100+ lbs to lose support group



    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Good morning losers - Welcome to Gabster, Delphine, Barbara and Pilgrim. You'll find lots of support, ideas and motivation on here!

    Kris - 74lbs released!! That is amazing! Did you start in March or is that when you joined MFP? I'm impressed! You have been working hard! Keep it going.

    Spicy - nice walk. I hope to sneak out to get in another walk shortly. It seems like I just can't get enough lately. Must be those long winters inside!

    So I did my 'unofficial' weight check this morning and it shows I'm down 2lbs. I always check the scales Friday morning so I can either strive to hold it over the weekend or work harder if I haven't seen any movement in the numbers. I feel good about the 2lbs. Now I just need to keep it there until my Monday when I will recheck and log it. We are going to a blues festival tomorrow for the day so probaby lots of sitting (or maybe dancing??) First time going so I'm not sure what to expect??? Sunday will be a beach day at the ocean so I'm planning to play in the water with my girls and get some exercise in for sure. Our summers are short up here in the northeast so we have to grab every minute of sunshine we get!!

    I hope you've all had a successful week. If not - it's not too late!! Make today count. Drink your water and keep it lite!!
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Thanks, ReNae! I started with some healthier eating and exercise back in late January, but didn't get really serious until March, when my doc said "diabetic." Funny how I knew for years that I was going to wind up diabetic if I didn't make some changes, yet I waited until the diagnosis came to actually make those changes. I may never understand me.

    Welcome to our new folks! The support here is wonderful, and it is SO reinforcing and self-affirming to meet others who are in the same boat! Something that really, really helps me is being absolutely accurate with tracking my food. I weigh and measure everything, which lets me know exactly what I'm doing. I find I always make the right choice when I've got the right information at my fingertips. Use this site to its fullest--it will help so much!

  • spicybaer79
    Thanks for all your support you guys are great. I got up this morning and completed my 2 mile walk video so i'm feeling really good about the day...Hoping I can keep with it this weekend even though I have so much homework and that to get done....Congrats on all the loses and NSV you guys rock...Welcome to all newbies and congrats on the decision to live a better lifestyle...YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Delphinebsl
    Delphinebsl Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for welcoming me. I need the support. A little bit more about me, I'm 41, married, no children, lots of pets (surrogate children). I love children but I have a medical condition that prevented me having any of my own and my husband did not want to adopt or foster. :sad: So, I stick with pets and drive my husband crazy with that! Not really, he loves pets!

    Renae-congratulations on losing two pounds. What a great freeing feeling! I hope Monday confirms that you have lost them. Enjoy your blues festival. That sounds like fun. Going to the beach!!!! Oh BLISS!! I am landlocked! That would be heaven! At least the sun is hot here when we lay in it.

    Kris-I will try to take your advice and measure everything. It is something that I am hearing increasingly often. When I do it, I know it does help. Old habits are hard to break. Thanks!

    Spicy-I'm grateful to you for getting out and exercising today (yesterday?). I have been having trouble getting motivated to do that. I talked to my husband about that. He helped me come up with a plan to get remotivated about exercising. So I am back at it again. Please keep talking it up. Delphine
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Good morning Friends!!!! I hope everyone is planning for a wonderful weekend!

    I hit a pretty major goal this week - I'm down 50lbs! Not just that, but I now have less than 100lbs to go til I hit my goal weight. That being said, I'll still be in the obese category. But I will no longer be morbidly obese. And a NSV to go with the 50 lbs - When I started this journey in April, my BMI was 63. Today, it is 54.1. Amazing!!! I'm so ridiculously proud of myself right now. I've started shopping for new clothes in the back of my closet. :laugh: I've found a few really cute tops that I'd forgotten that I had. I also have a bag of clothes that I packed up probably close to two years ago that I was going to give to Goodwill. I never got around to donating them (Yeah, I'm a little bit of a procrastinator lol!), so I may very well be digging through the bag to figure out what I can wear again. I'm going to have to fill up a NEW bag with stuff that's gotten too big! I'm just loving the way I feel. In the past, when people who'd lost weight said 'Oh, I feel so much better!' I thought it was a bit of a crock. Or that it's in their head. But I'm 50lbs lighter and I really agree now. Maybe it's in my own head. :laugh: But I'm okay with that.

    Now that I'm finished patting my own back. :blushing:

    Welcome to our new friends!!! Glad to have you all here. This is really a great group of people that can help you through this journey.

    Delphine - I wanted to make a suggestion that may help you with the exercise. When I started in April, I despised exercise. Like hate hate hate. And don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those people who's going to say I learned to love it. Because I don't. I would still much rather sit in my comfy recliner and watch some tv than take my fat *kitten* over to the gym and walk on the treadmill for an hour. I don't like to sweat. I don't like panting like a dog. I just don't like it! However! I realized that counting calories was helping and the weight was coming off, but I thought - If I just do a little physical activity, it'll come off even faster - it HAS to! So, I started small. Workout DVD's & OnDemand exercise clips. 30 minutes and I was burning 200-400 calories a day. And then, I made a choice that has really really made an impact on my exercise....I joined a couple challenges/games here on MFP. I'm on a team and it's all about the calories you burn. And at that point, I felt like I was responsible for contributing to my team's efforts. I felt like they were depending on me to win this game. My team is by no stretch winning this game, but we're right in the middle of the pack. And every day since this challenge started, I've done something. Burned at least a couple hundred calories. So, that's my suggestion. Find a team, a game, a challenge. Something that will hold you accountable. Something that will make you WANT to workout. And in the process, you will not only lose some pounds and inches, but you will gain some great friendships.

    Okay, public service announcement over. :smile: Time to hit the grocery store with Hubby and then off to the gym and the pool. Have a great day, everyone!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • ginabina13
    ginabina13 Posts: 202
    Hey all! I was browsing through the boards and had to clink on this thread. I no longer have 100+ lbs to lose, but I did when I started. I was wondering if I could still be apart of your board? I guess I should tell you a bit about myself and my weight-loss journey so far. I've always been overweight or, dare I say it, obese...I hate that word. My weight and my relationship with food have been a major issue for as long as I can remember. Since 7th grade, I've gone up and down from 240 to 160 and back up again. I won't bore you with all the details from the past, so let me just say that 2 years ago I hit my highest weight ever. None of the diet changes I made seemed to much to the number on the scale, except for a couple lbs or so. Then my TOM stopped! Talk about scaring the crap out of me....I was in a new relationship and had recently gone back on oral contraceptives so of course I thought I was pregnant. I took several home tests and eventually went to the doctor for a blood test. When everything came back negative, the medical testing ensued. My GYN did an ultrasound and found cysts....of course, since I was obese and my TOM had ceased to exist, they labeled me with PCOS. I was absolutely heartbroken. I felt completely helpless and the thought of not being able to have kids killed me. My GYN switched my BC pill and told me to wait 3 months and she'd do another ultrasound. Fortunately, my primary physician decided to dig a little deeper into the situation and asked me a ton of questions about my recent health. Based on that, she ran quite a few blood tests. Shortly afterward she diagnosed me with hypothyroidism and placed me on a low dose of levothyroxine. In no time at all, all the symptoms I had brushed off as being from poor diet and stress, disappeared. My TOM came back as normal and I actually started losing weight. My thyroid is pretty much dead now and I'm on a much higher dosage of meds than I started with. I dropped about 40 lbs over the past 2 years, but I was being lazy. My eating wasn't always good and I barely exercised. I continued to let food run my life and comfort me when I was stressed. In the past few months, I made the decision to take control of my health. Yeah I lost some weight, but it was only because my body wasn't working correctly before. When I looked in the mirror or stood on a scale, I still felt like the fat girl I was in high school....ashamed and disgusted with myself. I'm getting married in March 2012, I found someone who loves me for who I am and I can't wait to start a family with him....but I don't want my kids to ever hate themselves like I hated myself for so long. In order to make sure that doesn't happen, I need to be a strong, confident, and HEALTHY role model for them. I've lost a little over 10 more pounds by really working at it and I plan on losing another 40-50lbs to be a healthy weight! MFP has helped me so much already....I know I can do this...I know we all can! I'd love to be a part of your board so we can support each other through all of our goals.

    Sorry for such a long post. I hope you're all enjoying the weekend!
  • dre55555
    dre55555 Posts: 7
    Hi!! I am SO glad I found this group! I need to lose about 100lbs, but did not have any support from someone in the same boat. All my friends want to lose 20 or 30lbs. Sometimes I feel like I am experiencing a totally different thing than they are, even though we are all doing the same things to lose.

    Anyways...I am hoping that I will get a lot of friend requests (there are way too many of y'all for me to friend). Hopefully this will be the support I need.

    Have a great weekend!!
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Welcome Gina and Dre!

    It is hard when your doc or nurse doesn't delve deep enough and you wind up feeling wiped out by a diagnosis that turns out not to be true! Had someone once tell me I had cervical cancer when, in fact, I didn't. It was scary.

    And it is really hard to discuss weight loss or feel comraderie with folks who only have a few pounds to lose. My sister-in-law is forever talking about how fat she is, how much she needs to lose weight, even hops on every scary fad diet that comes along, and all I can think is, "I weigh over 300 lbs. You weight 145. If you're 'fat' what am I?" I know that, to her, it's a big deal. But my GOAL weight is heavier than her "fat" weight.

    It's hard to "get" each other when we've got such wildly different experiences.

  • Delphinebsl
    Delphinebsl Posts: 6 Member
    Congratulations Jen on losing 50 pounds and no longer being in morbidly obese category. I feel so happy for you! That is a marvelous accomplishment. You CAN make it the rest of the way! Thank you for the advice about working out and joining a group challenge. I will look into it. I am new to MFP so the whole system is new to me.

    Gina-I have hypothyroidism too, but it wasn't misdiagnosed. It really would have been scary if it had. I can understand your frustration. Your determination to lose the rest of your weight is wonderful.

    Dre-It can be very frustrating when people don't realize how mostly thin and healthy they really are. Losing any amount of weight is an effort, but for obese people the odds can seem to be stacked against us. However, your friends may be trying to make you feel like you are not singled out as different. They may see it as a nice thing to do--whereas to you it seems to confuse you because you see the differences. I don't know. Am I making any sense? Am I totally off base?

    Kris-You're right. It's hard to get each other when we have such different experiences. Some people who appear to have perfectly fine weight's obsess about them anyway. Others who have unhealthy weight's don't worry. Everyone is different, as I'm sure we all know from experiences with those around us. Kris you're doing great with your weight loss! I don't know if I said anything last time. Congratulations!
  • LMorrison1009
    LMorrison1009 Posts: 114 Member
    Anyone feel like giving me some info about your work out routines? I've looked on the boards but its hard to follow the same routine as someone who is starting at my goal weight. Know what I mean? I've been working on my weight loss for 3 weeks and have lost 8 pounds so far. Woohoo! Up to now I have been focusing on cardio. Walking, and I jog a little bit. I've been doing step aerobics videos too. Everything I read recommends weight training, but where do I start? I work out at home and am not opposed to investing a little money, but not too much. In January, my husbands car will be paid off and once we lose that payment, we investing the money in ourselves and joining a gym. So I don't want to go too crazy now... Anyone have any advice?
  • spicybaer79
    Hope everyone is having a good weekend!!!!Gonna be a bad calorie day today...Were have bbq chicken and lots of goodies plus cake and ice cream for daughter birthday...I'm not going to stress it too much as I've been under all week...SO heres to a cheat day in a big time way....Welcome Newbies, add me if you would like....Congrats to all the successes both on and off the scale...
  • MedievalFreak
    I'd love to be part of this group!

    My name is Kindra. I just started on MFP yesterday. I used to always weigh about 160, give or take a couple lbs, but once I got married, that all changed. I'm at the highest weight I ever have been, about 245lbs. So, I have a long way to go, but am looking forward to sharing all the successes that you guys are headed for!
  • dorybaby
    dorybaby Posts: 23 Member
    Hey. My names Lindsey. I'm 22 years old and have had a weight problem as long as I remember. (Which tends to be the story, i see.) I've been going to a therapist because apparently, I have a lot of self-hate and hidden anger. And I see food as love. In the end though, I want to lose 146 more pounds. I've lost 9 so far. And I am just trying to get it off. Not for anyone in particular. Just so I can like what I see in the mirror. I want to be able to look at food as a neccessity, not because i CRAVE it or because I have to have it. So i'm glad to be here. I joined the site some time ago and haven't gotten too involved, but i'm getting into it now. Just starting to figure out what calorie intake I need and how much sodium I can have and all that numerical mumbo jumbo. So I wish everyone luck and will definitely be keeping my eye on this post!
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Anyone feel like giving me some info about your work out routines? I've looked on the boards but its hard to follow the same routine as someone who is starting at my goal weight. Know what I mean? I've been working on my weight loss for 3 weeks and have lost 8 pounds so far. Woohoo! Up to now I have been focusing on cardio. Walking, and I jog a little bit. I've been doing step aerobics videos too. Everything I read recommends weight training, but where do I start? I work out at home and am not opposed to investing a little money, but not too much. In January, my husbands car will be paid off and once we lose that payment, we investing the money in ourselves and joining a gym. So I don't want to go too crazy now... Anyone have any advice?

    Maybe a set of handweights for strength training?

    I have a couple of bookmarked websites that might help:
    http://www.exrx.net/Lists/Directory.html <
    Love this one!
    http://www.startstrongfitness.com/ <
    This one is very helpful as well

    Personally, I do a variety of things. I get bored very easily, so I try to change it up. I have some workout DVD's (Biggest Loser & 30 Day Shred) and I also do some of the workouts offered OnDemand from my cable provider. And then there's the gym. When I go there, I usually walk on the treadmill for at least 30 minutes. I don't get very fast, but I have been trying to increase the incline and that seems to keep my heart rate up. I also ride the stationary bike for about 20 minutes. And then sometimes I use the weight machines that are available. And finally the pool. You would be amazed how many calories you burn by swimming. And I love to swim, so it's just perfect for me.

    Hope I've helped a bit!
  • aleah623
    aleah623 Posts: 60 Member
    You can fill half gallon and gallon jugs with water to make free handweights.
  • Imsojen
    Imsojen Posts: 192 Member
    Im really excited to see more new faces around here. Welcome!! I have had another bad weekend :mad: my brother just left to Mexico for a year and we had several family/friends functions/bbqs and it seems "bad food" was everywhere and my will power was no where to be seen..UGG So it feels like starting over again sorta cuz im craving carbs and junk.. GRRR I have a gain of 3 lbs but not likely an actual gain but it still doesnt feel good to see the number going that direction.. Fingers crossed and prayers sent up its just a water gain and I can get the number down again quickly. Im trying to not be discouraged, but uh yeah need a little work in that area.. Its a new day and im focused.. ** hugs for everyone**
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    Anyone feel like giving me some info about your work out routines? I've looked on the boards but its hard to follow the same routine as someone who is starting at my goal weight. Know what I mean? I've been working on my weight loss for 3 weeks and have lost 8 pounds so far. Woohoo! Up to now I have been focusing on cardio. Walking, and I jog a little bit. I've been doing step aerobics videos too. Everything I read recommends weight training, but where do I start? I work out at home and am not opposed to investing a little money, but not too much. In January, my husbands car will be paid off and once we lose that payment, we investing the money in ourselves and joining a gym. So I don't want to go too crazy now... Anyone have any advice?

    I can't afford going to a gym but I do have a Wii Fit which I love love love. Okay so I have about 90 lbs to lose and basically what I do is do a 34 min 2 mile walk around the track 3 days a week, exercise with my Wii Fit at least 5 days a week and just eat healthy. I don't focus on strength training to much yet because I don't want to bulk up on muscle underneath my fat, I want to burn off that first. I do mostly yogo, jogging in place and other types of cardio aerobics so that I still build up some muscle but mostly burn off my fat. I'm a bulky girl in my legs and hips so gaining lots of muscle has never been a problem there but I have built up muscle under my fat which made me bulkier. So it really depends on what works best for you. :)

    Welcome by the way you will love MFP! :)
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    Just checking in as it's been a while. Welcome to all the new people and feel free to add me as a friend for some shared motivation! :happy:

    Lately I've just been busy with homework, working out and getting my kids' rooms all cleaned and organized before they get home from their dad's house. They usually go for a month to visit in the summer and I spend time cleaning out the crap and broken junk in their rooms, so that when they get home their rooms are all nice and missing the junk they would probably throw a fit about if they were here. lol

    So far I've got two rooms done with one more to go. My 12 year old sons room was he worst while my 10 year old daughter's room was pretty easy. Next up my 4 and 6 year olds room, although my 4 year old is here so it could get interesting. lol :ohwell:
  • Delphinebsl
    Delphinebsl Posts: 6 Member
    Just checking in. I joined a challenge. It's an aerobic walking challenge. I have 18 miles to do until the end of the month, which is a lot for me considering I have a desk job and work 3rd shift. I'm hoping they continue this challenge next month and I can increase my miles/day. This was a challenge I felt really comfortable about being able to accomplish.

    Welcome everyone (even though I'm as new as you!) and thanks everyone for all the great advice.
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Oooh! Delphine, that sounds like a great challenge! Glad to hear that you joined one! And good luck with the walking. I know the feeling of being at the beginning of this road. Just take it one little step at a time. You'll get there! :-)