Starting P90X!



  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    First Day of P90X – Core Synergetic!
    I did not preview Core Synergistics in advance. Or maybe I did preview in a scan mode and did not get any impression, I am not exactly sure now. As it stands it was a complete surprise! A good surprise, though. I did feel at times that I am warming up out with a bunch of trapeze artist. All the strange floor exercises were so new and exotic. But I am grateful I did not feel like I was on some scary roller coaster about to throw up. But maybe this is coming next. I don’t know. I am totally kidding, by the way!
    So, Core Synergistics works all parts of your body. Tony constantly reminds to engage the core. Well, today I was too overwhelmed by the newness of all the movements and trying to replicate my version all them in the very limited space I have not occupied by boxes filled by my kitchen utensils, dishes and various other implements that focusing on my core was a bit challenging. I took a mental note about that. Now I wrote about it so as I move through the days all of it does not become a blur and I learn and improve.
    How difficult is Core Synergistics? Generally, I did not feel like I was totally out of my league, but considering that I am not a champion in the push-ups department - those were difficult for me! Plus the push-ups were weird. Asymmetrical. You really got to see the tape to know what I mean! But I knew that push-ups are not my strong suite and I need to work on that, so I cannot be too ambitious at the start of the program. The alternative would be to keep doing other programs, and frankly I was getting bored with that. So I am happy to do as many reps as I can, like a big girl, and build up slowly.
    Speaking of building up, I was really bad at recording reps in the past. I want to improve that so I can see progress. I am sure it would be an encouraging thing to do. I mean I will see that I improve and stuff. And I feel like a scientist, organized, methodical and systematic. And I will feel like a lab rat at the same time. Well, maybe not a rat, but a rabbit. Yes. A rabbit is a better mental image.
    So, here we go.
    The scientist’s log entry:
    “Tomorrow’s experiment for the rabbit is Cardio X. I can’t wait how the rabbit will react. I am sure you cannot wait either! The rabbit needs the restful night sleep before the experiment. Good night, Rabbit!”
    Good night, you all! Bring it!
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    You guys are great. I have began quite discouraged as I had a very bad day, and struggled with the pushups and some of the other stuff. I was trying to be careful with the form, but as I told Jenny, I called Tony and that show off Drea every name in the book several times. My family thought I was nuts. I did well on the fit test so am discouraged with how today went. I know I'm being a bit hard on myself too, but I just want to keep pushing it. Or bringing it, whatever. So, what should I do for keeping track of reps, and weights? Print off some sheets? How about the level one diet. How do I customize my amounts? Thanks for your help and support, Kathy . Add me as a Success Buddy on wowy, I work out at all different times and would love to see you guys. And I'm REALLY not a depressive nut as I sound today. Take care, and please tell me it'll get better, or should I say I'll get better. :grumble:
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Good morning!
    I am in WOWY! Cardio X today!
    See yua there and afterwards!
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Cardio X is done!

    I must say - I am in pretty good shape there - thanks to Debbie(Slim in 6 and Slim Series)!
    I was thinking about her WO while doing Cardio!

    Debbie is brilliant!
    Tony is funny! That makes it fun and easy!
    Details later!

    Push play, friends! Drink water! Eat your calories!

    I got to eat and shower and off to work!

    I am a happy girl this morning!
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    You guys are great. I have began quite discouraged as I had a very bad day, and struggled with the pushups and some of the other stuff. I was trying to be careful with the form, but as I told Jenny, I called Tony and that show off Drea every name in the book several times. My family thought I was nuts. I did well on the fit test so am discouraged with how today went. I know I'm being a bit hard on myself too, but I just want to keep pushing it. Or bringing it, whatever. So, what should I do for keeping track of reps, and weights? Print off some sheets? How about the level one diet. How do I customize my amounts? Thanks for your help and support, Kathy . Add me as a Success Buddy on wowy, I work out at all different times and would love to see you guys. And I'm REALLY not a depressive nut as I sound today. Take care, and please tell me it'll get better, or should I say I'll get better. :grumble:

    Kath! I sent you an e-mail and will follow up with another one this evening!!! Hang in there and don't let one bad day discourage you!
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member

    UH OH, I am so late!

  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Hello, again X warriors!

    So, I did Arms & Shoulders today, no bonus and left Abs ripper for after work.
    The WO was OK, I was not using heavy weights so to get comfortable with the movements.
    I need to get more weights as well! I have 8 lbs as the heaviest.

    Oh, my, what will my DH think! :D

    I really must not ask him how my muscles look every day. The poor man is going bonkers.
    The classic "Does this dress make me look fat" replaced by "Honey, are my triceps starting to shape up?"

    What a poor husband to say? Boouuaaahhhhahaha!

    I did not go to sleep until after the debate, which I kind of watched but mainly doodled on my computer.
    I wish the elections were over already...
    Tonight I am going to bed real early, I promise!!!
    Fitness first!
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Good morning, strong and beautiful people!

    My internet at home is busted by construction(it better be fixewd by evening or life stops!)
    So I am just posting now!

    I did Yoga X.
    I've done a lot of yoga in the past and I find Yoga X excellent!

    I understand that for someone not used to yoga the workout may seem very long, I encourage you to get into it!

    I feel totally limber today, as if I had a professional massage combined with parner assisted stretching.

    To prove to you that I feel good: I hopped up the 60 some steps up from the subway! That's going to be my energy gage from now on. Today I am 100% on the staicase! Woo-hoo!

    Yoga X is just what doctor ordered!
  • carvan
    carvan Posts: 377 Member
    You guys are great. I have began quite discouraged as I had a very bad day, and struggled with the pushups and some of the other stuff. I was trying to be careful with the form, but as I told Jenny, I called Tony and that show off Drea every name in the book several times. My family thought I was nuts. I did well on the fit test so am discouraged with how today went. I know I'm being a bit hard on myself too, but I just want to keep pushing it. Or bringing it, whatever. So, what should I do for keeping track of reps, and weights? Print off some sheets? How about the level one diet. How do I customize my amounts? Thanks for your help and support, Kathy . Add me as a Success Buddy on wowy, I work out at all different times and would love to see you guys. And I'm REALLY not a depressive nut as I sound today. Take care, and please tell me it'll get better, or should I say I'll get better. :grumble:

    You will; get better, believe me. It is all baby steps. If you have the manuals that come with the program, there are sheets to record reps in there, Just print some off and use them. They are really helpful. As for the nutrition, there is a formula that determines how many cals you need. Phase one diet is about 50 30 20, carbs prot fat.

    You will have great days, and so so days on this program. I really believe if you are not eating enough, you would find it hard.

    BTW, I love Drea,, She is such an inspiration, even though she is way out of my league, fitness wise!

  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    You guys are great. I have began quite discouraged as I had a very bad day, and struggled with the pushups and some of the other stuff. I was trying to be careful with the form, but as I told Jenny, I called Tony and that show off Drea every name in the book several times. My family thought I was nuts. I did well on the fit test so am discouraged with how today went. I know I'm being a bit hard on myself too, but I just want to keep pushing it. Or bringing it, whatever. So, what should I do for keeping track of reps, and weights? Print off some sheets? How about the level one diet. How do I customize my amounts? Thanks for your help and support, Kathy . Add me as a Success Buddy on wowy, I work out at all different times and would love to see you guys. And I'm REALLY not a depressive nut as I sound today. Take care, and please tell me it'll get better, or should I say I'll get better. :grumble:

    You will; get better, believe me. It is all baby steps. If you have the manuals that come with the program, there are sheets to record reps in there, Just print some off and use them. They are really helpful. As for the nutrition, there is a formula that determines how many cals you need. Phase one diet is about 50 30 20, carbs prot fat.

    You will have great days, and so so days on this program. I really believe if you are not eating enough, you would find it hard.

    BTW, I love Drea,, She is such an inspiration, even though she is way out of my league, fitness wise!


    Hey, Carol!
    That top quote is from Hotmomov4 - Kath - she still does not have a working computer and will get back soon!

    I was really impressed with Drea - she is incredibly fit but humble and sympathetic!

    How are you doing?
    PPing, I hope?

  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Good morning, MFP!


    I really tired today and workout was a "mind over matter"

    But Now it is done and I feel strong, mentally if not physically@

    My first floor is covered in construction dust. I have to come from work and clean it up real well for the weekend!

    So I need energy for that.

    I am going to add more hard carbs today. I think I am feeling the lask of that...WW waffles would do the job!

    Bring it people!

    We are almost at the rest day!!!
  • carvan
    carvan Posts: 377 Member
    Hey Jenny:

    Yep still push play, but mixing it up. Work with a trainer 2x a week, run 2-3 x a week and then pick cardio from BB programs, mostly the x. Still love it, but after almost a year of doing it, wanted to shake it up a bit.
    You are doing great, working out around construction dust!

  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    I totally understand the need of changing things around and doing new stuff.
    I am thinking of doing X and then maybe training for a spring Half-marathong, but with working out 3 times a week with Tony's DVDs (arms and shoulers, legs and back, something like that).
    But first I need to complete this round, of cause.

    On another hand, BB workouts are addictive, and I am seriously hooked, so I hope they keep cranking them up!!! I hear Chalene is coming up with something and Debbie has a new one too. I am curious.
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    oh, yeah, construction dust - it got me out of my routine for a while in August, dust and stress, all of it, but I just cannot not exercise - I don't feel good without a daily dose of endophines!

    Don't take me wrong - I am lazy, love to sleep in, but it just does not feel good without Workouts!!!

    When I workout - I am a happy person!

    When I don't - I am blah...

    Life lacks color and sound and taste...almost. Well, just not as good!

    I know you understand :love:
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,406 Member
    Jenny: Which workout did you do this morning? I just finished Legs and Back. LOVED IT! Time for a potty break and then Ab Ripper X. I am currently training for basically a 10K, a week from Sunday. So at this point, I am only doing the strength training WO from P90X. On the alternate days, and even some strength days, I am running.

    I'm still trying to determine how I will keep my running in the mix after the race. Next May I will do a 20K, so I don't want to take a whole 3 months off of running totally, but maybe I need to, to completely commit to the P90X.
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,406 Member
    Ab Ripper X-done! And kicked my boot-ay! Used to think I had strong abs :grumble:
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    TeachNRun - I somehow missed your posts!

    I did the same WOs!

    They are awesome!!!

    Let's keep with it!

    Good luck with 10K!

    It is a great distance - give yourself a few days off (a week even better) before the race to have great results!

    I love when my muscle are "hungry" for run before the race!

    I may go for a 3.3 miles tomorrow to catch up with my running buddies.
  • EvilPIB
    EvilPIB Posts: 334 Member
    Great someone else has this program. I started the program this past Monday with the "Lean" routine. What a workout!!! I love this program so far and intend to move on to the classic at the end of the 90 days. You can't get bored because every day it's something different and the line up changes after 3 weeks. I can't do the AB Ripper X just yet so I have substitute "The Bean" for now. For all those who are doing the program good luck.
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,406 Member
    Ran 8 miles this morning after legs and back yesterday afternoon. WOW! I can really feel the tightness on the backs of the tops of my thighs, which is my worst area, so I am thrilled.

    I wasn't sore after arms, so I'm worried I didn't work hard enough.

    What is everyone else up to?
  • carvan
    carvan Posts: 377 Member
    oh, yeah, construction dust - it got me out of my routine for a while in August, dust and stress, all of it, but I just cannot not exercise - I don't feel good without a daily dose of endophines!

    Don't take me wrong - I am lazy, love to sleep in, but it just does not feel good without Workouts!!!

    When I workout - I am a happy person!

    When I don't - I am blah...

    Life lacks color and sound and taste...almost. Well, just not as good!

    I know you understand :love:

    I agree. On days when I don't workout I am actually cranky! Some girl at the gym was shocked when I told her that I love working out, for her it is a chore. Told her that once those endorphins kick in, there is no turning back!

    515Teach: Many peeps do the strength training and sub in other cardio for cardio days. However, it is important to try and get in the Yoga (yeah,,most don't like it, me being one of them). But I have noticed increased flexibility and it really helps with the pushups (those million vinyasas!) Or they do doubles, doing cardio on strength days as well. If one has the time and energy, it works.
