Young Working Women (career, not corner) *CLOSED GROUP*



  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    Thanks for weighing in- but just a friendly reminder we won't weigh in til next Monday (every 2 weeks). I'm fighting the urge to step on the scale RIGHT NOW. My PMS mixed with dehydration has left me feeling like a beached whale. Bllllaaaahhhhh.
    BUT- we do have new challenges this week (although forgive me if I pass today- I don't want to overkill my body when it's suffering for water- but I'm doing my best to chug water all day!)
    :SIDENOTE: Congrat's Keshia (and all of you) for finding a farmers market! I just used the last of my cantaloupe yesterday and I'm a little sad. Hopefully I can make it to the midweek market on Wed.

    Here we go with Health Challenge 2: Flax seed. They have a bag at Akins for like $3, so hopefully it won't be too pricey of an item for anybody, but I totally understand if you can't make this challenge. Sprinkle some seeds in your cereal, oatmeal, smoothies, yogurt- whatever really! It's a great source of iron and protein! I'm going to finally give in and pick up a bag today (i debated for a while during my last grocery trip)

    Fitness Challenge 3: Drop and gimme 50! Ok really, today- see how many push ups you can do in a row without stopping. Everyday add 2 and next Monday- we will see who all did what! I've been doing that 100 push up challenge but skipped Friday, so I may start the week 1 over again. OH- my 30DS arrived in the mail today- can't wait to try it. Hope I don't have to use arrows to navigate between the levels because my dog also ate my DVD remote. (ugh)

    OK, I'm back to drinkin water- have a great day everyone!
  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    The push-ups are an interesting idea...I really am needing to work on the backs of my shoulders. Maybe this will help.
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    I caved and bought the 30DS on Amazon. Yall totally talked me into it!

    In other news, I had a totally awesome NSV this weekend - I bought a top in a MEDIUM at Anthropologie. I've been squeezing into XLs there for the longest time so bringing just a large into the dressing room seemed insane. Then, at the mirror, the dressing room assistant was like "honey, that top is too big - you need a size down"! :drinker:

  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    I caved and bought the 30DS on Amazon. Yall totally talked me into it!

    In other news, I had a totally awesome NSV this weekend - I bought a top in a MEDIUM at Anthropologie. I've been squeezing into XLs there for the longest time so bringing just a large into the dressing room seemed insane. Then, at the mirror, the dressing room assistant was like "honey, that top is too big - you need a size down"! :drinker:


    yay!! Congrats!!! What an awesome feeling :D
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    Congrats Allison, that's awesome!!!

    and woohooooo I'm one step ahead of this challenge! I have a bag of flax seed (I bought one for my prego friend, so I figured I'd pick one up for myself). For anyone looking, I got mine at Trader Joe's, I don't remember exactly how much it was, but it was definitely doable.

    ewwww push ups?! gross. Just kidding, I'm being a baby, I was in a car accident last year and broke my forearm in half (enter: surgery, a metal rod and 6 pins. what's up airport metal detector?!) but that arm is still pretty weak, but i've been gradually getting the strength back. So in reality this challenge could be perfect :smile:
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    Flax seeds, hmm? I can do that! I'll pop over to Whole Foods at lunch and pick some up. I will also work on my will be pretty difficult seeing as I have the upper body stregnth of a baby.

    Way to go, Allison! My fav part of shopping is needing a smaller size!

    And speaking of smaller size, my birthday is on Monday (Fourth of July = best b-day ever) and I bought my birthday dress a few weeks ago a litttttle too small. I THINK it will fit, I tried it on last night and everything was fine. But I hope it will still be comfortable as the night (drinking) goes on.

    Anyways, I hope everyone is having a great Monday! :)
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    Keep the challenges coming!

    I am definitely a fan of flax seed in oatmeal and have been working on my pushups so hopefully I can do 50 by now....

    So I was rather liberal with the eating last week. When work is a total sh*tshow, I tend to slack off + we had so much catered food, I had to give in at a certain point so I gained a few (let's hope water pounds) lol

    This weekend my J.Crew shipment arrived, and I have a skirt in a size 6 and another in a size 8, different styles but even though they fit in my stomach, they are a little tight in my thights (UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH) so I think shaving 5 lbs off will really help!

    My new goal is to lose 5lbs in 2weeks, 7/10! I am giving myself some room on the 4th of july weekend hehe
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    Oh look- I'm not illusive anymore! Haha, I put up a real pic so you all get to see my beautiful shining face :)

    So.. you may have seen my status about being dehydrated. It's my own damn fault. Kicked off the weekend with a bachelorette dinner and ate WAY too much mexican (BUT, it was my first time over eating in FOREVER) either way, I felt terrible. Then Sunday we pool hopped from my pool, where I drank beer, ate cool ranch doritos and subway, including a cookie. THEN we went to the country club where I drank about 40oz of alcohol in this yummy cocktail they call the "club" special which is like.. vodka, lime juice and sprite but it just tastes like fizzy limey sprite. THEN we went back to my pool and drank beer and devoured an entire pizza.

    WHEW. There. I admitted it. Now, I am not as young, versatile or as unhealthy as I once was and today- my body is seeking revenge. I tried to apologize but she won't listen. After TONS and GALLONS of water, plus a nap in my office at lunch time, I actually woke up hungry. Right now... mmmm.. I'd say I'm finally starting to feel better.

    On the plus side, none of is (aside from the club special) tasted as good as I remembered and that made me very happy! If only I can remember that once temptation hits me again!
  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    Hey, good to see ya @osucristina :)

    Ok, I also caved and just ordered 30DS from Amazon! Here goes nothing, am hoping for some improvement in whittling my waist down somehow ;)

    Flax seed and press-ups eh, I will see what I can do :) will try and call at the health food store after uni tomorrow. Anyone know what it tastes like? Seedy? lol
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    I've only ever had them in oatmeal, waffles and flatout wraps so I've never really noticed a taste? I think that it is well masked by it's surroundings. You can also get milled flax seed which is powder form and might be more appealing. I'm actually thinking of trying that myself.
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    yea, i think they taste nutty? I don't know I've never really tasted them in anything I've put them in haha.

    And Cristina, they say to grind them, that way you absorb more of the goodness you get from them, because when eaten whole they tend to....pass right through haha. (and no I don't know who "they" is, I've just read that a few different places)
  • gayle80
    gayle80 Posts: 71 Member
    yea, i think they taste nutty? I don't know I've never really tasted them in anything I've put them in haha.

    And Cristina, they say to grind them, that way you absorb more of the goodness you get from them, because when eaten whole they tend to....pass right through haha. (and no I don't know who "they" is, I've just read that a few different places)

    'They' do talk a lot, don't they? ;) lol!
    Thanks for the feedback girls, I will give it a try :)
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    Whoa! As soon as I stop refreshing, a miss almost an entire page of convo. Yikes. (Oh, and Cristina, it IS nice to see your pretty shining face! ;)

    Both of those challenges sound great to me. I'll head by Trader Joe's tomorrow after work - thanks for the tip, Laura! As for the pushups... good lord. Jillian "taught me" how to do them in W1 of R30, and this week we've moved up to doing "crawl pushups" - I could die. I'm sort of excited to go back to doing the regular, normal-human kind!

    Hey Gayle, let us know when you start 30DS!

    One last thing... I discovered this black bean veggie burger recipe last week, and modified it since I didn't have any onions, garlic, and green pepper - so I used more spices and no peppers. Anyway, they were great, so I made a double batch of the correct rec today, and they're amazing! Way better with the fresh stuff, and only 184 calories. I've only ever baked them (no bbq... womp womp...) but supposedly you can grill them. Maybe a burger alternative for 4th of July parties? Anyway. I used reduced fat triscuits instead of bread crumbs, and sauteed the veggies in a dry pan before mixing them into the beans. I put wax paper sheets in between patties and froze 6 of the 8 (uncooked) for future use. I like to melt a slice of cheddar cheese on top, too. Yum!

    (Sorry for going on and on... this is my first real experience with cooking something healthy for myself and freezing a bunch for later. I feel like a grown-up! :)
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    And Cristina, they say to grind them, that way you absorb more of the goodness you get from them, because when eaten whole they tend to....pass right through haha. (and no I don't know who "they" is, I've just read that a few different places)
    I can vouch for that. Ah, the knowledge of digestion that comes from a million diaper changes... Blegh. ;)

    Laura, do you grind them in a coffee grinder, or what? I feel like that could work... right?
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    I got my flax seeds on the way home (I think they are already milled but I'm too lazy to go look). I've already mixed them into my greek yogurt for tomorrow mornings snack and the push-up challenge is the only thing giving me the motivation to workout tonight for some reason... so thanks ladies!! :)
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    I got my flax seeds on the way home (I think they are already milled but I'm too lazy to go look). I've already mixed them into my greek yogurt for tomorrow mornings snack and the push-up challenge is the only thing giving me the motivation to workout tonight for some reason... so thanks ladies!! :)

    okay flax and greek yogurt - not my best idea but I will eat it! Tomorrow I think I'll put it in some oatmeal instead
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    I got my flax seeds on the way home (I think they are already milled but I'm too lazy to go look). I've already mixed them into my greek yogurt for tomorrow mornings snack and the push-up challenge is the only thing giving me the motivation to workout tonight for some reason... so thanks ladies!! :)

    okay flax and greek yogurt - not my best idea but I will eat it! Tomorrow I think I'll put it in some oatmeal instead

    HAHA ang this made me laugh. thanks for the tip :smile:
  • osucristina
    osucristina Posts: 197
    I put milled flax in my smoothie. Uh, combined with my almond milk- not really tasty. It tastes like something.... you're grandma would make. I'm drinking my smoothie anyway, but I'm not liking it lol.
  • charc16
    charc16 Posts: 147 Member
    I bought some flax seed yesterday buy am yet to try it. I will mix it in with dinner tonight, whatever that may be. Also, I did 22 push-ups last night! Well, I did 10, then did some abs, then did 12. Still counts.

    Does anyone have any fun plans for the 4th? I am having friends over for a BBQ so I get to pick the food!
  • AmberM6912
    AmberM6912 Posts: 79
    So this week has been CRAZY to say the least. I left my job and up and moved everything 2 hours away to my boyfriend's house where I've accepted a new job. Extremely exciting (especially since i HATED my last job). I havent had a chance to get my flax seed yet, but i have been doing my push-ups. This morning I got out of bed at 5am (so not my time of day) and drug my butt to the gym with my boyfriend. He goes in the mornings before work- more power to him. I like my afternoons haha. Anyway, he works out with the owner of the gym, a professional softball player and a couple of other buff guys. Today was a circuit and they set up different stations to target different things. Long story short, one more guy showed up and they had to add another station. I convinced them to add push ups (for my challenge) haha and you should have heard them whining. I was like "if a group of girls can do it, you boys need to step it up and stop crying" It was pretty funny. Anyway, i've managed to get my push-ups in so far despite my crazy schedule. Silly boys... just leave it to us girls :-)

    Also... good to see you Christina!!

    I ordered and got my 30DS. I can;t wait to try it but I think I'm going to wait a couple of weeks because I've got a beach vacation coming up and I don't want to have to take a week off. I just want to go straight through. I'll definitely keep everyone updated on how it goes though. Thanks for all the motivation to get it!!