100+ lbs to lose support group



  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member
    Hi all! It's been awhile since I've been on this thread. I love the idea of a challenge for 100+. I am another Knotty Girl. Jen has been the greatest captain. It is easy to get discouraged sometimes when you see higher calorie burns than you feel capable of, but it is also a great motivator to just do a little more. For me, I've never been too much over the 400-500 calorie burner per day but even if it is one day a week or month that you feel motivated and able to do just a little bit more it is worth it. I've only lost 4 pounds but my jeans are looser and I feel better when working out. It helps so much to have a group that is on your side motivating you to take just on step more or work 5 minutes longer. I've started to realize that I not competing against my team members - I'm competing against myself to do a little more as often as I can. I would love to be involved in a challenge with another set of great supporters!

  • LASH3S
    LASH3S Posts: 170 Member
    Oh, Hannah! I love the idea of you walking with your son! How old is he? Again, I'm really sorry about your dad not being able to be there. Where does he live? Would it be impossible for him to drive to you for the wedding? I'll be thinking of you and praying for you to figure out how it's all going to work out. When is the wedding? Am I invited? :wink:


    He is currently 9 months.. and will be 17 months when it's time to walk down the aisle.. so that might be tricky.. lol.. not sure how graceful i will look if i have to run after a toddler... we will see.... My dad lives about an hour away from me.. but we're getting married in Mexico.. so driving there is kinda outta the question.

    If you happen to be in Playa del Carmen next May.. by all means Jen.. you're welcome to come. :)
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Hannah, depending on how much time he can devote to travel, he could take a bus. I wouldn't suggest driving, unless he's driven there before and has a junk car, as some of the roads are a little uncared for. My favorite part of Mexico is that there is not one part, that I went to (and I saw many, many places) that was not accessible by public transport (1st, 2nd, and 3rd class). I know there are busses that leave from where I am in NC at least once or twice a week, so I'm assuming there are the same things in most other states.

    I believe that when there's a will there's a way. Good luck!
  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member
    Hi all! It's been awhile since I've been on this thread. I love the idea of a challenge for 100+. I am another Knotty Girl. Jen has been the greatest captain. It is easy to get discouraged sometimes when you see higher calorie burns than you feel capable of, but it is also a great motivator to just do a little more. For me, I've never been too much over the 400-500 calorie burner per day but even if it is one day a week or month that you feel motivated and able to do just a little bit more it is worth it. I've only lost 4 pounds but my jeans are looser and I feel better when working out. It helps so much to have a group that is on your side motivating you to take just on step more or work 5 minutes longer. I've started to realize that I not competing against my team members - I'm competing against myself to do a little more as often as I can. I would love to be involved in a challenge with another set of great supporters!

  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member
    Hi all! It's been awhile since I've been on this thread. I love the idea of a challenge for 100+. I am another Knotty Girl. Jen has been the greatest captain. It is easy to get discouraged sometimes when you see higher calorie burns than you feel capable of, but it is also a great motivator to just do a little more. For me, I've never been too much over the 400-500 calorie burner per day but even if it is one day a week or month that you feel motivated and able to do just a little bit more it is worth it. I've only lost 4 pounds but my jeans are looser and I feel better when working out. It helps so much to have a group that is on your side motivating you to take just on step more or work 5 minutes longer. I've started to realize that I not competing against my team members - I'm competing against myself to do a little more as often as I can. I would love to be involved in a challenge with another set of great supporters!


    Lordy! I can't get this quote thing down! Sorry to clutter up the thread!

  • LASH3S
    LASH3S Posts: 170 Member
    Hannah, depending on how much time he can devote to travel, he could take a bus. I wouldn't suggest driving, unless he's driven there before and has a junk car, as some of the roads are a little uncared for. My favorite part of Mexico is that there is not one part, that I went to (and I saw many, many places) that was not accessible by public transport (1st, 2nd, and 3rd class). I know there are busses that leave from where I am in NC at least once or twice a week, so I'm assuming there are the same things in most other states.

    I believe that when there's a will there's a way. Good luck!

    Unfortunately.. i don't think my dad is willing to spend days on a bus. We live in Canada (southern ontario mind you).. but still. It's his decision.. one i have to live with.
  • LASH3S
    LASH3S Posts: 170 Member
    Hi all! It's been awhile since I've been on this thread. I love the idea of a challenge for 100+. I am another Knotty Girl. Jen has been the greatest captain. It is easy to get discouraged sometimes when you see higher calorie burns than you feel capable of, but it is also a great motivator to just do a little more. For me, I've never been too much over the 400-500 calorie burner per day but even if it is one day a week or month that you feel motivated and able to do just a little bit more it is worth it. I've only lost 4 pounds but my jeans are looser and I feel better when working out. It helps so much to have a group that is on your side motivating you to take just on step more or work 5 minutes longer. I've started to realize that I not competing against my team members - I'm competing against myself to do a little more as often as I can. I would love to be involved in a challenge with another set of great supporters!


    I keep on wanting to 'LIKE' comments like on Facebook.. lol... Ditto on Jen being the greatest Captain!!
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    I am new to MFP. I joined yesterday (6/19). I have been overweight since about the age of 8. My heighest weight was 370. I lost 61 pounds and was down to 309. Then, my aunt died in an auto accident and I slipped back into poor eating habits. I am now at 334, having gained back 25 pounds. It makes me sick! So, I have about 160 pounds to lose. I would love to be a part of this group!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    well I don't want to lose 100 but a good 50 and with me, that will prob take as long as 100. Anyway, I'm here for life. I don't EVER want to pack on 50/60 lbs again. I am done being disugsted with myself & wearing potato sack clothing and boy, do I need support ~
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    :blushing: :blushing:

    Awww, you girls are so sweet!! I really do love our little team. We might not win the whole shebang, but I definitely know that I've made some changes in my own workout habits, and maybe just as important, I've made some really great friends. You girls are totally supportive and wonderful. :smooched:

    Enough with the lovefest. :sick: (Totally kidding, I'm such a sap, it's ridiculous)

    Let's talk about doing a challenge. I love that there's a good amount of interest. I have another teammate from the zombie challenge that dropped. Same issue - too advanced for her. So, I've invited her to come here and say hello. I hope she does.

    I really like Renae's idea about "traveling" to one another's homes. It's sorta like the Rowing challenge. I also like the idea of daily/weekly mini challenges. Anyone else have any thoughts? Should it be about the amount of exercise that we put in? Should weightloss factor in? Please, keep the ideas coming!

    Hello to all our new friends!!! Please, feel free to just jump right in!

    Hannah - Could you carry him down the aisle? Rather than having to run after him? :smile: And hey, by May, I hope to have lost the remaining 97lbs of my sentence... :wink: I might be looking for a vacay! :laugh:
  • Bunn11
    Bunn11 Posts: 47 Member
    Count me in too please!
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    Count me in too!!!
    Here's a little intro:
    My name is Lesley and I'm 25. My life right now is work, grad school, and trying to loose weight. I just recently got engaged (May 20th) so I'm trying to fit planning a wedding into my already hectic schedule. My goal weight is 160, which I would like to achieve before my wedding, which is October 27, 2012. I started my journey weighing 265 and have already lost 16lbs, so I'm down to 249 - Finally under the 250 mark!! :smile:
    Along with MFP, I also have a blog that I am hoping to write in at least 3 times a week about my weight loss journey: http://feedsparingly.blogspot.com/ I just started it 2 weeks so it's still new and I'm still trying to get used to the schedule, but so far so good! :happy:
  • Musterion
    Musterion Posts: 15 Member
    This looks like the place for me! I too got in such bad physical shape that the best plan of action for me going forward was to lose 100 pounds - and then see how I was. This is my long term goal. My short term goals are to lose 20 pounds each quarter (13 weeks for those of you who are not accountants like I am). I am almost to the 13th week anniversary of starting (I started at Easter 2011) and am now down 19.5 pounds - MyFitnessPal says that is 20 so I am going with that - first mini goal achieved! (That works out to 1.54 pounds per week for those of you using a weekly basis - but I can't do every week "perfect" so I spread it out over a quarter.)

    So, at my pace, I will be down 100 pounds in 4 more quarters - a year from now. I can't wait but my body most certainly can - it took many years to pile it on - so it will take at least 15 months overall to get it back off. (I am a very experienced dieter - its just that I am a more experienced weight gainer.)

    My weight loss plan? Eat the number of calories that MyFitnessPal suggests - it was 1,800 per day and it has just reset to 1,700 per day (guess since I lost 20 pounds). Do that in 6 eating sessions a day (no snacking between) with up to 400 calories each for the three main meals and up to 200 calories each for the three snacks. (With no single "special" meal over 600 calories - it is too hard for my body to digest that many calories before my next main meal - so they simply turn to fat). I am using a very healthy ratio of 55% carbohydrates, 30% fat and 15% protein. This is my ratio because I also suffer sleep distrubances and the higher carbohydrates seem to aid in better sleep. I have also started exercising again - simply walking on a treadmill three times a week until I burn 300 calories per session (at my current weight that takes me a little less than 45 minutes). Personally, I don't think it is worth exercising without that 300 calorie burn - and I am too out of shape now for more than that!

    Best wishes to you all on your respective weight loss journey - I for one am certainly feeling the great love for one another here and find it comforting and supporting!
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    *giggles* Of course my Knotty Girls are down. Love you Ladies!

    Kinda - I just bumped the daily challenge that you are doing. This is cool! How do you find them every day???

    I keep going back to the guy that sets them up and looking under his recent post forum feed. :) They are fun aren't they! I wasn't able to get the dips in yesterday but that's probably a good thing because I don't think I could have done 150 anyways. I am looking forward to the windshield wipers though. Those look tough but fun!
  • Kinda79
    Kinda79 Posts: 239 Member
    I think it would be fun to do some daily challenges like what Jen and I are doing. Monday I had to do 150 walking lunges, Tuesday was 150 dips, and today is 75 windshield washers. We don't have to do those but something like that. Like burn so many calories a week challenge and add 50 sit ups on Monday, 50 jumping jacks on Tuesday....... and so on!

    What do you think?
  • LMorrison1009
    LMorrison1009 Posts: 114 Member
    I love the idea of a challenge! I'm up for anything.
  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member
    I like walking challenges because all fitness levels can do that. But maybe the idea of mini challenges could start to introduce other types of fitness activity. Doing moderate levels of steps or leg lifts or weight lifting. Things that don't require special equipment and can be done by most people mp matter where they are at. I hesitate to incorporate the weight loss with a challenge. Just for me personally I'd rather focus on behaviors than numbers of pounds. If we wanted we could make some of the challenges nutrition based. Stay under your calorie limit, drink so many glasses of water, eat so many servings of veggies on a specific day. I know that type of motivation would help me more than pounds lost.

    Just some thoughts....

  • Mkin
    Mkin Posts: 43
    You can count me in!

    My intro, my name is Marion and I am from New Zealand studying at Auckland university. I have also been overweight almost my whole life, I have about 110-120lbs to lose! I have only tried to lose weight once before and I hit a plateau and gave up but this time I am determined to do it and keep it off but I would absolutely love to be apart of this group =)
  • Aellyn
    Aellyn Posts: 75 Member
    (I am a very experienced dieter - its just that I am a more experienced weight gainer.)

    Me too!

    Hannah - I'm sorry about your dad's choice. I'm glad you're trying to stay positive. I think carrying your son might be a good idea if you're not afraid of wrinkling your dress. I've been to several weddings where the toddler is carried up the aisle because the thought of walking by all those people is scary.

    Lesley - Congratulations on your engagement!
  • msstillion79
    msstillion79 Posts: 142
    I would love to do challenges each week or each day I really like the idea of the walking to our houses just let me know when and im in :happy: I am also engaged and planning our wedding in August 2012 i never knew how hard it is to plan one while working and taken care of a family of five and school :smile: