The Diamond Challenge: Round 3 - Wk 1 (DITR)



  • yacekl
    yacekl Posts: 113 Member
    QOTD ( Tuesday Jun 21)

    where are the most beautiful places you've visited ?
    I've been to Hawaii and it is beautiful that was on my honeymoon 29 years ago yesterday. But sometimes I find just sitting in my back yard looking at the trees and the sky and all the beautiful surroundings that's beautiful too. The simple things in nature and life are breath taking . Thank you Lord for your creation.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: What is the most beautiful place you've visited ?

    Honolulu. My husband had to go on a work trip and he took me with him. I was 7 months pregnant with my last baby at the time, so I didn't do all of the things that I would have liked to do. But it was wonderful!
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    QOTD ( Tuesday Jun 21) : What is the most beautiful place you've visited ?

    That's a tough one. I'm a little jealous of all the great places you ladies have travelled! I was blessed to spend several weeks in a small town in Puebla, Mexico. The people there were poor, the town was small and dirty. But the people were so happy and loving. I loved looking out at the small, simple houses and the active volcanoes in the distance. It was so simple and beautiful. Also, I think where I live is beautiful. I have lived 23 years on the eastern shore of Maryland, snuggled between the bay and the Atlantic. Everywhere you go, there are fields of crops and rivers. It's so beautiful when everything blooms out and grows. I'm a simple girl =]
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: What is the most beautiful place you've visited ?

    I have not travelled very much - but the place that comes to mind is when we went camping in an Ontario Park up North near Sudbury - we've been there 3 times in fact....twice years ago with my two older boys, and then went back 3 years ago with all 3 boys. It has a small lake that is just so peaceful - seeing the sunset over the lake was just beautiful!
  • majpal
    majpal Posts: 41 Member
    Tuesday QOTD

    I love beaches, oceans, and mountains! The beaches in Alabama, Florida, and New Jersey are beautiful. I have also enjoyed spending time in the Rocky Mountains, Grand Teton Mountains, and Sawtooth Mountains. I would love to vacation in Hawaii, so I could see beaches and mountains in the same place. ;)
  • dervlaland
    dervlaland Posts: 19
    what are the most beautiful place you've visited ?

    I have travelled alot and I have to say my home country of Ireland on a sunny day :)
  • ygrad2001
    ygrad2001 Posts: 230
    QOTD Tuesday: What is the most beautiful place you've visited ?

    I would have to say Negril, Jamaica! It was awesome! The water was so clear, sand was white! Sunset was nice and clear. Can't wait to go back!
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: What is the most beautiful place you've visited ?

    I would have to say Negril, Jamaica! It was awesome! The water was so clear, sand was white! Sunset was nice and clear. Can't wait to go back!

    I'm so jealous! I want to go! I know, everyone thinks I'm Jamaican, but it's just my name :-) I've actually never been.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: What is the most beautiful place you've visited ?

    I would have to say Negril, Jamaica! It was awesome! The water was so clear, sand was white! Sunset was nice and clear. Can't wait to go back!

    I went to Ochos Rios two years ago and the beaches were gorgeous! I couldn't get over how clear the water was.
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    QOTD ( Tuesday Jun 21)

    what are the most beautiful place you've visited ?

    Well, I'm going to have to say Alaska. I also love mountains - so any snow-covered mountain is beautiful to me. One of the most awe-inspiring sights has been the night sky in the middle of the desert in Saudi Arabia - no lights anywhere around, so you could see every star. Unbelievable.
  • HungryMom
    HungryMom Posts: 280
    QOTD ( Tuesday Jun 21)

    what are the most beautiful place you've visited ?

    Well, I'm going to have to say Alaska. I also love mountains - so any snow-covered mountain is beautiful to me. One of the most awe-inspiring sights has been the night sky in the middle of the desert in Saudi Arabia - no lights anywhere around, so you could see every star. Unbelievable.

    Both of these sound amazing to me! I really look forward to my boys getting older so we can travel again (I know some travel with little ones, but I am not brave enough to take my two devils on a trans-Atlantic flight).

    My instinct was to pick a beach (I LOVE the water and sand), but I really think the French countryside of Champagne was the most beautiful place I have been: green vineyard covered hills, quaint villages, and the gothic cathedral.
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    QOTD ( Tuesday Jun 21)

    what are the most beautiful place you've visited ?

    Cabo San Lucas/ Cozumel Mexico has got to me mine, so much beauty in the world yet to be seen but lucky Ive had the opportunity to travel some

    I love all these responses, such a great group of woman, so many stories to tell and places to be. cant wait to get to know all of you :)
  • brknllama
    brknllama Posts: 113 Member
    Not sure how my day is goin to be tomm morn so here you go
    QOTD ( Tuesday Jun 21)

    what are the most beautiful place you've visited ?

    on my list first one is Alaska . Oh my God glaciers are so amazing :heart:
    Egypt would be second bcoz of the pyramids ( you just cannot take eye away from them)


    Ok, me being only 21.... haven't really traveled that much, but i would say the most beautiful place I've visited was up in the mountains in Tennessee and at the end of a trail was a huge waterfall.... which is beautiful
  • reeology
    reeology Posts: 22
    Not sure how my day is goin to be tomm morn so here you go
    QOTD ( Tuesday Jun 21)

    what are the most beautiful place you've visited ?

    on my list first one is Alaska . Oh my God glaciers are so amazing :heart:
    Egypt would be second bcoz of the pyramids ( you just cannot take eye away from them)


    England. All of it was so green and scenic and wonderful. Even their hillsides have historic gems like the White Horse of Uffington. Stonehenge was definitely the most beautiful and eerie, but oh my gosh Windsor castle. I could go on and on, haha. ;P It was great. I envy people who live in that country.
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    Hey everyone! I hope you guys are staying active and happy summer!

    Going to post my question now for tomorrow (Wednesday)

    Are you active in any other MFP message boards to help you with your goals? Do you have weekly/monthly goals? What are they and how do you keep track of them?

    Yes.. the late night snacking (LNS) thread to tally the days I do not eat past dinner/8pm
    some weeks I use the 3500 burned thread for motivation to burn a certain amount of calories a week.
    Also, starting this week I'm keeping track on my monthly calendar to run/walk at least 20 miles

    I thought this question might inspire people to try new goals and see what works for others. Small goals help me stay motivated and every bit counts!

    Lets go DITR and have a great Wednesday
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    Are you active in any other MFP message boards to help you with your goals? Do you have weekly/monthly goals? What are they and how do you keep track of them?

    I used to be but it was never good as this team and i don't remember the team. But me n my partner(@raquel) have our personal goal together.:wink:

    My weekly goals are to get to gym atleast 4 times a week and as of now monthly goal is to loose 5 pounds

    Have a great day everyone and lets kick DiamondDolls this week

  • dervlaland
    dervlaland Posts: 19
    Hey guys what kinds are things are people talking about in their messages to their buddies? Not sure what to say!
  • lisa_lotte
    lisa_lotte Posts: 216
    Not sure how my day is goin to be tomm morn so here you go
    QOTD ( Tuesday Jun 21)

    what are the most beautiful place you've visited ?


    England. All of it was so green and scenic and wonderful. Even their hillsides have historic gems like the White Horse of Uffington. Stonehenge was definitely the most beautiful and eerie, but oh my gosh Windsor castle. I could go on and on, haha. ;P It was great. I envy people who live in that country.

    I live just 10min from the Windsor Castle, your right it is Beautiful!!! Where you from?

  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    QOTD Wednesday. Are you active in any other MFP message boards to help you with your goals? Do you have weekly/monthly goals? What are they and how do you keep track of them?

    I occasionally look at other message boards and previously took part in a 7 week challenge, although was so disappointed as most people dropped out and even the organiser disappeared before the end.... So nowhere near as motivating as the diamond challenges. In terms of my weekly goals, I aim to do 30ds at least five days a week and walk most days, just use mfp to check track and writing to my partner tends to keep me accountable for this. If I go a day without exercise I tend to feel dreadful all day and imagine that missing one day will lead to me gaining loads of weight... Yep I'm a drama queen but it keeps me reaching for the dvd and the weights!

    Have a great day diamonds!
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Hey guys what kinds are things are people talking about in their messages to their buddies? Not sure what to say!

    What you are struggling with, what helps, a bit about your life, why you are on mfp....
    It's difficult at first but you soon get to know eachother.