

  • stinabear13
    oh sweetie despite our age difference we are in the same boat, im only 26!! and he left telling me im too fat for anyone to love. meh i later discovered videos of him with other women. oh and he also hit another low blow saying its all my girls fault, seriously how can you blame a 5 and 4 yr olds? hes a pathetic excuse for a man. now while i do agree with one guy that posted that after a while if we dont take care of ourselves and do things for our own wants then yes over time someone will leave. i had the mirena iud and that was the root of the weight not coming off. even my ex knew it. he watched me struggle and not get anywhere. i treated him well, spent thousands spoiling him rotten needless to say yes i kept the plasma, all game systems and the custom built computer.hey i was the one that paid for them! since ive had the birth control removed the weight is coming off just with my normal diet and tracking it here. o0h and him saying im too fat for anyone to love or find attractive, hmm weird that all his male coworkers keep trying to talk to me asking my phone number and asking me on dates, same for guys he went to school with only one im interested in and really like now. and he will be moving back here. told my ex that he he said its weird i say why? he says id be working with the guy who will be banging my ex wife. hmmm yet his friends think hes an idiot and he left so therefore does not deserve to be upset or feel anything about it. im not going to be dating the guy to get back at my ex or make him jealous, i really like the guy and he likes me alot. i shouslnt have to pass that up just because my ex who walked out thinks its weird to be working at the same place. keep your head up and lose the weight yourself, YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!