Young Working Women (career, not corner) *CLOSED GROUP*



  • KeshiaV
    KeshiaV Posts: 187 Member
    Hey :) Weigh in today at 231, down 4.7 lbs from our last weigh in... I'll take it!

    Oh, and I totally caved and got the 30DS yesterday... I'm starting soon and fearing it!
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    Up half a pound from this weekend so weighing in at 161.5 but I ate and drank a lot this weekend!
  • twistyBee
    twistyBee Posts: 63
    Sorry it took me a few days, I took some vacation time and just totally vegged out....I am weighing in this week at 147...back up to my original weight :( as everyone said this was a tough weekend but hoping to really kick some butt these next two weeks and have a good weigh-in next time. Hope everyone has a good hump day!
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    UGH....i think i pulled my right calf jumping rope and running uphill on the treadmill Monday...I can barely walk if I sit down...I look like a limping dog lol

    It feels slightly better when it's "warmed up" aka when I keep walking

    I hope I can still go to the gym :( giving it till Thursday though

    Btw...jumping rope made my whole body sore - especially my abs - it's crazy!!!!!!

    I did about 20 minutes and it was like magic!

    That should be one of our challenges!
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    Just wanted to update and let you guys know that the water weight did come off. I'm back down to my lowest recorded weight as of this morning. Only took 2 days to come off.

    I always worry about nothing... *sigh* stewpid scale.... lol
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    UGH....i think i pulled my right calf jumping rope and running uphill on the treadmill Monday...I can barely walk if I sit down...I look like a limping dog lol

    It feels slightly better when it's "warmed up" aka when I keep walking

    I hope I can still go to the gym :( giving it till Thursday though

    Btw...jumping rope made my whole body sore - especially my abs - it's crazy!!!!!!

    I did about 20 minutes and it was like magic!

    That should be one of our challenges!

    I hope you are feeling better!! And I completely agree about the jumping rope! It was one of the things we did a lot when we were doing winter training for softball in college (and before you judge me for that, I went to a small engineering school so varsity sports were more similar to high school varsity sports than college lol)
  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    LOL! I had to take a day off Jillian too! After about 6 days, I was just feeling like I could barely lift the weights cos my arms were so sore from the day before!

    I'm afraid I must fess up, although I have been getting my jumping jacks in I TOTALLY forgot about the alcohol ban :/ and have some wine in front of me right now! (ps I do live in the UK so it's nearly 6pm lol)
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    ok so this is completely random, sorry....but I'm dying of boredom at work and came across this "most embarrassing moments" I figured I'd share my story (which definitely isn't my MOST embarrassing, but I think is pretty effing hilarious anyway), because I think a lot of you probably have the same train of thought that my best friend and I did, so you'll get it :smile:

    My best friend and I had a guy friend that we were really close to...when he got married, his wife was being nice and invited us to the bridal shower and bachelorette party, even though we had only met her a few times and didn't know any of her friends. So we get to the MOH's house where the bachelorette party is starting, and the bride starts opening gifts. Well, my best friend and I did our typical "bachelorette" shopping, you know, at the stores where you have to be 18 to enter? So our gift was the last one in a line of 10 or 12 anyway, she opens the first one, and it's the ingredients to make a caramel appletini....the second one, bar napkins with cute cocktails on them....the third, a nice bottle of wine and an she's opening each gift our faces are getting more and more red, we're looking at each other like "what the eff?!"....apparently the other girls had decided to do a "stock the bar" theme! But since they didn't know us, and the bride didn't know about it, no one thought to tell you can imagine the bride's surprise when the first item she pulls out of our bag, (in front of her mother and sister, by the way) is scented and vibrating. We were MORTIFIED (and so was the bride!)

    but I guess it wasn't all bad, our guy friend texted me the next morning thanking us for the gifts
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    ahhhahahahaha I totally did this, but I did it knowingly... :wink:

    I knew the bride and her maid of honor, but the maid of honor was kinda of a huge b****. So my friends and I went to the adult fun store and bought a bunch of stuff (most, if not all of it was gag-ish, nothing really useful) and we found a phallic shaped cake mold and also decided to make a cake! The bride loved it all. The maid of honor was sooo POed. Success :drinker:
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    ahhhahahahaha I totally did this, but I did it knowingly... :wink:

    I knew the bride and her maid of honor, but the maid of honor was kinda of a huge b****. So my friends and I went to the adult fun store and bought a bunch of stuff (most, if not all of it was gag-ish, nothing really useful) and we found a phallic shaped cake mold and also decided to make a cake! The bride loved it all. The maid of honor was sooo POed. Success :drinker:

    omg hysterical!
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    ahhhahahahaha I totally did this, but I did it knowingly... :wink:
    Success :drinker:
    I completely snorted just now. Love it! :)

    I'm having a really hard time thinking of any embarassing moments since, say, Jr. High... so that tells you one of three things: 1. I am oblivious to life and/or completely unembarassable. 2. I've had such bad moments that I've completely blocked them out. 3. My whole life is a giant embarassing moment, and there's no one shining moment. Womp womp... ;)

    I'm off to Wallawa Lake, OR for the week - My mother-in-law wanted a family vacation for her birthday. Apparently our cabin doesn't have internet, but others in the area do, so I may or may not be able to log on for a few days. I'll miss you guys!
  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    LOL I have my hen night (bachelorette) coming up on August 6th - I've specified no strippers, L-plates or handcuffs! We'll see what happens ;)

    Ok, MASSIVE panic! Got a letter this morning from the bridal shop saying that my dress is ready and I need to book a fitting ASAP! Wasn't expecting it back until early August so was hoping to have lost more weight by then! In my panic decided to move up to Level 2 of 30DS and am now shaking so badly I can barely lift a cup to drink from!! Idiot :-D
  • AmberM6912
    AmberM6912 Posts: 79
    I'm leaving for the beach tonight! I'll have internet (I think) but I know it will be a busy trip so I may be disconnected for a couple of days but i'll be back next sunday night! I start my new job on Monday the 18th, the day after we get back... yikes!

    Here's to good food choices, not over-indulging, and getting at least SOME sort of excersie while I'm there! Wish me luck!
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    Ok, MASSIVE panic! Got a letter this morning from the bridal shop saying that my dress is ready and I need to book a fitting ASAP! Wasn't expecting it back until early August so was hoping to have lost more weight by then!

    When you go in for your fitting, tell them that you are in the process of losing weight! I'm sure they deal with this issue a lot so they will know what to tell you! Don't fret girly :)

    And embarrassing moments? Yea my whole life is an embarrassing moment. Especially if alcohol is involved lol.

    My most recent is getting a littttle too drunk with my fun coworkers at an outdoor German fest and when someone was trying to talk to me from the other side of the table, I just crawled over top of the table instead of walking around it like a normal person. Ugh so embarrassing the next day. At least no one seemed bothered by it lol.
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    Wow I've missed a lot! I ended with a busy week last week, then took off to Dallas to see the boyfraaan for the weekend. Guess what I ate for breakfast all weekend? PEANUT BUTTER CRUNCH MIXED WITH REESES PUFFS! Bahaha. And I love every minute of it!!! Ok- to catch up:
    1. I can tell some group members have totally dropped off because it's the same like 5-7 of us in here. That's ok, less for me to keep track of lol
    2. Gayle- I totally failed this past weeks challenge too. I had a beer without even thinking about it, and Sat night I had several vodka/sprites. ::shrugs:: sorry if this makes me a bad group leader lol
    3. Like Angela, my life is always embarrassing. Most recently I've been waiting for a call from a client for weeks now and the other evening after work I was shopping at Target, picking up birth control, tampons and trying on Spanx and what do you know? SHE CALLS. I needed some pricing from her so what do I do? I sit on the floor of Target, surrounded by birth control, tampons and spanx, writing on the back of a receipt I found in my purse. It was hilarious.
    4. I hope everyone got their jumping jacks in! I love them- I feel so invigorated afterwards. Also- if you are keeping up with your flax, which you probably are because you spent money on a whole bag/box- I put some in blueberry pancakes and couldn't taste it, THANK GOD. I think I'm going to try it out in more food, less smoothies.
    - NO BOOZE! That's right. It's a repeat. I (we) can do this! I want to go a week without alcohol, and since I failed last week, I'm trying it again!
    - Take a break from the gym. (WHAT?! Blasphemy!) That's right. Give your hard working body a break this week. Try shorter workouts, yoga, pilates a light jog- at least 3 times this week. Your body will thank you for the rest!

    Ok- here's to Monday and a new week!
    (PS- I may not be logging regularly. I'll be on here, but I started a Wellness Bootcamp, and logging fresh, raw foods is time consuming and annoying.. Lol. I'll still be eating healthy, so don't judge me! :)
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    i had a terrible weekend, but i didn't gain, so oh well. i did have a rude awakening to the fact i am not 21 anymore...i drank WAY too many vodka clubs on saturday and felt like I was going to die yesterday. I will not be drinking that much, ever again. So i'm definitely down for no alcohol this week!! Lord knows I need to detox. I'm going to try really hard to give myself a 2-3 drink maximum at any given time, regardless of the situation. Not only will my body be happy, but so will my wallet!
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    Yes, alcohol for me = embarrassing myself. Although I don't ever think I am embarrassing, I think I am hilarious. For example, we went out this past weekend for my birthday (seriously breaking the "no drinking" challenge, oops) and we ran into these weird kids in Old Town Square (pedestrian street filled with bars). One of the guys was on a sweet mini-bike and I told him that since it was my birthday he had to let me borrow it and take it for a spin. I then went on to ride around the square, past lines of people, in my birthday dress, doing every awesome bike trick I knew, shouting "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY AND I'M DOING TRICKS!!!!!" My boyfriend made me stop.

    Anyway, I am down for taking a break from drinking. I am also down for taking a break from hard workouts. Although I probably shouldn't because that's all I did this past week and I am seeing the effects on the scale, boo.

    Hope everyone is having a nice, stress-free Monday!
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    I then went on to ride around the square, past lines of people, in my birthday dress, doing every awesome bike trick I knew, shouting "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY AND I'M DOING TRICKS!!!!!" My boyfriend made me stop.

    ahahahaha I LOVE it!!! I want to hang out with you :laugh:

    And I didn't drink last week but I'm cool with not drinking again this week!! It's good for me :) And I need to give my bf time off from having to babysit me.... :embarassed:

    I won't be able to take time off working out though since I'm sticking to the Turbo Fire schedule pretty religiously. I do have a "recovery week" in 2 weeks though!
  • KeshiaV
    KeshiaV Posts: 187 Member
    I had a horrible eating weekend ... that's what happens when your family is from Mississippi. Everything was fried and way too delicious. Any who, I'm absolutely down for no drinking and I'll try to keep my workouts pretty light (though I feel like I gained a million pounds from the weekend). I'll step on the scale soon and figure out how much damage I actually did lol.

    It sounds like you had an awesome birthday and I really hope someone took pics. Those will be classic :)
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    Just so you guys know, I TOTALLY resisted the beer last night! Woop woop!

    So- what is everyone jamming to during their workouts these days? top 3-5 songs?

    I am a hip hop fan, and the hip-hop/house mashups are insanely motivating for cardio! I like:
    1. Until the World Ends Remix- B Spears, Nicki Minaj and Kesha
    2. Take Over Control- Afrojack
    3. Who Run the World- Beyonce
    4. Sexy *****- David Guetta