How and why carbs and a high carb intake will keep you fat!!



  • leighton1245
    leighton1245 Posts: 125
    calories are calories huh??
    I dont think some research. :)
    a carb found in bread/rice/pasta/potatoes, is NOT the same as a carb found good green leafy vegetables...

    Actually, you're wrong. The glucose from veggies vs the glucose from pasta are the same once they are broken down and metabolized.

    Glucose is glucose. Fructose is fructose. Food source is irrelevant.

    If you are qutoeing my post please reread my post becuase the statment you posted is correct but the statment that I posted is also correct.

    Please everyone follow the link and read carefully for a good source of info on carbs.

    Most of all everyone you need to listen to your body and follow what it needs (the cravings you get for savory or sweet foods is your bodies way of saying HEY!!! i need more of this) as long as you eat clean or healthy and enjoy your workouts and workout often the pounds will come off until you hit below 10% BF then you will realize that not every carb or calorie is the same. I am there and have been there for a while but I am endurance athelete with 9.47%BF my goal is already met just trying to help others with the knowledge I have. :)
  • Chuckw40
    Chuckw40 Posts: 201
    And the great Carb debate rages on...

  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    A little word to the wise, Mynameisutz likes to change the argument everytime the argument doesn't fit his stance, so arguing with him about anything is a waste of time, just saying. Anyone that thinks a calorie is a calorie cannot be taken seriously. Carry on.
  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    A little word to the wise, Mynameisutz likes to change the argument everytime the argument doesn't fit his stance, so arguing with him about anything is a waste of time, just saying. Anyone that thinks a calorie is a calorie cannot be taken seriously. Carry on.

    A calorie is CLEARLY a calorie. There is absolutely no support or evidence even suggesting otherwise.

    A little word to the wise: rather than trusting something as important as your health blindly to regurgitated and antiquated notions -- e.g., eat six meals a day to stoke your metabolic fire or carbs are the enemy!! -- perhaps you should put down your preconceived notions for a minute and open your mind AND do your own independent investigation into the matter.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    Mind you, I'm not terribly old, but I never heard anything bad about carbs until Atkins came around. And then all of the sudden, every joe on the street talks about how carbs are the devil, after they eat a LARGE extremely calorie dense meal and follow it with a mountain of chocolate and wash it down it can after can of diet coke.
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    A little word to the wise: rather than trusting something as important as your health blindly to regurgitated and antiquated notions -- e.g., eat six meals a day to stoke your metabolic fire or carbs are the enemy!! -- perhaps you should put down your preconceived notions for a minute and open your mind AND do your own independent investigation into the matter.

    Someone online told me you shouldn't do that.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    A little word to the wise, Mynameisutz likes to change the argument everytime the argument doesn't fit his stance, so arguing with him about anything is a waste of time, just saying. Anyone that thinks a calorie is a calorie cannot be taken seriously. Carry on.
    Feel free to point out where I ever did that. You seem upset over our paleo disagreement.
  • Chuckw40
    Chuckw40 Posts: 201
    A little word to the wise: rather than trusting something as important as your health blindly to regurgitated and antiquated notions -- e.g., eat six meals a day to stoke your metabolic fire or carbs are the enemy!! -- perhaps you should put down your preconceived notions for a minute and open your mind AND do your own independent investigation into the matter.

    Someone online told me you shouldn't do that.

    Of course anyone who does their own investigation and dares to post their conclusion will be summarily roasted for it. Anything short of a peer reviewed double blind lifetime study of human guinea pigs will be insufficient. Such evidence will probably never happen because even if you can monitor and control a large group of people for years you can't control all the variables. I suppose if you were to take an army of clones and control every moment of their lives you might get the desired proof.

    Until then we need to do what works for us and stop attacking people for doing what works for them.
  • LdyGeko
    LdyGeko Posts: 433
    Of course anyone who does their own investigation and dares to post their conclusion will be summarily roasted for it. Anything short of a peer reviewed double blind lifetime study of human guinea pigs will be insufficient. Such evidence will probably never happen because even if you can monitor and control a large group of people for years you can't control all the variables. I suppose if you were to take an army of clones and control every moment of their lives you might get the desired proof.

    Until then we need to do what works for us and stop attacking people for doing what works for them.

    Where's the LIKE button! Yes, THIS!!!!!!!
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    A little word to the wise, Mynameisutz likes to change the argument everytime the argument doesn't fit his stance, so arguing with him about anything is a waste of time, just saying. Anyone that thinks a calorie is a calorie cannot be taken seriously. Carry on.
    Feel free to point out where I ever did that. You seem upset over our paleo disagreement.

    That is another of your faults, you read to much into others post. Or you give yourself too much credit, to think I would get upset over anything said on a on-line debate is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well shows your age a bit.
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    But just for your edification, this is changing the argument
    The OP is saying carbs make you fat. "Why carbs and a high carb intake will keep you fat."

    Carbs won't make you fat unless your calories are above maintenance. Period. There's nothing wrong with carbs.

    Stop spreading carb/insulin-phobia.
    This is not what he said, or implied, but this does fit your argument, so you change the original argument, twist it just enough, making it easier to shoot down with your argument.
  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    Of course anyone who does their own investigation and dares to post their conclusion will be summarily roasted for it. Anything short of a peer reviewed double blind lifetime study of human guinea pigs will be insufficient. Such evidence will probably never happen because even if you can monitor and control a large group of people for years you can't control all the variables. I suppose if you were to take an army of clones and control every moment of their lives you might get the desired proof.

    Until then we need to do what works for us and stop attacking people for doing what works for them.

    There are a lot of things that "work" that aren't necessarily the most effective or even commendable. For instance: eating a diet consisting entirely of donuts while maintaining a caloric deficit.

    But the three following statements are very different:

    (1) I stopped eating carbs and I lost weight.

    (2) I stopped eating carbs and I lost weight because not eating carbs allowed me to maintain a caloric deficit.

    (3) I stopped eating carbs and I lost weight because eating carbs will make you fat and keep you fat.
  • Teemo
    Teemo Posts: 338
    But just for your edification, this is changing the argument
    The OP is saying carbs make you fat. "Why carbs and a high carb intake will keep you fat."

    Carbs won't make you fat unless your calories are above maintenance. Period. There's nothing wrong with carbs.

    Stop spreading carb/insulin-phobia.
    This is not what he said, or implied, but this does fit your argument, so you change the original argument, twist it just enough, making it easier to shoot down with your argument.

    This thread is called "How and why carbs and a high carb intake will keep you fat". How can you say that OP isn't saying or implying that carbs make you fat?
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    But just for your edification, this is changing the argument
    The OP is saying carbs make you fat. "Why carbs and a high carb intake will keep you fat."

    Carbs won't make you fat unless your calories are above maintenance. Period. There's nothing wrong with carbs.

    Stop spreading carb/insulin-phobia.
    This is not what he said, or implied, but this does fit your argument, so you change the original argument, twist it just enough, making it easier to shoot down with your argument.

    This thread is called "How and why carbs and a high carb intake will keep you fat". How can you say that OP isn't saying or implying that carbs make you fat?

    Because that is not what he said, simple really.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Of course anyone who does their own investigation and dares to post their conclusion will be summarily roasted for it. Anything short of a peer reviewed double blind lifetime study of human guinea pigs will be insufficient. Such evidence will probably never happen because even if you can monitor and control a large group of people for years you can't control all the variables. I suppose if you were to take an army of clones and control every moment of their lives you might get the desired proof.

    Until then we need to do what works for us and stop attacking people for doing what works for them.
    It's one thing if the OP said, "I can't eat a lot of carbs and lose fat efficiently." He's speaking in very universal terms. I can eat a 2,200 calorie diet with 180g protein and the rest all carbs (which would equate to 370g carbs) and lean out real nice. It's absurd when people say, "YOU can't eat carbs" vs. "I can't eat carbs." OP is saying the former.
    That is another of your faults, you read to much into others post. Or you give yourself too much credit, to think I would get upset over anything said on a on-line debate is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well shows your age a bit.
    I don't give myself too much credit; I give the empirical research which I form my opinions on all the credit. I don't think I'm particularly smart, if anything my science background just gives me a heightened ability to think critically and scrutinize anything I hear.

    Please quit with the patronizing. I could list your faults, too, but I'll refrain.
    This is not what he said, or implied, but this does fit your argument, so you change the original argument, twist it just enough, making it easier to shoot down with your argument.
    Truth is I made a mistake. I was responding through my cell phone and it's tougher to go back and forth between posts on there, so differences such as "carbs make you fat" vs. "carbs inhibit fat loss" get skewed while trying to respond to various things.

    Regardless of this error, the OP is still horrifically and utterly wrong. Like when he said this:
    A body builder that eats tons of carbs and no fat will be bloated and smooth versus defined.
    Looks like someone doesn't know what muscle glycogen is. And I sincerely doubt he's ever really spoken to many bodybuilders if he seriously believes that. Womp womp.
  • daisymae9801
    daisymae9801 Posts: 208 Member
    Mind you, I'm not terribly old, but I never heard anything bad about carbs until Atkins came around. And then all of the sudden, every joe on the street talks about how carbs are the devil, after they eat a LARGE extremely calorie dense meal and follow it with a mountain of chocolate and wash it down it can after can of diet coke.

    Chocolate sadly has lots of carbs or I would've eaten nothing but chocolate when I tried Atkins :P
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    I don't give myself too much credit; I give the empirical research which I form my opinions on all the credit. I don't think I'm This A

    So which of your empirical research lead you to believe I was upset about something you wrote?

    Again with the changing of the argument. :wink:
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have read plenty of evidence that low carbing helps you lose weight fast because you just eat a lot less in general. That has definitely been true looking at the diaries of low carbers on here.

    The calories in food are worked out by burning that food and seeing how much heat is given out, which is too simplistic a model for the way humans actually burn food. For instance we can use about twice as much of the protein in meat and diary than we do of that in vegetables because they are in a closer form to that of human composition, and so require less energy to turn them into human tissue.

    I think the key is to keep your blood sugar constant, so carbs are ok, as long as they are in a whole form, like fruit, or whole grains, as they release energy slowly.
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    I don't give myself too much credit; I give the empirical research which I form my opinions on all the credit. I don't think I'm This A

    So which of your empirical research lead you to believe I was upset about something you wrote?
    Saying something like this, to me, implies that you are upset (not angry or bitter - just upset):
    A little word to the wise, Mynameisutz likes to change the argument everytime the argument doesn't fit his stance, so arguing with him about anything is a waste of time, just saying. Anyone that thinks a calorie is a calorie cannot be taken seriously. Carry on.
    When did I ever change the argument purposely? I made a mistake in this thread, which I just acknowledged and explained. If you think that's me intentionally changing the argument, then that's just silly considering I have since been addressing the OP based on his original intent. So, please, explain to me how that accusation is still justified.

    Furthermore I never said a calorie is a calorie. A calorie is a calorie in the same way a car is a car. Obviously there are vast differences between a Ferrari and a Honda, but at the end of the day they both have an engine, 4 wheels, and get you from point A to point B. In that sense, a calorie is a calorie. But obviously there are subgroups of calories that will have different metabolic effects.