Ripped In 30 - July Challenge



  • ssstephanie1715
    ssstephanie1715 Posts: 44 Member
    I had a weekend similar to persian_star. Friday I didn't workout and went over my calories for the day. Saturday I spent most my time in the bed and did not workout. I of course went over my calories again. So Sunday I wanted to do better. I started W3. After two days off I wanted to die. I then decided to add a little Pilates in (my first time). I was still feeling good and decided to do a little Salsa. I was so proud of myself for making up for the previous days but OMG I'm in so much pain today. If I could just have a 5 minute stretch session at my desk I would feel so much better. The one thing that I will say - I'm not quite sure what's going on with my body but I've been dropping weight quickly. It's amazing. It could be Jillian or it could be my diet. I have no idea. But I am loving it.
  • preciousnd98
    preciousnd98 Posts: 17 Member
    It sounds like a few of us heard the call of the wine bottle this weekend! lol I had ZERO motivation yesterday, but managed to force myself to do W3D2 finally after dinner last night. Ready for D3 in just a few minutes. The weekdays seem to go okay for me - I need to develop better willpower for the weekends!
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    My workout partner/daughter is visiting family out of state, so she missed the JOY of W3D1. I had to msg her to let her know how much she's going to LOVE week 3. Especially when JM says she wants us to be cursing, cursing, cursing her name (unless there are toddlers in the room) daughter (who doesn't usually swear) spews profanity at the screen every time, and I have to remind her that little ears are about!! You know it's a good workout when a goody-two-shoes sounds like a sailor!
  • nh2576
    nh2576 Posts: 69 Member
    THEN, I'm going to do W2D1 - FINALLY! In the meantime, DH and I did 3 miles again tonight...lame, but better than nothing. I'm so glad he's getting active!

    Really cool than you're exercising together, even if it's only gently! It'll also help him to support you when you need it most because he'll be understanding of how you're feeling, and hopefully kickstart him into getting into more activity - way to go! :drinker: I wish I could get my hubby to go walking with me - any tips on how I can get him away from running round a CG wasteland killing mutants and into walking round a south london suburb?

    I agree 100% and that's why I'm going with him - I want to support him for all the reasons you he'll support me and because I hope it will lead to more!!

    Maybe try Wii Fit or the Xbox equivalent depending on what system he prefers? The two of you can compete in running, boxing, dancing, and lots more. Or make a deal with him - You will play a CG with him for X amount of time if he will get up and come with you for an equal amount of time.

    My DH has an obsession with hunting, too, only he likes to hunt real animals. He has a Bear Hunt in northern Minnesota coming up in September. He wants to get in better shape for that. He was captain of the football team in HS, he used to go to the "Y" when we lived in a larger city...he used to love spinning. But it's been years since he's purposely tried to exercise. At 43, he's finally decided that the "ripped" abs he had in HS and college are no longer "there" underneath his gut! (I'd call it a beer gut, but since he doesn't drink much beer a better name would be his "mountain dew" gut, lol!)

    So, for RI30...I hauled out 7 bags of my kids toys yesterday...not small bags...I'm talking 55 gal 3Mil contractor trash bags!! I have another 2 for giving away and the kids are left with 10% of their original stash. I have reclaimed my workout area and finally got to workout again today!! I did W2D1. I feel sad that I'm so far behind everyone else, but oh well, that's life. I will keep coming here to post and be inspired and enlightened by everyone else's experiences. I used the weights for the pushups today, too, makes it much less painful for my wrists. Thanks to whoever mentioned that tip - it works for the planks and push ups, too!

    I have just one stupid hair! I am growing it out because I can't stand bouncing and sweating and it won't stay back. It's just a little too short to stay in a pony - it is SO annoying!! I've tried bobby pins, clips and bands of every hair just needs to be longer. It hurts to lay down with all the stupid clips, etc in my hair poking into the back of my head. Anyone have any wonderful solutions for this in the meantime (until it grows a bit longer)?!
  • itslillers
    itslillers Posts: 27 Member
    I took a rest day after Day 1 of Level 3, then after Day 4. Today was Day 5 and those duck crawls will seriously be the death of me. I can't wait to be done with Level 3 tomorrow. My right calf/just leg in general has been more sore than the left. *sigh. i'm also terrified of Level 4 though... Ahh it's coming to an end soon! I need to find my measuring tape to see if I have lost any inches.
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    I took a rest day after Day 1 of Level 3, then after Day 4. Today was Day 5 and those duck crawls will seriously be the death of me. I can't wait to be done with Level 3 tomorrow. My right calf/just leg in general has been more sore than the left. *sigh. i'm also terrified of Level 4 though... Ahh it's coming to an end soon! I need to find my measuring tape to see if I have lost any inches.

    Ditto measuring tape, fear of Level 4, and I think it's smart to take an extra rest day. I can't believe it's almost over!

    W3D4 today, plus "cardio" yoga. :D
  • kpipes
    kpipes Posts: 28
    Yesterday ended up being another rest day, but did complete W3D4 today! This dvd has been tough, but I'm determined to do it. That's mostly because all of you are keeping me motivated. I like knowing I'm not the only one struggling along. It really does keep me pushing through. Thanks everyone - don't give up now! :)
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    W1D3 done burned 306 caolries today I felt stronger and did the whole workout without stopping
  • ridgellmomof3
    ridgellmomof3 Posts: 83 Member
    W3D1 today...omg...terrifying!
    I think I'm gonna like this one the best!
    I can't do the sit up torture ones like she back can't take I just modify.
    But...I was drenched when I was done.
    Love it!
    Good luck everyone!

    I was the same way this has been my favorite week so far! I love it. I was drenched afterward as well!
  • lbtewksbury
    lbtewksbury Posts: 147 Member
    I'm on week 3 but still having trouble doing everything, I have noticed that I can do more. I am only burning 230 calories and I'm sure it's cause I can't quite do everything yet. I feel stronger and I usually walk two miles after I finish to increase my calorie burn. I so love how quickly you finish so I know I will continue till the end. My goal is to try to do every exercise before I move on toe week 4. I have enjoyed the support of this thread.
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    W1D4 DONE!!! Feeling great!! 300 calories burned
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    I did day 1 week 3 on Sunday and then i have had 2 rest days as it killed my knee. I will be back at it tom.
  • nh2576
    nh2576 Posts: 69 Member
    ok - I really wanted to skip tonight - sore from yesterday and tired from stressful day at the office. BUT, i did it anyway! W2D2 done.
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    W3D1 done! Sweating more than ever (sticking to my mat during abs - ew) but feel really good about this level. I actually love the duck walk - it works the muscles I used to use for dancing in my early 20's, but since I got married I don't go out dancing nearly as much, so when I do I find it really hard work! The duck walk is hopefully going to whip those particular muscles back into shape :wink: Having to take breaks as per usual with a new level, but looking forward to really pushing myself and getting through the whole thing :smile:
  • meadows654
    meadows654 Posts: 164
    Hey all! I had a fun weekend. Went to the Science Center on Saturday and then the Amusement Park on Sunday. Didn't do the workout Sat because I thought that was the day we were going to the amusement park. Then we ended up going on Sunday instead. And then Monday night I cleaned and washed everything because nothing got done over the weekend! :tongue:

    Anywhoo... I did W1D7 last night :bigsmile: Last day for that week! Tomorrow I'm on to Week 2! Wish me luck!
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    W3D6 (plus Yoga Meltdown) done today! Onto Level 4 on Friday, since tomorrow is rest day. Scared.

    Is anyone noticing a lesser burn the higher the level? I was burning around 300-250 (according to HRM) for W1, but at W3, I'm burning around 225-250. Maybe it's because of more strength and less cardio? I guess the workout compensates for lower cardio with harder strength. Thoughts?
  • itslillers
    itslillers Posts: 27 Member
    Just did Week 4 Day 1 today. Umm.. I was struggling so bad! My triceps are still burning. I may just finish off the rest of July with Level 4 b/c while I may have felt strong at level 3, now I feel like a little weakling!
  • kpipes
    kpipes Posts: 28
    W3D5 done! I took another day off yesterday due to hip pain. It doesn't hurt till later, so I'm not sure which exercise is causing the pain. Might take off again tomorrow and do wii fit instead. I'll see how I'm feeling tomorrow. I'm able to do the exercises except for that table mess. I still keep doing something though! :)
  • nh2576
    nh2576 Posts: 69 Member
    Week 2, Day 3 done. I'm tired - I wish i could get my workout done earlier. Darn this summer schedule.

    Side note: got my first HRM ever in the mail today. i selected a Polar FT40. I got their sports bra to go with it...I don't really like having to wet down the little electrode panels...I don't like the "wet" sensation. If I earn it by sweating, that's one thing, but this cold wetness I don't like. Does a person get used to that?
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    W3D2 done - and I've noticed something. When we were doing the Shred I got really painful knees and occasionally ankles, but despite the harder workout, they've stopped hurting now. Even on my walk to work straight after which can aggravate them if I step funny and has made me wary of the way I walk for months. Now, I haven't seen a huge physical difference on the outside doing either workout (I was always wanting to tone and fit into my smaller trousers rather than lose much in the way of weight, so that didn't surprise me) but I'm wondering if the lack of knee pain is due to the fact that my leg muscles have gotten stronger, and if so, that is going to make me really happy. It's an obvious difference that this has made in my life, and actually is making a huge difference :drinker: Anyone else noticed subtle differences in the activities they do day to day?

    Of course, it's always possible that Ripped just puts less strain on the knees than the Shred in the first place *l* But I'm quietly excited that it's more to do with leg strength supporting the knee *tiny squee* :o)