha....i love pharma...i went to school for finance but am now in pharma consulting but on the commercial operations side so i help launch products you guys develop :) it's very up and down hectic...and has its moments but I would prefer to do something else down the road.
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197

    And I am glad I am not alone on the whole Iowa thing. The only reason I would even consider moving there isbecause when I go there I feel like the thinnest, most beautiful person in the world when I'm there. What is it about the midwest and obesity? When I walk around an Iowa Walmart I feel like Miss Universe.

    Man I tell you. OKC is consistently ranked int he top 10 fattest cities. It's embarrassing and disgusting. But really, health food isn't always accessible (OKC FINALLY has a Whole Foods to open in the fall) and farmers markets are slightly inconvenient and intimidating. Yeah there are gym's everywhere, but the culture as a whole doesn't go outside to do anything active, it's too freakin hot. We go outside to get on the lake and drink lol. We also like to FRY EVERYTHING WE CAN GET OUR HANDS ON. It's really terrible. We raise cows so we eat a lot of red meat (blech). I'd love to live in CO or Seattle or some place where being healthy is what people do!
  • AmberM6912
    AmberM6912 Posts: 79

    Man I tell you. OKC is consistently ranked int he top 10 fattest cities. It's embarrassing and disgusting. But really, health food is always accessible (OKC FINALLY has a Whole Foods to open in the fall) and farmers markets are slightly inconvenient and intimidating. Yeah there are gym's everywhere, but the culture as a whole doesn't go outside to do anything active, it's too freakin hot. We go outside to get on the lake and drink lol. We also like to FRY EVERYTHING WE CAN GET OUR HANDS ON. It's really terrible. We raise cows so we eat a lot of red meat (blech). I'd love to live in CO or Seattle or some place where being healthy is what people do!

    I live in the south. I totally understand about being on the water (I now live on the lake) and drinking, frying ANYTHING and EVERYTHING and cows EVERYWHERE!!! Talk about temptations!!
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    BTW- any of you lovely ladies on twitter?! I like to tweet pic of my meals sometimes (ok, a lot of times haha) so try and find me!
    My username is @DJ_turn_me_up or you can try searching Cristina O.
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    I am on Twitter! @fccarloni is my name. I am not super good at using it, but I am trying to get better.

    Christina - I love in Colorado! In Fort Collins, of the healthiest cities in the healthiest state in the US. Lots of biking, hiking, etc., etc. I should probably get out and do more of those things... :)

    Edited to say: if you follow me on Twitter, many of the pictures I post will be of my cat. Please don't judge me.
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