Young Working Women (career, not corner) *CLOSED GROUP*



  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    Wow Amber I'm in awe!!! I wish I could just up and quit my job. You are so brave and awesome!! I hate my job so very much and I picture myself walking out all the time. But I need it right now to pay off the student loans (for a career I don't so much want anymore) Ooo well, life is good otherwise so I should quit complaining :)

    Okay here is a question for you beautiful ladies. If you could do anything in the world for a career and you didn't have to worry about money what would you do? For a long time I've wanted to own my own bed and breakfast with my mom. She would be in charge of the kitchen (as she is the better cook, but of course I would help!) and I would be the hotel manager and event planner (as I would love love love to plan weddings!) I know that sounds so cheesy but that's my dream! What's yours?
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    I bought some flax seed yesterday buy am yet to try it. I will mix it in with dinner tonight, whatever that may be. Also, I did 22 push-ups last night! Well, I did 10, then did some abs, then did 12. Still counts.

    Does anyone have any fun plans for the 4th? I am having friends over for a BBQ so I get to pick the food!

    So I tell EVERYONE about this site but I want to make sure you see it especially if you are making food!! It's and it's my most favorite place on the internet (well next to MFP of course). She has DELICIOUS food and all of it has been altered to be healthier for you! She has great idea's! So far I have tried the Pineapple Bliss cupcakes, whole wheat blueberry muffins, strawberry swirl cheesecake, Southwest meatballs with cilantro dressing, garlic lime pork-chops, chipotle sweet potato fries, and skinny ranch dip (and I LOVED everything). The skinny ranch dip could be made in a larger batch and you could serve it with fresh veggies! Delicious and super healthy :) The meatballs could also be something easy to keep in a crock pot or something? (she's got a bunch of meatball recipes).

    I don't have anything too fun planned for my 4th. I'm thinking of just spending a few days out in the country at my boyfriend's dad's house. I could really use time away from the city!
  • AmberM6912
    AmberM6912 Posts: 79
    Wow Amber I'm in awe!!! I wish I could just up and quit my job. You are so brave and awesome!! I hate my job so very much and I picture myself walking out all the time. But I need it right now to pay off the student loans (for a career I don't so much want anymore) Ooo well, life is good otherwise so I should quit complaining :)

    I've been looking for a long time. He lives in a small town so when this opportunity came along, I knew I had to go for it because it may never come up again. I am a chemist and jobs are scarce, I still can't believe there's even a lab in this small town. I lived in Atlanta before this week and it was hard enough to find something there! It is a LOT of big changes, but hey, what do i have to lose?!
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650

    So I tell EVERYONE about this site but I want to make sure you see it especially if you are making food!! It's and it's my most favorite place on the internet (well next to MFP of course).

    And I am now totally obsessed with that site! I should be working, but am now looking up yummy dinner ideas.
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    If I could do anything in the world? Wow, I don't know if I could pinpoint one thing. I guess it would be to start a non-profit wellness organization. Providing individual attention to people of all ages, customized plans and healthy eating in all price ranges. I'd love to offer a grocery shopping/meal planning/delivery service as well. Wow. How freakin awesome. I've never really sat to really put that in words but now that I have... I feel even more confident that I want to do that someday. I just have NO idea where I would even start. Probably by not being a self-taught know it all, but an actual certified nutritionist/dietitian. I already called about going to back to school for Nutrition, but with this job I do not have the time and I'd almost have to start from scratch. Blah.

    On another note- if you guys don't eat quinoa you are TOTALLY MISSING OUT! I've been experimenting with it and LOVING IT. It's like rice, and quick cooking, but a complete protein and full of yummy goodness for your body. This is what I had today and I could have eaten the whole batch:
    Med.Tuna Salad
    1 cup cooked quinoa
    1 can tuna
    tzaziki sauce
    chopped sundried toms
    chopped artichoke hearts
    crumbled feta
    combine and eat!
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    If I could do anything in the world? Wow, I don't know if I could pinpoint one thing. I guess it would be to start a non-profit wellness organization. Providing individual attention to people of all ages, customized plans and healthy eating in all price ranges. I'd love to offer a grocery shopping/meal planning/delivery service as well. Wow. How freakin awesome. I've never really sat to really put that in words but now that I have... I feel even more confident that I want to do that someday. I just have NO idea where I would even start. Probably by not being a self-taught know it all, but an actual certified nutritionist/dietitian. I already called about going to back to school for Nutrition, but with this job I do not have the time and I'd almost have to start from scratch. Blah.

    Totally thought about doing too!! Even going back to school to be a nutritionist! Let's go into business together ;)
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    Baha I basically sit in my current job and day dream about my dream job. I have two. The first would be to work for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and live in Memphis (where the hospital is). The organization I work for now does a lot of work for the hospital and I was just there is March. It is the most amazing place in the world, both for what they do and how they run. Apart from the hospital they have an entire organization set up just to do their fundraising, and I would love to work there. The second would be to work for a publishing company in NYC. Or for a magazine, like Glamour or The Knot or Elle or something like that. God, that would be awesome.

    Anyways, better get back to my "real" job.
  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    Congrats on the new job (and surviving the move!) Amber! That will be my fate next week---packing up this weekend (my fiance doesn't know he's helping me with that yet), moving on Tuesday, and new job on Wednesday. When I get settled in Houston, I am vowing to start 30DS. I am a week behind my Couch to 5k group, so I've been trying to catch up there.

    My calves hurt really bad right now...but I just came in for running for 8 minutes straight. Twice. A few months ago, I would have never believed it!!!

    Dream job? Well the job I am about to start, I am pretty excited about. It's consulting work, which is what I knew I wanted to be doing in grad school. Plus, I will actually be using that expensive education that I am still paying for every month, so I feel like that's bonus points. Dream job? An executive at a cosmetics company or Sephora. That would be pretty sweet.
  • twistyBee
    twistyBee Posts: 63
    Holy heck I have missed a lot! That is the downside of all of the travel that goes along with my job...not to mention twisting my ankle last week totally brought me down in the dumps. It is feeling a lot better and I did the elliptical for 30 minutes tonight so I'm back on track. Reading all of your posts has given me the motivation to not give up, there will be ups and downs and conquering them is the important thing. Although I dont know yall personally, you've really helped me! Alright enough of the sappy-ness and off to get some flax!!
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    I spend almost as much time with nail polish as I do with MFP... My dream job would be in color development/collection theming for a company like OPI, China Glaze or Deborah Lippmann. I feel like choosing which colors to go in a collex, brainstorming fun names, creating marketing themes, etc for a living has GOT to be one of the most fun things ever.

    I'm really excited about my flaxseeds - my only choices at TJ's were unmilled plain or milled, mixed with freeze-dried blueberries! Obviously I went for the blueberries. One of the doctors I nanny for said you can indeed mill your own in a coffee grinder, but I say that's too much work for something I'm challenging myself to taste. :) I feel like it would be really excellent in blueberry muffins, or steel-cut oats. Yum.

    ETA: I lovelovelove quinoa! I find it's cheapest to buy in bulk from a place like Whole Foods rather than prepackaged... I like mixing it with black beans, but I really want to try it with some kind of thai peanut curry-type sauce... that could be amazing.
  • KeshiaV
    KeshiaV Posts: 187 Member
    Mmm... dream job.... I had a ton of time to think about this today because I was stuck at work administering a standardized exam to a room of 4th graders. I'd rather watch paint dry. Any who, my dream job would without a doubt be as a travel magazine journalist/photographer/ exotic destination event planner. I have close to no photography skills, but I love to travel and I live for new experiences. It would be stellar for someone else to pay for me to see the world :)

    My more feasible aspiration: pediatric neuropsychologist. Essentially I want to work with kids who have autistic spectrum disorders. I'm fascinated by the brain and interested in the potential link between mirror neurons and autism.... okay I won't bore you!

    Travel magazine journalist is a lot less nerdy. lol.
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    My more feasible aspiration: pediatric neuropsychologist. Essentially I want to work with kids who have autistic spectrum disorders. I'm fascinated by the brain and interested in the potential link between mirror neurons and autism.... okay I won't bore you!
    Oh my goodness, not bored at all! Neuropsych was one of the hardest, most interesting classes I ever took in college - one of my top three favorites ever. I only escaped with a psych minor (Spanish major) but I love all things relating to the brain and behavior in general. One of my favorite courses of research is in early childhood language acquisition - so I guess if the whole nail polish thing didn't work out... ;)
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    Casey- dude! I've always wanted to design a shoe collection with carnival food named nail polishes. Weird?! WHATEVER! Who wouldn't wanna drape their finger nails in Funnel Cake?! Lol
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    My more feasible aspiration: pediatric neuropsychologist. Essentially I want to work with kids who have autistic spectrum disorders. I'm fascinated by the brain and interested in the potential link between mirror neurons and autism.... okay I won't bore you!
    Oh my goodness, not bored at all! Neuropsych was one of the hardest, most interesting classes I ever took in college - one of my top three favorites ever. I only escaped with a psych minor (Spanish major) but I love all things relating to the brain and behavior in general. One of my favorite courses of research is in early childhood language acquisition - so I guess if the whole nail polish thing didn't work out... ;)

    The graduate program that I was the most interested in was Behavioral Genetics at UC Boulder. I love love love psychology AND genetics. And the combination of the two would be so interesting to learn about (but alas I went the job route). I would have gotten a psych minor too if the ONLY psych professor at my small little engineering school wasn't such a sexist creep. I went for literature instead lol. It's so nice to talk to other smart women!!

    And Cristina, I am so hungry I would love to dip my whole body in Funnel Cake right now :P
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    All this talk of "dream jobs" are making me wonder how you all ended up at your current jobs. What did you major in in school/what college did you go to?

    I grew up in Connecticut but came to Colorado for college (Colorado State University in Fort Collins) and majored in Journalism with a concentration in Public Relations and a minor is Sociology. Now I guess I have a major-related job as the communications coordinator for the organization I work for.

    What about you all?
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    I'm pretty much working my dream job! At some point I'd like to be at a larger institution, but I love where I am.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    I grew up in Ohio and moved to Indiana to go to a very small, private Engineering school. My major was Biomedical Engineering (and I minored in Literature to keep my sanity) I loved the atmosphere and the people so much but I found out very quickly that Engineering was not for me. But because my school is private and I already had a year/year and a half of loans to pay off from a very expensive school, I decided to stick with it because I need that engineering salary to pay them off!! O-well. It's a good background and I REALLY did enjoy my focus, but I'm not using hardly anything I learned for my job.

    Now I work in the pharmaceutical industry as a validation engineer. We make sure big pharma is doing everything the FDA says it needs to be doing. And that ends up being a ton of pointless, boring paperwork.
  • twistyBee
    twistyBee Posts: 63
    Born and bred New England girl here, lived in Massachusetts my whole life, went to school in Boston to get a degree in Environmental Science...which led me into being a flight attendant for a year then I worked for a non-profit that builds specially adapted houses for injured veterans and then finally found my way into corporate America working as a Safety Coordinator for a major medical supplies company. Still not sure I have found my dream job....
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    I was a double major at a university in Virginia - doubled in art history and marketing. Went on to spend 5 years in the New York art market, then came back to the same school to pursue an MBA. I now work at a non-profit historical site and am pretty excited about it.
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    I grew up in Bothell, WA. I actually headed to Western WA University with the intention of declaring a theatre major and becoming a High School theatre teacher, but I took a Spanish class as a GUR, fell in love, and never looked back. I also picked up Portuguese along the way, and love it seven times more than Spanish. :) My eventual real-life job goal is to work as an interpreter in a doctor's office or hospital, but for now nannying pays the bills (and I actually work for two married doctor couples, so I have plenty of exposure to the medical community in the meantime!) I'll probably keep my current job at least until my husband finishes his teaching degree, and then try and find a "real" career-esque job wherever he finds teaching work. Cuz I'm flexible like that. ;)